Journey to One Piece

322. What are those poles for?

Of course, this was a trap set by Ken. He allowed Kanjuro to draw in front of everyone to see how he could draw, and this fool just showed his true colors. One chance was enough, and he didn't need another one.

It would be an insult to Ken and the Straw Hats if he were allowed to dance more. Kanjuro now didn't know what he should say but knew that he was caught and struggling more would really end him. He could feel the Conqueror's Haki oozing from Ken and already knew that he needed to come out with the truth, or he really might die the most horrible way.

He had heard how Doflamingo vanished from the face of the earth, and he had felt the dry heat from the castle during the battle. He would never be able to stand against Ken. The bird which he drew was his panic mode working, and he was supposed to draw again to escape into the open sea.

But he thought too much. There was nowhere for him to escape, and he would die. Kin'mon was shouting at Ken and asking him to leave Kanjuro alone, but Ken didn't pay attention at all. Momo was also sobbing like a baby, but Luffy was numb to that.

Kanjuro looked around, and slowly, the gullible idiot-looking white face was replaced by a maniacal laughter.

"Hahaha... Hahahaha... Hahahaha... I didn't expect that after so many years some people even remember me for what I was," Kanjuro said. Those words made Kin'mon and Momo freeze. They hardly could believe the sudden change in the demeanor of Kanjuro.

"You want my name... My name... My name is Kanjuro Kurozumi. A member of the Kurozumi family. Yes, the same family which is the current shogun of Wano. Hahahah... All my life I have been loyal to only one person, and that is Orochi-sama... I infiltrated Oden's family to spy on them and strike at the optimal time. But I guess that can't be possible anymore... Hahahaha... What a sad tale for me."

This was followed by the same silence as before when Ken accused Kanjuro of being someone else. But this time, the silence was followed by screams from Kin'mon.

"Kanjuro... What the hell are you talking about? You are not in your right mind. I will talk with Luffy-dono and let Chopper-dono see your brain. You are not talking straight."

"This is not happening..."

"This is a joke, right?"

"Tell me this is a joke."

Kin'mon went from refusal to denial, but the more he saw the face of Kanjuro, the more he believed him, and the faster he broke down. Momonosuke too was distraught and had again started crying. This time the cries were not loud but just silent sobs. He couldn't believe that one of his protectors and great friends of his father could turn out to be a scum.

"Who wants to be the friend of a dirty, filthy bastard like you? The Scabbards? Tch... They are just low lives, and I was forced to be with these low lives for such a long time. It was suffocating. There were even those beasts..." Before Kanjuro could speak more, he got a straight punch right at the face.

It wasn't Ken who took action, but Luffy himself.

"He talks too much." Luffy said. Ken just smiled and spoke to Luffy. 

"I am sorry. I took action without consulting you." 

"He deserved it and it's fine." Luffy said. 

Meanwhile. Kin'mon and Momo were just mentally broken down. Ken had to sit with them and explain who Kanjuro was and he did that in front of Kanjuro himself as now he was chained in sea stones and was forced to just hear the words between Ken as he spoke more of his background. 

"I was the target all along?" Momo asked. Ken could only nod his head. 

"Momo, you can't just cry and go along. You need to grow up. You have seen the brutality your face had to face, your mother sacrificed herself leaving only you and your sister. You need to be strong. You have us on your side but if you want to be the shogun of Wano, you need to have the spine to do so." Ken gave another long speech to help him understand the gravity of the situation. 

Momo could only nod as waters ran down his face. He didn't know that his sister was still alive and thus knowing that his sister was well and living gave him more courage to get up and take the reins. Now he was more determined to get strong and be someone who could lead Wano to a better future. 

Kanjuro meanwhile was chained and sent to the exclusive prison of Merry which was built. Nami in order to know more, used magic to get inside his brain and bring out more information. The more Kin'mon heard of how his betrayal was supposed to be and how he would respond one day to the call of Orochi, the more disgusted he was. 

But Kin'mon also felt pity. That didn't mean he would let him escape. He was just sad and broken that one of their best friends just turned out to be a spy for the enemy. Nami even showed his memories in a pensive which Nami forcefully extracted. 

The ship sailed for a few more days. Law had been the spectator so he was also surprised by the revelation of Kanjuro. But this had nothing to do with him personally. One fine afternoon, there was finally a shout from Zoro from the top of the ship.

"I see a very huge poles.. Standing on the sea. Wait.. What the hell.. It's moving.. You need to see it to believe it." 

Everyone came running out and soon they were able to see huge poles which looked like legs of an elephant. No, this was an elephant and it was moving on the sea slowly. Everyone's breath came to a stand still when they got to see it. 

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