Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki

Chapter 102 – Phoenix Clan

Feng Zenmin looked at the newcomers with a great deal of wariness; he didn't dare to say anything that would upset the foreigners because he sensed their power and he knew that if he upset them, he would die.

Even though none of the three people had any ounce of Profound Energy, all cultivators were sensitive to any kind of energy; this was something that was unique to their kind so that they could discern between the stronger and weaker individuals.

And even though Ōtsutsuki Yakou, Ōtsutsuki Kirihara and Qianye Ying'er were restraining their power a lot, a very, very lot, it was still undeniable that even the bits of power they were showing here were far beyond the mortal understanding.

In the end, elderly Feng Zenmin didn't wish for anything more than just to get rid of the curse that the Phoenix God cursed them with. Contrary to some of his predecessors, he was very angry at the Phoenix God for cursing them, so what that they had killed some innocents...

"According to the recounting of our ancestors, the Phoenix had left two trial grounds in the Profound Sky Continent. One of them was at the far away Divine Phoenix Empire, and the other was right here. The only difference was that the one in the Divine Phoenix Empire was known by all, and had formed the incomparably powerful 'Divine Phoenix Sect', whereas this ground in the Blue Wind Empire had gone unnoticed by all and was unintentionally discovered by our ancestors. No one would have thought that this desolate and dangerous Ten Thousand Beast Mountain actually had a ruin left by a primordial divine beast of the Primordial Era."

Such things happen within the cultivation world every day.

"We are of the Phoenix Clan, bearing the Bloodline of the noble Phoenix. An ancestor of the Clan passed the phoenix trial and obtained the phoenix bloodline. They flourished into a large sect after 12 generations. During that generation, one of the ancestors fought with someone using the power of the Phoenix, and the flames accidentally spread to a small town and killed thirty-two thousand innocent people."

The elderly Patriarch of the Phoenix Clan started retelling his story as all three of them listened attentively.

"The Phoenix Spirit was enraged and cursed the Bloodline to be suppressed to the Tenth Level of Elementary Profound. Afterward, the Clan hid in the mountain range next to the ruins of the Phoenix for a thousand years, praying to their Phoenix God that the curse could be released."

When he finished the story, all three of them had confused expressions written over their faces because they thought that the Phonix Spirit was too petty or idiotic to care for the lives of some ants...

'So the Plan One fails without even starting.'

Yakou communicated with Kirihara and Ying'er through his Divine Sense, as both women agreed with his sentiment. Originally, Yakou had a different plan, as he planned perhaps to get the Phoenix on his side...

Foolish notion, but it would bring a Divine Beast to the ranks of the Clan and if its Bloodline could be realized to maximum, then it would be a powerhouse to reckon with.

Unfortunately, hearing the story of Feng Zenmin, that option was already not viable.

"If you can resolve the Curse, then the Phoenix Clan will be forever loyal to you."

The old man bowed his head to Yakou, who nodded and agreed.

"Naturally... you would become my retainers and reach heights even greater than the original Phoenix God herself."

Yakou said as he then made it to the "war council" with Kirihara and Ying'er. For the first, they learned that there was Phoenix Spirit within the ruin, meaning it should have some power of the original, but Yakou suspected that its power wouldn't be much.

So Yakou planned to catch the Phoenix Spirit and extract everything from it to concoct the cure for the Phoenix Clan.

In fact, it sounded much harder than it really was because, for someone like Ōtsutsuki Yakou, it was a relatively easy and effortless thing to do.

He would give them some modifying Chakra Fruit that would be filled with the Essence of the Phoenix, changing their power system to that of Profound Way to the Cultivation System of Profound Laws and Mysteries and Bloodline System.

Fortunately, the Phoenix Clan had only a few hundred members at best, so it wouldn't really be a problem.

Another interesting thing was that there was a nation within the Profound Sky Continent called Divine Phoenix Empire, and it was ruled by the Divine Pheonix Sect and all higher-ups bore the surname "Feng".

That meant it was highly possible that there was another Phoenix Legacy on the Blue Pole Star. It would be most unusual to have two Trial Legacy Grounds on a mortal plane, but Yakou would need to check on it personally at a later date.

Right now, it was a priority to deal with the Phoenix Trial Ground on hand that was located within the ruins not far from the Phoenix Clan village. Now that Yakou obtained the agreement from the Phoenix Clan, after a short council with Kirihara and Ying'er, he went directly to the mater.

For that thing, Ōtsutsuki Kirihara would step in and guard the entrance to the ruin, while Qianye Ying'er would watch over the entire area in case something happened. It never hurt to be more cautious about this, as they were dealing with someone who was at Tier 4 during their lifetime.

Phoenix was one of the Three Supreme Fire Attributed Bewasts within the Primal Chaos Dimension, and during the Era of Gods, it reigned supreme.

Even right now, the Phoenix Legacy is considered as one of the most powerful across the entire Primal Chaos Dimension.

Surely, its lingering spirit would be rather powerful, and if not powerful, then it should have prepared some means to deal with invaders that would want to seize the Legacy by force; for that, even Kirihara warned Yakou to be extra careful.

Something that he found rather cute because she was always worrying for him, despite her cold and distant exterior, which she was always putting up.

Qianye Ying'er meanwhile went to the Phoenix Clan village together with Feng Zenmin to obtain more information about their Clan, about the Profound Sky Continent and various factions in it.

When Kirihara saw it, she already thought that the spider was beginning to web a net already; she was working rather fast.

During the time she spent with Qianye Ying'er, she too rather took a liking to her, despite her scheming and rather ruthless nature that was far above standards even of the Ōtsutsuki Clan.


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