It’s Scary When Things Work Out

Chapter 32

[Shooting 1(*100)]
[Shooting 1(*100)]
[Shooting 1(*100)]
[Shooting 1(*100)]
[Shooting 1(*100)]
[Shooting 1(*100)]

Notifications served as a reminder. As soon as magazine rifle was empty, I swiftly picked it up and resumed aiming and shooting.

One target after another received multiple bullets in different spots. Due to my skill, I had excellent control over the bullet trajectory at medium distances.

[Skill level (Shooting)]

Finally, another notification appeared, indicating an increase in my shooting skill. I immediately sensed some issues with my shooting posture. After making the necessary adjustments, the recoil from the weapon decreased. My stance became firmer, and my rate of fire and accuracy improved.

I continued shooting for a while until both of my weapons ran out of ammunition.

And then it was time for the largest caliber.

The sniper rifle looked quite impressive with its black body, long barrel featuring special openings at the tip, and optics. I wasn't sure why that guy specifically brought this one, but after a brief thought, I decided to ignore it.

When I tried to hold the sniper rifle in my hand, I realized it was quite heavy for my current body. I had to place it on a special stand in front of me. Once I held the rifle, I aimed at the farthest target, which was approximately 150 meters away according to the observer.

Following my instincts and controlling my skills, I took deep breaths while aiming. Mentally calculating the trajectory, I finally held my breath and pulled the trigger. I expected the first shot from the sniper rifle to be challenging, but the skills proved more powerful than I anticipated.

The bullet flew and hit the target, instantly creating a hole visible through the scope. Replicating my movements, another thunderous roar followed.

The sound of the sniper rifle was more deafening than the rifle's, given the larger caliber.

However, I didn't use any means of protection, continuing to shoot until all seven rounds were expended.

Noticing the notifications, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. It appeared that shooting was shooting, and the skill did not differentiate between assault rifles, sniper rifles, and pistols.

I wanted to test this further and found that each of them increased my level roughly the same.

It seemed I needed to find a weapon resembling a machine gun to skyrocket my level even more. However, there was no such weapon in this place, as confirmed by the young man who watched me with great interest.

While I was shooting, I paid no attention to him or my sister, who also looked through the window with a surprised gaze.

Showing my sister the weapons through the window and familiarizing her with some things, we left that place under the longing gaze of the young man. Before leaving, he asked me some things that made me feel embarrassed and uneasy, even though I have a female body, I still thought of myself as a man. Rejecting his invitation to meet someday, we walked away. I had the idea of going somewhere secluded, where my sister could learn to shoot. It was crucial at the moment, but I thought of doing it in the coming days.

Seeing her excited eyes, I could only suggest taking a walk around the city to distract ourselves. That made her happy and brought joy to me.

Renting bicycles, we slowly rode along the designated path.

Noticing how people looked at us with various emotions, I recalled the conversation with my sister and a young man named Michael, who showed interest in Isabella.

Approaching my sister, I asked, "Isabella, what kind of guys do you like?"

I clearly saw how she almost lost control of the bike and nearly fell to the ground. Adjusting her movements, she looked at me with surprise.

"Why such a question, at such an inappropriate time?"

Her voice sounded quite excited, and a slight blush appeared on her face. It was too beautiful and amusing. I couldn't help but enjoy the moment and didn't want to interrupt such a conversation.

"Well, I just asked, so what kind of guys do you like? How about someone named Michael?"

"I told you we're just friends, and after everything that happened, I..."

She fell silent, but I genuinely wanted to know more about her preferences.

"For example, do you like tall guys? Or do you prefer those with a good physique?"

As I continued asking questions, I noticed her face turning redder and redder. Because of this, she accelerated and started riding faster, pedaling harder.

It seemed like she didn't want me to see her like that.

In turn, I also picked up the pace, even though I didn't have much skill in bike riding, which was strange, but I was still able to ride well.

Catching up to her, I kept asking, but realizing I couldn't get any answers, I had to stop.

She also stopped running away when I stopped asking. Riding our bicycles around a small park, we finally found a café.

Entering and placing our orders, we sat down at a table.

Soon, I was enjoying my ice cream and listening as Isabella outlined a rough structure for the base we could build.

This topic excited her greatly as she continued gesturing with her hands and pointing at items on the table to illustrate the structure of base.

And then it occurred to me that I could gain skills as an engineer and design such a base.

It seemed that I definitely needed to acquire skills like physics, chemistry, and mathematics, which would allow me to do much more than I could currently.

" when something happens, we could escape through this secret entrance. Sister, are you listening?"

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear what she said in the last part. When she called me, I could only nod and look at her.

Noticing the time, we realized it was getting late. Returning the bicycles, we took a taxi to get home.

Sitting in the backseat of the taxi, I looked out of the window at the city.

Although I hadn't been here for very long, it seemed like I was living more actively than before. I won't argue that the situation couldn't be worse, but if I could get out of this and protect my sister, maybe I could also live a normal life.

Looking at my sister, who was focused on her phone, I wanted to start a conversation.

But immediately, I saw something that triggered a sense of crisis, and without hesitation, I grabbed my sister's hand and pulled her towards me.

In a matter of seconds, upon my sister's exclamation, a tremendous impact followed. The right side of the taxi's rear sank inward, and everything in front of my eyes began to spin.

A tremendous sense of shock came over me, followed by pain.


The darkness before my eyes gradually disappeared, and suddenly, I remembered what had happened. I quickly rose from the ground, feeling dizzy and unsteady. There were shouts around me, along with various car alarms. Everything was spinning in a disorienting dance. It took a few seconds for me to understand my position and surroundings.

I barely stood near the wreckage of the taxi, next to which a truck was also ablaze, overturned on its side.

But I quickly looked around, trying to find where my sister was. Another wave of headache struck, and my left eye began to fill with something warm.

I didn't have time to think about it. Quickly wiping my hands on my clothes, I tried to focus my gaze.

Finally, I could see. Isabella lay not far from me. She wasn't moving and was lying on her side.

My heart squeezed at the sight, and I took quick steps toward her, dropping to my knees and examining her situation.

The first thing that came to mind was to check her breathing.

Releasing her head, I started listening carefully, and fortunately, she was breathing.

But her situation wasn't good, and I couldn't do anything about it. Being poorly informed about how to save people, all I could do was raise my head and cry out loudly.

"Call... cough... an ambulance, quickly!"

Halfway there, I involuntarily coughed.

Grimacing, I focused on Isabella; she was clearly unconscious, with a bloodstain on her forehead.

Amidst all the panic, I couldn't recall what to do in such situations, feeling only despair.

I didn't know anything that could help her.

All I felt was trembling throughout my body, and a sense of fear engulfed me.

"Isabella!... Isabellaaa!"

Feeling helpless, all I could do was call out to her, shaking her body with my hands. But there was no response...


Once again, no answer, repeating the cycle without success.


Opening the door, I entered the room where Isabella lay on a hospital bed.

She was hooked up to various devices, displaying all her vital signs.

Everything was normal.

As I sat there in despair, I finally heard the sound of the ambulance. They quickly transported her to the hospital, where it was soon revealed that she had suffered a head injury.

Observing Isabella lying on the bed, unconscious and peacefully sleeping, all I could do was clench my fists.

Recalling what the doctor had said,

"Due to the severe impact, she has slipped into a coma."

That single word froze me in place.

"Furthermore, after awakening, she may experience some difficulties. We cannot determine the extent of it until she regains consciousness."

Those were the doctor's words before leaving.

Sitting by her bedside, all I could do was watch her breathe peacefully, feeling a sense of powerlessness throughout my body. I didn't want to do anything; I vividly remember the fear of losing her.

But above all, I couldn't shake off what had happened, how we ended up in the accident. I hadn't received any news from the police yet, but according to their initial assessment, it was likely an unfortunate incident.

Although vague suspicions lingered within me, stemming from my involvement since the first day I arrived at this place.

However, now it was crucial to keep an eye on my sister.

Hours passed as I sat by her side.

When hunger struck, I had to step out of the room to grab something to eat. I didn't want to eat anywhere else, so I brought the food back to the room.

But as soon as I entered, I immediately noticed another doctor handling a syringe.

A sense of unease intensified within me upon witnessing the scene.

The doctor glanced at me, realizing it was me, and smiled, saying,

"This is necessary for her well-being."

There was no other explanation, just the notion that it had to be done. This further heightened my doubts, as the previous doctor had explicitly stated that it wasn't necessary. I restrained myself, watching as he approached Isabella's hand with the needle.

Finally, when the needle was close to her hand, I couldn't hold back any longer. I swiftly moved towards him, landing a swift kick to his abdomen.

With no reaction from him, the needle slipped from his hand, and he fell to the ground. Clutching his stomach, he tried to say something while looking at me.

I quickly picked up the needle from the ground and aimed it directly at his throat.

I felt it, something was definitely wrong here. Although it was wrong to do so, I wanted to confirm, even if it meant resorting to such means.

Gripping him by the hair and pointing the needle, I asked,

"What is in this needle?"

I posed the question because I clearly saw the fear in his eyes when the needle neared his neck. He didn't want to say anything, so without hesitation, I released his hair and struck him with a punch to his face.

Falling to the ground, he clutched his nose and tried to get up.

"Tell me, or I'll try it on you."

"Wait... Wait, I'll tell you..."

Leaning against the wall, he stood up and, looking at me, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, covering his nose.

Through the handkerchief, his voice soon became audible.

"I don't know what it is; someone sent me a package. It contained this, along with a threatening letter. He threatened me, saying he would harm my family."

Listening to him speak and then retrieving a letter from his pocket.

As soon as I reached out to take the letter, he let go of the handkerchief and swiftly placed his hand into another pocket.

Subconsciously, I took a step back, and a cold glimmer of a scalpel flashed before my eyes.

"Damn it..."

The doctor cursed, then lunged at me with the scalpel in hand.

I had no time to think; instincts kicked in within an instant.

Dodging another swing of the scalpel, I swiftly kicked him in the knee from a diagonal angle.

A snapping sound followed.

As the other party realized their compromised position with a wounded leg and attempted to scream, I quickly delivered a kick to their face.

His eyes rolled back before he collapsed onto the floor, losing consciousness.

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