Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 2

'Today I'm unlikely to be able to get out of this forest, and it's not worth the risk, after all, judging by the position of the sun, it's almost four o'clock in the evening. And how do I know how to find out the time from the sun? 

Since I have been in this clearing for more than an hour and everything is still fine with me, we can assume that it is relatively safe here. At least so far, I haven't been attacked by any bear. So while I stay here, I'll decide what to do next tomorrow.' - I thought as I looked around the area.

The first thing to do is take care of the essentials. Yes, and I need to get clothes, otherwise I somehow feel uncomfortable and cold. I need to find food, water and create a shelter where I can spend the night without fear. 

Fortunately, with my Magic, getting all this is not at all difficult. Deciding what to do first, I moved towards the forest, to the edge of the clearing. Since the clearing is not so small, and I was right in the center, to reach the forest, I had to walk more than three hundred meters. 

When I came close to the forest, I saw that the forest was much denser and thicker than I thought before. The whole forest consisted of thick and tall trees, similar to maple or oak, which stood close to each other. Actually this is what I need. 

Picking one tree at random, I stepped aside a little and began to prepare a spell. Like last time, I called out to the Energy, directed it to his left eye, after which he raised his index finger and began to draw a rune, this time just one. This time, the whole process took only a couple of seconds. 

Although this is only the second time, the experience is already making itself felt. In a couple of seconds, the rune was ready and was just waiting to be launched.

- "Light Écriture: Incision" - I said, pointing my finger at the base of the tree. 

The hieroglyph of the spell, after I activated it, changed and turned into a ball of light that flew forward at a fairly good speed until it changed its shape again, into a sickle of compressed air that hit the tree trunk and cut the trunk without any problems. 

After the tree began to fall to the ground, the sickle disappeared, as it had fulfilled its function. The tree fell quietly next to me, showing a perfect cut on the trunk and stump that was left in the ground. In fact, the spell I just used was similar to the Diffindo spell from the Harry Potter. 

Pretty good cutting spell that can be used both in everyday life and in combat. Although I did not think that the sickle would cut the trunk so easily. Well, I'm not complaining. After looking at the tree, I decided to use another spell.

- "Light Écriture: Sorting" - after writing the rune, I said, thereby activating the spell, and threw the hieroglyph on the tree. 

As the rune fell on the tree, the bright white light engulfed it completely, until after a couple of seconds it disappeared and revealed a new picture. 

Instead of a fallen, ten-meter tree, three piles of different materials now lay on the ground. In one heap all the foliage was dumped, in another all the branches, and in the third what was left of the trunk, now it was a pile of firewood. 

- Did not think, that it would really work… - I muttered. 

I'm really surprised. It's one thing to use an ordinary cutting spell, but it's quite another when two runes dismantled the whole tree for materials and even chopped firewood. And they put it all in neat piles. 

This time, I was just testing to see if it would work and wanted to see if there were any limitations to Magic, but it seems like I still underestimated this Magic. 

'This is good. So my first idea will work, and things have become much easier.' - I thought as I walked over to the pile of leaves and began to cast another spell.

- "Light Écriture: Transformation" - I sang, throwing on the leaves, the most complex spell that I had ever created. It consisted of as many as six hieroglyphs. 

And in terms of Energy, it was also quite expensive. Twice as many as all previous spells. Although for me it was a little. Interest 1% - 2% of the total reserve. 

When the rune fell on the leaves, white light covered them completely, after which the pile of leaves began to decrease. When the light faded, there were leftover leaves on the ground, and… a black T-shirt. 

Picking up the T-shirt and touching it, I muttered in surprise: - Hmm…. cotton, which is what I wanted. And the size seems to fit. 

As I said before, a lot of my Magic depends on the imagination. When I performed the last spell, I imagined that a bunch of leaves would turn into a T-shirt that would fit me perfectly and be comfortable. And everything came out. 

It is not yet clear how the transformation took place. It can be a temporary transformation of the material, similar to the Transfiguration from "Harry Potter", or it can be a permanent molecular rearrangement, according to the principle of Alchemy from "Fullmetal Alchemist". 

Although in theory I used now the equivalent exchange. I used leaves as a material, and my Magical Energy was used only as a catalyst for restructuring, so it took a little Ethernano. But this is a different world and magic in general, who knows how everything will work. 

Maybe in a couple of days the clothes will turn into leaves again, or maybe not. All this can be learned only with time and after experiments and experiments. When I'm more or less safe and know my current situation, then I will start experimenting. 

In the meantime, after putting on a T-shirt that really fit, I started creating another transformation spell. There were not many leaves left, but they were just enough for underpants, which I immediately put on. Finally, my 'dignity' does not hang out in the air. 

Eventually, I used all the remaining wood for the rest of my outfit, which consisted of blue jeans, a pair of black socks, black and white sneakers, and since it's not that warm outside, around 16-17 degrees, I also converted myself to a simple leather jacket. 

Having finally dressed, I felt hungry, and decided that it was time to find something to eat. At first I wanted to go into the forest and use Magic to find some edible plants or a rabbit there, whatever. But while I was getting dressed, I noticed that in the sky above the clearing, about two hundred meters away, some kind of bird was circling. Quite large, about the size of a turkey. 

'I think she won't mind being my lunch.' - I thought as I watched the bird fly. 

- "Light Écriture: Lens." - I used the spell as the runes turned into a structure of light passing through glass, which could zoom in on the image. 

The lens was under my complete control, I could freely, mentally move it and control the zoom scale. Using the lens, I looked at the bird that was still circling in the sky. Looks like I was wrong, the bird turned out to be even bigger than I thought. Oh well, there will be more meat. 

- "Light Écriture: Bullet" - Aiming with a lens at the head of a bird, I created a conclusion and shot a hieroglyph from my finger, which quickly turned into a beam of light and hit my dinner. 

- Got it… - I said, watching the bird's head explode from a bullet of light and its carcass fell to the ground like a stone. 

I infused the bullet with more Ethernano than required, just in case, but I didn't think her head would explode like that. Poor bird. 

The bird fell not far from my place of awakening, so I immediately ran there. 

'Damn, should have caught her...' - I thought, looking at the condition of the bird. 

Although it did not turn into a pancake from falling from such a height, the bones of the bird were definitely broken, and a lot of blood flowed out. An unpleasant sight. 

After I stopped looking at the carcass, I decided to use another spell to see if it was edible at all. 

- "Light Écriture: Analysis" - a spell in which the runes cover the subject of study, after which all important information received is returned to the mage. 

It's a spell I got with the data pack, so I used it right away. When the analysis ended, a ball of light came out of the bird and soaked into my hand. With that, I got everything I needed to know. 

This bird is called the Windwing Eagle, a C-Rank Magical Creature that has the attribute of wind, and uses it to fly at high speed and attack prey with gusts of strong wind. Pretty dangerous stuff, by the way. 

Actually, I was lucky that I was able to kill her. Normally, she would have easily been able to get away from such a puny attack, especially since she was in her element. But I was lucky, because Eagle was sleeping at that moment and simply did not have time to react. 

Well, and most importantly, its meat is completely edible, and it seems even should be tasty. I can eat in peace. 

Using the surrounding earth, I created two metal vessels and then used 'Sorting' on the bird to make the spell separate all the edible meat, from bones, blood and offal. Now there were two vessels in front of me, in one there were waste, and in the second forty kilograms of pure meat. A meaty bird, what else can I say. 

I don't need waste, so I used "Light Écriture: Erase" and destroyed the entire vessel from existence along with the garbage. Quite a dangerous and creepy spell, I must say. 

All that remained was to light the fire and cook the meat. I created a brazier and coals from the surrounding earth, and then set fire to the coals with a spell. 

When the coals were hot enough, I put the neatly sliced meat on skewers and began to cook the meat. While it was cooking, I transformed all the necessary utensils and waited for everything to be ready. 

After half an hour, I was finally able to eat and I must say, it was divine. At first I was afraid that there would not be enough spices (which I can hardly transform), but it turned out that the meat is naturally quite salty and juicy. So no spices needed. 

After eating almost ten kilograms of meat in one sitting (and where so much fit), I froze the remaining raw meat and put it in a metal box. I already solved the problem with water, too, by simply transforming the barrel and filling it with water created from Magic. At first I was afraid to drink it, but after trying it, I was convinced that it was just plain water. 

'Now it remains to deal with the lodging for the night and I can sleep. Something I'm already tired today for the day. Too many things have happened. Moreover, in half an hour it will be completely dark.' - I thought as I watched the setting sun. 

At first I wanted to again just transform some kind of hut out of earth or trees, but nevertheless I decided to conduct one more experiment, the last one for today. 

Finding a good place I started creating a new combination of runes. This time, six runes came out, which lined up in two columns in front of my finger.

- "Light Écriture: Wood-Make Hut." - I proclaimed as I eagerly watched the result of the spell. 

The hieroglyphs in front of my finger shone, then folded together into a ball of light that soaked into the ground in front of me. After a couple of seconds, wooden roots burst out of the ground, which quickly folded together and formed a simple wooden hut.

- Cool. - I said, pleased, looking around the house. 

Didn't think it would come out so easy. Still, this is a full-fledged Make, and not just a Transformation. But it seems that I still underestimate my Magic. It was a simple but good looking hut. 

In principle, I could build one with my own hands, but why bother if there is Magic. Right? Everything was made of durable wood, even the hinges on the doors and the window blinds, without the glass, of course. 

Entering inside, I saw a small room of 20 m², with a wooden floor and six windows for lighting. There was a shelf on one wall and a bed frame in the center of the room. In principle, I can already sleep, it remains only to get bedding. Mattress, sheet, blanket and pillow, I again converted from the earth and laid on the bed. 

'Now, everything is really ready. Although…' - I thought, looking at my work. 

I decided not to forget that I was still in the middle of the forest, so I decided to be safe. After leaving the house, I used "Light Écriture: Dome", thereby creating a magical barrier that surrounded a small area around my house. 

I immediately used 30% of my reserve to keep the dome as long as possible. And because of the abundance of Ethernano involved, it must be incredibly durable. In fact, it was too much, but they don't save on protection. All the spells I used before cost very little. Even the creation of a house cost me only 5% of the reserve, which was quickly replenished by absorbing the Ethernano from the atmosphere. 

It seems that not only do I have impressive reserves of Ethernano, but the replenishment rate is also not small. After confirming that the barrier worked, I returned to the house with a makeshift refrigerator, which I placed by the door. 

Then I took off my jacket and sneakers, put them on the shelf, and went to bed, where he immediately fell asleep, because mentally I was very tired. 

Thus ended my first day in this new world.


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