Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

His sorrow!

"How many villain points do I need for this week, system?"

[Ding! The host requires 200 more points to gain the weekly reward]

Sighing I leaned back on my chair while thinking of the thing I can do to gain these 200 points.

'I guess today's ball will do the work'.

Staring at the image in the mirror, I was greeted by a handsome face that in originality was far better than my last life's.

Staring at nothing particular I was drowned in the memories of the time I have spent in this world up until now.

15 years ago I died in my last life and was reborn here, as the minor villain of a famous manga I have read in my previous life.

At the start when I identified myself, I was somewhat downhearted as I have seen what fate this character awaits.

But since this was me inside this body, I thought to change my destiny. 

For the fourteen years of my life, I did everything in a better way and never showed the sign of being an arrogant bastard as I was in the manga.

Training diligently, acquiring world knowledge, and helping people in need, I did everything which seemed natural for me to do.

Well, ironically I found parents in this life just like my previous ones.

They hated me for some reason.

I was the third child of my father and mother just like my older brother and sister. There wasn't any case of being a child of a concubine or maid to get hated in the house.

I was a legitimate child of Count and Countess.

Yet, I was clearly able to see how partial their love was for me and their other two children.

The loving gaze they direct at them and they stare they bestow upon me visibly felt different.

But since I was used to such behavior I didn't think of it more than necessary.

I was getting a home to live in. A luxurious life to enjoy and enough resources to build my foundation as a mage warrior.

I had planned everything on how I would avoid the protagonist and his harem when I would start my academy after turning fifteen.

I even had decided my future and how I would spend the rest of my life in this unknown world.

But everything came down crashing as, on just the day of my birthday, a black and white screen popped in front of my retina.

[The Villain System]

As the name suggests, I was tasked to do stuff that a villain does in a story to torment the hero and in the end, get killed like useless garbage.

Naturally doing something disgusting and behaving like a scum didn't sound good to me, so I thought to not use the system at all.

I was getting powerful by myself slowly and steadily so I thought it was okay for me not to use this system and live how I used to.

But what made my mind blank and my thought process reverse in an instant was the rewards it offered.

The system worked on a weekly reward basis. The villainous deeds I would partake in the whole 7 days would be counted and the system would reward me on the seventh day.

If the reward would have only the artifacts and stats advancement, then I would have ignored the system entirely.

But the added reward at the bottom of the list made my heart shake vibrantly and made all my previous reasoning burn at once.

[Host can use the points he accumulates in the week to cure any illness or injury of a person who belongs to any part of this multiverse.]

What's more, the system confirmed that the timeline of this world and the previous one were highly mismatched. 

If I have been reborn here for fourteen years, then in my previous world it must be only 14 days passed since my death.

My elation went beyond words when I realized such a reward.

After all, with this, I would be able to save the sole person, the only being who I hold dearest to my heart.

I disregarded every previous plan of mine for a better future and started writing a new page of my villain's plot.

Starting from my family I started behaving like a useless brat who threw tantrums at everything and started acting like a pervert who was born to chase skirts.

Surprisingly, the behavior of my parents and siblings remained the same as they were before with me. More like their expressions toward me started looking more justified.

But even with that, my first week of being an asshole, went like hell. 

Despite how much I tried to behave like a haughty noble I was still far from used to it.

But somehow I managed to attain 300 points which the system asked me to complete my weekly supply.

There was still doubt in my mind about how I would be sure about my desired reward when I wasn't in that world anymore.

But the system took care of it too, which didn't help but only motivated me to continue my evil deeds as a useless Noble and good-for-nothing son.


A set of knocks pulled me out of my stupor as I heard my maid calling for me.

"Young Master, the preparation has been done."

Humming in response I jumped off my hair and stood straight while facing myself in the mirror.

Slapping my sullen face which became like this because I reminisced, I inhaled deeply.

Taking my back straight I stretched my lips into a wide curve and narrowed my eyes in a way where my previous sullen look started seeming better.


"We have arrived, young master."

Stood outside the carriage gate was my kind and beautiful maid who had an expressionless face directed toward me.

Her beautiful facial features displayed nothing but annoyance and loath in my presence.

She was a very cheerful maid when she was assigned to my service but the deeds I performed on her resulted in a complex relationship between the master and servant.

"What's that ugly face for? Aren't you honored to be greeted by your master's graceful appearance? I think I should better teach you something good, tonight." 

Upon hearing my lascivious remark she sneered visibly but didn't lift her gaze. Since I already said enough to grant myself a point or two I didn't wait long and got out.


[+2 points for inaudible curse]

Sure enough, I got the verification of my act.

Even if I said something like that just some moments ago, it wasn't like I have done something like punishing her or doing anything more than vulgar comments.

I still was a virgin and never dared to touch a woman who clearly holds nothing but resentment toward me.

Even though I was engaged past 8 years, I still haven't even held hands in that way with my fiancee, not to talk about kissing and stuff.

Walking elegantly I made my way inside the ceremonial hall which looked exquisite from the inside out.

Many students have already arrived and been enjoying the party.

The smell of fresh drinks and delicacies penetrated my senses as soon I stepped inside the hall.

The crowd of people glanced at me once but didn't come to talk to me, more like they just pretended to see pass through and ignored my existence entirely.

The two side goons of mine who were there with me in my bullying have also left my side knowing fully well, what my actions would cause them.

Since the choir already started playing elegant classic music, it signified that it was time for the couple dance.

Since the dance happens nearly at the end of the ceremony, I concluded that my arrival was too late.

But there was a reason for my late appearance at the ceremony.

And looking at my fiancè who was about to get on the dance floor with a man whome I have been targeting since day one, I knew my intention didn't go in vain.

Coughing lightly I changed my expression into a very ugly one before I walked up to my fiancè.

Lilia Von Verlin.

For a second, upon seeing her elegant figure which was so adored by her pink gown, I halted in my step. The happy smile that she was directing at the hero was too precious for me to destroy.

But at the end of the day, everyone lives for their own selfishness...

"What do you think you are doing Lilia!" 

I shouted at top of my lung which gathered a whole lot of attention from my surroundings and naturally the person with whome I directed my displeasure, also turned toward me.

"Getting intimate with a man who isn't your fiancè and ignoring the one who actually is, don't think I will easily forgive this you man hunting whore. Leave him and kneel for forgiveness right now!" 

With both hands on my waist, I glared furiously at the woman whome I swear to never hurt until the system arrived. But now, I was the one who has given the most pain to her.

Upon hearing my remark Lilia bit her lower lip and clutched the hold on the hero's arm more rigidly. 

"I refuse."

Timidly she responded but since it wasn't enough for me to gain points I continued with my verbal garbage.

"Wh-...what did you just say...You are disobeying me? Your lord, your future husband? If you don't want me to kill that bastard standing beside you then beg for mercy right at this instance!!"

It was a baseless warning as I didn't have the strength to go against the hero of humanity in any way possible.

But looking at murderous gazes from the women around the hero and especially from Lilia, I was sure I accomplished my goal.

But I didn't expect even in my dream that the shy and tame Lilia would take this step.


"Don't you dare touch Kyouki-kun!" 

My cheek felt burning with a numb sensation spreading across my face. For some seconds I wasnt able to realize what happened as the world for me switched upside down.

It was Lilia who pulled me out of my stupor as her words again reached my senses.

"On the name of my father, I, Lilia Von Verlin from this very moment call off our engagement. I have already told my father about it so don't worry about the compensation. Now get lost from here and don't show that face of yours ever again!!."

Now did I come to understand, that Lilia who was so gentle and kind to me in the past had to take this harsh step because of my words toward the man she loves? And not only that she even annulled the engagement which I had expected but still it felt a little too soon.

And a little too sad...

I hung my head low as I knew my facial expression was ugly enough to unbecoming a villain.

The system was notifying me of the tens of points I was receiving but I turned blindfolded it.

It wasn't like I was hit in the face for the first time under the onlooking gazes of this many people. But this sole slap actually shook my heart.

Lilia was the only person in this life who had a friendly relationship with me. 

After our engagement and before the time I received the system, we had a great time together. 

We played together, went on dates, and we even cried our grief and supported each other at some point in our lives. 

Until my fourteenth birthday, I had planned my lively future with my fiancè even though there was a chance of her being stolen by the protagonist. I made plans for it too.

But everything fell apart with the slap. And in all honesty, it was something I had completely foresaw after taking everything I have done to Lilia into account.

But why I was feeling so much hurt right now...?

Was I expecting something miraculous?

Was I expecting her to see through my act and forgive me in the end?

I didn't know and didn't want to think about it either.

The fact was I gained the score and voluntarily pushed the woman out of my life I once vowed to live forever.

Hanging my head in the lowest possible, I turned and started walking out of the hall while receiving mixed reactions of mockery and satisfaction from my surrounding.

The system panel was notifying me continuously about the single-digit points I was earning yet I didn't dare to even look for it right now.

I was scared to know how much people hate me and loved to watch me fall...

I was terrified...


Walking silently in the garden I made my way toward the bench where I usually sit alone at night to heal myself whenever I get injured by the hero or his party member. And also the place which helps me recover my will to move forward.

It wasn't anything special but a place that was the farthest situated in the school and mostly wasn't visited by anyone because of the creepy vibe it provides.

Sitting after loosening my necktie and getting rid of my boots, I opted for the system's notification for my rewards.


[Weekly requirements have been fulfilled]

[Host will be granted the rewards shortly..]

[Calculating the surplus..]

[Creating the suitable rewards....]


[You have received:- 

Tears of Phoenix    ->   X10 

Grappling Gloves -> 1 pair 

Status point          ->  + 30]

[As instructed the rewards would be stored in the inventory and the default reward would be transferred to the entity, User has bestowed upon.]

Smiling at the last part of the reward I took something out of my inventory.

It was a smartphone that the system granted me upon its arrival.

The phone couldn't be used for anything but surveillance of a certain person.

This was the very reason why I trusted the system and started following the villain route.

Tapping on the screen a live video started displaying over the phone.

The screen was focused on a person who was currently lying on a hospital bed with multiple chords attached to her veins and an oxygen mask covering her nose and mouth.

"Doctor!! The patient just reacted right now!"

"Hmm? Did she? Impressive. Day by day her recovery is making me believe the impossible. Quick bring me....".

I smiled upon hearing the hustle around the hospital room which showed that the reward actually was transferred as I desired.

Maybe the system was fooling me all this time to make me do such hideous acts through this fake video. But until I have hope to save the person I love the most in the world, I believe it was worth it.

Since I had no limited time to watch these live videos, I soon curled up in a comfortable position and leisurely stared at the calm face of the girl on my screen.

She instantly healed my soul like she usually does, and helped me recover the sorrow I have built some moments ago. 

With this, I think I could do it...

But what made my mind blank and heart go wild was a scent that I was somewhat familiar with.

I wasn't able to sense mana around me but the vivid fluorescent smell told me that someone was close and was watching me intently.

I would have found it weird being surveillance like this knowing my reputation but when realizing who this fragrance belonged to...I was horrified 

'Why the heck she is here!!?'


A/N:- He is a little weak-minded and fragile when it comes to emotional stuff but dont worry. The strong Luna will help him grow up like a real man.

I know it would be irritating to see the Mc hide his abilities but endure it for a short while. After all, he has a reason for it.

And if you have liked the chapter then let me know in the comments~

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