Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki

Chapter 94 – And They Meet…

After reporting to his grandfather, Ōtsutsuki Yakou then reported on the other parts of the progress of the Expeditionary Forces, which were slowly but steadily planning one God Tree after another and harvesting a good number of the Chakra Fruits.

This was essentially for the Ōtsutsuki Clan because they were right now preparing for the final war in the Starveil Origin Word. His grandfather confirmed this information to Yakou that all major players would soon be waging war on each other.

It seemed that the tensions between various factions of the Starveil Origin World were too big and it couldn't be ignored anymore, and it was only a matter of time until it erupted.

Especially the hatred between the Faith God Alliance and the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

So the Evernight High Council and Ōtsutsuki Clan were right now in full-out preparation for the war, not only them but also the other factions that controlled the Cosmic Sectors.

This was partially a piece of good news and partially bad news.

Nevertheless, that was a matter of worry for the future; right now, Yakou was tasked by the Elder Council of the Ōtsutsuki Clan to plant as many God Trees as possible and harvest as many Chakra Fruits as they could.

They would need them to build up their forces, create more and more powerhouses, or trade the Chakra Fruit in other Origin Worlds for precious cultivation resources and resources for their war against the other factions of the Starveil Origin World.

Now that Yakou finished reporting the situation to his grandfather, he cut down the call and remained in silence within the room. He was quietly contemplating about the situation because it filled him with a new wave of worry.

But after a short time, he decided to get rid of negative thoughts because there was nothing he could do about it and he could only believe that the Clan would be victorious.

And he knew that they would win and restructualize the Starveil Origin World that would become a genius cultivation Origin World.

"How did the report go?"

Ōtsutsuki Dōma stood at the communication room entrance because Yakou was in talks with his grandfather for several hours until they finally ended their talks about the future.

"Not great, not terrible."

The Crown Prince of the Ōtsutsuki Clan said with an exhausted tone as he sat down on the ground after he went together with Ōtsutsuki Dōma to sit down and drink some saké.

"So what is the response?"

Ōtsutsuki Dōma asked as he was the second man in command of their Expeditionary Forces in the Primal Chaos Dimension Origin World.

"We can start the advance and target mortal planets and Low-Rank Star Realm and perhaps some weaker isolated Middle-Rank Star Realms. The Elder Council is for sure disturbed by hearing the newest developments in the Primal Chaos Dimension Origin World, so we got the green to execute the plan ahead of time."

Yakou gulped down an entire cup of saké that came directly from Ōtsutsuki Dōma's personal collection of alcohol. While Yakou collected rare tea leaves and similar things, Ōtsutsuki Dōma collected rare types of saké.

"Will they reinforcements? Without more Saint Realm cultivators, we are hard pressed, and right now, there are only a few of us, with others still waiting for their breakthroughs to the Saint Relm."

While they had enough Chakra Fruits that would allow all of them to achieve Tier 3 through the old way, but that was not enough, as right now, all members of the Main Family were required to strictly practice Evolutionary Cultivation only.

"Yes, they will, but only when the Dimensional Pathway stabilizes enough, which would take some time. For now, we need to do what we, not the best... plunder, plant God Trees and harvest the Chakra Fruits."

Yakou said because they could wait a few decades until the Dimensional Pathway was stable enough for a first wave of Saint Realms to go through it.

"I will organize the teams... still, I believe that we should avoid the Eastern Divine Region entirely and rather turn our attention to the Southern Divine Region for potential expansion."

The Crown Prince of the Ōtsutsuki Clan raised his brow at him, wanting to hear clarification about his statement.

"When you were in the call with Patriarch, I had a talk with Qianye Ying'er... she told me that the entire Southern Divine Region was pretty isolated as they have closed their borders and there are not many people who had established communication with them or other way around."

Indeed, under these conditions, the Southern Divine Region was most suitable if they didn't have much contact with the other Divine Regions in the first place. In regard to this, Yakou gave his approval and left in hands of Qianye Ying'er and Ōtsutsuki Dōma.

"Then we can do it that way, like Ying'er proposed... I will leave these matters to you and her. Coordinated your efforts with her; she is the most knowledgeable person about the entire Primal Chaos Dimension Origin World..."

Yakou meanwhile planned to depart for the Blue Pole Star the very moment the mortal planet was finally found because it was of the utmost importance. He needed to get his hands on another Fragment of the World-Defying Heaven Manual.

For that, he would take Ying'er with him, but right she could be put to better use in coordinating the forces of the Ōtsutsuki Clan to attack.

He knew that she would be reaching the Saint Realm at any given moment, as her Embryotic Form of Profound Mystery Level Comprehension of Dao of Lightning was already close to finishing the germination process.


Meanwhile, at the other hand of the Ōtsutsuki Celestial Territory within the Frigid Origin Realm, two women were sitting across each other on tatami mats and looking at each other with scrutiny.

Qianye Ying'er and Ōtsutsuki Kirihara have finally met and now they were both analyzing each other, as it was for the first time they met their competitor.

They were sitting like this for an entire hour or so without saying a word and just looking at each other, waiting for the other one to make the first move. While Qianye Ying'er was confident in herself, especially in her beauty, Kirihara looked at her newly arisen rival with wariness.

"So, it seems that I will need to start?"

In the end, it was Ōtsutsuki Kirihara who spoke as the first one among two of them, as the Brahma War Goddess nodded her head and her golden All-Seeing Eyes of God activated subconsciously as two sela appeared in front of her eyes and shone with bright golden color.


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