Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki

Chapter 60 – Sainthood

Ascending to Sainthood consisted of three things.

1st was the perfection of the Genetic Code through the Chakra Fruits, which Yakou had already fulfilled a long time ago.

2nd was to comprehend Dao and then congeal a Dao Rune from the comprehended Dao in his soul. Ōtsutsukis typically have strong souls due to eating Chakra Fruits, but not many of them comprehended Dao of Soul at the early stages of their cultivation.

And the third thing was to create a Jindan, which would be created automatically the moment the Dao Rune in the soul was finished. It would then congregate all Chakra in his body to create a Jindan.

Yakou sat down cross-legged as he started meditating and comprehending the Dao of Dust in an attempt to overcome the final hurdle and ascend. To guarantee his success, he took out a small crystal from his Dimensional Stage and broke it apart by smashing it on the ground.

It was a Primordial Dust Crystal that contained the crystallized essence of the Dao of Dust.

As he smashed it, the Dust Sand spread all around the environment, but Yakou immediately started absorbing the Dust Sand into his body and very own soul.

As he was doing that, he started getting peculiar feelings, like his soul was getting overflowing with energy and Dao. Immediately, he began navigating the Dust Sand that he absorbed as it started creating a translucent pattern in his very soul.

As the pattern got more and more clear, Yakou realized that he had completely comprehended the Dao of Dust, as the Embryotic Form in his soul dispersed and started merging into the translucent pattern that was forming in it.

"Profound Mystery Level..."

Yakou muttered as he opened his eyes because the Dao Rune with the symbol of "Dust" was getting more and more real and would soon be engraved. Nobody before told him that the process would hurt like fuck, but he gritted his teeth and continued assimialting the Dust Sand.

With a peerless treasure like Dust Sand, his success was guaranteed and not only that, but his Dao Rune would get countless times stronger because he used Chaotic-Grade Treasure for the establishment of his fist Dao Rune.

That was a gift from his grandfather before he left for the Primal Chaos Dimension Origin World.

"And now the rune is almost done; time for the second phase..."

He took out a whole bunch of Chakra Fruits from his Dimensional Storage and started eating them one by one.

After he got the initial Chakra needed for the creation of the Jindan in his body, he took out a very special Chakra Fruuit that was specifically prepared for him by one of seven Paragons of the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

It was Low Chaotic-Grade Chakra Fruit made from the remnants of the destroyed Origin World with countless Tier 5 beings as sacrifices to the Tree. Normally eating such fruit would be suicidal because the amount of Chakra it contained was measured in hundreds of billions of Chakra Units.

But during the creation of Jindan, it was only time when it was safe.

When the Ōtsutsukis were creating their Jindans, they could create essentially six Grades of Jindans within their bodies depending on circumstances, talent and resources they used.

The grade Jindan created would largely determine the future of the cultivator.

The worst was the Mixed-Grade Jindan that was created with the help of only the energy of the world.

Above it was Average-Grade Jindan which was created by absorbing energy from Low-Grade Chakra Fruits.

Then was Orange-Grade Jindan, which was created by absorbing energy from High-Grade Chakra Fruits.

Violet-Grade Jindan, which was created by absorbing energy from Supreme-Grade Chakra Fruits.

Gold-Grade Jindan, which was created by absorbing energy from Holy-Grade Chakra Fruits.

And the best was the Purple Gold Jindan which was created by absorbing energy from Low Chaaotic-Grade Chakra Fruit.

And above it was Transluscent Jindan that could not be created through conventional means, but rather one needed to have the necessary Bloodline and create Purple Gold Jindan and then absorb energy from Autarch to temper and transform the Jindan from Purple Gold Grade to Transluscent Grade.

Yakou was right now creating Purple Gold Jindan Ōtsutsuki like many other Divine Ōtsutsukis or some Myriaded Ōtsutsukis...

After he returned from the mission to the Clan, he would undergo baptism and transform his Jindan into the Transluscent-Grade.

As he was eating the Chakra Fruits one after another, all that tremendous amount of Chakra was being directly delivered to the fledgling Jindan that was right now no bigger than a grain of rice, but with more Chakra Fruits being eaten, the more it grew.

Naturally, the best effect was from the Low Chaotic-Grade Chakra Fruit, which was essentially the foundation of the Purple God Jindan, as the Jindan was getting properties of the Chaotic Origin Lifeform.

The entire process took several hours, as Yakou was forced to withstand tremendous pain, either from the engraving of the Dust Dao Rune in his soul or from the creation of Jindan in his body, which hurt like hell too.

Right now, the Jindan was probably as large as his own heart and was containing a tremendous amount of Chakra.

Yakou breathed deeply because the Dao Ruen was engraved in his soul and his Jindan was created as he sensed Purple Gold crystal in his body pulsating with enormous power.

At the same time, he could feel that his senses were over the top because due to the enormous strengthening of his soul from the Dao Rune and Dao he comprehended, he had obtained the Divine Sense.

From the previous 10 million Chakra Units, right now Yakou had Chakra reserves numbering approximately 500 million Chakra Units which was fifty times more.

Usually, ascending to the Sainthood with Mixed-Grade Jindan would get someone 50M Chakra Units, Crimson-Grade Jindan would get someone 100M Chakra Units, Orange-Grade Jindan would get someone 200M Chakra Units, Violet-Grade Jindan would get someone 300M Chakra Units, Gold-Grade Jindan would get someone 400M Chakra Units and Purple Gold would get someone 500M Chakra Units.

In regard to the energy, he was no inferior to the peak Divine Master Realm cultivator of the Profound Way, so this completely erased the disparity between the Energy difference.

Still, he wouldn't be comparable to those old monsters who completely controlled their power perfectly and had countless trump cards and experiences under their sleeve. That was the only area where he was lacking right now, but at least this time, he was confident in going against many of them.

As long as he avoided those old timers or those who bore inheritance of the True Gods, he could wander the Primal Chaos Dimension Origin World, largely unhindered. If he truly wanted to go all out, he was confident in defeating even above mentioned powerhouses.

Killing them would prove to be pretty troublesome, but he would at least be able to beat many of them if he used everything in his ability to fight.

"I need to adjust to my cultivation realm right now..."


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