Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

The only one she could love!

In a colossal hall which was decorated with the most exquisite furnishing and tens of expensive-looking chandeliers, pointed downwards at the main entrance of the courtroom.

The unique gold originated materials, which were used to build the palace, made it clear to which nation it belonged to.

Currently, in the main hall of the Gram palace, where only high-profiled officials were allowed to enter, was now occupied by a relatively high-density of populace.

The hall had finely arranged resting sofas, where the nobles belonging to the high class were seated, according to their post.

Among those nobles, there was a blond man in his late thirties who had a more severe expression currently tainting his charismatic features.

And not only him, but the other nobles too, had some kind of similar expression as they fixed their gaze upon the person who was standing at the center of the hall, currently facing the supreme Emperor.

Apart from the adult nobles, there was a single girl too in the court, currently seated beside her father and the Grand Duke of the nation.

Undoubtedly she was the supporter mage warrior of the hero's party, Sicily.

After receiving the news about Kyouki's disappearance, her world seemed to flip upside down as this was the first time in six months that she wouldn't be able to ensure Kyouki's safety by herself.

When Sicily learned from the investigation that Kyouki had gone to the Northern Kingdom, her heart clenched even more.

She was aware of whom Kyouki could have gone to meet in the white continent. 

The fact that Luna belonged to the Northern Empire was something Sicily was informed about since the first day she met the Aurorean Princess(Luna).

Her dad being the adviser and a close friend of the Emperor, gave Sicily some perks for herself too.

The reason why even after seeing Kyouki in such a miserable state when Luna suddenly left, Sicily didn't let herself confess Luna's whereabouts, which was, of course, because of her own selfishness. 

It goes without saying that a woman in love would never want her man to pursue a woman who oozes with nothing but danger.

Sicily never trusted Luna since day one, as she knew Luna was hiding something and was far from completely honest with the people she shared personal space with.

The reason why Sicily was forcing new recruitment just after Luna's disappearance was also related to her distress in the Northern Princess, who didn't even find Kyouki worthy enough to let him know her origin.

Sicily wanted to end this chapter once and for all, and Luna traveling back to her birth land was the right opportunity, yet...

'It seems our love was not enough to stop you, Kyou. You indeed can't live without her.'

Smiling dryly while trying her best to hold her tears, Sicily focused on the courtroom again, where the main briefing was about the incident which happened more than a day ago.

In the center of current attention was the mage, who was the only person able enough to track the space and time magic that the teleportation portal utilizes to send people from one part to another of the planet.

Undoubtedly, the mage was none other than the supreme of Court Magicians, Alex Nuèye.

"My lord, I have thoroughly analyzed and studied the mana signature which the passage left as a trail. I am confident that the portal Austin and the hero used was set for the Northern Kingdom as their destination."

Those who heard this statement for the third time just because the Emperor couldn't trust the words of the court magician, remained speechless.

The Emperor, along with the second Prince Mikhail, was utterly baffled and profoundly disturbed too.

The hero is the greatest asset of the nation regardless of his current power level as, since the time the hero was bestowed with the Blessing, he was destined to shine over humanity one day.

Being the Emperor of the nation where the Hero was a resident, naturally brought countless fortunes and good wills of neighboring countries.

But it was also very well known, how those nations only wore a facade when they extended their friendship to Gram and were greedily waiting to snatch the Hero, using any of the circumstances necessary, and enjoy the downfall of The Golden Kingdom.

And looking at the current situation, Emperor William felt something which he feared the most had actually taken place.

Turning his eyes, William glanced at the man who was assigned the position as a foreign affair of Gram.

"Have we received any news from Aurora?"

Despite having zero hopes, William asked his employee only to get his expectancy fulfilled.

"Nothing, my lord. Neither any mana mail nor any physical letter has left the Northern Capital for Gram in these 36 hours."

The hall again fell into dead silence as the piece of information resonated heavily, reminding again how mysteriously everything happened right under their nose.

This time, adjusting his gaze upon his most trusted adviser, Duke Reynold, William asked in a heavy tone.

"Do you know how we should sort this problem, Rey?"

William's gaze, for a blink, also fell on his friend's daughter, whom he saw after quite a long time, but since it wasn't time to have a casual chat with her, William just focused on the lean olive-haired man.

Not only William but everyone for once turned their attention to the Central Adviser as they heard him confessing his thoughts not so long after.

"My lord, I don't want to disrespect Sir Alex, but I think before taking any particular action, we should first verify personally whether Hero-sama has actually gone to the Northern Continent or not."

Hearing such advice, many of the council members nodded in agreement as this matter wasn't a standard land dispute case. If things go as they seemed likely to be, then war wouldn't be much impossible to occur.

But Alex doesn't share the same sentiments as the Wise Duke.

"My lord, we all know Kyouki-kun's obsession with Saint-sama and coupled with the fact that the person hero took the portal with, was well aware of Saint-sama's whereabouts, given their recent growing relationship, I think this is the most arguable conclusion I can present."

Alex's reasoning was also on point, which various Council people agreed with too. 

Now only two possible routes were drawn.

One, whether they follow Reynold's advice and request for an official investigation. This route was slightly problematic as since asking for a search of the hero in the Northern Empire when they hadn't mentioned about Hero's arrival at all, would destroy the trustability between the two nations.

And if, by any chance, Hero really does get found out being captive in Aurora, then a high probability of war would rise.

Now unlike the first option, the second one, which Alex was representing, doesn't include any trials or errors at all. From what Alex suggested, the war under the name Asset Dominance would flame between the two nations, eventually burning countless lives.

The risk was mutual in both scenarios, but the chance of avoiding the bloody battle only seemed possible in the route on which William ultimately walked upon.

"Rey, Alex. The job of collecting the proof whether Hero Kyouki-kun is indeed in Aurorean land or not, now depends on your shoulders."

Even Alex wanted to roll his eyes very badly at the stubborn Emperor; he stood straight just like Reynold and, with a slight bow, announced in unison.

""We won't disappoint you, my lord.""


At the same time, when the particular confidential meeting was taking place in the nation thousands of miles away, a couple was having their sweet time inside a moderately decorated carriage.

The snowy lands were getting flat at a furious pace as the two giant wolves pulled the carriage in which three people were currently present.

"It indeed is delicious, Anna-san. I hope you can teach me some time too."

Austin complimented the maid, who was serving another cup of tea to her mistress, as she smiled sweetly at the blond youth.

"Thank you for the honor, Sir Austin."

Austin wanted to correct Anna again about him not being a noble but remembering how awkward things went when Anna found out who Austin actually was, he held himself back.

Anna, after serving the tea, went to a corner where she would not disturb the couple before she fell into dead silence.

"Don't mind her, Austin. She is guilty of how she treated you in prison."

"Well, she didn't say anything to me, and it was natural of her to be wary of me."

Austin tried to make things easier for Anna if she was listening but looking at her unmoving figure; he just sighed in defeat.

On the other hand, Luna seemed stressed about something else at the moment, as she eventually voiced her concern.

"Austin, I don't want to doubt your judgment, but that bespectacled bastard is trustworthy enough?"

Suddenly Luna pulled Austin out of his stupor as she asked something which was disturbing her mind since the time she heard Austin's plot for the upcoming events.

"Well, I don't trust him to the point where my life would become dependent on him in any scenario, but yeah, I think until I am helping him with his whims, he would not betray me."

From what Austin has perceived, Alex wasn't loyal to the hero nor to the place he was born. What he worships were knowledge and discoveries in which Austin was confident to be a help.

Luna fell into contemplation upon hearing Austin's remark when she suddenly felt a warm sensation enveloping her left hand before she lifted her eyes and met with the gentle gaze of her beloved.

"Don't worry, Luna. Whatever happens and whoever betrays me, I will never leave your side and will do my best to nurture this relationship, until the very end. After all, you are the only one whom I can't ever afford to lose."

A loud thump resonated in Luna's senses as she stared dazedly at the two turquoise orbs of the gentlest and most caring person she had ever encountered.

The way he calmed her racing heart and gave a sense of relief with just a mere touch was a mystery in itself, but there was something she was sure about....

This man was the only person she could ever allow herself to love.

Reciprocating his gentle touch, she closed her eyes in ecstasy before she replied.

"Mmm. I know. "


A/N:- That felt oddly long. I would write a side story about Anna's reaction to Austin's revelation.

 Editor : Zenon #4120

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