Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

The might of an underdog~1!

The sun was shining brightly among the clouds and was reflecting the surface with a bright golden glow.

The time was almost the peak of noon when the heat was at its finest, and nearly every creature inside their shelter sought relief from the scorch.

Midst of all these, in the middle of the widespread jungle, gathered a massive crowd to witness something which, even without summer, could break a sweat with the chills of the event.

[Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am your host for today, yours truly Alex Nuèye, who is going to present you with the event which we will be witnessing in just some minutes now.]

Stood with his wand in front of his mouth, as in to display it as a mic, was the middle-aged court magician Alex who was handling the role of announcing the commencement of today's brawl.

Surrounding the host were the most prominent figures of the whole continent belonging to different divisions.

Apart from the Emperor of Gram himself, every other official noble who were of dignified rank was invited by Alex, which included Sicily's and Lilia's father too.

A crowd of almost 3000 were occupying the different sections of stands as they sat with their family members and respective servants. Since the seats were assigned per their ranks, the audience was comfortably accommodated.

The Wright family was also present on the third row from the top, with Vincent Wright along with his wife and two children sitting in an arranged manner, without any particular emotion on their faces.

The news about the Wright family disowning their youngest son already have talked about by those who were present in the arena, but looking at the family of four who might lose Austin forever in this battle and still didn't have any urge to meet the person, made the people around, quite shocked.

But it doesn't affect the Wright family as, in their eyes, Austin was already dead since the time Vincent paid Eden Academy a visit and severed every tie with his youngest child.

Apart from all these ranking nobles sitting on the varying stands sat a single person at the top of the hierarchy with a vapid expression on his charismatic face.

This person was assigned with the top seat in the audience benches as the person undoubtedly belonged to the royal family and carried the same blood as the Emperor of Gram.

Apart from the member of the royal family, the most attention-grabbing group was the party of four which was led by a handsome raven-haired boy named Kyouki.

Sicily and Lilia, after greeting their respective families along with Kyouki, returned to a separate seat that was assigned for the students.

As Kyouki commanded, everyone from the hero party had an eye on their surroundings and another one of the battle arena where the host seemed to continue.

Taking a pause and sensing everyone's attention upon himself, Alex continued.

[Today, the prideful brawl between two remarkable men, one regarded as the Supreme soldier and another as a rookie hunter who singles handily defeated a Terror Rank demon, would take place on this battleground. One would be taking compensation for his child's dignity, and another one would fight for his life. So without any further ado, I will like to call them to the arena.]

Upon completion of Alex's exaggerated welcoming speech, an inaudible footstep approached the arena as a figure of a boy in his mid-teens appeared from the shadows as he walked up to the center.

The boy, by looks, was far above an average face as his blond hair shined brightly under the sunlight with, and his turquoise eyes reflected the charm which was dangerous as well as enticing at the same time.

Austin was currently wearing a blue and brown vest over his upper body, which by appearance looked like made of leather. His lower half was covered with body-tight rubber pants, which naturally provided the user with unrestrained movements.

By outer appearance, the protective gear attached to Austin looked nothing extraordinary, more like it seemed cheap that even the lowest ranked adventurer could easily afford, not to talk about nobles who order their customized armor and equipment.

But even with such cheap quality appearance, there were quite a number of maidens who found the sight of a handsome man wearing such an appealing attire enough to bring a blush on their face and heart race to their wildest limit.

It was not only limited to unmarried maidens, but also those who had come here with their spouses were attracted to the young man, who was, even though looking fragile, gave a sensation of strange sensuality.

But it goes without saying that they didn't let their desires show on their faces and sat expressionlessly, not to expose their real emotions.

Austin ran his eyes among the audience, and instantly landed them on the family of four who, one way or another, gave him some resemblance.

His eyes only halted on the middle-aged blond woman sitting aloofly beside her husband, for a second before he snatched his eyes back to his front.

'She acts better than me.'

A dry chuckle left Austin's lips before he heard a pair of heavy steps approaching the arena from the other side of the ground.

Inhaling deeply, Austin readied himself before the figure of a burly man became vivid as the humungous human approached the center.

The man was undoubtedly Venessa's father, Captain Charles, who appeared two days ago in front of the school and, after allowing Alex to arrange the exhibition, disappeared from the face of the earth.

From what Austin remembers, Charles still was wearing the protective gear he was wearing two days ago, which was damaged from places with claw marks and severe cuts at some vital spots.

His stoic face had similar cuts to his armor as his raven eyes stared indifferently at the boy who had piqued his interest, and now Charles was expecting a good show out of him.

The audience, which was already low on noise, went utterly dead silent as Charles stood facing Austin as the two stared at each other without any particular expression on their faces.

From the stands, the two looked so mismatched that calling them a small canine in front of the Fenrir itself, felt justified. 

The women and the maidens who were secretly fawning over Austin sighed in grief as once again they realized that it wasn't a regular exhibition but a death match whose results maybe everyone has concluded inside their minds.

Apart from the hero's party and Alex, no one was aware of what Austin might actually carry, so for the audience, this battle seemed already decided even before the commencement. 

But whatever one thought, the brawl wasn't going to be interrupted by even the highest authority arrived at this moment.

Charles was a mad bull who knew nothing but to feed his blade with his enemy's blood and continue fighting until he doesn't reach his last breath. Because of his obsession, Charles doesn't allow anyone to restrain him. Not even God.

"Awaken, Gladius."

Spoke under his breath was the massive man in his late forties as a silvery glow covered his hand and illuminated the area significantly.

After the light was subdued, what appeared in the big hand of the knight commander was a long sword of length more than 60 inches.

The sword was lean with a width of only 20 cm, with a fine edge shining dangerously. The blade's hilt was long enough that even after being held by Charles, the slight leather covering was openly exposed.

The blade, even being only equipment, was oozing with dangerous intent like a bloodthirsty slayer , which made the surroundings heavier than before.

Austin, upon seeing the blade in Charles's hold, sighed in relief as what he expected became a reality. 

As he assumed, Charles didn't bring out the weapon, which has become a deadly nightmare to countless beings until now and would perform a vital role in the future too.

Exhaling, Austin closed his eyes before a single two-worded phrase leaked his lips.

"Come forth."

Unlike the silvery flash which appeared before the long sword was summoned, a different black smoke emerged in front of Austin and soon covered his front.

After some seconds, the black fog disappeared steadily as Austin's eyes also lifted before he saw what he called for.

A long staff that had a transparent shade near to impossible to see until one didn't look closely had two small metal kunai-like designed metal attached at either end of the staff, giving a very close resemblance of being a spear, appeared in the hands of Austin.

A gasp resonated among the audience, not because they saw the weapon which appeared but...

"You can summon your weapons at this age, huh. Not bad."

Praised the Knight commander as summoning a weapon as per desire was highly difficult to attain, and taking Austin's age into account, which was similar to the hero who still hasn't managed to learn the summoning skill until now, Austin indeed showed something frightening.

"I am honoured, Sir."

Replied the blond youth as he twirled his spear with such accuracy that it already made various instructors of Eden academy quite troubled as, from what they remember, they had never seen Austin with a weapon before. And now, when he had such fine compatibility with a strange weapon, it astonished various.

Especially Venessa.

Alex, who was watching the small exchange of the two, finally stepped up as he announced the final call before he disappeared into thin air.

[Our both contenders are now ready, so without further blabbering, let's the battle commence!!]

As the figure of Alex disappeared, Austin also vanished entirely from sight like he also went away in the same way which Alex used.


But only after a mere blink, a high-pitched sound of blade hitting blade, rose from where Charles was standing, echoing in the surrounding, which made the audience widen their eyes in complete shock as they gawked at the sight of something near to impossible happening right in front of their eyes.

And not only that, the person who was solemnly looking at the arena from the start suddenly smiled devilishly as he saw the scene in front.

'It seems I won't be bored as much as I thought~.'


A/N:- Let the chaos commence!!!!

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