Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

Friendly Spar~1!

It's been only two days since the announcement about the incoming catastrophe was made to some selected students of Eden's Academy.

To say, the groups were shocked would be an understatement. Petrified would be the exact emotion, most of them felt after hearing something beyond belief.

During these two days, the front line from the Royal Palace was arranged at a distance from the Eden Academy, with elites of the warrior and mages working day and night to ensure the safety of the next generation.

Students were also disallowed to leave the school territory in the name of the practical test, which would be happening in some days. This decision discontented students, but in the end, no one wanted to breach the academy's rule and get rusticated.

Except for the chosen twelve students, along with the professors and Headmaster Merlin, no one was aware of the possible danger which could reach up to the school gates in the worst-case scenario.

Naturally, the twelve chosen ones weren't forced to join classes at these times when the primary activity they should be doing was to enhance their skill and try to gain as much boost as they could before the big possible event.

And for the exact same purpose, the group of twelve was invited to an indoor practice gym of the academy without letting the other students know about the session.

The school gym was a big hall of more than 300sq ft. Since Space Magic was utilized to build the gym, the exterior of the building looks like standard house size, but from the inside, it was colossal.

In a separate corner of the vast hall stood a certain amount of people with varying expressions on their faces.

Apart from the twelve chosen students of the academy, a humungous man was standing at the height of 198 cm and face filled with minor and significant scars.

This person was a high-ranking Knight from the Royal order who came to the academy to delegate the weapons and artifacts which the capital decided to invest in the vanguard unit, temporarily.

The Royal Knight handed the relics and the weaponry to each student without much evaluation since it wasn't required. 

Everyone received the treasure directly exported from the treasure, with open hands, except for a peculiar duo...

"Saint-sama? Sir Austin? Are you both sure you don't want the vault items? I mean, I know you both are exceptional warrior and healer, but still, the incoming threat isn't something you should take lightly."

The Knight was aware of the level of Healing magic Luna carries, which also has helped her gain the title of 'Humanity's Hope', and the fight with Charles made it clear what potential Austin brings. But the thought of them jumping on the battlefield without the support of such high-grade items felt too absurd.

"It's as you head, Sir Rachael. Luna and I don't need artifacts since we like to use what we already have."

(A/N:- I know Rachael is a feminine name, but I just wanted to use it)

Kyouki side glanced at Luna and found her aloofly agreeing with Austin's words without any desire to speak for herself. 

On the other hand, upon hearing Austin's remark, the Royal Knight frowned slightly before he rubbed his chin while studying Austin's equipment. 

The blond youth was currently wearing a standard leather vest with a cross belt over either shoulder, making a cross on his chest. The two holders on each belt sheathed daggers, which Austin had seen most using in battles.

Rachael thought for a moment, and in the end, he wasn't able to hold his curiosity, as he asked with an embarrassed smile.

"Umm, sir Austin. Just to assure myself, can I check your equipment?"

Austin's eyes went round because of the suddenness of the request before he nodded non-hesitantly.

"Yeah, sure."

Saying so, Austin took out one of his daggers before throwing it in a reverse grip toward the Knight.


As expected from a Knight who has made his way to the royal army, he was able to catch the dagger fluently without showing any sign of discomfort even the speed with which Austin threw his weapon made various wide-eyed.

Rachael, after receiving the dagger, frowned slightly as the energy which the blade was radiating was not something he expected to feel from such a standard-looking weapon.

The blade was made of an alloy that Rachael wasn't able to identify since its texture and shade were utterly different from standard metal. 

The black material used at the handle made the weapon strangely stable and quick to wield. Not to talk about the hilt with the grip, which seemed to gripping the user itself, further subduing the chance of slipping away during the battle. 

'It's an artifact? Or demon material-manufactured?"

Rachael tried to the thought of the daggers forgery, but in the end, he could only let out a dry laugh accompanying his defeat.

"Here, Sir Austin. It seems I am not experienced enough to discern your arsenal."

The room became extremely silent as they heard the casual remark of the soldier who, despite being a veteran of the battlefield and a person who undoubtedly has seen various things throughout his life, admitting defeat for such a typical dagger.

Austin, on the other hand, wasn't bothered as he knew the material which was used to make the dagger doesn't belong to this world, so Rachael's lack of knowledge seemed justifiable to him.

"Then why not, you hand over Austin and Luna-san's portion of weaponry and artifacts to us?"

The one whose voice reverberated and gathered everyone's attention was a cemented shade-haired boy from the explorer group, named Kevin.

This thought also came up in the minds of some others in the Explorer group, but the slim long-haired boy was the only one who voiced his intention. 

Upon hearing the clear greedy thought of the student, Rachael rolled his eyes before he turned himself toward the center and, while looking at particularly no one, asked in a loud voice.

"Does anyone know about the term 'Overload Dysfunctioning?'

Upon being asked about something out of nowhere, everyone seemed to be taken aback as this term was indeed unheard of by them. Only a single hand was raised from the audience, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Sir Austin?"

"If my memory serves correct, then it is a phenomenon which a warrior might face if they overload themselves with weaponry and potions which exceed their capability. In a minor situation, the over-bearer might suffer from partial paralysis, but sometimes death comes out as a conclusion of tolling themselves with something they couldn't handle."

Dead silence surrounded the atmosphere as Austin's explanation concluded. 

Kevin, along with those who were with the idea of testing Austin and Luna's weapon, backed away in an instant as their head drowned in embarrassment.

Only the silver-haired saint had a smug adorning her charming face as she felt utter proud of her man's range of knowledge. She herself wasn't aware of the term but was confident that whatever Austin said must be true.

"The level of weapons I have brought have been evaluated in the main palace first under the close supervision of high appraisers. Every weapon and relic is assigned according to the user's capability. So I think your suggestion, student Kevin, was futile since the start as what Master Austin and Luna-sama have been granted isn't something anyone other than Hero-sama could wield."

The look in the eyes of the hero's party other than Kyouki, made it clear that they felt insulted by the remark, but in the end, no one spoke regarding the matter. 

After checking everyone's silent expression, Rachael began to speak about the main event of today, for which he himself was pretty excited.

"Okay then. Since you have held your temporary battlefield partners in hand, let's get along with them, shall we?"

As Rachael said, he snapped his finger before, with a clicking sound; a battle arena became ignited just behind him.

The people who saw the battle arena became thrilled at once as they knew what was coming, and Rachael's following word made their expectations clear.

"The best way to know your weapon is to use it in battle. So, without further ado, I would like to call a volunteer who would commence today's practice session."

Without waiting, Venessa raised her hand before she rushed toward the arena without even waiting for Rachael to affirm her participation.

Since everyone was aware of the battle-loving trait of the red-headed warrior, no one objected to her advance as they waited for Rachael's continuation of the announcement.

"Okay, then. Who would like to be the opponent in this first friendly spar?"

Before anyone could have even thought of rivaling Venessa in the arena, a pale white hand raised high as an authoritative yet elegant voice resonated among all.

"I will take her on."


A/N:- Guess who;)

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