Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 34

The hugs obviously dragged on, and the girl herself, I must say, is not too warm, although at the same time she is very hot, but in a different way, so I said: - Well, that's enough. I accept your thanks. 

Ur, understanding my not very transparent hint, finally let me go and said: - Sorry. I'm just overwhelmed with feelings right now. Until recently, I was a block of ice and thought that my fate was to spend eternity like this or melt under the moonlight, because of the stupidity of my student. Am I very cold?

- Not really. It's just unusual, but tolerable. I think it's normal for an Ice Mage. - I said when I noticed one detail.

- Wait, do you remember everything that happened to you when you were ice? And did you take it all in? - I asked, greatly surprised. 

- It was unusual and very blurry, after all, I didn't have any sense organs, but yes, I understood most of what was happening around me. And now, I really want to see Lyon. It looks like without my supervision, he is completely out of hand. - Ur said, clenching her fist angrily. 

- This is good. It means that you feel your emotions quite normally, including anger. This is a great sign. Are there any problems? For example, with memory or personality? - I asked. 

- No, everything seems to be fine. Although it seems to me that my feelings affect me more, but at the same time, I have more self-control. - Ur said in confusion, continuing to know herself.

- I see, it looks like your new body is still affecting you, but not in a negative way, as expected. What did you feel when you hugged me? - I asked, taking the girl's hand, which seemed surprisingly soft.

- Warm… and arousal. - Ur said absolutely calmly.

- Yeah... So, this is good too. Okay, we'll find out the rest in time, but for now, in the end, try using magic. - I suggested, letting go of her hand.

- Okay. - Ur said, and after listening to me, she began to use her Ice-Make magic. 

Standing upright and clasping her hands together, she created a garden of icy roses under her feet that covered half the floor of the cave. 

Everything seemed to work well, but I noticed that Ur was starting to frown, so I asked: - Something wrong?

- No, but… I seem to have gotten stronger. I did not intend to create so many roses, but it turned out that way. - Ur thoughtfully drawled, looking at her creations. 

- Well, there's nothing really surprising about that. You absorbed the power of Deliora for 8 whole years, during which time the demon lost about 70% of its powers. Part of his life and magical powers should definitely have remained in your ice, which now acts as your body. Not all of course, but even this is a lot. I'll have to check later how strong you are. - I said thoughtfully.

- It's not that bad, right? - the girl asked, looking at me inquiringly.

- I'm not sure, let see what will happen. But already now we can conclude that you have become an Ice Elemental, from ice that the hell will melt, while you have retained your feelings and emotions, and it seems like you have not turned into an insensitive statue. And even magic with you, which has also become stronger. Speaking of which, how is your Magic Power? - I asked when I had finished telling my findings.

- Everything is fine. I already feel how to replenish the Ethernano. - Ur said, closing his eyes for a moment.

- So, your body still has a full-fledged Container. This is good. Don't worry, I have an idea how to get your human body back, but it will take a few years. - I said, already planning how to do it.

- In my opinion, everything is fine. For the first time since I learned magic, I'm not hot, but quite comfortable. - Ur said while doing some exercises.

- That's what you say now, and when you understand what you have lost, you will sing in a completely different way. After all, you won't be able to eat normal food now, and make love, for example. - I said, spoiling Ur all the raspberries. 

Judging by Ur's surprised face, she obviously forgot about such minor details. Well, she's kind of immortal now, and you have to pay for that. Especially in this world. Zeref is a great example of this.

- Well…. It's still better than being a giant block of ice, or even dying. I'll be patient for a few years. - said Ur, already better perceiving her situation.

- Okay. Now, let me introduce myself. My name is Nathaniel Drake and I am a B-Rank Mage from the Fairy Tail Guild. You can just call me Drake. - I introduced myself with a slight bow. 

- B-Rank? Seriously? - Ur asked skeptically, pointing with her hand at what was left after my attack on Deliora. And it remains to be said, not too much. It's amazing it hasn't fallen apart yet.

- I'm newbie. In fact, I'm doing my first assignment right now and ended up on this island quite by accident. - I said with a shrug.

- You have strange luck on missions. - the woman said, with obvious amusement. 

- Not that word. I'm already afraid to imagine that I will meet on S-Rank missions. - I said, quite seriously. I'm really afraid of this. 

- Well, now it's my turn to introduce myself. My name is Ur Milkovich, as you know I'm an Ice Mage from Iswana. - said Ur, what I already knew, but she should not know about this.

- Milkovich? A familiar surname, but I don't remember where I heard it… - I muttered so that Ur could hear everything.

I can't immediately tell that her daughter is alive, as she already has enough shocks for today, so I'll have to play a little performance and tell everything later.

- Nevermind. Come on, we need to get out of here. You still need to deal with your student and his minions. My client is also waiting for me, she may be worried that I have been gone for so long. - I said as I created the Light Ècuripte wings since I don't have much energy right now. 

- Excellent. It's time for me to meet my student and talk to him face to face. - Ur said with a wild grin, cracking her fists at the same time. 

I even feel sorry for this idiot. Very little. Who am I kidding though, I'd love to watch him suffer.

- They flew. - I said, picking up the girl in my arms and flew towards the beach. 

My barrier to protect Rosa and the ship still existed, and as I approached, I could see that all of Isvana's mages had gathered around it. Apparently, Sherry and the 13 mages I let go were able to find all of their comrades and brought them to the beach, but they were still unable to remove my disabling spell. Looks like spells passed the test. 

Having flown to the beach, I dived down and landed deftly on the sand, next to the barrier and lowered Ur, who obviously liked the flight. 

It seems that despite the fact that I was not currently in transformation, they recognized me without any problems, and when I landed, Sherry approached me uncertainly.

- Are you done? - ahe asked nervously.

- Yes. As you may have heard, I was able to free Deliora, and then finally killed him. He will never return again, unless of course Zeref creates a new one. - I said, looking at Lyon's henchmen, who began to cry, either from happiness or relief. I wanted to give them some time, but Ur didn't seem to be very patient. 

- Where is Lyon? - she demanded. 

Sherry, who is now playing for the main one, rather quickly moved away from the surging emotions, and looked at my companion with suspicion, while asking: - Who are you? And what do you want from Reitei-sama? 

It seems that despite everything that has happened, she respects Lyon. And I still don't know if it's love or not. In canon, she married a dude from Blue Pegasus, which means that they had nothing with Lyon, but now her behavior is more like a girl in love.

I clearly saw that now Ur could barely restrain himself, so not wanting the conflict to develop, I removed all the spells from Lyon and approached him to wake him up with a kick.

He immediately jumped to his feet and began to look around with wild eyes, until his gaze stopped on Ur, which, by the way, thanks to the pendant, looked the same as 8 years ago. 

- T-teach-teacher???? B-but how? - Lyon asked dumbfounded, making a rather funny face, especially with his broken nose.

- Yeah, so you remember me. I thought you'd need to remind me who I am. I'll arrange for you now, bastard, for everything you've done. - Ur said, seething with anger, as she approached Lyon and took him by the ear, after which she dragged him into the jungle. 

- What? Teacher, what are you doing? - asked a dumbfounded Lyon, who was pulled by the ear like a snotty boy. 

- We need to talk in private. You don't want everyone to see you get hit in the ass with a belt, do you? - said Ur, with ill-concealed amusement, while putting on a rather creepy smile. 

Hearing what awaits him, Lyon bulged his eyes in fear and began to try to escape. But who will let him. After the teacher dragged her student into the forest without much difficulty, terrible scolding and painful cries of the poor guy began to be heard from there. 

All of Reitei's subordinates looked at this performance in shock, but none of them even twitched to help. Apparently, they all understand that it is not worth climbing now. 

- Is that Ur Milkovich? The one? - Sherry asked, looking uneasily in the direction where the cries of pain were coming from. 

- Yes. - I answered simply as I walked towards the barrier. I need to check Rosa. 

- But how? She turned to ice to capture Deliora. - said the old woman who was one of Leon's henchmen.

- Well, so. It's Magic. - I said without intending to say anything more. 

Using 'Light Ècuripte: Cancel', I dispelled the barrier of light, which still had quite a lot of energy left. Too bad I can't eat any Light from my magic, such a waste. I used to think that the Slayer can't eat his element only if it's created with Slayer Magic, but it turns out that you can't eat your own magic anyway. I already checked it. 

When the barrier disappeared, I saw a worried Rose pacing back and forth in front of the ship, and mages with a giant rat still lying by the ship. 

When Miss Pines noticed that the barrier was gone, she started looking around until she finally spotted me. Seeing that I was safe and sound, she directly beamed and quickly ran up to me.

- Nathaniel-san, are you okay? Everything is fine? - Rose asked worriedly, looking at me. 

- Yes, everything is great, I didn't get hurt. Here, indeed, something happened, but I already figured everything out. Don't worry. - I said with a reassuring smile.

- Like that, it's wonderful. - Rosa breathed a sigh of relief. 

- Have you completed your inventory? - I asked. 

- Yes. In total, thirteen boxes of goods are missing. Five of them are small boxes of exclusive tobacco from the Pergrande Kingsom, three are medium-sized boxes of decorative utensils from the country of Sin, and the rest are large boxes of delicacies from the country of Minstrel. - Rosa said, taking out a piece of paper on which all this was written down.

- Okay, I'll try to find it all, and you can stay here. I can teleport back, it'll be faster that way. - I said.

- Is that how? This is wonderful, thank you very much. - Ros said bowing.

- Nothing, it's my job. - I said and was about to teleport when I was interrupted by a voice from the side.

- Excuse me, sir. Can you free our comrades? - Sherry asked, who was already next to her rat. 

- Oh yes. Completely forgot. Take care of them, and don't play pranks while I'm gone. I still have to decide what to do with you. - I said, and snapped my fingers for pathos, although I just needed to cancel the spells, which can be done mentally. 

The giant rat, Toby, Yuka, and the rest of the mages were now free. Previously, they were already conscious, but due to paralysis they could not move. Now, they all began to slowly get to their feet. Although it turned out badly for them, as they all felt terrible, due to magical exhaustion.

- I'll be back soon. - I said and cast a teleportation spell.


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