Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

Her letter!

It's been a week since Luna left the nation of Gram and returned to the place she attaches her name with.

In these past seven days, Austin never stopped from his daily routine of strengthening his body and challenging the lair which Luna left for him.

The journey was fierce for Austin as the last three floors of the lair were nothing but agonizing and utterly terrifying which made him shudder even now when he finally got one with the final boss of the dungeon, which was on the threshold of Terror rank and close to Mythical being if one to measure from overall stats.

But since Austin wasn't aware of the scale with which he should be differing the ranks, he plunged forward without caring about the stats of the monster, and at the end of the sixth day, he finally got done with the lair.

As time passed, Austin realized how terrifyingly those lair monsters were enhanced, to the point where they could break through their limitations without accepting the Curse's energy.

The realization didn't help but make him even more amazed by the might which Luna carries.

Now he was sure that in the manga world and the real one, the massive difference was the presence of such an influential being named Luna, who has helped him change the plot by such an extreme margin.

If not for her, then Austin might not have attained such stats which he has grown up to now.

[Name:- Austin

Age:- 15

Race:- Human

HP :- 2500-> 1000 (Limiter)

MP:- 5200-> 1000 (Limiter)

Str:- 1200-> 400 (Limiter)

Spd:- 1200-> 300 (Limiter)

Stm:- 890

Attributes:- Flames(99)

Wind (83)

Aqua (64)

Earth (78)

XXXX (0)

Skills:- Infernous Conjuror (A)

Gravity Manipulation (A)

Silent Steps (B)

Sprint (A)

Pain Infliction (S)

Tongue of Spirit(SS)

Dark Escape (B)

Silent Mind (A)

Indefinite Leap (A)

Chaos of Destruction (SSS)

Stats Points:- 570

Weekly Villain's Point:- 1220/2050]

Since it was the first time Austin saw his stats after finishing the lair, he was himself startled by the skill he had attained through the fight he fought against the boss of the tenth floor.

Remembering what destruction occurred on the battleground in the last minutes of the brawl, Austin shuddered slightly as a resolve formed inside his mind.

'I better not use that until it doesn't reach the very end....'

Currently, he was sitting on top of the school building near the place where the flags of every nation were swaying freely in the air.

Continuously gawking at the students who were walking in and out of the main complex, he felt a sigh leaking as he sensed the incoming danger, about which Alex had already informed Austin about.

Rising on his feet, Austin cracked his knuckles and stretched his slight sore muscles before he felt a massive amount of mana approaching from the sky.

'Talk about dynamic entry.'


A heavy and impactful thunder rang across the vicinity as a massive cloud of dust surrounded an object which landed from indefinite height.

The students first went silent in shock, but soon the sense of something ominous reached their minds before their feet began to move.

"It's him!!"

"He has come...Run! Everyone run inside the building!!"

"Fuck...his mana is making me choke!"

Everyone was shouting as they hurriedly stepped inside the premise, where the school authorities assured their security.

Strangely, even in the chaos, before the dust cloud could have subdued, the whole ground was emptied like the crowd some seconds ago was just an illusion.

Austin's emerald eyes were focusing on nothing but the person at the center of the crater, which formed upon the heavy blow; the land felt like being hit by such a big man.

Finally, the figure of a person becomes vivid as Austin breathes subconsciously gets stuck in his throat upon seeing such an intimidating man.

A build that was far from what any average human could even dream about, along with a towering height above 220 centimeters, stood the man who had the most record of killing his opponents on the battlefield in a single hour.

The curly free, fell hair that was draping his robust face made the man even scarier; not to talk about the highly dense mana that the person was emitting as it was natural for a human to possess, made this single entity far above what one could evaluate.

The first thing Austin did as he gulped hard was to mutter a certain measure under his breath.

'Remove all my limiters.'

Using Gravity Manipulation, Austin steeled his heart and glided steadily toward the man who hadn't moved a single inch since he made the explosive entrance.

Austin's heart was beating like crazy as even though he faced the monsters in the dungeon, which could have brought disaster upon the whole empire if attacked altogether; it didn't change the fact that the Knight Commander was above all those inhumane creatures; Austin had fought inside the lair.

Landing on the ground soundlessly, Austin looked at the man who seemed even more humongous from this close before he heard his mouth moving for the first time.

"Are you the one?"

Charles, in an authoritative tone, asked Austin, still with his mana continuously oozing out like an endless ocean.

Knowing full well what Charles meant with his mere four words, Austin straightened his back, and with a straight face, he responded.

"Yeah, it's me."



Suddenly the surge of mana around Charles becomes violent enough to make the already chaotic school ground spread in cracks even more.

The heavy amount of energy fermented around the surrounding actively changed the background because of the savage blows Charles intentionally implied.


Trees around the garden, along with the walls of the entrance which led to the inside of the primary school building, started to get dangerously affected by the unexpected discharge of mana from a single beast.

While voluntarily letting his mana go wild, Charles carefully observed the young man in front and was utterly surprised to see that nothing shifted nor changed in the temperament of the blonde youth.

The current Charles was releasing the mana which could have crushed a person lower than Unique rank from this close, but the young youth was not only able to withstand it, he didn't even move a single muscle from his place at all.

Truly marvelous.

Soon the surge of mana which was savagely changing the surrounding, came to a halt just before a person in his late sixties rushed to the scene with a grieving expression.

"Oh, look who's here! How are you, oldy?"

Suddenly the previous darkened and fierce expression of the Knight Commander completely faded away as he greeted the anxious headmaster.

Taking the chance, Austin let out a heavy sigh as he finally relaxed his muscles while he thanked Luna for helping him get used to heavy mana discharge during the first day of their expedition.

"Sir Charles, there are hundreds of students inside. Do you intend to end those innocent lives in the fret of your anger?!"

The headmaster nearly yelled at the Knight Commander despite knowing the difference in their strength and position. The reason he dared to say such a thing was...

"You never change, huh, old man? Still naggy as ever. Anyway, do your preparation; I am going down the hard route with this young man."

Upon hearing the clear subjective remark of the bulking man, the headmaster, as well as Austin, gasped, but only the former one audibly voiced his thoughts.

"You can't! Students would be crushed without even being able to pray for their god Sir Charles. Take this somewhere else."

Upon seeing how explicitly the Headmaster sold out his student, Charles became a little baffled, but nothing to the point he would mention.

He wanted to cross his blade and know the true worth of the young youth who had passed the first test Charles set the stage for.

"Okay then, kid, let's move to the forest and settle this matter."

Without waiting for a response or consent, Charles began to move toward blowing out trees, only to get halted by another appearance.

"Wait, Sir Charles. I think you forgot about something ."

The one who appeared only to raise headache for Austin was the Talented Court Magician of the Gram Empire, Alex Nuèye.

"What you doing here, BB? Again in your research shit?"

Upon hearing the particular nickname which only Charles dares to utter in this whole world, a thick vein popped on Alex's forehead as he ignored the query and continued with his previous question.

"The fact that young lady Venessa was insulted in front of a whole crowd wouldn't be justified if you, the father of such a prideful daughter, would conclude your judgment on the culprit in solitary. I suggest for a fair treatment, Sir Charles."

It was now Austin who felt his veins becoming visibly out of place as in agitation; he stared at the bastard Alex, who clearly was trying to stir things up for no definite reasons.

'This asshole has no means of becoming a human...'

The headmaster was silent on the matter as until his school and, most notably, a certain someone inside the building was safe, he wouldn't mind commencement of war at this very hour.

Charles contemplated the matter for a mere half minute before, with an affirming nod; he spoke his decision.

"Alright, prepare an arena and invite the guests within two days. Until then, I will spend my time with my princess."

Without waiting for another second, the towering man walked away without even bothering with the heavy stare he was directed from the boy who, after his initial three-worded sentence, never spoke again.

'It escalated in the worst way possible'.


In a thinly lighted room sat a beautiful maiden in her mid-teens with her silvery hair draped loosely over her shoulders as she watched the outside of her window in a daze.

Her charming face looked extremely exquisite and captivating under the dim lights. The girl, even with her eyes open, was dreaming about a certain boy as she smiled stupidly once in a while.

"Don't you feel bored inside the room? I am unsure what the majesty wants to achieve by locking his daughter at such an age."

Upon hearing the grumble of her nanny, Luna came out of her stupor, and she sighed with a smile before she corrected the frowning maid.

"Don't bother about it. And in the first place, rather than lock, you can say I am staying here until I don't meet my mother. After that, I won't even think before leaving this shitty place."

Hearing such a bold remark from her young lady, Anna sighed in awe before she pleaded as she brought a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

"Take me too with you this time. I don't want to live in this place anymore."

Ignoring the baseless request that even Luna wants she couldn't fulfill, she asks for something out of nowhere.

"Can you bring me a letter pad and some ink?"

With a baffled expression, Anna nodded before placing the cup on the table.

It didn't take Anna more than ten seconds before she brought a clean tab with a bunch of paper pinned to it with a set of fountain ink and feather-tailed pen dripped inside it.

Anna didn't dare to read the content; instead, she took the liberty to ask teasingly.

"Is it for your lover, Young lady?"

Upon getting a nod in response, Anna's face lit up instantly but before she could have said anything more related to the thing she could suggest Luma add to the love letter, Luna halted her hand and ended the letter in mere 20 seconds.

"Already ...done?"

With a sullen expression, Anna asked her young lady who was in the midst of folding the paper cleanly in a particular shape before a paper bird was formed in her hand.

Luna muttered something under her breath before she blew the paper bird with her written content hidden inside.

To Anna's utmost surprise, the bird flew out of Luna's palm before it disappeared into thin air as all Anna saw was her hallucination.

"Y-young lady...that..."

Looking at her maid's terrified expression, Luna smiled innocently as she said something that only time would become a witness of.

"Prepare yourself, Anna. Soon there would be things you haven't seen before and never had thought of seeing in this lifetime. Something is going to change, Anna. Something which would not only change yours as well as the lives of millions of other natives because of the existence of a single Villain~."


A/N:- Let the battle commence fufufu...

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