Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki

Chapter 10 – Getting a Familiar

Right now, I wasn't in the mood to undergo the torturous ritual of Body Forging, so before anything, I decided to go home and prepare for the Body Forging ritual mentally and physically.

The Body Forging Ritual could be dangerous and one could suffer severe injuries if the person made some mistake during it or couldn't handle the ritual.

'I should also get a familiar already... this is something that I have been neglecting for a long time already.'

Familiars were pretty similar to the summoned creatures of the Elemental Nations that the Shinobi used. However, the connection between the Familiar and its master was much closer and their bond was many times stronger.

'I should ask mother what the best familiar would be there for me.'

Most of my family members or those of the Main Clan, Divine Lineage and some of the Myriaded Ōtsutsuki with powerful heritage had very powerful familiars.

Elder Ōtsutsuki Ryu, as a partial Dragonoid, had the powerful Dragon of the Metal Dragons as his Familiar.

My grandfather had Void Behemoth as Familiar, which was an extremely frightening creature that traveled through the Void in between the worlds and was extremely dangerous.

It could eat planets for snacks; essentially, it was a monster version of Ōtsutsuki  2.0...

Meanwhile, I was flying to my home; I looked around the headquarters of the Ōtsutsuki, which looked like it was cut out from the Xianxia cultivation novel.

The entire Tengoku Planet had several continents and the continent on which the headquarters of the Ōtsutsuki Clan was located had the best environment and conditions.

On this continent, only members of the Main Family were allowed to live and Branch Clan Members could enter only with permits from the Elders of the Clan or if they were summoned.

When I returned home, I noticed that my father was absent and only my mother was present right now. As father was head of the Enforcement Hall of the Ōtsutsuki Clan, he was often dealing with paperwork and other things.

"Ohhh... my baby boy is home."

Instantly as my mother felt my presence, she almost crushed me in a bear hug, as she behaved like I was lost in space for several thousand years.

"I am a home mom."

After checking me several times over, she finally let me go as we went into our mansion.

She was a really overprotective parent... compared to my father, who, during his training, almost killed me several times, they were like two different worlds.

"What happened? Are you hurt?"

She asked me when she noticed that I was contemplating about my future, a familiar choice.

"Not hurt, just thinking... I think it is time to choose my familiar finally... I have been putting this away for decades, but right now, I have good strength to enter into a contract with a powerful familiar."

Familiar binding was something that required several conditions and personal strength was one of the most important ones.

"That is indeed an important step...Easiest would be to contract someone from either my or your father's familiar species."

I knew that my father had contracted Three-Eyed Nemean Lion, while my mom had Catopus as her familiar and my grandmother had Cathulhu.

"I doubt that I have the strength to contract some of the Nemean Lions... those are extremely powerful Chakra Beasts and their pride is immeasurable, too much hassle..."

I saw my mother nod to my statement before she took out a small scroll.

"Then I suppose you could try to contract some of the Cathulhu or Catopus species... I myself have Catopus as my familiar and Nyan-Nyan is close to evolving to a true Cathulhu after he devours another few civilizations."

Catopus was, essentially and frankly speaking, some sort of abomination between Cat and Octopus, but they looked extremely cute and adorable.

When I was a kid, I tended to play with my mother's Catopus Nyan-Nyan lot because she wouldn't let me leave home unit I was powerful enough.

Meanwhile, Cathulhus were the Eldritch version of Cats...

Even though they looked like overgrown Catopus, they were frightening entities that could eat entire stars in one go, were master slavers that enslaved countless civilizations and overall were extremely powerful.

Even the weakest Cathulhu was Cosmic Entity and their home was in another Origin World, outside of the Starveil Origin World, where they ruled supreme. Evidently, from what I heard, their species enslaved their whole world, so Cathulhus, Catopuses and Cats reigned as supreme Gods.

"Well... it would be nice to have Catopus as Familiar..."

Indeed such a creature would be best for me... even before my reincarnation, I loved cats and during my childhood, I spent a lot of it with Nyan-Nyan.

"Splendid... I think Meowmeow would be delighted that another Ōtsutsuki Divine got contracted to Catopus; thanks to our Clan alone, at least 30 Catopuses evolved to Cathulhus in a record time."

I saw my mother puff her chest with pride... considering the nature of the Catopus evolution was like and the nature of the Ōtsutsuki Clan was like, we went really well together.

Obviously, we even had an official Covenant of Supreme Cat signed between the Ōtsutsuki Clan and Cathlhu Origin World, which essentially forced the Ōtsutsuki Clan to protect any cats they found and transport them to either their own territory or to the Cathulhu Dimension.

"Now, we need to procure some fishes... Catopuses and Cathulhus alike like food the most, though their favorite food is fish. So it would be most prudent to prepare some of their favorite food after we summon them. Cathulhus live in a different Origin World within our Chaotic Source Dimension and Void is separating our worlds."

The Void was a term for the emptiness in between the Origin Worlds, which is a term for dimension.

Depending on the structure, it could be planetary-based construction like the Starveil Origin World or a Planar-based one like most of the cultivation-based Origin Worlds.

Aside from the Origin Worlds, there existed unique dimensions across the Void, most commonly created by supreme experts, typically Transcendents, which house life.

They were smaller than the Origin Worlds, but some of these unique Dimensions were extremely powerful.

And all of these units existed within one Chaotic Source World.

"We will need to summon some cute little Catopus for you to be your familiar and be sure to groom it to Cathulhu..."

I heard my mother say as I nodded in agreement and we went out to procure some fishes and other types of sea lifeforms.

My mother was very helpful when it came to this because she was something like a Familiar Master in the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

Aside from the Catopus Nyan-Nyan, she had contracted several other weaker Catopuses and other breeds of Cats from the Cathulhu Origin World. In truth, she hoarded a small army of fluff and tails that she could call to her help.

While we were going to search for fish for the kitties, I created several Shadow Clones through the Shadow Clone Shinjutsu and ordered them to train in the Kenjutsu, Shinjutsu and racial abilities and Dōjutsu.

When they dispersed, they would transfer their gains to me and thus, I would be able to comprehend and learn almost anything, master countless disciplines very fast; this was essentially a cheat of the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

Read up to 10 chapters ahead!
PS. Vote is on patr-eon for the final love interest from the ATG

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