I've Become a Genius Actor

Chapter 92:

Chapter 92:

I'm curious. What answer will you give?

Director Go Jinho fixed his gaze intently on Han Yooil's face.

His claim of being Yooil's fan was sincere. Director Go had been following Yooil's work for quite a long time.

That's why he wanted to know more.

Why he had chosen Suhyun, of all characters.

His face a mix of concern and expectation, he looked at Yooil.

Yooil gazed at the translucent window that appeared before him, recalling the character description written in the proposal.

[Lee Suhyun, 27 years old.

Around the age of five, his parents came to the small island of Haseokdo for some reason. From that moment, his life began to crumble silently. Suhyun was a sturdy worker on the island until he escaped at the age of 18. He saw the most and lost the most.]

It wasn't an exceptionally detailed introduction for a main character.

But as he read the script, Yooil realized.

There's definitely something hidden about this character.

Yooil slowly began to speak.

"First of all, while reading the script, I thought that the character Suhyun, compared to the others, was complex."


Director Go Jinho cocked his head.

"Well Sure, if you say complex, he's complex. But wouldn't you say the other characters are similar in that aspect~?"

The assistant director exchanged a glance with the director, chiming in.

"It's funny asking this since we wrote the script but I'm curious. What about Suhyun' stood out to you compared to the other main characters?"

It was a daunting question, one that would have intimidated most actors.

But Han Yooil still met his gaze with clear eyes.

"While reading, I thought. The most contradictory character in Shadows of Faith' is Suhyun."


"And that contradiction comes from loss'."

Yooil continued slowly.

"Suhyun had to spend his childhood in a closed space, an abnormal pseudo-religious group. Without the chance to judge right from wrong, he believed everything they said as the truth."

Director Go Jinho, listening with an unreadable expression, slowly started to nod.

"When he escaped the island at the brink of adulthood, he must have lived a life at rock bottom."

"Wait a minute."

Director Go's eyes narrowed.

"Those words weren't in the proposal, were they?"

"Ah, right."

Yooil passed the proposal, neatly tucked inside the file, to the director.

"It wasn't in the proposal, but I added a bit more as I read through the script."


The assistant director, reading the densely written proposal handed over by Han Yooil, was slightly shocked.

What is this?'

It was the first time he had seen an actor, especially one not yet confirmed for casting, write something like this.

He analyzed it to this extent?'

But the surprises didn't end there.

"Well since we're short on time, shall we start the reading~?"


And in that moment, the faint smile on Yooil's face disappeared.

He, who had been looking into the distance with a bored expression, now spoke with a dry face.

"Ah, introduction. My name is Lee Suhyun."

It wasn't just the smile that had been stripped away.

Ease, flexibility, consideration for others

In other words, his sociability was stripped away.

"Right, didnt I say? Both my mom and dad are in a cult. Probably still are."

Han Yooil spoke, slightly opening his mouth and nodding.

The assistant director closely watched Yooil's performance.

The expression didn't change, but the pace of the dialogue quickened slightly.

Yooil's Suhyun' had a calm and dry face.

But why? Somehow, he felt a threatening vibe coming from Yooil.

The assistant director brushed the goosebumps on his forearm.

"I'm not sure if they're still alive."

The assistant director saw it. The slight upward curl of his lips.


He quickly turned his gaze back to the proposal, filled with Yooil's notes.

[The defense mechanism due to trauma is serious, with a high level of vigilance and sensitivity. Covering up these characteristics with a rough and dry attitude. Standing on the boundary between good and evil, between helper and villain]

The assistant director, reading the small letters filling the margins as if spellbound, was brought back to reality by Director Go Jinho's words.

"Alright, let's also try Scene 34."

Yooil quickly flipped through the script, propped his chin, and assumed a slightly slanted posture.

His gaze remained fixed in space.

He hasn't even read the script properly yet, has he?'

Contrary to the assistant director's concern, Yooil immediately began to speak.

"Ah, what is this"

Yooil scratched his forehead with his fingertips.

It was so natural that the assistant director belatedly realized it was a part of the dialogue.

"I don't know what this is all about."

A trace of emotion began to seep into his otherwise calm tone.

"Do you think I'm some sort of thug that can't be trusted, is that it?"

It was not an overtly threatening tone. Rather, it was composed.


It's frightening.'

The assistant director involuntarily leaned back.

It was an unconscious reaction.

Has he memorized the entire script already?'

No way.

Before long, Director Go Jinho had readjusted his posture and was looking at Yooil.

His eyes sparkled with a hint of fascination as he watched Han Yooil.

After Han Yooil had left, the assistant director sneakily glanced at Director Go Jinho.

"What do you think, Director?"

It was a question laden with many implications.

Director Go Jinho had been hunched over all this time. As the assistant director approached him with a worried look, Director Go suddenly moved.


Leaving the assistant director clutching his heart in surprise, Director Go laughed with a face as content as a well-fed raccoon.

"Seeing it in person, I like it even more."

Initially, Director Go Jinho had his doubts when he first heard that Yooil wanted to play Suhyun.

However, after witnessing it firsthand, he couldn't help but be convinced.

The assistant director felt similarly, though his thoughts were heading in a slightly different direction.

It's not without reason that the entertainment industry is rife with gossip. Once they gain some popularity, it's not uncommon for newcomers to forget their early days and strut around with arrogance.

Han Yooil turns out the talk about his good nature was true.'

The assistant director handed Director Go Jinho a cup of coffee with a much more relaxed expression.

Somehow, he had a good feeling about this drama.

* * *

On his way home after the meeting, Yooil received a call.

Yooil hyung!

Kim Harang exclaimed cheerfully as he called out of the blue.

I've moved out!

"Moved out?"

Kim Harang explained that he had finally left the dorm life behind and had just finished decorating his new place.

Anyway, hyung, come over!

"Sure. Let me know when you're free."

I'm free today too!


And so, Yooil found himself unexpectedly attending a housewarming party. In Kim Harang's minimally decorated home, he met an unexpected person.


"Why are you here?"

Park Younghyun, with a piece of chocolate-covered cookie in his mouth, showed an awkward smile.

Were they close?'

He had never heard of them having any connection.

Kim Harang leaned in close to Yooil and said,

"We just shot a variety show together!"


They appeared together in episode 72 of "Contemporary Gourmet" aired on the OTube channel.

Those two?'

"Contemporary Gourmet" is known for its unique guest pairing, featuring two guests with no apparent connection

Seeing Han Yooil's bewildered face, Harang's round eyes narrowed to half-circles.

"What! You didn't watch it~!"


Han Yooil started to make excuses as best as he could.

"It's unfair~ I even watch dramas to see who's in them~"

Of course, it didn't quite have the intended effect.

After teasing Yooil for a while, Harang dashed off like a bullet when the doorbell rang.

Kim Harang proudly presented a bag of food ordered from the Black Sea members' favorite restaurant. Park Younghyun, inspecting the delivered food, asked seriously.

"Can I eat this?"

"Why not?"

"Well, I'm on a diet right now, so"

Park Younghyun muttered under his breath, his gaze fixed on the chicken and tteokbokki, clearly wrestling with his inner conflict.

"Ah, just exercise hard tomorrow."

"You don't need to diet, do you?"

Park Younghyun, scanning Kim Harang's lean figure, muttered dejectedly.

It seemed that even during the "Contemporary Gourmet," Harang had struggled with eating only a little without it being noticeable.

The half-and-half chicken and tteokbokki ordered by Kim Harang were delicious. Worthy of being called a hot spot.

The silence between them, quietly eating, was broken by Kim Harang.

"Isn't it a bit boring?"


"Not boring, why?"

Park Younghyun and Han Yooil shook their heads simultaneously.

It seemed Harang wasn't accustomed to eating in silence.

"How about we do a Shasta live?"

At that suggestion, Park Younghyun leaped up on the spot. But even that couldn't sway Kim Harang's determination.

"Younghyun hyung! You have to try these things to get better~"

"It won't be fun."

"Just think of it as a mukbang, a mukbang!"

And Kim Harang picked up his phone.

* * *


Kim Harang's fans, who were scouring for late-night content, saw their Shasta notifications light up unexpectedly and rushed to join the live broadcast.

The live chat was soon flooded with messages from shocked viewers.



What am I watching right now?



It was a combination they couldn't believe even with their own eyes.

The hyungs came for the housewarming!

Hello, I'm Han Yooil.

Park Younghyun.

And their live broadcast ended abruptly just as it started.

But is this even working?


Yooil, holding the phone close to his face and tilting his head in confusion, accidentally turned off the broadcast.


No, come back, guys

It was the birth of a meme that would circulate on BlueChat for a while.

The broadcast resumed after a minute.

There they were: Han Yooil, laughing awkwardly, Park Younghyun with a tense face, and Kim Harang in the middle, looking cheerfully at the camera.

The three, each with a distinct style, seemed to oddly complement each other when together. Initially shocked, the viewers gradually got used to the sight, and the chat began to fill with various comments.

Younghyun hyung keeps saying he has to diet and won't eat~

I gain weight easily, so

Park Younghyun's face brightened slightly as he read the comments.

What? That's ridiculous.

Younghyun is so skinny

What's skinny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The impromptu live stream disguised as a mukbang by the three continued for about thirty minutes.

"Ah, they're asking you to dip the chicken in the tteokbokki sauce?"

Surprisingly, the best at reading comments was Han Yooil. He picked up a piece of chicken breast, dipped it in the tteokbokki sauce, and showed it to the camera.


Just a bite please

That looks really delicious

Crunch, crunch.

The chicken with a bit of red sauce made a delicious sound as it was eaten.

"Hey, this is actually good?"

"Aha! This was a great combination for our members~!"

Is this really a mukbang lol

Yooil is doing ASMR

Why does Harang look disappointed?

"Why wasn't I called?"

Just ordered chicken after watching this

The surprise live broadcast was a hot topic during and after the show. Throughout the night, the trio's live stream was trending on BlueChat.

The recorded version and screenshots of the live broadcast also dominated the community's hot posts.

"No guys"

[(Screenshot of the live broadcast)

When did they become so close???]

Didn't Harang and Yool always get along?


Park Younghyun is really unexpected

Maybe they became close after shooting together..

What's with this social butterfly

As expected, our Kim Ddangddang..

(tl/n: Ddangdang = Puppy)

It's nice to see them all so comfortable with each other

I'm really moved

[I missed the live stream because of work, I'm so regretful]

Me too It's the first time I'm moved to tears watching a recorded version

Doesn't Harang seem unusually happy?

Among the brothers, he's like an excited Maltese

Come to think of it, all three have a puppy look

They're like Maltese, Samoyed, Husky

Perfect match

"Don't watch this"

[(Screenshot of the live broadcast)

Ordered chicken at night;;]

This is so true, I did too

This broadcast is really dangerous;;

* * *

The day after the live broadcast unexpectedly gained popularity, Yooil, who was exercising, picked up his ringing phone.


It was a call from Director Go Jinho.

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