Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki

Chapter 51 – Frigid Origin Realm (2)

Yakou, together with Kirihara, observed how the Ten-Tails was digging deep into the ground, searching for the central vein of the loge Purple Veined Heaven Crystal that was located in this place.

At the same time, the two of them were having a nice show; the Enforcers of the Ōtsutsuki Clan that were accompanying him were watching everything around them in case they were attacked.

Right now, among the Clan troops, there was a state of highest emergency and they needed to be battle ready at any given time. Once the God Territory was established, they would be able to move more freely.

Soon enough, the Ten-Tails dug deep enough to leech on the central vein of this loge of the Purple Veined Heaven Crystals, as it started germinating and soon enough, a God Tree would sprout in this place.

Yakou then used his Senrinjōnegan to connect himself to the fledgling God Tree as he was very surprised to see that the God Tree would be germinated within a few months. This was very fast, considering the time needed in the Starveil Origin World.

But given the situation, it shouldn't be that surprising.

The overall input of energy that the Ten-Tails was devouring was probably ten times more than he would devour from the entire average Planet in the Starveil Origin World... the sheet quantity of the Profound Energy was staggering.

And that was just the Profound Energy from the environment, not counting the ones extracted from the loge of the Purple Veined Heaven Crystal, which was even higher compared to the environment.

"Right now...  I can understand why all those old coots who have been cultivating for centuries without a break are leaving their caves..."

Yakou muttered silently about the situation as his finaceé just nodded in agreement.

Upon learning of the Dimensional Pathway connecting to the new Origin World, many of the Elders of the Clan Elders were elated and immediately left their closed-door cultivation to check up on the situation personally.

Only through the Dimensional Pathway could one commence an overall invasion of the Origin Word and conquer it. This was really absolutely peculiar Origin World that would certainly bring countless resources for the Clan.

As the Crown Prince of the Clan, it was his duty to do everything for the development of the Clan, just as the generation before him were doing. Among the Divine Lineage of the Ōtsutsuki Clan, they were the people responsible for high-end development.

"Your Highness, we have incoming communication from Prince Ōtsutsuki Dōma, who is requesting to go out and catch a few natives to extract more information from them."

Yakou was woken from his train of thoughts by one of the Enforcers.

The Enforcers of the Ōtsutsuki Clan were all wearing samurai-like armor, heavy plated armor, in a very similar design to what he was wearing, but less ornamental, but they also wore facemasks that were covering their whole faces.

"He is going out personally?"

While he wasn't keen on doing anything before they established Celestial Territory through the God Tree, but hearing that Dōma would be going personally put him at ease. Among the younger generation of the Clan, there were only very few people Yakou could call a close person and Dōma was one of them.

Not to mention, he was also a very responsible person and Yakou knew that he wouldn't mess up the mission; if it was Bai Long who requested for it, Yakou would undoubtedly deny the request.

"Send them my permission to execute the mission. Tell him that he has maximally 48 Hours  and that he should only target some insignificant people, not anyone from the ruling caste or something similar."

For now, it was better to leave members of cultivator Clans, Sects, or Nations alone for the time being and rather target some people where not even a dog would bark if they disappeared.

Getting some information on the situation in the Frigid Origin Realm was not that bad...

Still, now Yakou had another kind of dilemma which was where the hell Automatons were in the Primal Chaos Dimension Origin World and what they were doing...

Hopefully, the machines retained their attention solely on barren lands without any significance.


Several weeks later

The mission Ōtsutsuki Dōma embarked on ended successfully and he managed to capture a good number of cultivators from the outskirts of the central regions of the continent. Most of them were not affiliated with any faction and were so-called rogue cultivators.

The good news were that the strongest cultivator in the continent, where they were right now, was only around the Divine Spirit Realm of the Seven Divine Realms, so even Tier 2 Ōtsutsukis could handle them.

However that only applied as long as they didn't use any forbidden methods to increase their strength in a short time drastically. Another thing that they learned, which was already rather bad news, was that the Realm King of the Frigid Origin Realm was a high-level Divine Master Realm.

That certainly wasn't good news, as the Divine Masters were equal to the Saint Realm - Saint Immortal Stage cultivators of the Ōtsutsuki Clan...

Even Yakou was a bit nervous hearing that because he didn't stand a chance against the Realm King without breaking through the Saint Realm.

His worst suspicions that someone was using the Low-Rank Star Ream to hide were true.

If not, then the Realm King wouldn't be an almost peak Divine Master Realm Profound Cultivator.

Divine Masters were the strongest cultivators of the current era and if someone became Divine Master, then they would typically rule High-Rank Star Realm, not small and backward Low-Rank Star Realm.

Yakou was easily able to deduce that the ruler of the Frigid Origin Realm has probably someone who offended some powerful faction and was forced to hide here. Even though he was Realm King, apparently, he was a very reclusive person and rarely appeared in public.

Still, everything this only played into the cards of the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

Below the Realm King, there were a few Divine Sovereign Realm cultivators and a bunch of Divine King Realm cultivators, but they were too reclusive and only left to collect the tributes from the cultivator factions of the Frigid Origin Realm once in a while.


PS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.

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