It’s Scary When Things Work Out

Chapter 16

The skill seemed doubtful to me as it appeared before my eyes, but I quickly contained my emotions.

Why is it not as easy to acquire other skills when needed? Yet, when it comes to this particular skill, everything happens quickly without me even doing anything.

"Hey, beautiful, what are you thinking about?"

I was drawn to the voice of the man sitting next to me. Realizing this, I looked at him, but instinctively I crossed one leg over the other, straightening my back. Then I abruptly stopped and became aware of my actions.

Due to these movements, my chest became more visible, and my legs acquired a more defined shape through my clothing.

Something definitely went wrong, and with these thoughts, I wanted to get up and leave. But the idea of fulfilling my mission came to my mind, and this man seemed to be one of the possible keys to it.

Suppressing my movements, I looked at him.

"No, nothing, I'm just nervous," I replied.

As I spoke, I felt like having a sip of a cocktail, but when I attempted to do so, my hand movements instinctively became more graceful.

A sense of shame gradually rose within me from what was happening.

As I lifted the glass, intending to take a sip, my eyes subconsciously turned towards the man, and as I took a slow sip, I clearly saw his throat move as he swallowed. Was this skill really that powerful? Such thoughts swirled in my head as I hastily placed the glass back in its place.

After observing my movements, the man spoke again.

"Why are you nervous? Is it your first time here or in a place like this?"

As he spoke, he leaned closer, and I wanted to slightly pull away in response. But after some thought, I did nothing, realizing that I needed to make some compromises.

"Um... Yes, I'm also worried about not being able to bring something to someone," I replied.

It seemed that my failure to distance myself from him made him more confident. Taking the ordered drink in his hands, he savored it slightly before continuing the conversation.

"Oh, and who are you looking for? Can you tell me... if it's not a secret?"

As he uttered the last words, he leaned in even closer.

As I thought about how to respond and had already made a decision, my tongue subconsciously stuck out, moistening my lips slightly.

After that, naturally leaning a little closer, I replied, "It's a secret, but if you want, maybe I can compensate you if you tell me where to find him."

Upon hearing my words, I clearly saw that he seemed slightly excited. Although I felt embarrassed about my actions, I still needed to find a solution to my problem.

"Oh, if you showed it to me, I could help a damsel in distress," he said.

There were no other movements except for these words. After thinking for a few seconds, I took out my phone and showed it to him, while simultaneously observing his emotions.

For a moment, he seemed surprised and interested. Then, after looking at me, he smirked.

"Oh, it seems you got lucky, beauty. I know him very well, but I don't need to show it to you like this..."

"And what do you propose..."

"I suggest having some fun, and afterward, I'll help you with it. What do you think?"

Listening to his words, it was clear that he wanted something in return for his assistance. However, I wasn't keen on giving something in return.

"But how can I know that you're not deceiving me?"

I asked in response, intentionally distancing myself further from him. The skill was very helpful in this matter, and now, observing his reactions to my actions, I was confident in it.

When I leaned back from him, he responded with slight dissatisfaction.

After a moment of silence, he made a deliberate grimace and pulled out something resembling a card from his pants pocket.

"Here it is, beautiful. If you don't believe me, I can prove it to you with this."

"What is it?"

In response to my doubtful question, he pointed in a direction where two people were standing, guarding a door.

"This is a VIP pass to that door where the person you're looking for is. So, darling, maybe we can have some fun before I take you there."

"Well... Alright..."

Although I still had doubts, I decided to give it a try. Besides, I wanted to find out what she wanted to do.

"Then come with me."

As he spoke, he stood up, and I felt him grab my hand and pull me somewhere. I was cautious but believed I could handle him if needed.

Passing through the dancing crowd, we slowly made our way towards a door. Judging by how he took out a key and unlocked it, it seemed to be his private space.

Entering behind him, I wondered if I had made a mistake. But gritting my teeth, I recalled my situation and prepared myself.

The door opened, revealing a small room with two long sofas on each side. In the center, there was a coffee table, and judging by the ashtray filled with ash, many people had been here.

He released my hand and turned to close the door. It was a very familiar scene.

Listening attentively to the sounds, as soon as I heard the click of the door locking, I swiftly turned, grabbed the ashtray, and swung it towards his head.

At that moment, he had already started turning and saw me swinging at him. Reacting quickly, his hand rose to block mine.

But due to his slight delay, while my hand was blocked, the ashtray still hit his temple. Though the impact was weak, it clearly got a reaction from him.

Staggering slightly, he quickly regained his composure, which I noticed. Without wasting a second, I swiftly kicked towards his groin. Given the significant difference in size, it was the best strategy based on the skill's hints.

To my surprise, he reacted quite fast, managing to block my kick.

"Damn, what are you doing..." Opening his mouth, he tried to say something while still holding my leg just a few centimeters from his groin.

But I wouldn't let him do that. Leveraging the fact that my leg was held, I applied force to my other leg, gritted my teeth, and jumped. With a graceful motion, my kicking leg flew straight towards his face.

This time he couldn't react in time and took a direct hit to his face, turning his head to the side. The grip seemed to have loosened, but only for a moment. As I gradually fell to the ground, I felt his grip tightening again.

In a horizontal position in the air, I couldn't do anything. Falling to the ground, the pain from the impact made me grimace. But my gaze was always fixed on the man.

At that moment, holding my leg with one hand, he straightened up and wiped a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve. I clearly saw some savagery in his eyes before he said,

"That's it, bitch, you're done."

Upon hearing his words, I could clearly sense my heartbeat accelerating rapidly.

It felt as if my brain had shut down, but in that moment, I instinctively moved, enduring the pain as my free leg aimed directly at his leg. Lifting my leg high, I quickly released it towards his toes.

Fortunately, when my foot landed on his toes, the pain made him subconsciously loosen his grip. This allowed me to finally free my leg from his grasp.

With momentum, I rolled back and got up, facing him. By this point, his face was distorted from pain and anger, with furious eyes fixed on me.

"Damn you, you creature..." he shouted.

With a cry, he lunged at me, and in response, I jumped onto the couch, narrowly avoiding his grasp.

As I watched him breathe heavily, my own breath remained steady. He attempted the same trick and leaped towards me, trying to grab hold.

But this time, I didn't dodge, as I instinctively sensed his weak posture during the jump.

Bracing myself against the couch, I raised my leg towards his approaching face, but ended up hitting his arms, which he had raised to block.

He was momentarily stopped, which was fortunate, but it seemed like his emotions had reached their peak. I felt a sense of threat with his movements, as if he was about to pull out something, and it was clearly not good.

My heartbeat, already fast, intensified even more. I reached for the coffee table and started lifting it.

Simultaneously, I saw him suddenly reach into his belt, pulling out something black and metallic.

As he tried to aim the gun directly at me, I swiftly kicked the bottom of the coffee table.

The actions were fast and precise, he didn't have time to aim, and barely realized how the coffee table struck him.

Stopping in that moment was equivalent to death, so I quickly took a step forward, stepping on his hand that didn't hold the gun.

The first time didn't work, so while holding his hand with my foot, I stepped on it again, but this time with my other foot.

Finally, when he released me, I kicked the gun with my foot. Then, I leaned back and threw a kick towards his face.

It seemed like he had taken quite a few blows, causing him to momentarily lose focus, giving me an opportunity.

Observing him, I feverishly thought about how to incapacitate or even kill him.

Using the gun was not an option, as it might attract attention.

My gaze fell upon the coffee table. Without further hesitation, I exerted force again, lifting it and dropping it towards his head.

Due to his state of unconsciousness, the table fell on his head without obstacles.

As the sound of impact echoed, his movements ceased. Leaning closer, I noticed he was still breathing.

Turning towards the table, I began searching his pockets. The keys were still in the door. Looking inside, I took his phone and, after some consideration, threw it on the ground and fiercely stomped on it, shattering it.

Regaining some composure, I left him aside. Glancing at the couch, I attempted to lift it from one side. It was heavy, but gritting my teeth, I dragged it towards the man. Then, from behind, I exerted all my strength and overturned it onto him.

When I remembered something, I turned around and picked up the gun from the floor. I hid it under my clothes.

Though it may have been in vain, it was better than nothing. After composing myself a bit, I cautiously opened the door and stepped out of the room.

Outside, the music was still playing loudly. Quickly locking the door again, I walked towards the two guards.


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