Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

Demand from wife!

Last night, Austin stayed awake until the sun didn't start reflecting his and Luna's naked body, muddled into each other like they were glued with an unbeatable seal.

And that was inside a time barrier that Luna made to slow down the period by half an hour. Before she fell into a slumber of deep exhaustion, she broke the barrier with her remaining energy.

Austin wasn't able to sleep much due to the words Luna spoke or the way she wept many times across the night. He somehow managed to coax her but made a mental note about what should be done first, after returning from the labyrinth.

Amidst his contemplation and partial drowsiness, Austin heard two knocks on his door before his eyes instantly shot open.

Getting out of the comforter without letting the princess wake up, Austin draped a shirt over his shoulder with a pair of boxers on his lower body.

He didn't bother buttoning up since he knew the person on the other side was familiar enough to mind such things.


"Morning, Saya."

"Good morning Onii-....."

Saya's words trailed off as her gaze fell on Austin's body which held every muscle at the exact point which could excite a woman. Not to talk about the red and blue bruises, which display how wild play must have taken place last night.

Being stared at like that, Austin became conscious of the hickeys Luna planted all over his body last night before he turned around and invited Saya inside.

"Sorry for the display, sister. Come in. I will make some tea. "


Saya wanted to complain since she definitely liked what she saw, but that would be too shameless if she suddenly begged her Onii-sama to let her ogle at him.

Austin guided Saya to the round tea table as he went to boil water and excused Luna's current condition.

Saya didn't mind since, looking at Luna's peaceful sleeping face, she could somehow understand how tired she was to sleep such soundly.

While pouring the tea leaves, Austin's voice again reached up to the raven-haired beauty, but this time, his voice contained a bit of profoundness.

"I want you to promise me something, Saya."

The listener also became serious as she saw Austin walking back with a tray containing two tea sets over it. Saya stood up and took the tray from him before Austin nodded and sat back on the chair.

As Saya poured milk into each cup and added sugar, she heard her brother resuming.

"If any situation arises where you get the chance to save any one life of yourself or any of the three of us, you have to promise you'll run away without even considering a second option."

Saya's eyes widened as she sat facing her brother while pondering why he suddenly brought up such a matter. She was strong enough to protect her Onii-sama from any danger, then why…

But even in a case, something like what Onii-sama spoke really does happen, Saya would probably save her brother without even thinking a blink.

How could she promise something which she couldn't fulfill?

"I have my ways to come back from death, my dear sister. So, don't think uselessly and say you promise."

Holding her hand dearly, Austin caressed her cheeks, making the latter blush as she felt like getting cornered by her brother's unfair persuasion.

Closing her eyes shut, she utters her words in between the warm shivers she felt down her spine due to the sensation she felt on her face.

"O-okay, I promise."


Austin pulled back his hand, leaving a wobbly Saya behind as she lay back on the chair while panting as she had gone through a marathon.

She just couldn't take this aggressive Onii-sama of hers!


Nearly at half past nine, both of them finished their chats and sipped on another serving of tea before Austin went to freshen up.

Austin talked about some of the things he had thought regarding the labyrinth and precautions they might take according to the situation.

Saya also gave her speculation and listened to everything her brother had to advise.

"Okay, then. You go ahead and wait for me in the dining hall."

Saya bowed before she departed from Austin's room and went to arrange breakfast for the two.

Austin took a short bath before he changed his clothes into a black shirt and a free-size high-waist pair of black pants. His feet were covered with high boots and a special kind of white gloves on his hand, with a sapphire stone planted in the center.

Tying his long-grown hair in a short bun, he felt annoyed with some strands which weren't getting pinned in one place at all, so he left them hanging over his forehead.

Stepping out of the dressers, he first felt a hot gaze peeking at him up to down.

Walking to his cupboard, Austin spoke in a gentle tone.

"You woke up? Sorry for being noisy."

Austin grabbed some sets of his clothes and started packing them in a bag. He doesn't like to put anything which he wears and eats in inventory since there are some nasty things stored inside.

Well, he does have emergency backup kept in the system storage, but until it doesn't come down to that, Austin prefers fresh apparel and nourishment.

Austin's movement suddenly halted as a pair of pale yet beautiful hands circled around his waist before he felt a familiar fragrance wafting around him.

The warmth on his back undoubtedly belonged to the woman who had the capability to sneak behind him without getting noticed.

"You sure going to dive in that Labyrinth but not on a date with some bitchy woman? What's with this dangerous look?"

Austin didn't actually have many ideas when it came to dressing up and all, so Luna's compliments always made him perplexed.

"You think so? Well, I can dress up like this for you, too, if you want."

Austin suggested as he finished packing and turned around to look at his favorite eyes. Hugging her waist, Austin leaned on the cupboard as he saw Luna standing there stark naked.

It was getting up worked up; where to keep his eyes when he heard her seductive voice.

"Something which no one can see my Austin in. I love your birth suit more than anything."

Saying so, Luna brought her hand to tuck his hair which was giving him a dangerously attractive look as she spoke in her previous tone.

"I can't say sissy words like stay safe or eat regularly. What I want is for you to return to me alive and healthy. This is not a plea Master Austin but a demand from your future wife."

Austin raised his left brow upon hearing such assertive words from her before he circled his arm around her waist and pulled her to lean upon his body.

"And you too. Dare to put yourself in danger, and I will spank your ass until it doesn't remember the size of my palm, you understand?"

Luna didn't reply but, with a smirk, stared at his eyes intently while she received the same approach from him.

Amidst steamy silence, both of them suddenly burst into soft giggles as their heads leaned upon each other.

How aggressively they tried to mask, they couldn't hide how hard it was for both of them to get separated.

With her eyes filling with moisture, Luna spoke with a soft whisper.

"Come back as soon as possible, darling. I am so going to miss you."

"Mm. Will do."


A/N: -I hate to separate them, but the plot needs to move. The next chapter will introduce the labyrinth and the real demon side that has been hiding.

Stay tuned~

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