Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki

Chapter 32 – Searching for the Clues

Somewhere in the Starveil Origin World, Unknown Regions of Space.

Several days have passed since their merry little groups left the planet Deria; they soon enough arrived within the Star Cluster, where the Clan has noticed some remnants of the Divine Power.

When they noticed that there were remnants of the Divine Power, it could essentially mean two things.

One answer was that Gods were operating in this place, which would be pretty weird because it was very far from the Western Cosmic Region where the God Alliance was stationed.

One of the significant restrictions of being a God was that they couldn't leave far from their Divine Kingdom. As they have positioned all of their Divine Kingdoms in the Western Cosmic Region; more precisely, they placed it within the Core of the Western Cosmic Region.

Most of the Divine Kingdom was placed there, which meant that the Gods couldn't leave far from that because they would risk great weakening and easy death.

The second answer was more intriguing because it would mean the birth of Wild Gods on the planets, begins that were born from the mixture of Nature and Worship; they were not that restricted compared to the typical Gods that solely depended on Faith.

Most importantly, the Wild Gods were absolutely detached from mortal matters; they didn't care about anything aside from maintaining nature.

The relationship between the Ōtsutsuki Clan and the Wild Gods was pretty weird because some of them were very hostile to the Ōtsutsuki Clan due to the existence of God Trees and Chakra Fruuits, some tended to ignore them and some of them even worked together with them.

Despite two possibilities, there was also another one, the third one.

Instead of either Gods or Wild Gods, it was actually either Champion or Apostle of the Gods. Normally, if the Gods wanted to operate far from their Divine Kingdoms, they would choose to create Champions or Apostles.

As the warship of the Ōtsutsuki Clan was traversing through the endless space, Yakou was sitting on the commanding chair of the warship, together with Kirihara, who was sitting next to him, as they were observing the stars and planets.

Occasionally they would see some Black Holes or stars imploding because the Unknown Regions of Space were just recently created through the ever-expansion of the Starveil Origin World.

It was not stable yet and sometimes the rampant energies that ran through the entirety of the Unknown Regions of Space would cause great destruction to the space.

Yakou greatly enjoyed traveling stars together with Kirihara as they observed it together, while two werewolves thought it to be boring, so they went to sleep and would wake up only when they arrived at their targetted destination.

"No matter how many times I see it, it is still beautiful sight..."

He heard his fianceé say as they observed another Black Hole that appeared next to some planet that was quite distant from them and the planet slowly crumbled into pieces and was devoured by the Black Hole.

"Yes and fortunately, we are far from that dammed thing because if we were not in this ship, then death would be the only certainty that could await us."

Hearing Yakou, Kirihara scoffed at him because, from the two of them, he was pretty much a negativist person, but that was already something that she got used to. They had known each other for several decades already.

And recently, they spent around six or seven years on the planet Deria together, so their relationship grew closer over the passage of time.

"Right now, we should focus on more pressing matters, especially the situation with the Divine Power in that the Clan picked up in the Star Cluster. We need to perform Divination to see if it are Gods or not..."

Yakou said in a serious voice because he wanted to have this thing over as soon as possible.

Dealing with Gods wasn't something that he wanted to prolong and if possible, he wanted to get over with this mission and grab the Contribution Points that the Clan was rewarding for completion.

Hearing Yakou, she went to work as her Senrinjōnegan shined in bright blue color as the patterns swirled before she frowned deeply because the results were not to her taste.

Seeing Kirihara like this, Yakou could easily deduce the answer.

"So either God, very powerful Champion at least comparable to Lesser God or Wild God."

Preferably, Yakou would hope for a Wild God, as most of them could be reasoned with... especially if he could play his cards right and notify them about Automatons.

Wild Gods absolutely abhorred the machines.

Mainly because whenever Automatons came, they destroyed the cycle of nature through their relentless plundering of natural resources and even entire worlds. The Wild Gods didn't have territory and they were not bound to any world or realm within the Starveil Origin World.

They traversed through the entire Starveil Origin World and often fought against the Autioamtons and, to a certain degree, against a God Alliance of the Western Cosmic Region because their actions of enslaving entire civilizations or corrupting the worlds were not to their taste.

The Ōtsutsuki Clan was enemy, neutral or even ally depending on the faction of the Wild Gods. Some of the Wild Gods hated them to the core for planting the God Trees and sucking Life Energy from the Planets to condense their Chakra Fruits.

Some of them were neutral to the Clan and didn't care about them as long as they maintained certain level of cordial existence.

At the same time, some were even their allies and would ask the Ōtsutsuki to plant the trees on some worlds belonging to destructive civilizations that would otherwise destroy their worlds with no return.

"So what should we do next?"

Kirihara then looked at Yakou because, in the end, he was the leader of the group and was responsible for giving out the orders.

"We will need to scout each planet personally and perform Divinations on each of the planets within this Star Cluster... this would take around several years to complete if we move fast, but maybe we would be lucky and find our target within a few years."

They would need to go from planet to planet and use their Senrinjōnegans to perform Divination on each planet personally to see if it is the one where the Divine Power stems from.

"That sounds like a total pain in the ass."

He could agree with her statement, but unfortunately, their warship was not armed with the most advanced scanning systems and even if it was, it would still be highly probable that the Divine Entities would hide from the scans.

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