Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 31

At the moment, Lyon Vastia, also known as the Sub-Zero Emperor or Reitei, a young 17-year-old boy with light blue spiky hair and black eyes, was relaxing in his apartment, which was in a pyramid, at the top hill on Galuna Island. 

When Lyon and his team moved to the island to carry out their plan to free Deliora, they upgraded the old pyramid so that they could live comfortably in it for the next three years that they were to spend on the island.

Even though it was well past noon now, Lyon was still sleeping on his bed. The thing is that the Moon Drip ritual, which was able to melt the ice of Ur, must be performed at night, when the moon is hanging in the sky. And it turns out that Lyon and all his people have to stay awake all night to conduct the ritual itself and monitor its work. 

So, Lyon was now sleeping off after a sleepless night, but just at that moment he was awakened by a knock on the door and a voice that said: - Reitei-sama, we have a problem.

The knock immediately woke Lyon up, and despite his remaining drowsiness, he quickly gathered himself and answered: - Come in, Sherry. What happened? 

The door opened and a beautiful, fifteen-year-old girl entered, with rich, pink hair gathered in two ponytails, blue eyes. She was wearing a dress very reminiscent of what was worn on the rat Angelica. It was Sherry Blendy, one of Lyon's loyal subordinates. 

Entering the room, she closed the door behind her, looked respectfully at the Sub-Zero Emperor, and said: - Someone defeated my sweet Angelica. I no longer feel connected to her. Although she is alive, she is definitely unconscious. Also just received a message that the group of magicians that patrolled the forest had gone missing. Most likely, they were defeated by the same person, since they were in the same area. 

After saying that, Lyon's mood clearly deteriorated and he was seething with anger. With anger in his voice, he ordered: - Send Tobi and Yuka. Let them take care of the intruder. Whoever it was paid the price for interfering with the Sub-Zero Emperor's plans. 

Despite the fact that Lyon was referring to himself in the third person, Sherry's admiration did not disappear and she said with a smile, while bowing: - As you wish, sir. I will pass on your order. 

After that, Sherry left the room, and Lyon began to prepare to leave. Donning a ridiculous, double-horned helmet and robe, Lyon also left the room.


Slowly walking through the jungle towards the pyramid, I thought about the people that now should have become my enemies. Now on the island was the leader of the group, Lyon Vastia, an Ice-Make Mage, Sherry Blendy, a Mage with Doll Attack Magic that allows her to take control of everything except humans, Toby Horhort, a strange dog-like guy with Paralyzing Claws, Yuka Suzuki, a guy with eyebrows that even Rock Lee would envy, with Wave Magic that allows him to dispel other people's Magic with vibrations, a giant rat Angelica, which I already defeated, and a group of three dozen weak Mages. 

All of them were once inhabitants of the land of Iswana, and all of them once suffered from the rampage of Deliora. This is the reason why they help Lyon free Deliora. They want to take revenge on the demon for all his destruction and finish him off completely. 

Lyon, after the sealing of Etherias and the 'death' of Ur, traveled through Iswana for seven years in search of like-minded people and allies who could help him. Although he should have trained more in Magic and gained real combat experience in order to gain enough strength to kill Deliora, and not make himself out to be some kind of Ice Emperor. 

And so, a year ago, Lyon and his team dragged Deliora to Galuna Island and began to perform the Moon Drip ritual. Apparently, they are not satisfied with the fact that Deliora was simply sealed away, and not killed for real. They don't seem to know that sealing Ur was more reliable, than killing, since Etherias can still be resurrected.

If Deliora had simply been killed, it is quite possible that he would have been brought back to life pretty soon in a special laboratory located in Tartaros Guild. Though it's not clear why this didn't happen in the original story. It is possible that the complete exhaustion caused by the ice of Ur removed the ability to resurrect the demon. 

Or, the Etheriases from Tartaros decided that it made no sense to return Deliora, since they did not need a mindless demon who could only destroy, or he was simply too weak by their standards and there was little sense from him. 

Fortunately, thanks to Devil Slayer Magic, I don't have to fear that any demon I killed will be resurrected. 

While I was thinking and walking through the forest, I managed to meet another group of five mages. The previous battle was repeated, and I knocked them out and neutralized them pretty quickly. This time I didn't go back to the beach and just left the mages on the ground. No one here can free them from my spells anyway. 

After the mini-battle, I moved on and remembered that there should be another person here. Namely, Zalty,, more precisely Ultear Milkovich, the daughter of Ur, disguised as a man, who helped Lyon in the release of Deliora. 

Of course, that was not her real goal. She wanted to take control of Deliora with magic and use him as a useful fighting unit. Although I'm not sure if that's true. With Ultear, you can't tell when she's telling the truth and when she's lying. 

By the way, she is now 23 years old and has been a member of the Magic Council for a year now. I found out about it in The Wizard Magazine. But Siegrain, Jellal's false identity, is still unknown and he still hasn't joined the Council. Probably due to age. He is now 17 and it is unlikely that they would have taken him. 

But back to the main topic, if I'm not mistaken, Zalty told Natsu that he joined Lyon and his gang quite recently, which means that now, two years before those events, Ultear should not be on the island. Apparently, she decided that there was no point in hanging around here for three years and waiting for the ice to melt and decided to join Lyon, only at the last stage. 

Well, I'd rather not have to fight her. Although I'm sure I can handle this girl with all my powers, but her Arc of Time is a rather unpleasant magic, and so, I got rid of devoid of hemorrhoids. 

After a few more minutes of walking, I had already covered more than half the way to the pyramid, when suddenly new enemies appeared in front of me. 

This time, it was not the next wimps, but, so to speak, the elite of the team. Two strange guys blocked my way. The first one was a short teenager with blue spiky hair and thick eyebrows. It was Yuka Suzuki, calling himself the "Anti-Mage". He was wearing a blue tracksuit. 

The second guy was also a teenager and really looked like a dog. He had dog ears on his head, his nose was also similar to that of a dog, and on the lower part of his face there was a stubble that divided his face and gave it the appearance of a dog's muzzle. He was wearing only pants and boots, and his upper body was naked. A collar was worn around his neck, and the guy's nails were also noteworthy, which were quite long and had a poisonous green color. These were his Paralyzing Claws. It was Toby Horhorta.

- That's the intruder. - said the local thick-browed, looking at me.

- Ooooh. - Toby said, nodding in acknowledgement.

- Reitei-sama ordered us to quickly deal with the intruder and bring him to the base. So that, let's work together, Toby, don't keep the master waiting. - Yuka said.

- Ooooh. - Toby said again, while crossing his arms in front of him and releasing his poisonous claws, while he proclaimed: - Paralysis Claw: Mega Jellyfish!. 

- Well, you have really big eyebrows. - that's all I could say when I saw this couple. No, he has really huge eyebrows. It's distracting.

- Oh you! Wave. - Yuuka said in annoyance and used his magic, launching a rather strong vibration wave at me. 

Knowing that this wave is capable of destroying magic, I did not attack back, but soared into the air on my wings. No wonder I have them. Although before that I hid them so that they would not interfere with me. 

- What? He has wings. Wow cool!!! - exclaimed Toby, obviously delighted with my wings. 

- No matter. He is an ordinary mage and I can easily destroy any of his attacks. Toby…. - Browsman began his rich speech, but he was stopped by my unexpected attack. 

Yuka is right that he can destroy someone else's attack, not just any of course, but many. But the fact is that he needs to have time to react to the attack in order to have time to dispel it. Now I have used Light Demon Eye Beams. Extremely fast beams of light to which Yuka simply could not have time to react. Plus, because he was talking, he didn't even notice that I was using magic. 

Since I didn't want to kill this guy, I used minimal power, but it was enough to knock him out right away. True, he definitely broke a couple of bones, but it's not a big deal. 

- Yuka... How dare you attack him while he was talking?... It's not fair. I will paralyze you... - shouted Toby, waving his claws angrily.

- Hey, dog, what do you have here? - I asked, pointing my fingers at my forehead.

- Ash? - Toby said inquiringly, while touching his forehead. 

But since his claws were now very long, he pierced his forehead with them. Which means he injected himself with his own paralyzing poison.

- OOOOOOOOO….! - Toby shouted, realizing what had happened, but after that he immediately fell to the ground, as you might guess, paralyzed. 

- Did it really work? No, you are definitely an idiot. - I said in surprise, descending to the ground.

I decided to use Natsu's way and I succeeded. I did not expect this, but I'm better. Less hassle. Approaching the defeated guys, I began to cast the already familiar spells on them, but my intuition signaled and I managed to put a shield in front of me. 

It turned out that another group of Mages was hiding in the bushes, who wanted to catch me with an unexpected attack, in the form of a large fireball. Quickly removing my shield and shooting Light Bullets at the mages, defeating everyone instantly, I began casting disable spells on them. 

'It's good that I have a great reaction and high intuition. Even though this orb wouldn't even be able to harm me, it's no wonder this transformation has armor.' - I thought as I finished neutralizing all the mages.

- There are two, there are two more left. - I muttered aloud, looking at the defeated Toby and Yuka, who were now tied to a tree. This is just in case.

Those 15 mages that I defeated, I did not even count, since they are ordinary secondary characters.

'I'm done here, can move on.' - I thought, and continued my way to the pyramid, at a leisurely pace.


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