Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki

Chapter 24 – Total Obliteration

Yakou looked at the Automatons that were now surrounding him and preparing to fire at him with some kind of energy-based weaponry; unfortunately, everything was futile because nothing could escape his future sight.

"They are pretty weak... it seems that without specifically installed Psionic Cores, they can't match us in individual strength."

Normal Automatons could only depend on some advanced technology and their numbers.

Without Psionic Energy Fusion Reactors, they won't be able to match the individual destructive might of the Ōtsutsuki Clansmen, especially the cultivator ones.

In this aspect, the Automatons were too far behind them and each Autmoaton with Psionic Energy Fusion Reactor was very precious to their civilization.

So logically, they wouldn't be sent to some remote planet like planet Deria.

"Seven-Path Technique - Deva Path: Shinra Tensei!"

The very own second Yakou executed the pinnacle ability of his Senrinjōnegan; an invisible force burst out of his third eye, as all Automatons in his vicinity were crushed into craps of metal in a matter of seconds.

Without any energy protection, they were not able to defend against the pinnacle ability of Rinnegan's Deva Path...

If these Automatons had installed Psionic Energy Fusion Reactors in their bodies, then they would be able to defend against the Heavenly Subjugation of the Omnipresent God Technique with some trouble, but they would be able to survive.

The Shinra Tensei or Heavenly Subjugation of the Omnipresent God Technique was a technique through which the user creates a "repulsive force", which is generally used to push away everything in the vicinity.

Users can narrow the repulsion's direction, only pushing away things on certain sides so that nearby allies will be unaffected. This repulsive force is most commonly created around the user as a defense, repelling nearby opponents or incoming energy-based attacks.

"It ended faster than I anticipated... but I got at least good loot... corpses of several Automatons made from D-Grade and C-Grade Alloys."

Each body of Automatons was relatively valuable even to the Ōtsutsuki Clan for a very simple reason at that...

Bodies of Automatons were made from high-ranking alloys and those were made from precious metals. In the Starveil Origin World, there was none better than mining and refining metals and ores than the Automatons.

In the Eastern Cosmic Region, there was the highest number of mineral-rich plants from the entire Starveil Origin World, including tens of Super High-Level Planets filled with countless precious metals.

Due to that, the Automatons could produce vessels capable of withstanding even the might of Holy Lords and even Empyreans, which was a frightening prospect at that.

Seeing the destroyed vessels of the Automatons, Yakou stored them all in his dimensional storage as he would be handing them over to the Clan.

The Alloys they were made from were useful to the ever-expanding Ōtsutsuki Clan.

After he disposed of the Automatons, he pondered for a while before his third eye pattern started shining brightly as the smaller magatamas circled around the main pattern.

This time, Yakjou was once more suing the Clairvoyance of the Senrinjōnegan to predict when the next move of the Automatons would be made. Because the Autamtons were species with the lowest capability of blocking their Divinations and Screening abilities, they were also rather easy to deal with.

Naturally, even they had some methods to block the sight of Divine Lineage Ōtsutsukis and block the vision of Senrinjōnegan, but he doubted that they would employ it at the planet Daria.

The very moment his vision ended, Yakou grimaced a bit because of what he had seen and it wasn't a good vision... but at the same time, there was a feeling of anticipation and earning blooming inside his soul.

"B-Grade Automaton would be coming here within a few years... interesting, it would be a worthy opponent."

B-Grade Automatons and A-Grade Automatons were comparable to the Tier 3 Ōtsutsukis and if they had installed Psionic Energy Fusion Reactor, then they would be comparable even to the cultivator Ōtsutsukis, the Tier 3 Saint Realm Ōtsutsuki.

Through the Future Sight and Clairvoyance of the Senrinjōnegan, he foresaw that this would be only ordinary B-Grade Automaton, albeit armed with some really nasty technologies...

Fortunately, it was rare for the Divine Lineage Ōtsutsukis to participate in such low-level missions, so Automatons would never think that somebody was using the Clairvoyance to foresee the next course of action and peer into the river of time.

After that, Yakou used the Omniscient Ability of the Clairvoyance of the Senrinjōnegan to check up on the others how they were faring against the Automatons.

Surprisingly, the one who finished the feasts was Kirihara, as he had just sealed all of them within Fūinjutsu.

And as expected, the two werewolves just bulldozed their way through the Automatons and smashed them apart one by one. None of them was strong enough to hold werewolf boosted to peak by Aura.


A short time after all four of them disposed of the Automaton invaders, they returned back to the God Tree Sapling to discuss the things that Yakou saw in his vision.

He informed his compatriots that in a few years, Automatons would be sent to the planet Deria B-Grade Automaton to break the Ōtsutsuki Clan that took the foothold on the planet that they wished to occupy.

"I want to fight it!"

When Yakou finished telling them about his prediction, as expected, Muzaka Kallikratos was the first one who wanted to fight against the B-Grade Automaton that would be coming to the planet Deria.

"That won't be the best idea."

Crown Prince of the Ōtsutsuki Clan said slowly as the werewolf heir squinted his eyes at him.

"You don't have enough raw power to damage the B-Grade Automaton even with your Aura... or rather, you don't have enough power to destroy it entirely, so it would be better to leave the fight to me, in the worst case, I will just bombard it with the Dust Release until nothing remained from it."

Everyone was aware that to break through the toughness of the B-Grade Alloy, one needed to possess extremely high destructive might, capable of destroying entire stars... this was something that even Muzaka had to admit that he lacked.

Even with Yakou's Dust Release, it would be a hassle because the B-Grade Alloy should be strong to withstand most of the Dust Release for a short period of time.

Unfortunately, Yakou was still Tier 2 Ōtsutsuki and wasn't Saint Realm Cultivator...

If so, then he would be able to destroy such Automaton in one hit.

'It would be a tough fight... thought, still better than fighting one of those pesky Gods, even if they were of the same Tier as me.'

Gods were troublesome to deal with... even Demigods were a pain in the ass to deal with.

Their survival capabilities were top-notch, their destructive prowess was frightening compared to other beings of the same Tier and they typically had many trump cards for any unforeseen circumstances.

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