Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki

Chapter 16 – Planet Aquamarine

Southern Cosmic Region, Shattered Star Ring Segment, Garton Galaxy, Colton Star Cluster, 98th Star System

Outer space is an endless expanse of darkness that stretches out in all directions. It is filled with countless stars, planets, and other celestial bodies, all of which are suspended in the void by the force of gravity. The stars and planets are surrounded by clouds of gas and dust, which form beautiful and intricate patterns that can be seen from the planets.

The temperature of outer space is extremely cold, with temperatures hovering just above absolute zero. There is no atmosphere in outer space, which means that there is no air to breathe or to transmit sound.

This makes space an incredibly quiet place where even the slightest sound is muted.

When it came to traveling through Outer Space, only Tier 3 Ōtsutsuki Clansmen could travel the Outer Space with their bodies without any protection for an indefinite time. Though at Tier 2, one could spend a few months in Outer Space before one would need to replenish the energy and the space would take its toll.

Despite the lack of air and extreme temperatures, there is still a lot of activity in outer space. The gravity of the celestial bodies in space can cause asteroids and other debris to collide, which can create dazzling displays of light and sound.

There are also powerful bursts of energy that can emanate from stars, which can have a profound impact on the surrounding space.

"No matter how many times I see this, the vastness of space is always so beautiful and mysterious."

I heard Kirihara say as we observed the cosmic storm from the safety of our ship. The spaceship we were using was one of a few Captial Ships of the Ōtsutsuki Clan that was entirely built by the Ōtsutsuki Clan based on Automaton Technology.

It was shaped like a pyramid and had the firepower to kill peak Tier 3 entity with a single shot instantly and even Tier 4s would need to be careful. Unfortunately, there were only a few of these ships and all of them were used only by the highest-ranking members of the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

This one which we were using belonged to my parents, so I could borrow it when I needed it if it was parked around Planet Tengoku.

"We would be landing on the planet Aquamarine."

I said as I looked at the azure planet from the commanding deck on the top of a pyramid-like ship.

When viewed from space, the planet is a blue-green orb with swirling white clouds and a glistening ocean covering 100% of its surface. The planet has no visible landmasses, but there are scattered floating cities and floating islands around the planet where people live.

The ocean is a deep, dark blue, with the occasional turquoise shallows near the islands. The water is crystal clear and teeming with life, from the tiniest plankton to the largest sea lifeforms that were tens of kilometers in size.

The water is constantly moving, with strong currents and tides that shape the planet's geography and support a variety of ecosystems.

At the surface, the sun's light creates a shimmering, glittering effect that is breathtaking to behold. The sunlight penetrates the water, creating an underwater world of color and beauty.

There are towering kelp forests that stretch toward the surface, providing a haven for countless fish and invertebrates. Coral reefs form underwater cities, with thousands of species of colorful fish darting among the branches.

[Descending to the Stardragon Floating City in ten minutes.]

The ship's central artificial intelligence sounded as the pyramid-like ship started descending down to the orbit of planet Aquamarine. When I looked over at the Floating City, I took notice that most of the inhabitants were not from the Ōtsutsuki Clan but rather from the Evernight High Council.

There were many Vampires, Werewolves and Arachid Demons walking around.

[The ship has been docked.]


3rd POV

When the ship docked at the Stardragon Floating City, it attracted the attention of almost all the people in the dockyards because anyone could recognize one of the Capital Ships of the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

Not to mention, there was even City Lord of the Stardragon City waiting in front of the dockyard waiting for the people in the spaceship. The City Lord of the Stardragon Floating City was a member of the Main Clan who reached Saint Realm but couldn't advance further.

Thus he was transferred to the administrative department and was made the City Lord of one of the Floating Cities on the planet Aquamarine.

The City Lord of the Stardragon Floating City, Ōtsutsuki Leiran, was looking anxiously at the Capital Ship, which belonged to the Juggernaut Category; there were only three of such ships in the entire Ōtsutsuki Clan.

One of them was in the hands of the Head of the Enforcement Hall; another was for the Patriarch and the last one was in the hands of the Grand Elder, Ōtsutsuki Muzan...

Ōtsutsuki Leiran was the only member of the Main Clan with no good talent and was stuck at the Saint Realm for several thousands of years, so in front of these people, he was small as an ant.

When the ship opened and he saw the Crown Prince of the Ōtsutsuki Clan and Princess Kirihara, he was at the same time relieved and at the same time more nervous that two members of Royalty and Divine Lineage arrived at his turf.

"I humbly welcome you to my small city, Your Highness."

The City Lord quickly hurried with his entourage, which was considering of his wife and children, to greet the newcomers.

His family and servants quickly followed suit and bowed to them because the Divine Lineage members were far above them in terms of the Clan's hierarchy.

'Only Tier 2, but his Chakra is so powerful... and his eyes...'

"City Lord."

Ōtsutsuki Yakou nodded at him as the City Lord made way for the two Divine Lineage members who arrived at his city.

"May I respectfully ask why Your Highnesses arrived at the Stardragon City?"

He asked nervously as Ōtsutsuki Yakou looked at him and the City Lord, despite his far greater strength, could feel his blood boiling in submission as the Crown Prince's three eyes shined brightly.

"This is not an official visit... just for relaxation. I heard from my finaceé that this place is famous for seafood, so we came for dinner."

Crown Prince Ōtsutsuki Yakou answered as the City Lord sighed in relief and motioned the Divine Lineage members to follow after him.

"Of course, of course, Your Highnesses."

While Yakou essentially ignored the City Lord because, for him, it was only another bootlicker that wanted to get into his good graces to get his hands on better resources and materials, to break through the Holy Lord Realm and become one of the Tier 4 entities.

Meanwhile, Kirihara was rather enjoying the worms squirming. She always took some kind of enjoyment when those of lower stature were pissing themselves off with fear when they saw her, but Yakou found it useless.

For him, it was an utter waste of time.


3 chapters till the plot starts...
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