Journey of the Legendary Wizard

v2 Chapter 727 - Treasure

Abyss Demon Race.

Abyss demons …

In front, Ghana’s voice was quite indifferent and calm, but at this time, like thunder, it exploded here, causing Roald and the abyss demon behind him to buzz in the brain, a daze.

Someone even recognized them as disguised as court officials, and said it directly. This person is not a sorcerer, but an indigenous person in this world.

how come……

How is this going……

Roald couldn’t help but stunned.

Their identity is secret. Now they have been disguised, not to mention the indigenous people of this world. These so-called arcanists say that the extremely powerful sorcerers from the wizarding world cannot find their disguise, but, like this What seems impossible is now broken.

Their identity was spoken directly by Ghana.

The demons were a little commotion, but soon calmed down.

“It’s a surprise that you could recognize us,” Roald exhaled slightly, and his heart quickly calmed down.

As he walked forward, the face of the court guard disguised in his body instantly changed into his real appearance. A tall, sturdy, full of scales, it seemed to be full of noble spirits.

Silver Yao Demon.

“Ghana, I heard that you are the most amazing arcanist of this generation of arcanists, yes, really good, it seems, you have not let me down.” Roald’s voice sounded hoarse and thick, He was talking, his voice rang at this time.

In front, Ghana smiled slightly.

Looking closely, Ghana is a middle-aged man. His face is ordinary, but he is very deep. His eyes are slightly shiny, which is very memorable.

The surging breath on his body was not revealed at this moment.

The fourth level of true pinnacle!

Ghana has become a world-class and has reached the level of a world spellcaster. He has been able to detach himself in this world.

This is incredible. You know, even in the wizarding world, you want to be a world spellcaster, you need a lot of third-level accumulation, and you need infinite knowledge. Many third-level wizards ca n’t take the last step. Kan has become the true meaning of the world. In other planes of the Chaos Astral Realm, it is almost impossible to become the existence of the true meaning level, but Ghana, the arcanist in front of him, he did.

Feeling the breath emanating from Ghana, Roald frowned slightly, and he also felt some surprise beyond words.

Ghana simply glanced at Roald, and then he looked back.

Turning his head, Ghana looked at Casa.

“Casa, before, I believe you must know that there are abyss demons in this world, but you didn’t tell me before.” Ghana’s mouth curled slightly, and there was a slight smile on his face. meaning.

Casa frowned.

He glanced at Roald in front of him and other abyss demons who slowly showed his true appearance, but simply shook his head without speaking.

“Forget it, some trivial matters are not important.” Ghana didn’t care.

“Ghana, and the priests from the eternal light, what are you doing …”

Roald said slowly, at this time, Roald found something was wrong.

Is it because of the legendary arcanist’s treasure …

Roald suddenly flashed such an idea.

“What are we going to do, presumably when you come, there are already some guesses and expectations in my heart.” Ghana’s voice was soft, he said lightly, and at the same time raised his eyes, looked at Roald, said: “But You are here now, then, let me kill you. “

“Want to kill our honorable abyss Demon Clan? It’s you?”

Although Roald had always felt a little wrong, he still sneered involuntarily after hearing Ghana’s voice.

So many of them are extremely powerful abyss demons, and their status is distinguished. Their bloodline is far beyond imagination, which makes their strength far beyond the existence of the same level. Those powerful wizard warlocks are very It is difficult to deal with it, and it is very difficult to kill them. Now, an arcanist who does not know what it is, even whispers that he wants to kill them?


Roald didn’t want to say much, he decided to take the shot first, kill Ghana and Casa in front, and take the inheritance of the arcanists into his hands and study carefully.

Now the person in front is going to die.


It’s thorny! !

There was a momentary sound of breaking the air in the air, it was because the scales on Roald’s body was tearing the void, and the void was ripped directly. You can also see the sharp marks of his sharp claws tearing the white marks of the void, and the tiny fierce energy storm swirling around his claws.

Obviously, Roald wanted to kill Ghana in an instant, ending all this first.

But all of this stopped abruptly.

Just as Roald’s attack was about to fall on Ghana, everything disappeared.

Roald’s body hovered in mid-air, only a moment’s distance from Ghana, but this moment’s distance was forever.

Roald’s body was stiff, and he couldn’t move like a stone statue. He looked deep in Ghana’s eyes, showing a deep shock.

“Abyss Demon …”

Ghana looked up slowly, his face calm, but in his eyes, there was a glimmer of light, and metal gears appeared in Ghana’s eyes, turning slowly.

Tick, tick, tick.

The gear rotates slowly, there is a clear sound, and there are many clear sounds from the collision of the hands.

All the abyss demons are stagnant.

The air seemed to freeze.

An indifferent and huge breath suddenly rushed out, rushing towards the surging convolution around.

There was a mass of light in the surrounding air, and vaguely, you could see that in the surrounding air, there were one after another gears and clocks, hands, chains, steam, roar, etc., and Many other metal objects, these things emerged, enveloped the surrounding void, making it strange here.

Roald’s eyes widened instantly.

He wanted to say something, but after opening his mouth, he couldn’t say anything.

“What about the Abyss Demon Clan and the Abyss Demon Clan. When our Arcanist dominated the wizarding world before, we had killed a far-reaching Demon God.”

Ghana sneered, the gears in his eyes were turning faster and faster, and there were many ticking sounds, but on Ghana’s face, there was a hint of madness, which made him look very strange. .

“Mozu, I said, you shouldn’t be here, because this is the only place where our Arcanist inherits.” Ghana said, shaking his head slightly.

Ghana did nothing more, and Roald’s face suddenly showed a deep shock and fear.

His mouth was open, and there was a loud cry, and then Roald’s body retreated in the air, and then burst out inch by inch, and became a mass of blood mist.

Roald is dead.

This powerful abyss demon, just died.

Not only Roald, but other abyss demons also died miserably.

It has become quiet here.

“Well, these demons are really powerful. If they are not inheriting the forbidden land, I have the blessing of the ancient arcanist. I want to come to those abyss demons. It will be very troublesome.” Ghana shook his hand gently Said very carelessly.

At the end, Ghana looked at Casa, with a strange smile on his face, saying: “The priest of the eternal light, I found you and saved you, and promised to do business with you, you told me about the legend The knowledge of witchcraft in it, and I exchange it with you for arcane knowledge, but now, it seems that you are not so sincere. “

“It’s not that I have no sincerity, but that this is not within our trading scope at all.”

Casa looked at Ghana and said very calmly.

Ghana laughed, and said nothing else.

His body glowed slightly, as if he had come to the land of the Arcanist, and the whole of Ghana had changed.

Ghana is walking, and a lot of things are spinning around. That is machinery, that is steam, and gears. Ghana seems to have received the blessing of power in the underworld. There is a strangeness that cannot be said.

“Casa, the priest from the eternal light, I am very curious about the knowledge in you, but, if you only disclose a little, it is really bad.”

“Now I will pick it up myself ~ ~ Ghana has a strange smile on his face, saying:” Don’t you want the knowledge of our Arcanist, well, I will give you these things now! “

With that, Ghana’s body flickered, with a faint phantom, and came to Casa’s body.

His palm stretched forward, a large hazy light flashed, countless energies and symbols surged, and he rushed crazy towards Casa.

Silently, a white halo appeared in front of Casa, divine and strong, resisting the light from Ghana.


The silent vibration came.

Ghana and Casa stood, and the light rushed out of them, colliding in a constant conflict, the two brilliances formed a terrible impact, rushing around like waves.

Light and darkness are intertwined, and the light and darkness are uncertain in an instant.

Ghana and Casa met in an instant.



The sound of energy torrents came from the air.

The stone walls all over the ground are annihilating and dying.

And everything looks so different.

In the light and shadow intertwined around, Morin’s figure was also reflected in the light and darkness, becoming a ghost.

“Really …” The expression on Morin’s face was a little weird.

He touched his nose, and then Mo Lin lowered his hand and looked forward.

To be honest, he has been here for a long time, and has watched a long time drama, but, the energy storm in front of the eyes of Casa and Ghana is convolving, plus this is indeed a bit different, so Moline Can’t hide his body.

Well, it’s time to shoot.

Mo Lin thought.

Then, his figure slowly appeared in the raging energy torrent, standing quietly on the ground beside him.

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