Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 43

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to - pa*treon.com/nanutov55


I got sick, so the next two weeks the release of the chapters is in doubt, but I will try to recover as quickly as possible.


The next day, I was awakened by a knock on my house front door. Judging by the clock on the wall, it was only eight in the morning. 

Yesterday, after the end of the battle, I again went to Poseidon Manor and trained in Light Magic until 2 am, so now I was sleepy, tired and a little angry. 

Cursing to myself, the one who came to me at such an early hour, I went downstairs, in my shorts. 

- Who's there? Waahh… - I asked as I approached the door, yawning jubilantly at the same time.

- Drake, good morning. It's me, Mira. - I heard from the other side of the door.

The fact that Mirajane really came to me, I was able to verify when I finally opened the door. She looked great, as always, in her red dress. This time, she changed her usual ponytail to the same hairstyle she wore in canon. She also got rid of her makeup and now looked like a decent, obedient girl. 

- Oh, it's you. Hi Mira, what brings you to me so early? Waahh.... : I asked and yawned again. 

Not hearing an answer, I looked at the girl and saw that she was staring at my naked abs, while blushing like boiled cancer. It looks like smoke is coming out of her head. Sometimes I forget how exaggerated reactions people have in this world. 

Rolling my eyes at this cliché, I snapped my fingers in front of Mira's eyes and said: - Hey Mira, my eyes are here.

Finally hearing me Mirajane stepped out of her trance and looked into my eyes, becoming even more embarrassed.

- I…I…I'm sorry… - Mira stammered. 

- Okay it does not matter. Come in, why stand at the doorstep. - I said stepping out of the way. Mira just nodded weakly and walked into my house. 

At the same time, I noticed how her hand twitched towards my press. Rolling my eyes again, I closed the door and said: - Come forward to the kitchen. We'll talk there. And while I'm getting dressed. You can freely host, make yourself tea or something else.

- Okey. - said the girl, watching me go up to the second floor. 

Five minutes later, I finished my morning exercise, put on fresh clothes and went downstairs again, where I saw Mira preparing breakfast. 

- Not worth it. - I said, informing Mira of my arrival, sitting down at the kitchen table. 

- It's okey, I used to cook for Lisanna and Elfman. Plus, I came unannounced and I think I woke you up, so take this scrambled eggs as my apology. - said the girl, placing a plate of fried eggs in front of me. 

- Well, I certainly won't refuse. Thank you. - I said and started eating breakfast. 

- Enjoy your meal. - Mirajane said with a sweet smile. 

We both decided that we could put the conversation aside and eat in peace, so for the next half hour we just have breakfast, enjoying the cozy silence.

- It was very tasty, thanks again. I haven't eaten home cooking in a long time. - I said as I finished my meal and put the dirty dishes in the sink. 

- Not at all. It wasn't difficult for me at all. - Mira said with a smile. 

- So? Don't get me wrong, I don't mind you coming over and making me breakfast, but still, why are you here? - I finally asked. 

- Well, I wanted to talk to you about yesterday. - Mira began, leaning on the dining table.

- About the duel with Erza? - I immediately guessed.

- Right. I saw you fighting yesterday and wanted to ask why you gave in? - Mira said looking into my eyes. 

- Did you see it? But I thought you weren't at the Guild yesterday. - I first asked.

- I was on the second floor and it was from there that I watched your fight. - Mira said. 

- It's clear. As for your question, I'm not exactly giving in. I fought with Erza, one might say, on her field. With weapons and armor. - I said with a shrug.

- But you didn't even use your Angel Transformation and only used your magic once. Erza and I have about the same level of power, and I know very well that your transformation is stronger than mine, which means that if you turned, you would easily defeat her. Why didn't you do it? - Mira asked a little demandingly. 

- It was still an exhibition match, not a fight to the death. I didn't have to give 100%, besides, it was a great chance to hone my melee skills. - I said.

- Okay, I can understand that, but why did you give up at the end? You clearly dominated throughout the fight and you could have won. - Mira asked, still demanding.

- I was tired and my Magic Power was low. - I said, an obvious, not only for myself, but also for Mira, lie.

- You didn't mean to offend Erza? - Mira asked, making her guess.

- That's true, too, but not exactly. I just wanted to hide my real powers. And also earn on the bet. - I said truthfully.

- Hide? But you're so strong, why would you hide your power? - Mira asked incredulously. 

- Consider it my personal paranoia. I just don't want anyone to know all my options. - I said, looking into Mira's eyes. 

- Even your friends? – also looking into my eyes, Mira asked.

- Even friends. You see, this world is dangerous. No matter how strong you are, there is always someone who can destroy everything you love. After the recent event, you yourself should understand this very well. - A little rude, I said. 

It was clearly unpleasant for Mira to remember that event, but she nevertheless nodded, agreeing with my arguments.

- So you hide your full power so that no one knows your true abilities and you are underestimated? - Mira asked with laugh. 

- Exactly. Maybe this is unreasonable, but such is me and such is my decision. I hope you understand. - I said with a little smile.

After my words, Mira thought deeply and there was an unpleasant silence. But still I knew that she would understand me. Before, when she was still a stupid, self-confident goth, my words would have sounded stupid to her, but now that she has tasted defeat and despair, she understands that anything can go wrong and it is better to be careful. 

After a couple of minutes, Mira raised her head and looked at me and said: - I understand your arguments. This is your decision and I have no right to demand anything from you. I just wanted to understand why you did it, that's all. 

Hearing her words, I smiled brightly and said: - Thank you. Now, how about we finish this topic and have some fun? Are you free today?

- Yes, Master gave me the day off. What did you think? - Mira asked curiously.

- Let's go to the party. - I said with a smile. 


Ten minutes later, after I explained the whole situation, I created a spatial gate to Galuna Island. Passing through them we ended up on a sandy beach so familiar to me.

- So, there is a settlement on this island where peaceful demons live. During your mission, you helped lift the curse from them and in gratitude they promised to arrange a feast for you. Right? - repeated everything, once again, Mira.

- Absolutely. They are pretty sweet demons and I don't want to ignore their intentions to thank me. So I decided it was worth visiting them today. - I said as I walked towards the Demon Village, the location of which I learned with the help of a spell.

- And you took me with you because… - Mira drawled.

- You should relax and have fun. Forget about your duties and worries for a day. - I said to Mira, looking at her. 

Mira seemed to want to object, but when she saw my look, she changed her mind and said: - Okay… I think you're right. For one day, you can forget about everything. 

Nodding my head, I led the girl towards the village, clearing the way for her. Still, this is not the place where you should walk in heels and in a dress. 

After five minutes of leisurely walking, Mira decided to ask me one question: - Drake, you said you were hiding your powers. That means Light Ècuripte and Take-Over Magic isn't the only Magic you know, right?

Smirking at her conclusion, I said: - Not a bad logic chain. Yes, I know another kind of magic.

- And what is it? - Mira couldn't control she curiosity.

- Light Magic. - I told the truth. But for some reason they did not believe me, and now Mira was looking at me, with a rather funny offended face.

- I'm not lying. I'm just studying this Magic in order to better understand the Light Ècuripte. - I told the pure truth, but at the same time concealing the rest.

- Well, if you say so… - Mira drawled. 

In this moment, we just got to the village. Almost immediately, we were noticed by the locals and they began to look at us with curiosity. Since only three demons saw me personally, the rest of the villagers did not know who I was, so now they were wondering why two people suddenly appeared in their village. 

Thanks to the uproar that the curious demons had caused, Village Chef Moka also appeared rather quickly, and he immediately recognized me and exclaimed: - Mr. Drake, you came as promised. Glad to see you. 

- Hello, Moka. Yes, I have decided to accept your invitation. Meet Mira, my friend. - I said, introducing my companion. 

- Nice to meet you, Moka-san. - Mira said with a slight bow. 

Due to the fact that Mira's transformations are so demonic, she did not show any disgust or fear towards the demons, that is why I dared to bring her here. 

- So what, party? Moka asked. 

- Yes. For this we are here. - I said smiling.

- YOU HEARD EVERYTHING, LET'S FUN!!! - Moka shouted very loudly. Didn't expect this from him.

- YEAH!!!... - shouted the people, very pleased with the upcoming feast. 

- They are funny. - Mirajane said with a smile as she watched the activity unfold.

- That's for sure. - I said, watching the demons with amusement. 


That was the last thing I remember in detail from yesterday. After that, a real bedlam began and a sea of ​​​​alcohol flowed. I woke up a couple of minutes ago with a wild headache. I had to use a spell to make it a little easier. 

All this time, I lay with my eyes closed, on an unknown bed, no one knows where, but judging by the smell of the sea, I'm still on the island. When I felt a little better, I finally opened my eyes and sat up. 

I was indeed still in the Demons Village, namely one of the local huts. The sun was shining, right in my eyes, like a real bastard, so I decided to get up and freshen up. 

When I threw off the covers, I noticed that I was completely naked, and then I heard something rustling nearby. 

Guessing what had happened, I looked fearfully at the one who was lying next to me, while thinking: 'I hope this is not the demon girl that stuck to me yesterday.' 

The one who lay next to him was covered with a blanket. Apparently waking up, she got up, after which she threw off the blanket and said with displeasure in her voice: - The fu*king sun. 

- F*ck. - I said automatically, I saw Mirajane naked.

I finally remembered what happened yesterday. And well, it was nice. Despite the fact that Mira was a virgin, she was very good in bed. The real devil. 

Upon hearing my curse, Mira finally opened her eyes fully and saw me naked. Her face instantly turned red, after which she looked at herself and saw her own nakedness. 

Judging by the widened eyes, she also remembered what we did yesterday.

- What a problem… - I drawled, covering myself with a pillow.

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