It's broken, I'm playing a really weird development game

Chapter 404

The new job is a big success.

"No, we are not unemployed. Our Chengdong Road Primary School is building a new campus. Our teachers and students are currently scattered in other primary schools for teaching. Teachers Ma and Zhu and I are at Dongxing Primary School."

Teacher Yuanyuan was very surprised that Wu Wen asked such a question.

It was not easy for these teachers to pass the exam and get a job. It is impossible for them to be unemployed because of a strange incident, right?

And it is not difficult for them to be unemployed. What about those students who are halfway through school?

Wu Wen understood.

"The second question is, do you know the old principal of your Chengdong Road Primary School?"

"This needs to be answered by Teacher Zhu. When she went to work, the old principal was still there." Teacher Yuanyuan curled her lips and gestured to Teacher Zhu.

Teacher Zhu hesitated slightly after looking at Wu Wen's appearance. Teacher Yuanyuan didn't tell her who she was going to meet, so she now suspected that this man should be a member of a certain organization, or a foreign spy.

After all, if the official wanted to ask questions, they would contact them directly, and would never meet in this so-called Ke De Ji restaurant.

But a spy can't be so stingy that he can't even order a hamburger, right?

Teacher Zhu thought about it and decided to tell the truth, because basically anyone can investigate this kind of information, and if this person is really organized, there is no telling what will happen if she deceives them.

Teacher Zhu took a sip of the Coke on the table, then pondered and said, "I know a little about the old principal.

The old principal's surname is Mao, the same surname as the great man. He was already in his forties when the school was founded. He had experienced those years, so his ideas were particularly sincere, he was particularly able to endure hardships, and his will was particularly firm.

When Chengdong Road Primary School was built, the bricks and stones were brought back by the old principal and several teachers. People at that time knew a little bit about everything, and they helped build the house together. They even built the playground together, so the old principal had a special feeling for Chengdong Road Primary School. Deep.

Oh, yes, it was called Linjie County Primary School at that time.

After the Linjie Primary School was built, the old principal basically never went home. He worked as a teacher and principal at Chengdong Road Primary School during the day, and was on duty at Chengdong Road Primary School at night. He was basically there every day, and he devoted himself to Chengdong Road Primary School.

The old principal at that time was particularly sincere. If there were poor students in the class, he would go directly to the students' parents to do the work, and subsidize his salary into it. At that time, the school collected food coupons, and after collecting them, these food coupons would be used by the school for students' meals, and other Which school principal is not greedy? The old principal never took anything, and even put in his own food coupons, just to make sure the students were well fed and clothed.

So the old principal really loved Linjie County Primary School deeply, and even for this reason, his family was very poor, but he had to focus on the children in the school first.

Chengdong Road Primary School was also very prosperous in those days. In the 1990s, the principal helped some students who passed the exams and went back to see him and donated materials to the school.

It can be said that the old principal was the spiritual leader of Chengdong Road Primary School in those days, and there was no teacher who did not take him as an example.

But unfortunately, the old principal worked hard for more than 20 years. In 1990, he may have had some health problems, and later died suddenly at his post while on duty at night.

However, his personal spirit has become a benchmark for Chengdong Road Primary School. Even the second principal who came later was a student he brought up. When he was the principal, he wanted to develop the school wholeheartedly.

But unfortunately, the third principal started the system of rotating principals. The new principal took a lot of money as soon as he came. He changed two cars in just three years. "

Teacher Zhu sighed, and before Wu Wen spoke, Teacher Yuanyuan, who was listening on the side, spoke curiously.

"Then if the rotating principal system is so bad, why do we still need to rotate it?"

"The rotating principal system is good, how can it be bad? The old principal can reflect the disadvantages of the rotating principal system because he is a great person, while other schools have been operating for a long time, and the leadership team has not changed, and they have long been harboring filth and forming small interest groups. Therefore, the rotating principal system is to solve these small interest groups so that the school will not be stagnant.

So the rotating principal system is good, but the people are the bad ones!" Teacher Zhu said in a counter-voice.

Anyway, she thinks this system is good. In this way, it is impossible to form so-called interest groups, and it can also make the school more dynamic.

Wu Wen listened to the two

The personal conversation was slightly contemplative.

He could see the figure of a great man in Mr. Zhu's words.

This old principal was really amazing. He set an example for others. People in today's society might say that this person was too stupid and naive, and was brainwashed. But if there were no such people in those days, there would be no happy life today.

Again, you can choose not to be such a person, but you can't eat their blood-stained buns and still laugh at them.

"Chengdong Road Primary School, Linjie County Primary School, an old principal who regards the school as his home..." Wu Wen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to realize something.

The old principal's heart was all focused on Chengdong Road Primary School. He had never heard of any problems with Chengdong Road Primary School before.

Moreover, both Chengdong Road Primary School and Linjie County Primary School had some connection with the old principal. Even when he went to Chengdong Road Primary School yesterday, he saw that the Chengdong Road Primary School was still the same as before without renovation...

"Fuck!" Wu Wen shouted, and suddenly he felt that he suddenly realized something.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of it before? Whether it's Linjie County Primary School, Chengdong Road Primary School or Old Chengdong Road Primary School, these schools are all linked to one person, and this person is the old principal with a deep obsession!"

"The obsession of evil ghosts is more serious than that of resentful ghosts, and the obsession of resentful ghosts is more serious than that of new ghosts. The more serious the obsession, the higher the level of the ghosts, so the highest level of ghosts is called the code name of obsession.

And the old principal's obsession with the school is so deep, so he may be the source of the problems in Chengdong Road Primary School and Linjie County Primary School!

He loves the school and the students so deeply that he can't let go of the school or the students even if he dies, so his obsession condenses Chengdong Road Primary School and Linjie County Primary School, so driven by obsession, he kills the students and goes to the ghost school he opened to attend classes!"

Wu Wen suddenly realized, and at the same time felt ridiculous.

Who would have thought that a great man who loved school and students the most would become the culprit of the whole strange incident!

Wu Wen just realized it, but then frowned again.

No, he now felt that his guess seemed to be wrong again.

Because this can't explain the existence of Linjie County, nor can it explain the urn room behind the school, and it can't explain the several cases of Linjie County ghosts phishing on the Internet that I found on the Internet.

Because if this is the case, Linjie County has nothing to do with Linjie County Primary School and Chengdong Road Primary School.

But they are obviously in the same place, it is impossible that they have no connection!

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