Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

SS3- Talk between rivals!

(A/N:- Warning! I don't support the consumption of tobacco or any similar product. There are multiple mentions of those harmful things in the chapter. So beware!)


"What's that?"

Under the starry night of the spring, with gentle breeze flowing lazily around the surface, stood two boys leaning on the railing of a small balcony.

These two men were the subject of the most heated topic in the nation of Gram currently, with one being famous for existing as a natural hero and the other surprising the world with his unparalleled strength.


As Austin heard Kyouki's voice from his left, he took the cigarette from his lips before a small white cloud was released on the hero's face. 

"Fu*cough* what's this!"

Kyouki's face contoured as he got covered in the smoke and hurriedly swayed his hand to get the peculiar disturbing smell out of his face.

"Well, nothing much."

Austin faced forward before he continued to smoke out the last vape before throwing the filter down the balcony.

It was a gift from the System when he turned 15 that he would get a supply of any single thing from his previous world infinitely.

Since he had everything necessary available, he chose the thing which reminded him the most of his good old depressing days. 

Cigarette was a kind of source which reminded him from where he had come from. It keeps his feet on the ground and helps his sanity to remain stable from all these things happening in so less time.

(A/N:- I hope you can guys won't judge him on this basis)

"Well, for some reason, I think that's harmful to health."

Austin was amazed to see how observant Kyouki was, but his remark would have been suitable if mana wasn't operating Austin's internals.

"You can say, it helps release me some accumulated stress."

Gawking at the night scene, Austin muttered under his breath. 

The city where they were taking shelter was on the outcast of Xylex. The reason why Austin and Luna didn't go to live in the motel which Akiko runs, was simple.

(A/N:- Akiko= The owner of Ramen shop)

They just couldn't trust her.

It wasn't that the last meeting left any dark impression of Akiko, but the squad of four was here to rival the country, which Akiko has considered her home now.

So they preferred to play safe than to feel sorry.

"Then can you give me one too?"

Austin's eyes went round in perplexion as he heard the sudden request of the hero.

Turning his head, Austin saw the expression which told that, indeed, Kyouki was being a lot troubled about something.

He didn't have to look anywhere else when the reason for the hero's concern was only some meters behind them, sitting in the room.

Grabbing the packet from his inventory, Austin tapped the bottom twice and took out one for himself, too, since he was at it.

Passing one to Kyouki, Austin gestured to place the filter between the lips, just as he did.

Kyouki, just like a curious child, did what Austin taught and grabbed the tip of the stick with both his lip and held the crook between his index and middle finger.

Igniting the tip of his index finger, Austin lit his and Kyouki's cigarette before the enthusiastic hero inhaled without much thought.


"Fuck! It's gross!"

Kyouki spoke in between coughs as he looked at the burning cigarette with a look of disgust.

On the other side, Austin lit the tip and smoked it like an elegant prince, like he was in some kind of advertisement.

"Well, this is for grown-up men, so that I can understand."

Austin spoke with a casual tone without putting much mind to it. But the hero didn't take it as 'just a remark.'

Sliding the filter back in-between his lips, Kyouki gathered all his willpower and inhaled the maximum amount of smoke he could, ashening almost the whole cigarette. 

Austin looked at the scene with his eyes twitching before a huge cloud erupted on Austin's face.

"*Huff* See *Huff* I am a man as well."

With a small exhale with elemental backing, Austin wiped away all the clouds before seeing the red-eyed proud Hero who was huffing like a dog in heat.

Austin chuckled slightly, much to Kyouki's perplexion.

"You are extremely competent, aren't you."

Kyouki blinked thrice before he realized what Austin was talking about. 

It didn't take long before Kyouki calmed his breathing and threw away the filter with a flick.

Sighing, the raven-haired youth rested his forearms on the ledge before leaning his back to align with Austin.

"From the town, I come from and the things I have seen, drilled me with a single mantra."

Titling his head to the left, Austin asked with his brows raised.

"And that is?"

"Compete if you want to grow."


Austin took the last vape as he hummed in response. With a strong wind, his platinum blond hair swayed gently, before Kyouki followed with his words.

"Since childhood, I have only dreamt of becoming a man who can shoulder the world's responsibility and give a good life to everyone living beside me on this plain. Before I received my blessing I used to compete with my friends. After being bestowed, I took my town's guild master as a challenger, and after reaching Eden's Academy, every professor became my competition. This is how I want to grow in the future as I move forward and leave my rivals behind."

There was an evident glint of determination and optimism in Kyouki's eyes which made Austin somewhat startled since he could never make such a face at any time of his life.

But then again, Kyouki was the bonafide hero material through and through. Having such encouraging emotions was in his blood and fibers. 

"So, who's your current rival, Hero?"

Kyouki, without hesitation, replied like he was waiting for the question to arrive.

"It's you, of course."

Austin wasn't much surprised by the statement since he knew what made Kyouki so much aware of him in the first place.

"And what're the chances of you surpassing me?"

Austin was somehow amused by the conversation so much that he felt like prolonging it a little longer.

"Well, who knows, maybe tomorrow I might outshine you and prove my worth to Lu- *ahem* to this world?"

Austin felt like shaking his head in defeat as a dry chuckle left his lips before he walked away from the balcony, leaving his parting words...

"We'll see about that...."


A/N:- There's a talk between Sicily and Luna too, but since it would have made the chapter too long unless I have rushed it, I left it.

Well, if you guys comment, then I might write another side story~

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