It’s No Use Calling Me Mom

Chapter 291

Chapter 295: Stay Away From Love Brain 3

Wang Qingqing took a cup of coffee while strolling and sipping, looked inside and outside the cafe, she shook her head straight after reading it, Qiu Qingqing is a motherly heart that is not adulterated, for Qu Qingwan, For Qu Mufan, it is a true love that has no moisture.

The monthly rent can be received hundreds of thousands, and Qiu Qingqing is willing to use it for Qu Mufan as a pastime to pass the time, and it will last for several years.

Not to mention the capital invested in opening the cafe, in the past few years because Qu Mufan occupied this shop, the loss of rent is almost tens of millions, if this is not love, So what is love?

It’s just business tax and employee expenses. Anyway, he has never seen him take money from his family. If he encounters any big expenses, he has to talk to Qiu Qingqing.

Seeing that his business is a little powerless, Qiu Qingqing also gave him some rectification suggestions, such as canceling the kitchen in the store, and choosing to cooperate with a chain of western pastry stores in the mall next to him to reduce costs , Considering the huge flow of mobile passengers, you can open an external window and sell cups of milk tea and fruit drinks to increase turnover.

However, Qu Mufan did not know why he was inferior or conceited, so he rejected all these suggestions, and said with plausibility: “Doing that will only lower the style of the cafe, I run this cafe again and again. It’s not for money, I just want to create an oasis in this cultural desert with my meager power.”

Well, Qiu Qingqing loves Qu Mufan to the core, everything is as long as he is happy, since the lover is not for money, then you don’t have to worry about it, just let him You can run it how you want to run it. Isn’t it just a little money, you can afford it.

Qiu Qingqing was tossed by Qu Mufan, but Qu Mufan kept his own style and ran the cafe for several years. Apart from not making money, Qu Mufan did not gain anything. Relying on the exhibition hall of the cafe, he has forged a lot of good people in the cultural circle.

Today the calligrapher came to him: “Brother Mufan, I borrow your exhibition hall to hold an exhibition, is it convenient?”

Tomorrow the novelist came to him: “Brother Mu Fan, use your exhibition hall to hold a book signing, I wonder if it is possible?”

Convenient, yes, what’s inconvenient? We are all cultural people, and we should be united in our efforts to contribute to the development of cultural undertakings. This is too convenient and too good, right?

As for the cost of using the exhibition hall, alas, it is too vulgar to talk about money. How can cultural matters be tainted by money full of copper smell? Qu Mufan waved his hand: “Don’t ask me for money, don’t take me as an insider when you ask me for money.”

If he doesn’t accept it himself, who is stupid enough to force it?

There is a reason why Qu Mufan did this. Twenty years ago was the last glorious period of domestic modern poetry. Qu Mufan seized this opportunity and achieved a great reputation. However, with the development of the times, the rise of culture has become more diversified, and poetry has declined.

Calligraphy and painting are cultures that have been passed down for thousands of years, and are sought after by a large number of enthusiasts. Photography is a new culture, in addition to the enjoyment of beauty, it also has practical value. There are also different photography competitions at home and abroad. There are few fans, and the mass base is very good. Not to mention novels, they are in a period of vigorous and rapid development, but what about modern poetry? Where is the audience? Completely down.

Poetry has declined, no one reads poetry, and poets are no longer sought after. Qu Mufan, an outstanding representative of the Romantics, has also lost his dazzling aura. Friends introduced him to others as a poet , others looked surprised: “Oh? Poets? There are still poets in this era? What poems have you written?”

Whenever this happens, Qu Mufan is very uncomfortable. If he is not closely connected with the cultural circle, after two years he will not even be regarded as an insider, but his poetry has no audience. When he read his new work, others nodded perfunctorily, and then praised the well-written sentence, and turned around and couldn’t even remember the name of his poem.

In desperation, Qu Mufan chose to make friends with people in the cultural circle to maintain his identity, no matter whether poetry is declining or not, as long as everyone knows me, hey, I am still in our circle people.

In order to maintain a good relationship in the cultural circle, Qu Mufan is still very generous, the venue is free to use, not to mention, sometimes when he encounters close friends to hold exhibitions, he also runs back and forth to help , it is necessary to put up some exhibition boards, banners, security expenses and other expenses.

The money is not wasted, and the effort is not wasted. In the cultural circle of this city, Qu Mufan is regarded as one of the best-known figures.

The famous person was not in the store. Wang Qingqing drank the coffee and paid the bill and left. When he got home, he searched the bank card and then started spending money.

The property management fee of the self-occupied villa should be paid five or six years in advance, and the water and electricity bills have been pre-deposited to the maximum limit, and the divorce is about to be divorced. This house needs to be redecorated, right? After all, a new life is a new beginning, and the house must have a new look. The boss of this decoration company is always his old classmate. He sent the money to send him a contract to sign it. As for the details of the decoration, It is not too late to discuss and communicate with the designer after the divorce is over.

The annual fee for the beauty salon is paid in advance, and it seems that half of the skin care products and cosmetics you are used to are used up? It’s not too expensive, just like the previous one, it’s only seven or eight thousand.

Oh, the supermarket at the gate of the APP recommends the community to offer discounts on recharged membership cards? This discount is quite large. Besides, where can you get a supermarket without a day? First charge it a hundred and eighty thousand and slowly spend it.

Well, it’s time for summer vacation in two or three months. After the divorce, I must be in a good mood with my daughter. Why don’t you go anywhere? Let’s just sign up for a tour of ten European countries and go out to play together. Last month, I took Yuequan as a distraction.

Look at the mobile APP, this year’s premium should be paid soon? As soon as the various insurance premiums are paid, an additional sum will be added. Buy an education insurance for Qu Qingyue. After going to college, you can get paid monthly. When you can save it, you have to pay her monthly living expenses.

It is said that buying, buying, buying can mediate a woman’s mood? Then buy another bag and clothes. My husband is clamoring for a divorce all day long, and I feel really depressed. I can spend money to try it and see if it can make my mood better.

Huh? Can’t buy it? Money is gone? This is spent? Sure enough, it’s still the most expensive to buy bags and clothes, eh? The mood seems to be better, but it is still the best way to heal a woman.

Spending a fraction of the money in the bank card, Wang Qingqing sighed leisurely, alas, this is the sadness of the family’s insufficient savings, and the casual spending will be gone, I am really sorry for Qu Mufan, It’s really sad that there is no family joint deposit to share now.

It was dark after the money was spent. The nanny came to ask Wang Qingqing if she would like to have dinner after preparing dinner.

After dinner was set, the nanny went upstairs to call Qu Qingwan and Qu Qingyue to come down for dinner. Frightened by Wang Qingqing, she kept peeking at Wang Qingqing’s face during the banquet, and didn’t dare to speak more.

The three of them finished their meal quietly, Wang Qingqing pressed the corner of his mouth with a tissue: “Don’t read the book so late, go back to the room and rest early.”

Qu Qingyue hummed, lowered her head and went upstairs without saying a word. Dare to talk too much, he went upstairs in a flash.

Wang Qingqing waited for Qu Mufan to come back to talk about divorce, and it took more than a day to wait until the great poet showed up on Sunday night, with a sweet smile on his face, Qu Mufan saw the living room as soon as he entered the door Wang Qingqing, who was sitting inside, the smile on his face disappeared in a flash, and he immediately put on a gloomy and downcast demeanor.

Cut~, the acting is not professional at all!

Wang Qingqing was complaining in her heart while showing off her acting skills. The eye circles can be red if they are red: “You are back, I have something to tell you.”

Qu Mufan paused for a while, then sat opposite Wang Qingqing: “What’s the matter?”

“Qingwan persuaded me a lot in the past two days.” Wang Qingqing raised her face to prevent tears from falling: “I thought about it carefully, and her words do make sense.”

The tears couldn’t stop flowing, Wang Qingqing reached out and dragged a tissue to wipe the tears from her face and said with a choked voice: “Those who keep you can’t keep your heart. , instead of the three of them torturing each other, I choose to let go.”

“Qingqing, have you figured it out?” Qu Mufan’s expression brightened, he stood up with a “huh”, took two steps forward and sat beside Wang Qingqing, stretched out his hand and placed Wang Qingqing He grabbed both of his hands, and said to her sincerely: “I knew that you are the kindest, most reasonable, and most understanding person in the world. It’s not that I have no responsibility for my family, nor am I right You have no feelings, just the love that is destined to come, and my flesh and blood can’t resist it.”

“I know my decision has hurt you, this family, and the children. This is not what I wanted, and I feel very sorry for that.”

Qu Mufan’s expression was painful and his tone was low: “But I have no way, really, I have no way, I can’t restrain my love for her, if I suppress my feelings for her for family responsibilities, continue Maintaining this marriage with you is not only disloyal to love, but also disrespectful to you, so although it is difficult, I still choose to bear the infamy and confess to you.”

“Thank you for your success.” Qu Mufan slipped to the ground and knelt on one knee and kissed Wang Qingqing’s hand: “I and Shiyu will always be grateful to you.”

Wang Qingqing gritted her teeth before resisting the desire to kick him against the opposite wall. The way and tone of the father and daughter’s words made people want to slap them.

She pulled out her hand by holding things, handed a few pieces of white paper to Qu Mufan, and spoke with kindness in the Joan expression that their father and daughter used to use: “Don’t thank me, you Do you know how hard it took me to make this decision? Your gratitude is like a knife stuck in my heart. At this time when I am covered in bruises and pains, what I need is not your gratitude, but speed After finishing the divorce, so that I can get rid of this boundless pain, it is up to you to draft the divorce agreement, I really don’t have the courage to face it.”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry I’m sorry! It’s all my fault, I hurt you.”

“I don’t know if I will regret it in the next moment.” Wang Qingqing put the pen and paper into Qu Mufan’s hand: “Write while I still have the courage.”

When Qu Mufan heard this, he quickly took the pen and paper and sat opposite: “How to write? You say, I will write.”

Wang Qingqing put her hands behind her back and rubbed on the sofa: “Our family has no business apart from the cafe. Do you plan to continue operating this cafe or transfer it?”

“Of course I will continue to operate.” Qu Mufan made a choice very quickly: “The cafe was built by me, and it entrusted me with a lot of feelings, it is very important to me, I won’t give up on it.”

“When I opened this cafe, I spent almost seven million on decoration, buying books and various equipment. This is the number you know, and the detailed account books are still at home. I don’t need to talk about the extra, just take the whole number and calculate it as six million, and you can compensate me for three million.” Wang Qingqing sniffed her nose and wiped her tears: “You have no objection to this, right?”

The cafe has been open for several years, and the decoration equipment, including books, have been greatly depreciated. If the cafe is sold at the price of 6 million, it will never go out. Wang Qingqing In terms of value, based on the cost of starting a cafe at the beginning, it is also very thief.

Qu Mufan wanted to have an objection. He had never thought about divorce and splitting the cafe. The three million compensation was not within his expectations. He didn’t want to pay, but he Can’t speak for themselves.

What does he have to say? Since he married Qiu Qingqing, he has never earned a penny. Qiu Qingqing took all the money to open the cafe. Even if the money Qiu Qingqing earned was from marriage, he had half the power, but this cafe It was also opened after marriage. Of course, Qiu Qingqing could also split half of it.

Qu Mufan is not good at running a business. He can’t think of the depreciation problem of the cafe, nor the excuse for turning down the three million compensation. After a long time, he can only nod his head: “Yes , of course this cafe has half of yours, I have no objection.”

Of course, Qu Mufan has no money, he can take out 300,000 to 50,000 yuan at any time, and it is no problem to squeeze in 300,000 to 500,000 yuan, three million, this is a lot of effort, he can only shake his head regretfully. I can’t take it out myself.

“Then write an IOU first.” Wang Qingqing is very good at speaking: “Just write the cause and effect clearly, and we’ll talk about it when you have more money.”

Wang Qingqing is so good at talking, and Qu Mufan is not too long-winded, just write the IOU, just based on Qiu Qingqing’s feelings for him, can she still come to her house to collect debts or what?

After dividing the cafe, it’s time to divide the children. Wang Qingqing put away the IOU and said softly: “Qingwan is already eighteen years old, and there is no need for a guardian, so let’s not talk about it. She is, Qingyue is still underage and a girl, it is better to follow me, what do you think?”

Qu Qingwan’s long beauty was born to him by his beloved wife, and Qu Qingwan has a cheerful and romantic temperament. Yue said that he is more like him, so he still has a strong preference for Qu Qingwan in his heart. Qu Qingyue and Wang Qingqing were more in line with his heart, and Qu Mufan did not hesitate to give up the custody of Qu Qingyue to Wang Qingqing.

In addition to the cafe and the children, the rest is the car. Qu Mufan is holding the shelf of a literati. The car is a Cadillac CTS. It was not expensive when I bought it. It was only more than 500,000 yuan. After driving it for several years, the depreciation was at most 100,000 to 200,000 yuan.

Wang Qingqing said generously: “Whoever owns the car belongs to whoever owns it. It was originally registered under the personal name, and it is troublesome to go back and forth.”

After the car is divided, there is nothing to divide. Wang Qingqing looked at the divorce agreement written by Qu Mufan and determined that there was no problem, and began to cry again: “As soon as this agreement is signed, our husband and wife will That’s all because of it, I…”

She covered her face and wept, but Qu Mufan was a little uneasy: “Qingqing, even if the agreement is written? This is too brief, right?”

Wang Qingqing put down her hand, and asked with tears on her face, “Is it brief? What else is missing? Qingyue’s alimony? I know you have this heart, But Qingyue will be eighteen years old in one more year, and it’s just one year’s alimony, you don’t need to pay, and you don’t need to make another agreement.”

“That’s not what I said.” Qu Mufan was a little embarrassed: “I mean the joint property of the husband and wife, the deposit in the marriage or something.”

“Common property of husband and wife? Are you talking about our personal items, clothes, jewelry and shoes? Or furniture and household appliances?” internal deposit?”

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