Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

Their desire~

The war ended.

Results were something that anyone could have guessed and expected.

The Northern Empire lost brutally under the lethal dominance of the Knight Commander, who solely ended the life of half of the army belonging to Aurora.

Ironically, Gram didn't lose even more than two hundred of their soldiers because of the excellent support their mages provided them.

With the most prominent figures on the battlefield in the form of Knight Commander and competent Court Magician, Gram ultimately ruled the battlefield and concluded it at the end of the sixth day.

Since the war wasn't focused on acquiring the Northern Empire, the Emperors didn't interfere in the battle; however, the resources and access to the main palace of Aurora were now accessible to Gram as per the Code.

A soft wind came and eradicated the peacefulness of Aurora and brought the Gram up to their neck before they could have even appropriately countered.

The battle, even brief, was impactful enough to leave an indelible scar that the upcoming generation would remember as this day embarked on the commencement of a new era.

"And so, now Majesty William would help you gain control over Aurora because you are helping him with the hero. Hmm...nice as I expected."

Spoke in a calm tone while being surrounded by some specific figures was the blond youth. He spoke with a smile before he glanced at the screen which appeared in front of his retina.


[Weekly requirements have been fulfilled]

[Host will be granted the rewards shortly..]

[Calculating the surplus..]

[Creating the suitable rewards....]


[You have received:- 

                                   1. Shape Shifter X1 

                                   2. Refining Pill X3]

"It's as you planned, boy. Gram's council is blind for the hero. They accepted my offer even though they were aware that I belonged to the same blood as the person, who, as they thought, abducted their hero. Well, their foolishness helped us eventually, so who's complaining."

The one who joyously announced was the chief of the Rebellious faction as what seemed impossible to achieve some days ago was now dancing over their palm.

Austin was the one who asked Nordeik to visit the Gold Palace and propose an offer they couldn't refuse.

The safety of Hero in exchange for the throne was a high price of the trade, but when Nordeik falsified information about Kyouki and told William the possible way Norsvolk uses to keep his prisoners hidden from normal speculation, William agreed instantly with Nordeik's proposal.

Risks were high, but Nordeik negotiation and some of the officials from Gram helped pursue the Emperor quite conveniently.

Currently, inside the room, Nordeik, along with Bell, were sitting with Austin and Luna as they celebrated their possible victory, which seemed just far from their reach.

After the celebration, Luna and Austin returned back to the palace using the portal, which Luna was able to conjure after she got complete familiarity with the Rebellion Faction's hideout.

Just like the past nights, they both changed into comfortable clothing before lying on the same cozy bed intimately.

Luna was currently wearing a one-piece night dress which had a deep cut around her neck, exposing a healthy amount of cleavage with her lower region only covered up to her upper thighs.

Her appearance was mostly revealing during the night, which Austin had grown accustomed to somehow, but still, it didn't mean he could hide his excitement when such an otherworldly beauty was lying on cuddling with him so defenselessly.

Her body warmth and natural fragrance were so enthralling that Austin found it quite hard to keep himself in control. He was, after all, a teenage boy mentally. Even though he has lived twice the worth of his age, he just couldn't brush away such temptation like a saint.

Heck, even eternal saints would find it hard when such a sinful body is right in exposure!

Unaware of the whirlwind of thought of her man, Luna raised her head and after supporting her chin on Austin's chest, she asked him in perplexion.

"Austin, I am happy you are gaining control over the North but can I ask why you suddenly thought of acquiring nations? I mean, I know it's for your Villain points but Empire dominance really came out of nowhere. "

Luna's curiosity was justifiable since what she wrote in her letter and Austin's resolve to conquer her birth land was far from aligning. She was elated to see Austin's increasing hold on the nations, but still, it made her slightly worried too.

"Well, you can say I have a hunch for which I plan to have a strong influence on all the seven continents."

Luna blinked twice as she tilted her head in astonishment, making some strands of hair fall over her eye.

Austin brought his hand and tucked her hair gently before he replied to the curious child. 

"Things are happening in a way I am not expecting. Demons are appearing more often, and they are more capable than I had anticipated. If things go as I fear them to be, then the resurrection would happen before the expected time. So this power gain is all to counter what is incoming."

Luna's eyes went slightly wide as she heard about the being, which was the only entity she wasn't sure of defeating with her current power level. 

She hadn't seen that being, but from the stories she heard and the number of battles that had fallen, she saw the grave; a sense of chill also grew inside her.

Austin saw through Luna's worries as he gently placed his hand on top of her head, and while patting her gently, he spoke in a calm and soothing tone.

"You don't have to worry, Luna. Whatever happens, I will not let anyone or anything destroy this peacefulness that we share. I will not let anyone snatch away my time with you, whatever it takes. So smile brightly and leave everything to me."

Luna saw his confident eyes and felt the warmth from the safety Austin was providing her with. Luna knew she would never leave Austin to face any catastrophe alone, but when he says something so dashingly...


....she just could not face him.

Draping her cheek on his warm chest, she retracted her gaze as she heard his calm heartbeat in the silence. 

Even the outside world was in chaos, and tens of changes were happening past each second; Luna had just all her attention invested in this man who had stolen her heart without warning. 

Suddenly Luna felt Austin's hand roaming on her back softly, which formed a mischievous grin on her moon-white face as she spoke with a smirk.

"Aren't your hands going out of your control, mister Austin~"

Receiving the heads up, Austin retracted his hand in a fluster, which genuinely went on her back in the flow of his pats.

"I-I am sorry... it's just-"

Luna suddenly lifted her back and landed her firm back on Austin's pelvic region as she sat with her eyes looking down upon the embarrassed Austin.

Her lips curved in an evil grin as she felt a peculiar kind of heat beneath her butt, signifying how turned on Austin was at the moment.

Looking at his red face mixed with the stiff tension he was feeling from his nether region, Luna intentionally started grinning her ass on Austin, further increasing his stiffness.


Austin extended his hand to stop her, but the sadist saint was far from satisfied as she grabbed his hand before replying in a coquettish tone.

"What please, mister Austin~ Do you want to grab me too while I help you release your pent-up desires? Hoh~ I didn't know Mister Austin was such a greedy boy."

Saying so, she moved her waist back and forth in perfect sync as she pressed his hand to her left breast before making her movement more vigorous.


A soft moan left her lips, too, as she felt Austin's big and rough hand pressing against her delicate skin, much to her excitement as she heard him groan.

"Luna...s-stop I am...reaching there..."

"Reaching where Mister Austin? If you*hah* won't tell me, how *huff* can I understand you?"

Her face became flushed red too, as she felt the unfamiliar wetness spreading over her nether region and the stiffness of Austin growing more profoundly than ever before as she moved her waist without a break.


Suddenly she stopped her movement as she felt him reaching the end, much to his frustration.

Grinning like a pure devil, she got up from his lap while trying to maintain her own shaky legs before she muttered under her breath.

"Too bad~ Mister Austin never clarified what he wants."

She was about to rush to the bathroom and finish her business, when a warm hand rashly held her wrist before she felt dangerous chills on her back.

Before she could have even yelped, she was abruptly pulled back on the bed with a dark expression of her not-so-gentle lover, appearing right above her.

Austin, with his face still hot and mind filled with unfulfilled desires, growled slightly as he spoke in the heat he had never felt before.

"Where do you think you are going? We have a long night ahead of us."

Luna, with slightly wide eyes and steam continuously gasping out of her lips, gulped hard as she saw Austin's expression before she whispered under her breath.

"P-please be gentle with me....


A/N:- And they did it. Since zetro doesn't support R-18, I will upload their first night on my patreon so make sure to check it~

Editor : Zenon #4120 

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