
Chapter 74.1: Married life (1)

Ji Qingying was stunned.

She lowered her head to look at the Baobao’s action. For him to kiss her was still a bit hard, so he grabbed her clothes and kissed her before letting go.

His hands didn’t have much strength yet, so in the next second, he was leaning against her arms again.

Ji Qingying watched his series of actions, and turned to look at Fu Yanzhi.

The couple looked at each other.

Ji Qingying blinked, she touched the place where he just kissed, and murmured, “Did I just hallucinate?”

Fu Yanzhi laughed and told her, “No.”

He said gently, “He really kissed you.”

Ji Qingying’s eyes lit up, and she grabbed his hand excitedly with a pleasant surprise, “Really!?”

Fu Yanzhi held her back and gave her an affirmative answer, “Yes.”

He was also a little excited, and said gently, “Baobao kissed you.”

In an instant, Ji Qingying’s tears came down uncontrollably.

She cried with joy.

She is too excited! This is her child. It’s his first time kissing her, and can even make her happy.

Seeing her crying like a child, Fu Yanzhi smiled softly. He reached out to wipe the tears off her cheeks, and coaxed gently, “Don't cry, you should be happy about this.”

Ji Qingying nodded, “I know, but I just can't control it. He kissed me for the first time.”

Fu Yanzhi smiled and played with Baobao, “Yes, our baby knows that his mom is unhappy, so he was coaxing his mom.”

Ji Qingying grabbed his clothes, took a deep breath and said, “I love him more now, what should I do?”


Fu Yanzhi was silent and said, “As long as it’s not more than me.”

Ji Qingying was amused by him, and wept with joy, “That shouldn’t be the case, you are still the most important one.”

The two of them looked at each other silently.

Fu Yanzhi pinched her face, “Put Baobao to sleep, he is sleepy.”


After a long period of time, Ji Qingying spent more and more time with Baobao.

The couple will occasionally take him out to play. Although he still doesn't understand anything, it can't hinder the love they gave to him.

When Baobao was eight months old, he started to learn how to walk.

He was staggering, and his walking was not very stable, but he was stubborn and quite strong.

Sometimes Ji Qingying wants to carry him, but he insists on walking by himself.

Considering that he would often fall, the couple’s room and the baby’s room are covered with thick carpets, so that he can move freely on it, without being afraid of him falling.

Today, Fu Yanzhi went to work normally. Ji Qingying also went to her studio and stayed for a long time, while Baobao was brought home by Ye Qing and the housekeeper.

When Ji Qingying came home after work, she happened to see Baobao trying hard to climb the sofa.

She raised her eyebrows but didn’t make any sound either, and just watched his movements.

He couldn't climb up and struggled hard over there.

Suddenly, he missed his grabbing and fell off the edge.

After the fall, it might not have hurt, because he didn't cry.

Ji Qingying watched him and thought it was funny.

Ye Qing saw that she had come back a minute before, so she didn’t come out of the kitchen. However, she didn’t expect Ji Qingying to just watch and didn’t do anything.

She couldn't laugh or cry. She walked out of the kitchen, “Oh, Grandma's little baby, your mother didn't even come over to hug you.”

Ji Qingying laughed, “Mom.”

She said, “I mainly saw that he is strong, and didn't think he needed me.”

Ye Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, “How could it be, our Baobao needs his mother.”

She carried Baobao to the sofa, “Are you done with your work?”


Ji Qingying walked over and sat down, then smiled, “Is he a good boy in the morning?”


Ye Qing said, “He didn't cry much either, and his personality is a bit like Fu Yanzhi's when he was a child.”

Ji Qingying nodded, she pinched his cheek and teased him, “Then he will be a quiet person in the future.”

Hearing this, Ye Qing raised her eyebrows, “Maybe he’ll talk more when he has a girlfriend.”

Ji Qingying, “……”

She choked up, and looked at Ye Qing in embarrassment, “Mom.”


“Don't remind me of this sad thing yet.” Ji Qingying clutched her chest and said, “My son is not looking for a girlfriend for the time being.”

Ye Qing laughed out loud, “When he reaches Fu Yanzhi's age, you'll think that this brat should quickly find a girlfriend.”


These words are so true, Ji Qingying sighed.


She looked at Baobao's exquisitely delicate appearance, and felt a little bit reluctant, “Mom, when Fu Yanzhi found a girlfriend, how did you feel?”

Hearing this, Ye Qing raised her eyebrows, “Me?”


Ye Qing laughed, “Happy. but also emotional.”

This is the feeling of all mothers.

Ji Qingying nodded, “I understand.”

Ye Qing said, “Well, don't think too much, he's not even one year old yet, so we won't have to worry about it for more than 20 years.”

Ji Qingying blinked, she asked seriously, “What if he falls in love early?”

Ye Qing, “……”

This is really a good question.

“Then, let’s worry about it ten years later.”

Ji Qingying thought it was very reasonable, and immediately put the matter behind her, and happily played with her son.


She poked his cheek and coaxed, “When will you call mommy?”

Baobao only glanced at her, then continued what he was doing.

Climbing the sofa.

Ji Qingying couldn’t laugh or cry, she lay down on the side, “Climb slowly, Mommy will record and send it to your Daddy.”


Baobao didn't understand, but raised his head to look at her mobile phone.

Ji Qingying frowned, “Come, smile at the camera.”

Baobao laughed.

Ji Qingying laughed softly, “What about, you call Daddy?”

She tilted her head, “Of course, if you can call Daddy even when it’s only in front of the camera, Mommy will tell Daddy that you think the phone is him.”


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