Journey of Void Survivor

Volume 1 Chapter 5: First Meeting

"So, that was what transpired ?" I said to myself, not knowing whether to be happy on knowing that my girlfriend, who turn out to be an Omni-level being decided to teleport me into one of my favorite fictional worlds with all of the wishes I dreamed of, allowing me to fulfill my dream of having a harem of all of my favorite fictions. Or, be angry that she did all this without directly asking me. But if I recall correctly, she did indirectly ask me. I remember her asking me, 'what would be your reaction if I were to send you into one of your favorite fictional worlds with all your dream wishes?'.
"And I answered truthfully, that I will never be angry with her if that happens. Instead, I will be very happy and make love to her for a week straight"
"*Chuckle* I remember her pale face when I said the last part. But what to do now?."
I then started thinking of my future goals in this world and any other world, that I will be going to after this one.
"Hmm... Okay, I have decided. I will fulfill Akasha's wish and have a harem for myself and my second goal is to find out how I ended up in the void in the first place?"
"That's good, but how to get out of here?" I started thinking of a way to get out of my dream. "What if I sleep in a dream? Weird. But might be too effective.. let's give it a try." Deciding I tried to sleep and then as I fell asleep, I heard Raphael's voice, calling for me.
{-UP, Master Wake Up, Attack Incoming!}
I opened my eyes hearing Raphael's alarming voice, warning me about an incoming attack. Slightly opening my groggy eyes, I caught a glimpse of something coming at my face.
{Emergency Detected! Taking control over the Master's body! Successful}
I exclaimed as my body moved automatically, rolling off the futon I was sleeping on just in time, a second later a Bokken strike landed on it creating a dull sound and making it evident how much force was behind that attack.
Sweat poured down my forehead, thinking about what would happen if it landed on me.
I gulped my saliva in fear just thinking about it.
'Thank Raphael'
{You are welcome Master}
I thanked Raphael as I felt myself regaining control over my body. I then followed the blade of the Bokken to its hilt where too feminine hands were holding it. Following them too, my eyes landed on a female face with refined features, cherried colored lips resting a few centimeters below two Ocean Blue eyes, her shiny thigh-length straight purple hair that has a triangular fringe at the front which barely touches the ridge of her nose. A girl wearing a Fujimi High School uniform.
Taking note of these features, I understand the identity of the beauty standing in front of me, whom I would have been eager to talk to any time but not now as she is looking at me with narrowed eyes that promise me that if I move even a finger, the consequences will be too heavy to bear.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?"
The beauty I identify as Saeko Busujima asked me.
Standing up straight from my previous crouching position, I raised my hands in the air. Showing my willingness to follow her order for now.
"Don't you know, asking others their name before introducing oneself is bad manners."
I questioned, fully prepared for any retaliation from her, which didn't come as Saeko was sizing me up with me doing the same. So, taking the advantage of my Parallel Processing skill, I also asked Raphael a question at the same time.
'Hey, Raphael. What are my chances of winning in a Sword fight against her.'
{50% with only your status.}
'If I use my knowledge of Swordsmanship?' I asked back internally, as outwardly I registered the layout of the kendo hall.
{100% if you fight barehanded while avoiding her attacks based on your knowledge of Swordsmanship, 150% if you use a Bokken too, and 200% with reinforcement.}
'Good, but let's keep the last one as my trump card'.
With that, I ended my chat with Raphael on hearing Saeko saying, "Saeko Busujima from class 3A, captain of Kendo Club and this is Kendo hall my territory. Now it's your turn."
"Saeko, it’s a cute name if you ask me. As for me, my name is Evan Starling, just call me Evan." I said calmly while being happy inwardly at the fact that even after spending an imaginable time in the void my communication skills haven't deteriorated even a bit.
"What were you doing here?"
"Now that's a tough question you are asking there, Saeko," I said after I sighed as a sad expression appeared on my face. "Do you want to know?" I tried to show that I don't want to talk about that so I make Saeko more curious.
"Agh!" I exclaimed and sat down on the floor, "Okay, then don't complain later as it is going to be a long story."
"Go on, I have time," Saeko said, retreating her Bokken from the futon but her muscles are still tense, showing that she is still ready to counter-attack any sudden attack from me, not like I will do any.
"To start with, one day I woke up in a dark place. I was in a dark place, which made me panic, and the fact that I couldn't feel anything around me added to my already panicking mind. I don't know how much time it took me to calm down, but I calmed down, and then I tried to recall how I ended up in that place, only to find that I don't have any memories about my past except memories of some games, movies, music, science and other stuff like common sense. But nothing related to my past self and how did I end up in that place, following that I waited for something to happen to me, thinking that all this is just a bad dream I am having. So, I waited and waited for a long time. I don't know. After an unimaginable amount of time when my consciousness was about to collapse on itself, I finally had a hope of light and in the next second, I came out of that dark place. Then I met with a being that called himself a god who chose me for something she didn't clarify. She told me that she will be sending me on a journey to test me. Then she gave me some power and threw me into a portal that left me a little away from here. But before throwing me in the portal she told me that the place I will appear on will be attacked by the undead 13 hours later after my arrival as it is destined to, and my first test is to survive in this world until the next notice from her. Arriving in this world and knowing that a bleak future that waits for me, I decided to gather some supplies for the future after which I search for a place to spend the night it was then that I stumble upon this school, entering it by jumping off the wall I entered the building and fall asleep on the futon I brought with myself."
I finished telling Saeko a modified version of what happened with myself, 50% of which is true and the other half a lie as a story with 50% truth and 50% lie is the best way to make someone believe you or it is what an Mc said in a fanfic that I remember.
"What do you think?" I asked her from the floor on which I am currently lying.
"Not convinced. but there is a way you can convince me." She said looking into my eyes.
"And what that might be," I asked her while changing my posture to sitting.
"The way is," She started with a calm voice as she raised her Bokken, then with a short burst of speed that she used to cover the distance between us, she swung her Bokken at me while saying, "Defeat me in a fight, Haaa!"

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