It's broken, I'm playing a really weird development game

Chapter 399

The first time he saw a teleportation, he was in a hurry.

How powerful is the teleportation ability? It can only be said that the left foot can rise to outer space on the spot by pushing the right foot.

Relying on this ability, Wu Wen flashed to the door of Chengdong Road Primary School in less than a minute.

However, just walking to the door, Wu Wen stopped his steps.

Because the appearance of Chengdong Road Primary School has undergone some changes that he did not expect.

The military tents and other things that I saw when I came here this morning have disappeared, and there is no trace of the guarding soldiers. Even the sentry points have completely disappeared. There is no trace of any sentry or military stationed here before.

Of course, there is no problem with this. The worst case is that the army has left again.

However, the surrounding environment and the environment inside Chengdong Road Primary School have changed a lot.

The four-lane road that was originally straight and wide has become a two-lane road, and the surrounding buildings even seem to have been stretched out several meters.

But if you look closely at the exterior traces of these buildings, you will find that the appearance of these buildings is completely different from the buildings when you came here this morning.

These buildings look much older, and the various signboard styles are also very old.

Looking at the interior of Chengdong Road Primary School, Chengdong Road Primary School has also changed.

The original school gate of Chengdong Road Primary School was also an electric door, which is now a common type in residential areas and various units and companies.

But now looking at the Chengdong Road Primary School in front of us, the gate in front of it has become two tall iron gates.

Even the entrance of the school has shrunk a lot, and the security booth next to it looks like it has been in disrepair for a long time.

The interior of Chengdong Road Primary School has undergone tremendous changes. The political and educational department opposite the school gate and the teaching building with a doorway on the left have not changed much, but the teaching building on the right near the performance venue has disappeared and has been replaced by a huge square. There is also a flag-raising platform in front of the performance venue.

In addition, the ground of the school has changed even more. It was a cement concrete flat road in the morning, but now it has become a brick and stone road made of bricks, which is much more difficult to walk.

The only place where you can still tell that this is Chengdong Road Primary School is the big words on the high building of the political and educational department opposite the school gate.

"Huhu~~~" The slanting cool breeze blew across Wu Wen's skin, and the cold feeling was a bit biting.

The closer you get to Chengdong Road Primary School, the thicker the fog becomes, and even the style is gradually becoming shabby and simple, full of the atmosphere of age.

Chengdong Road Primary School is pitch black, and only the five big words on the roof of the political and educational department opposite the school gate emit a faint red light in the dark.

【Chengdong Road Primary School】

People are wandering around Chengdong Road Primary School. If you don't look carefully, you can feel the shadows, as if it is a living campus. But if you look closely, you can't see any trace of people. The campus is empty, which makes people feel cold.

Wu Wen doesn't know whether other people's hearts are cold or not, but he feels that his heart is quite cold.

Wu Wen stood quietly at the gate of Chengdong Road Primary School, looking into the school. Although his face was expressionless, his heart was so horrified that he almost peed in his pants.

Guess what I saw?

That's right, I saw Chengdong Road Primary School!

And it was a completely different version of Chengdong Road Primary School from the daytime and the last time he came here!

"No, why is there another Chengdong Road Primary School!" Wu Wen was puzzled and even felt that his brain cells were about to wither!

This time he really didn't understand.

Why did Chengdong Road Primary School change again? Even if it was a change, it should be Linjie County Primary School!


Wu Wen looked towards the interior of Chengdong Road Primary School.

There were many people in Chengdong Road Primary School, but if you look closely, you can't see a single person.

But the dead silence of this school is much stronger than when I came here this morning.

Looking at the degraded houses around and Chengdong Road Primary School, which has one less teaching building, a guess slowly emerged in Wu Wen's mind.

Could it be that this is the real Chengdong Road Primary School?

Before the thought fell, a gust of cool wind mixed with voices came into Wu Wen's ears.

"Come on, students, read with the teacher: Geese, geese, geese, singing with their necks bent to the sky..."

The faint sound of reading and teaching mixed in the wind made it hard to hear clearly,

But he doubted whether it was true or not, which added a more mysterious atmosphere to the dark school in front of him.

The school was dark, but if you listened carefully, it was extremely quiet.

For the first time, Wu Wen felt that as a pseudo-master and a symbol of the undead, he actually felt a sense of helplessness at this moment.

But he had to return, so no matter how awesome this old version of Chengdong Road Primary School was, he had to go in.

Wu Wen made up his mind, then took a step and opened the small door next to the security room.

"Click!" The footsteps sounded in front of the silent school gate.

As Wu Wen stepped in, the world changed instantly.

Chengdong Road Primary School, which was still dark just now, suddenly changed after Wu Wen stepped into Chengdong Road Primary School.

The lights on the single-family teaching building suddenly lit up.

The classrooms were as bright as day, and even the lights in the security room next to it were on.

Rows of students appeared in the teaching building with lights on in front of them, and even the teachers on the podium were lecturing vividly, which was no different from the real campus.

Even the voices of teaching and students reading aloud that had not been heard just now came from the classroom.

"Geese, geese, geese, singing with their necks bent to the sky, white hair..."

But no school would have classes in the middle of the night.

Wu Wen's heart tightened, but his eyes were attracted by the camera in his hand.

At this time, the red dot of the power supply of the camera in his hand, which had just been in a power outage, suddenly lit up again, and even the screen had been turned on again.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Perhaps Wu Wen's movement attracted the attention of the people inside, and a loud shout suddenly sounded in the security room next to him with lights on, causing Wu Wen's body to tremble, and he immediately turned his head to look.

I saw an old man with a pale face wearing security uniforms sticking his head out of the window, with a serious face, no different from a real person.

However, as soon as the words fell, the lights of the entire campus, including the security room, went out instantly, and the students in the classroom and the security guards in the security room disappeared again.

An extremely ominous premonition suddenly rose in Wu Wen's heart.

Without thinking, he subconsciously pressed the camera button in his hand and pointed it at himself.

"Click!" The crisp sound of the camera shooting suddenly rang in the silent campus, and the camera flash also lit up.

In the dark campus, the bright camera flash slightly dispelled the darkness in the school, but also illuminated the things hidden in the darkness.

On the dark corridor of the teaching building, there were several female students on each floor, whose lower bodies stood straight, but their waists were completely broken and bent on the ground. At this time, they were using their long hair as brooms, dragging and walking on the ground, as if they were on duty for sanitation.

In the dark classroom, students were sitting upside down on the ceiling, seemingly listening to the class, but their heads were looking at Wu Wen at the door.

The teacher on the podium seemed normal, but the chalk they used to write was not chalk at all, but their own broken fingers.

The building of the Political and Educational Department, which had been in the dark throughout the whole process, was blood red. The worn-out walls on the surface became brand new, and even the blood-red characters of Chengdong Road Primary School on the roof were shining red.

However, it was no longer the words of Chengdong Road Primary School, but more like a fusion of the words of the two schools.

[Lindong Road Primary School]

Wu Wen's ghost was terrified, but his figure disappeared in the school the moment the flash fell.

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