Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki

Chapter 66 – Qianye Ying’er (2)

"You can drop the pretense of pure, innocent princess..."

Yakou stated with a small laugh because he didn't miss the intentions of the Qianye Ying'er...

It hadn't been even a few minutes since she had woken up and experienced emotional trauma that would break a lesser person, and she was already trying to manipulate him into attacking Brahma Monarch God Realm so she could exact her revenge.

"But to answer your question... what do you think happens when a more advanced civilization meets one less developed."

He said with a grin, as her expression morphed over several times, looking at the Crown Prince of the Ōtsutsuki Clan straightly this time. She knew that the moment he saw through her mask, it was useless to keep it up all the time.

"So it will be conquest? Full-out invasion or straight extermination?"

She asked as Yakou started laughing even more.

"Do you know that people like you are rare? The ones that are actually using their head and intellect."

He said because he indeed meant it and even the former Crown Princess of the Brahma Monarch God Realm could see that Yakou was indeed sincere when it came to his praises for her.

"Is this some kind of recruitment consultation?"

She sat on the bed and asked somewhat mockingly as he just nodded.

"In a certain way, it is... Let me be straight in this matter so it gets easier for you and me... You are powerful, ambitious, intelligent, cunning, ruthless, and a person who exactly knows what to do and what you want, so yes, I am trying to recruit you..."

Yakou admitted that it was indeed the truth.

"And you are using the moments of my emotional vulnerability to your advantage... good for you, Crown Prince. But what do I get from it? Even though I am right now the enemy of the Brahma Monarch God Realm, I could still get thousands of those drooling idiots to do anything for me..."

Both of them knew that she was bluffing to a certain degree.

Indeed she could go elsewhere and use her beauty and charm to get what she wanted, but at the same time, both of them were aware that in front of other Ōtsutsuki Clan, it wouldn't be that effective in the future.

"Power, far more power than you can even image, to the heights when even the so-called Ancestral Goddess is seen as just like another stronger cultivator, not even elite ones."

Yakou said this because he knew that she was a very ambitious person who wanted to be powerful enough to not be influenced by others and to have the power to dictate the fate of countless beings.

"Let me be truthful; even if she lived till this day, she would be killed by one of the Grand Elders of the Clan in a single exchange and the sole reason why your Primal Chaos Dimension is still standing is because we cannot send more powerful cultivators into your world for the time being."

With every sentence, he shook her to the core, igniting her greed and desire for power, power and revenge.

"I want to kill that man by myself and destroy his legacy entirely so it will become part of ancient history... give me that, and I will give you everything."

She said with conviction as Yakou frowned slightly at her implications.

"I don't need someone who will follow orders; I want someone who will give the orders. Qianye Ying'er, what I want is commander, advisor and your brilliant intellect..."

Yakou said as she looked at her hands and subconsciously, she started crying from the emotional instability she was undergoing for the entire conversation.

"Then we have an agreement... for now, rest and after you have rested, we will sign the deal; for now, you need to understand that a soul contract is necessary for the both of us."

Even though she wasn't very fan of them, she understood that it would be foolish for him to trust her only after meeting and as someone who greatly disdained righteousness and selflessness, she was acceptable to this.

As a ruthless and cunning person, Qianye Ying'er had never believed in the notions of morality and ethics. To her, righteousness and selflessness are pointless principles and empty talk in this vast, uncaring universe.

The more a person acted righteously, the more she looked down on him. The only path she ever knew of was her own existence. Unknowingly, she was the same as Yakou, but she could sense that they were the same breed of person.

That made her giggle inside as she went back to rest.


"This went better than expected, but at the same time, I have fleeting that I messed up something..."

Yakou suspected what happened right now and knew that there would be one person who would give him hell sooner or later because he probably, even unknowingly to Qianye Ying'er herself, became her love interest.

Though he wasn't sure if it was love or some sort of obsession or if it was her coping mechanism for an emotional breakdown, but altogether it was something that he could use to her advantage.

Not like she wouldn't realize it during the road...

He knew that she was too intelligent and observant not to notice something like this.

Though he had to admit that she fulfilled all the criteria for his ideal woman: she was strong, powerful, independent, hard-working, ruthless, ambitious, beautiful, capable and other things...

"This will be troublesome..."

He sighed as he went back to his cultivation chamber to resume comprehending the Dao of Lighting.

After Qianye Ying'er completely recovered, he would talk with her about the God Realm of Absolute Beginning because he had a hunch that she knew far more than anyone else about this place.

"Whatever... I will deal with it at a later date..."

He said to himself before he started his cultivation season once more, as he was previously forced to stop one and he needed to speed up the comprehension of the Dao of Lightning.


Only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support and give it a try and read even 20 chapters ahead - PS. Read my new permanent fanfic A Song of Blood and Sunlight, find it on my profile...

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