Joining the Coven

Complete Short Story

I rubbed my hands together and opened the book to the 101st page, the exact middle. I was shivering with anticipation. 'This is it,' I thought. 'Today's the day I join the coven'.

I had lived with my two mothers for my whole life. Despite the fact that they never told me directly, I knew they were witches. They didn't wear black robes or have pentagrams tattooed on their foreheads, but they did keep an assortment of odd things in the house. An old cauldron. A strange looking staff. A crystal ball. They frequently stole away into the woods in the dead of night with their friends, all women, only returning when dawn broke. Sometimes I could hear them chanting and singing under the moonlight. And despite being nineteen years old, there were still rooms in the house I'd never been allowed into.

But I was curious. When they finally felt comfortable leaving me alone in the house, I started to explore every room, closet, and nook and cranny I could find. Most of it was locked, so I taught myself lock picking. The books that I found were written in Latin, so I taught myself that too. After years of searching, hours spent on painstaking translations, and secreting away ingredients from my mothers' stores, I had collected everything I needed.

The ritual I had found was how my parents became witches. Or at least that's what I assumed from the book's prominence on the altar I had found it on and its location in the exact center of said book. It was simple enough: In exchange for offering her your eternal soul, the Goddess would grant you immeasurable power. I had gulped when I read this. But when I thought about my mothers, who had done just that, I knew I wanted to do it too. They were so happy and content, and it wasn't as if they were performing human sacrifices or anything. So today, I was going to become a witch.

I sat cross-legged and nude on the floor, waiting for midnight. My two mothers would be gone by then, off to perform their own rituals. As the minutes ticked past, I felt my excitement growing. Finally, at twelve o'clock, I heard the front door slam shut. I smiled to myself.

It was time.

My eyes closed, and I took a deep breath. I let it out slowly, focusing on relaxing. I tried to imagine the Goddess in my mind, and concentrated on feeling her presence. Then I began to chant.

"Luna, Luna, I am yours." I spoke quietly, almost whispering. "You are my light, my strength, my love, my life. Please take me now. Take my soul, and make me one of your own."

I opened my eyes and looked down at the book. It was glowing softly, like it was holding back a fire. I felt a warm tingling sensation spread through my body. I took another deep breath and chanted again.

"Please," I whispered again. "Take me. Make me your own."

The book flared up brighter than before, and I felt the tingling intensify. A low hum filled the air, and I felt the vibration in my chest. I could feel something stirring inside me, and I knew it was the Goddess. She was coming for me. I kept chanting, repeating the words over and over.

Then suddenly, I felt a rush of energy, like I was being pulled upwards. I felt my soul fly free, soaring above the earth, and I was floating. I felt myself lifted up into the sky, higher and higher. I was being carried on the wind, carried towards the moon.

As quickly as it came, the sensation stopped. I opened my eyes and saw the stars, shining brightly in the night sky, dominated by the full moon. I was floating in the moonlight, naked, surrounded by thousands of tiny white lights. I felt a sense of peace wash over me, and I felt as though I belonged there.

And then I heard a voice.

"Welcome, my darling," the voice said. "Come closer."

I felt myself drawn towards the voice, and soon I found myself floating in front of a beautiful woman. She was just as naked as I was, and she was tall and slim, with long flowing black hair. Her skin was pale and flawless, and her breasts were large and round. I stared in wonder at the Goddess, unable to speak.

She looked me over and gave a light laugh. "It's been a long time since a man offered himself to me," she said. "But I see you've been preparing yourself for this moment."

I nodded, not knowing what else to say.

"Very good," she said, and her voice sounded more formal. "Now, do you, Cenda, son of Adria and Aenwyn, offer your soul to me?"

I swallowed hard. "Yes," I replied.

"Do you promise to love me, and cherish me, and follow me always?"

I nodded again.

"And will you give me your heart and your body to do with as I please?"

I nodded once more.

"And do you pledge yourself as my wife, and my consort, and my lover, until the end of time?"

Again, I nodded.

"Then, Cenda, son of Adria and Aenwyn, become Kaia, bride of the Moon!"

The Goddess reached out her hand and stroked my cheek. "We are bound now, forever," she said. "Let us celebrate our union."

I felt my body begin to change, and I gasped in surprise. From the spot that the Goddess touched me, a silvery white glow began to radiate outward. I felt my face start to shift. My jaw softened, becoming less angled and more rounded. My nose shrank, and my lips grew fuller. I felt the Goddess gently running her fingers through my hair, and I felt it grow longer and longer, until I could feel it tickling my butt. It was getting lighter too, until it was a rich golden blonde.

"So beautiful," the Goddess murmured. "My lovely wife."

She leaned forward and kissed me, and I felt my lips melt against hers. Our tongues met, swirling around each other, exploring new territory.

"Mine," the Goddess purred. "All mine."

She moved her hand down to my throat, and I felt that change too. I could feel my Adam's apple shifting under her fingers, until it disappeared completely. My larynx changed shape, and I decided to test out what would surely be a new voice.

"Oh... Oh my..." I gasped. My new voice was soft, sultry, and husky.

"Oh, yes," the Goddess breathed.

I felt her hand move down to my chest. She ran her fingers over my nipples, and I moaned softly.

"Mmmm," the Goddess moaned. "Such a beautiful sound."

Her fingers traced circles around my nipples, and I felt them start to swell beneath her touch. They were growing bigger, darker, and more sensitive. My breathing quickened, and I couldn't help moaning louder. The Goddess continued to tease my engorged buds, and I could feel the flesh underneath them swell. I was growing breasts! The goddess took one of my nipples in her mouth as they swelled even further, sucking hungrily upon it while squeezing the other one with her hand. My hips buckled slightly from the pleasure coursing through me, and the Goddess chuckled.

"Somebody likes her new boobs!"

Suddenly, she released both of my new breasts, and I let out a whimper of disappointment. I looked down at them and giggled when I saw how large they were. I cupped them and felt their weight in my hands. They were heavy, firm, and bouncy. I squeezed them together experimentally, admiring my new cleavage.

As I played with my breasts, the Goddess slid behind me. She traced her fingers over my arms, and they became smaller and more delicate. I felt wrap her arms around my waist, and it started pinching smaller. She moved down to my hips and gripped them firmly in either hand. Then she slowly pulled them wider and fuller, giving me a lovely hourglass figure. My butt was next; the Goddess gave each cheek a gentle squeeze before molding them larger and firmer. Soon, I had curves where none existed before, and my ass was positively perfect.

With that finished, the Goddess started reshaping my legs. They became smooth and shapely, my slight muscles toned into sculpted perfection. Slowly, inch by delicious inch, I lost any trace of boyishness. By the time she got to my feet, I had developed long slender feminine limbs that made my previous pair look stubby by comparison.

"Now for the finishing touches," the Goddess said, pulling herself up beside me. She placed her hands on my shoulders and pushed downward. I felt my whole body start to shrink smaller, until I was six inches shorter then her and looking up at her face. I shivered as I prepared myself for what was coming next.

The Goddess reached between my legs, and placed one finger on the tip of my penis, which was hard from all the stimulation. I felt her press it slowly towards my body, as it got smaller and smaller until it was no more then a tiny little nub of a clit.

My testes were next. They started migrating northwards, closer and closer to my body, until they reached my crotch and started to burrow into my abdomen. I felt a little strange as they wiggled around until happily settling into place as my new ovaries. The Goddess then traced a line right down the middle of my empty scrotum, and it split apart to form two soft pussy lips. I gasped as she slid her fingers between them and started pushing into my body, forming the tunnel that was to become my vagina. She withdrew her fingers, and I stood there, panting, a complete woman.

"Beautiful," the Goddess cooed. "Perfection."

I blushed deeply at her praise. "Thank you," I managed to squeak out.

She smiled at me lovingly. "Now, my wife, it's time we consummate our marriage."

I turned bright red at hearing those words. This is really happening, I thought excitedly. I'm actually going to have sex with the Goddess!
She swept me into her arms and I melted into her embrace. I pressed myself against her wonderful naked body, feeling every curve and contour of hers pressing into mine. I felt her lips kiss along my neck up to my earlobe, nibbling playfully on it.

The Goddess broke away from me momentarily and gazed down at me. There was lust in her eyes, but also tenderness and affection. She took my breasts in her mouth for a few moments, then trailed kisses down my stomach. She paused briefly near my navel before continuing downwards, and I trembled in anticipation of what was about to happen. My thighs spread, almost unconsciously, as she drew nearer. When her tongue finally brushed against my inner thigh, I cried out loudly.

"Ohhh," I sighed. "Goddess, please don't stop!"

Her tongue flicked across my labia, sending waves of heat racing through my entire body. As she circled my clitoris teasingly, I threw my head back in ecstasy.

"Mmmm!" I squealed. "That feels so good!"

I watched entranced as she brought her lips close to my opening, but never quite touching it. She began tracing the edges of my outer folds with the tip of her tongue. I closed my eyes tightly and arched my back off the ground as she teased me mercilessly, driving me wild. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, she plunged her tongue inside me.

"Aaaahh!!" I screamed as she dove into my virgin pussy. "Oooohhhh!! That's amazing!"

She didn't waste any time. With swift strokes of her warm wet tongue, she explored every crevice within me. Her fingernails traced lightly up and down my slit, then gently teased my clitoris. Every nerve ending in my body came alive as she pleasured me like I'd only ever dreamed possible. All thoughts left me except for the sensations assaulting me from every direction. My toes curled inward, and my breath caught in my throat. I writhed and thrashed helplessly beneath her ministrations. Her fingers kept playing with my engorged clit, rubbing it rapidly without mercy or restraint. Then suddenly, I exploded.

Everything went white for a second or two as wave after orgasmic wave crashed over me. My mind was filled with pure blissful euphoria, and nothing mattered anymore. Nothing existed outside of the intense feelings emanating from my core. My world narrowed to the point where everything beyond the pleasure of being eaten out by the Goddess faded away entirely. For several minutes, I floated above reality, basking in the afterglow of such an incredible experience.

Finally, though, it passed. I opened my eyes to find the Goddess smiling down at me.

"That was amazing," I whispered weakly.

She giggled softly, and kissed me. "Indeed it was," she agreed. "You taste divine."

I flushed again at her compliment. "Thanks,"

"I think it's time you returned the favor," she said with a mischievous grin.


We made love for what seemed like eons, but eventually, the night had to end. The Goddess held me tightly as I felt myself getting pulled back to the mortal plane.

"Goodbye," she said sadly. "Know that one day, you will return here, to spend eternity at my side."

I nodded, unable to speak.

"Be happy," she added. "Live well."

I blinked back tears as she vanished from sight. Just before I woke up, I heard her whisper one last thing: "I love you."


I was lying on the floor of my room. Morning had broken. It took me a second to realize that I was naked on the floor, and another second to realize that my body was very different than when I had gone to sleep. I gasped and let out a little squeal of delight as I looked down at myself. I was a woman! Completely female! No more male parts, just beautiful round breasts, long feminine legs, and soft, full lips, and... oh Goddess! I quickly sat up and spread my legs wide open, letting my fingers explore my newly formed pussy.

It was already glistening with arousal, thanks to my dreamy encounter with the Goddess earlier tonight. What surprised me most wasn't the fact that I now possessed a pussy; it was how much I loved having one. It felt nice and tight, and warm and moist inside. I rubbed my fingertips around its entrance, savoring the sensation of it stretching and closing around them. My pussy grew hotter and wetter, responding eagerly to my caresses.

I managed to tear myself away from my explorations somehow. I was eager to get a good look at myself in the mirror, to see if I matched the image I had seen in my dreams. I gasped when I saw my reflection staring back at me. A gorgeous girl stared back at me from the glass; her hair was honey blonde and falling loosely all the way to her hips. She had high cheekbones, a cute button nose, and small dainty ears. Most striking of all were her green eyes; they sparkled brightly and seemed to glow in the dim light of the bathroom.

"Wow..." I murmured in amazement.

I ran my fingers through my silky golden locks and admired my feminine features. I sighed contently. This was who I was meant to be. I did a little twirl for effect, admiring the sway of my hips and my curvaceous rear end. Goddess, this body was sexy! I grinned broadly at my own reflection.

Then I started to wonder how my mothers would react once they found out about my transformation. I giggled as I imagined walking into the kitchen as a girl and seeing their shocked expressions. I pulled one of my old t-shirts over my head, which thanks to its large size now covered all my important bits, and padded softly downstairs.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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