Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

Something made for the hero!

"Wait. Let me get this straight. That snake was the monster who engulfed Sicily, and you already killed it on your last visit?"

With a look of disbelief, Kyouki asked in an uncertain voice after he heard Austin's story of the time when Sicily was entrapped in the Labyrinth.

Cordelia also had the same expression, except for the fact that she didn't trust him entirely. From what she heard from Austin, it seemed he alone subjugated the Serpent Queen, but Cordelia had another opinion on that matter.

"Have you guys played games? Which have levels?"

Choosing not to answer the hero's curiosity since it was needless, Austin asked something out of nowhere, making Cordelia and Kyouki even more baffled.

"Level? I don't know about it, but sure, we have played games back in town."

Kyouki answered as he glanced at Cordelia, who was nodding in agreement. Back in his birthplace, he, Cordelia, and many other kids loved to play demon and Hero.

But what confused them was this foreign word called 'Level' included in-game. Fortunately, Austin made it more straightforward this time for them to understand.

"Let's imagine that you and I are two different players, who, despite diving in the same game, fight the same monster, yet separately. Well, it's natural for players to go through obstacles in-game, but what about real life? How was that thing slithering around when I killed it some weeks ago?"

Complete silence befell on the floor as Austin muttered those words, much to Cordelia and Kyouki's astonishment. They somehow understood what Austin tried to interpret, yet it seemed utterly implausible.

And not only that. Even Saya verified that both venoms belonging to the creature Austin killed some time ago, and the venom of the snake Kyouki cornered to death are the same.

There was no room to deny that the Reptilian Queen was one, yet she got killed twice.

"Onii-sama…if it really is like a game..then this floor would be…."

Rising to his feet, Austin took the lead and completed his sister's words.

"Indeed, we just cleared level one."

Throwing the venom pouches into his inventory, Austin looked at the two perplexed beings who still were trying to discern everything which Austin spoke.

"You guys. Have you taken the Mana Suppression Pills with you?"

Hearing Austin's query, Kyouki searched inside his pouch before he took out a small bag that contained a dozen of small orange candies-like balls.

Mana-suppressing balls, were something that was required for anyone other than Austin. The system possessing youth could suppress his mana through the system features but not the others.

The Pills Kyouki just showed temporarily represses mana for those who can't handle it. Some people buy those pills because of their axis mana reserve, which they can't control.

Since it becomes excruciating for mana users to even walk in the labyrinth, Austin asked Saya, Cordelia, and Kyouki to take at least a bunch since a single Mana suppressing ball works for 12 hours. Not more, not less.

"Good. Now let's see where's the entrance to the next level."

Turning his gaze away, Austin chanted a small fireball over his head which dispersed into several amber pearls and distributed around the hall.

Since all of them were superhuman, visibility to a certain distance was possible, but for scouting, they needed assistance.

Strangely, Austin wasn't able to find anything at all; even his vision was circulating profoundly along with his fireballs, and so were his senses.

"Onii-sama. I think it's beneath us… "

Hearing Saya's call, who currently had her hand touching the ground, Austin frowned slightly.

"You sure? I searched underground but didn't catch anything."

"I am not entirely certain, but I do feel there's or to say there are several entities beneath us."

Austin raised his brows with astonishment and pride, pumping his chest. More than his limitation of Detection skills, he felt extremely delighted to see how wonderful his sister has grown up to.

"Good job there. Nii-chan is very proud of Saya."

Since she was kneeling on the ground for surveillance, she was caught off guard by her Onii-sama, who suddenly started caressing her head while saying those fluffy words.

Grinning toothly, Saya let herself get patted as she leaned on his leg like a kitten and rubbed her face to show her elation.

"I again want to ask…what is their relationship?"

Cordelia, with her facial expression growing weird, asked Kyouki in a stiff whisper, to which the latter just shook his head.

Kyouki was himself flabbergasted to see such a sight of the woman who had gotten the title of Thorn Lady in the Academy and whatnot. He just couldn't align the image of Saya being a professor and Saya being a silly sister.

"Hmm… Let's see. Under this floor, huh…."

As Austin moved forward, Saya stood up and followed her brother. The other two also got out of their daze and started following the others.

"Everyone. Stick to the walls. I am going to be rough here."

Without turning back, Austin spoke in a loud tone before he pulled out something from his inventory which made the others wide-eyed.


It was a massive sledgehammer of almost 30 meters in length and had cylindrical faces of a diameter of nearly 5 meters. The handle of the hammer was incredibly long if compared to its head.

The striking upper part was made of a black material which had golden pearls engraved at its border, making it look like some kind of showpiece, but no one dared to assume it such.

The handle was wholly made of standard wood, or so it seemed, with a width that seemed impossible to grip comfortably in human hands.

Soon Austin took out two red and black gloves from his pouch, which were also an artifact he got rewarded from the system not so long ago.

"Onii-sama…I think it won't take that much force…."

Saya didn't want her Onii-sama to do such a tedious thing when she had that much confidence to blow out his obstacle all by herself.

But her brother's following words made Saya realize something she nearly forgot because of her naivety.

"This Labyrinth is already creepy enough to make me intrigued. If something comes out upon smashing the floor, this hammer will negate its effect to a certain extent. So relax, my Imouto, and let your brother handle this."

Saya wanted to say something but decided not to since she might become a nuisance to him. Nodding, she stepped back and gave her brother some space.

"Let's go, Kyo-chan. That thing looks dangerous to be around."

Cordelia muttered as she held her friend's hand. Kyouki nodded with his gaze still fixed on the hammer, which somehow felt like it was inviting him, but Kyouki didn't move on with his urges and followed Cordelia.

"Okay then…"

The gloves simply suppress backlashes and enlarge the user's palm according to the weapon they are looking to wield.

As strange as it sounds, this creation of dwarves might minimize someone's hand if they have the urge to fight with needles.

Gripping the handle with his extra large hands, Austin levitates in the air using some portion of his suppressed mana.

Reaching up to a height of almost fifty meters, Austin brought the hammer over his head before he channeled magical energy into the tool and also , his body, so he didn't collapse with the strike.

Inhaling deeply, he once again checked everyone's position and concluded that they were at a safe distance.

"Okay then. Let's see what you can do buddy… "


A/N: - Pace good or should I escalate?

Lemme know in the comments~

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