Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

His misery!


Painful inaudible grunt left my lips as I twisted my forearm which gave a crisp sound given my physical condition after I received the blow from the hero. It wasn't hurting much but still except for my face I was like living charcoal right now. Thanks to the spell-weaved school uniform that I wasn't butt naked right now.

'Ah, here it goes'.

After I defeated the demon in the jungle, the [Curse Veil] naturally got disrupted, and when it did, the bearded old man who also happened to be the headmaster of the academy, came toward the scene at a furious pace.

It was to be expected as the band Kyouki was wearing was severed slightly and since the veil was prohibiting anyone to come inside the whole school was in an uproar.

Seeing the greatest embodiment of Light trembling so profoundly on the ground like his soul have been sucked out of him, the audience which came to see him was highly stressed.

Kyouki's harem members also seemed to be in a great grief as they were crying and wailing floods upon seeing his state.

I never spotted Luna since the time I left her at the start of the expedition. I expected her to be with Kyouki again if things were to happen as I thought, but surprisingly she was just like disappeared from the face of the earth.

Now, who was left was me and the fallen demon who was getting inspected, and I...

....was getting interrogated.

"A [Terror Rank] demon erupted out of nowhere and you who are still struggling to break through your Novice rank defeated it? Even children's fairy tail would sound more believable than this."

The one who entirely disdained me with his high and mighty tone was one of the council officers who govern the school from the sidelines and was the link that connects the academy and the main capital.

Not only him, the other 10 council members, 48 instructors, and professors along with the [Saint Rank] Headmaster Merlin were present in the Principal office.

I was sitting solemnly on a chair while being weighed by those many stares who were trying to figure out the lie which I never told.

"Since there were four witnesses who saw it happening, we can't deny that Austin has defeated that thing in the jungle, but the fact a demon appeared out of nowhere is still highly concerning".

The headmaster was somewhat level-headed but the problem was I didn't want them to know that I defeated the demon as it would only become a pain in the ass.

Fortunately, they were more focused on the topic of how it happened not how it ended.

Upon hearing the headmaster's call, everyone seemed to drown in their deep thought which thankfully didn't concern me.

I was just waiting for everyone to know that demon never went away and the hero was the trigger that awakened its sleep from slumber. That's all.

But it wasn't like I could tell them knowing the fact that I shouldn't have much knowledge about demons in the first place, but flipping all my overthinking thoughts, someone unexpected brought a solution to this unwelcoming situation.

"I know how all this happened !!"

Shouted at top of her lungs was the red-headed warrior hero of the academy, Venessa Charles, and the person who despise me most in Kyouki's harem just because I don't engage in combat.

Well now maybe Lilia hates me most...or...maybe Luna...?

My internal monologue was broken as the boot clanking on the floor echoed in the room attracting every gaze toward the sudden intruder.

"Do you know how this happened student?"

One of the council members raised from his seat in anxiety as he asked the girl who was glaring daggers at me. I knew something was misunderstood but my hazy mind wasn't capable to discern anything at the moment so I just went with the flow.

"Yes, I know who brought that calamity upon us and made Kyouki-san like that."

Even the headmaster became serious as he supported his chin on his intervened fingers before leaning forward on his table.

The whole room was dead silent and waiting for the next word that Venessa would be saying as it would probably decide what course of the brutal act they would be bestowed upon the preparator.

'Ah, this is hectic'.

"The sole person in this whole campus who's able to use curse energy and the person who intentionally brought that demon on the surface so he could show his fake might and get accepted as a hero, is none other than the shameful human trash, Austin Wright."


'Finally, it ended.'

Steadily walking to my dorm I sighed in weariness.

Since I was labeled as a demon cult follower, naturally they would have caged me up and slaughtered me mercilessly.

But it wasn't like I could just accept anything thrown at me, so I made my point that I wasn't a demon worshipper.

It took me time but they finally accepted my plea only on the condition that I would get through a baptizing which the Pope of the capital would partake in two days from now.

It would eventually prove whether I was lying or Venessa misunderstood the whole situation.

Until then I was banned from classes and also was ordered to remain inside my dorm whatever happens or I would be labeled as a criminal or something.

Seriously, fighting like this for the first time in my life really did exhaust me so I nodded whatever they said just so I could get out of that depressing place.

Finally, my heavy steps reached my private quarter before I spotted my maid standing at the front gate with anxiety plastered all over her pretty face.

I naturally got out of my daze before I fastened my feet and asked with a frown.

"What happened Carol?" 

The maid who usually stayed emotionless and cold-faced all the time was panicking like this meant only a few things, and expectedly my hunch was right.

"Young master...Lord Vincent has come to visit you."

My eyes widened in shock as I heard the name of my dad attached to visiting me. He never in this half-year contacted me even though many of my complaints traveled to the town I come from.

The all-time busy Count visiting me at such a sudden time of year meant only one thing...

'He got the news of that incident.

Merely four hours have passed since that incident yet my father was here proved two things. 

First, he had one of the professors or staff as his spy, and given my father's position, it wasnt surprising much at all.

Second. To come at such a short time from such a long distance meant he used [Teleportation ] which wasnt commonly used by even high nobles, which signified how furious he was.

I gulped unconsciously as I thought of such a thing as even though I have done so many things past this year I never have come across my parent's anger. 

Not to make him wait long I immediately went inside while checking my attire a little. Pulling my collar to hide my burnt skin I knocked on the door twice before I went inside.

"G-good afternoon, father."

Stood silently with his wide back facing me was undoubtedly the person whome I regarded as my parent in this life. 

Count Vincent was a Knight Commander in the First Order of Capital in the past, so he usually spent his time on the field rather than at office work.

Due to his rigorous work in a battleground and the numerous experience he has gone through, his whole aura oozed with dignity and danger. 

The mountain build which was adorned with cuts and bruises spreaded on his face finally turned toward my direction as the two narrowed eyes of my father landed upon me.

I visibly shuddered a little as I concluded that he was far from pleased to see me after this long, but I stood still with my head lowered.

"I heard about the incident."

His heavy voice resonated in the room even though he was just stating things in his normal tone.

Knowing already his reason to visit I didn't express any kind of reaction and waited for his next word which probably would be punishment for my unverified deeds.

Walking toward the sole big chair inside the room he sat on it before continuing.

"Since your birth, we never expected nor raised any hope from you. Do you know the reason for it ?" 

Being asked about the reason why I was treated partially than my elder siblings for the first time, I was a little startled but nevertheless, I replied with my head still leaning down.

"No, father. I am not aware of it."

After a brief pause, he continued.

"When you came into this world a prophecy was bestowed upon you. The foresight was, that there would be a day when you'll become the greatest enemy of humanity. To change your destiny there wasnt anything in our capability we could have done except for killing you. But neither I nor Sophia had the heart to kill the offspring we brought in this world."

Throughout his explanation, I was dead and froze at my place with beads of sweat forming over my whole face and eyes at their widest range.

Prophecies weren't something to scoff about in this world and if I foresaw the way father was telling me, then I was thankful for how kindly they treated me until now.

But the problem was how such a thing was prophesied when I didn't have such strength or intention to go against my own kind in the first place.

' it related to the system...?'

This conclusion was the only resort I landed upon as in my sane mind I would never do the thing which I hate the most.

"Until now whatever you did, I never meddled in that but today you showed what I feared the most. You became the thing I could never accept or associate myself with. Fortunately, neither I and my wife nor my children grew any feeling for you, or else we would have only regretted it at this point in life."

I knew what he was telling me was not all true as I wasnt a demon cult follower, but would it matter even if I tell him?

Being disdained and loathed since birth seemed to hurt but now when I know the reason for still is hurting.

Doing my best to hold myself together I just stood silently waiting for him to finish.

"I never told you what to do as I could not restrict your actions. But there's one thing I could do which would save the name of my family from any future shame. Do you know what is it?"

My body jerked slightly as I held my face upward and looked at the man wide-eyed trying to not believe what he just meant and wishing that today was nothing but a dream. 

But nothing goes as one wishes...

After my father rose from his seat he walked toward me, before he started to speak his conclusion which might change my life forever.

"From this day on, I, Vincent Wright, cease the authority of you to attach my family's title with your name. From this very moment, you are no longer part of the Wright family."

Since there was no way to turn the decision that the Count stated, I could just accept my fate.

Controlling all my emotions which were making my vision blurry and mind hazy I only replied in a single word, before the person I previously called father, left my room and my life forever.



[Carol's POV:]

I was walking to and fro around the door where young master Austin walked in some minutes ago.

I knew there would be consequences for the blames the young master has been charged with, but the Count visiting himself was still out of my expectations.

I was well aware of my young master's deeds for which he was getting tormented by the whole academy and also scorned by his own blood relatives, but there was something which was telling me young master wasnt involved in this matter at all.

He could be mischievous and a problem creator but being a criminal, I highly doubt such thought.

Even though he has used various means to torment me in the past, it doesn't mean I could see him the way,  others were assuming him.


Suddenly the door was clicked open before the patriarch walked out of the room. 

I immediately lowered my head and stood by the wall. His steps audibly came near me but contrary to my expectation he didn't walk away but stood just in front.

"Pack your luggage and along with other servants return to the main residence before tomorrow morning."

My closed eyes shot open as I heard him loud and clear but before even I could have raised my head, Lord Vincent already walked away.

I gawked at his back with my mind repeating his words and thinking about the reason why he asked me and the others to return when the young master's academic year was still in progress.

'No way...'

As soon as a clear conclusion formed in my mind, I was already in a rush toward the young master's room.


"Young master!!"

My previous unsettling thoughts shifted to dread as I saw the naked upper body of the young master who currently was changing his uniform.

His whole upper body was burnt with every cell of his body in its worse condition. Even though I wasnt the one who was injured, looking at his current state I couldn't help but cringe in a fret.

"Ah, Carol. Sorry for this unsightly appearance."

He was more embarrassed to show me this sight of his rather than being pained about such physicality.

Large drops of tears subconsciously formed at the corner of my eyes as I walked forward to help him wear the coat that he was having difficulty putting on because of his condition 

"Thank you for the help, Carol. So you coming here in such a rush means my fa- I mean Sir Vincent has already asked you to return to the main residence,  right?"

My hazy mind was so clouded after seeing him that I was only able to discern some of his words which also contained how he referred to Lord Vincent as. 

My doubt was cleared at that very moment which didn't help but made tears from my eyes fall even more.


My words were interrupted by the young master as he brought his hand toward my face and gently wiped my tears.

"Why didn't I retort my charges and told him the truth? Well, to be honest, it doesn't matter anymore Carol. Count Vincent just needed a cause to disown me, so not now but anytime soon he would have done what he did today."

His words were reaching me yet I wasnt able to comprehend anything. I was continuously weeping while getting pampered by the young master who never had touched me so gently before. 

I didn't know what happened suddenly to him. It might be because of this sudden visit of Count, but I could not find the same young master in him, whome I always loathed. 

In front of my eyes was only an innocent teenage boy whose beautiful yet grieving eyes clearly told me how defeated he was feeling right now.

But I couldn't do anything for him now when I never even looked at him properly since I was assigned to serve him. 

I felt so pathetic...

"Y-*sniff* young master.."

"Don't cry like this Carol when we are about to separate. It will only leave a bad taste afterward. Here take this..."

Suddenly he brought a heavy pouch out of nowhere before he took my hand and placed it on top of it.

"It's the earning I have saved from my adventurer work.".

My eyes went wide as I again felt the bag and indeed it had coins inside which by weight seemed a lot.

"I can't accept this young master...!" 

I immediately tried to return it as in the first place for the work I have done I should only have received his usual taunts. Being rewarded like this didn't help but made my heart heavy.

"You deserve it, Carol. To be honest in these 18 months with you, I have felt alive and needed more than ever. You gave me the warmth I ever desired and yet I returned it in such a disgusting way previously."

His face suddenly took a regretful smile as he directed his words. Looking at his expression I thought about whether I really knew the young master.

Because in front of me, there wasnt the haughty prince I have been with this short time, but only a pure teenage boy who was confessing his wrongdoings and trying to do his best to compensate for his deeds.

How could I help but not feel moved by this...?

Honestly facing the previous young master who never spoke to me with a straight face, seemed easier than this honest young master who was making my heart sink and drowns in endless regret.

"Young master...cant I stay with you...?"

Upon hearing me he shook his head in all seriousness before her reminding me of what I had nearly forgotten because of my emotional breakdown.

"You mustn't Carol. Your family has been indebted to the Wright family which even you want, you couldn't get rid of. Leaving the family just for the sake of me is far from sensible, so don't even think about it ."

I nodded stiffly with my head hung low as possible as my face was miserable enough to not let show in front of my young master.

Suddenly my both hand were held by the young master before his gentle voice reached my senses as his words which I might not be able to forget ever, got engraved inside my mind and soul.

"Okay then, Carol. Even if it was for a short while I was happy that I got to know you and got served by you. I know I didn't play a good role as your master but please remember this, in this life I don't think I would have ever found a maid better than you. Thank you for being with me until now, Carol."



'Hmm... it's already midnight?'

I looked at the clock which had the needles aligned and pointing to zero hour.

Carol and the other servants which have been serving me, left the dorm some hours ago since they had to return to the main mansion before morning. 

I didn't meet Carol when she was departing as I knew my presence would only hurt her and also it would pain me too, to see a dear person leaving my side.

But there wasn't anything I could do.

I was disowned by my family and had my surname snatched in just an instance.

Even though I never felt accepted in that family, still being told so directly that I no longer was their son nor the youngest brother of my siblings anymore, filled my heart with bitterness.

I no longer was crying as I was since evening. My skin has long lost regenerative capability because I didn't use any kind of potion on it, but I was in no mind to get concerned about it. I was a complete mess all over.

Maybe I was overthinking things, but it was so long since I felt this lonely in this world.

In my previous life, I still had a person who cared for me and always stayed by my side whatever happened.

But in this life, I never built a relationship that I didn't sever with my own hands.

The family I was gifted with in this life never thought of me as their own.

The person whome I vowed to live forever with also cut ties with me because of the way I treated her.

The first maid I had in my life and who genuinely cared for my well-being also had to go away because of certain actions of mine.

And also the person whome despite being the center of attention of millions of people, tried to get closer to me, and grew distant from me because of some unreasonable reasons and my own selfishness.

I might be whining right now but these thoughts were something I could not suppress as I desire.

I just needed someone with whom I can share my grief ...

Someone who cares for me and someone whome I can make smile...

Someone I can wholeheartedly show my affection for and receive the same....

...someone whome I can love and feel being loved..

I just...





"What will you do without me, you poor child."

Suddenly I heard a familiar feminine voice of a person just some inches from my back.

Even without turning, I knew who she was just from her peculiar fluorescent but I had to turn my head to confirm that my anxious mind wasn't making delusions.

There stood the most beautiful person I have ever come across in my life, currently standing with a helpless smile adorning her moon-white face which seemed to shine even more under the dim light of the room.

My world which was getting darker passing each second seemed to lighten up just with her mere presence. I couldn't help but smile foolishly upon seeing her before my choked throat pushed only a single word out of my mouth.



A/N:- Ah, this was long.

The main story of the MC transforming into a villain would start now onwards.

Remember he won't be a crazy ass villain who would slaughter innocent mindlessly but more like an anti-hero who would manipulate scenes for his selfishness and slap those who would torment him.

Anyway, I would upload 5 chapters in advance on Patreon so check it out and also please consider a donation on Ko-fi if you are liking my story~

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