Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 48

- Sorry, I'm late. - I said, after teleportation, when I saw that Mira was already waiting for me. 

- Nothing, I only waited a couple of minutes. - Mira said with a smile, kissing me on the cheek. 

- Thanks. So, how was your delivery? - I asked. 

- Everything is fine. I met with Mr. Hyberion and gave him the package. - Mira said as we went in a random direction to enjoy the city. 

- Did anything interesting happen? - I inquired.

- Mm, no. He just thanked me for the delivery and that's it. I left right after that. - Mira said with a shrug.

- Well, how do you like the second most powerful God of Ishgar? - I asked again. 

When you are in a relationship with a woman, be sure to show interest in her affairs. She will love it. 

- He is a very serious person, but at the same time polite. The word 'aristocrat' best describes him. You know, there is all this stateliness and straight posture. - Mira said. 

Well, all I can say is: As expected of a person who uses Vampire Magic. They don't call him Draculos for nothing. 

- Did you find out what was in the package? - I asked anyway, because I myself am interested.

- Yes, Mr. Hyberion opened it in front of me. There were some documents, but I don't know what is there. Though if I think about it, I saw the symbol of the Dark Guild "Grimoire Heart". There must have been some new information or something like that. But we are not concerned, so what's the difference. Let's go to that cafe, it smells very tasty from there. - said Mira, after which she went towards a cafe with fresh pastries.

- Is that how? Interesting... - I muttered and thought, allowing Mira to drag me into a cafe. 

Apparently, Gray still convinced Ultear to tell the whole story to Makarov. And now he should be aware that Pretch, the second Master of Fairy Tail, now calls himself Hades and leads Grimoire Heart, plotting evil deeds. 

In fact, this is a sound idea, since Makarov himself knows Pretch very well, and Dreyar can be called Pretch's successor, since he personally transferred the position of Master to Makarov. As a result, knowing the old man, he will feel responsible for all the crimes committed by Hades and will definitely want to stop him. 

Makarov is a very useful ally against Hades, yet you should not forget that he is Wizard Saint and have some power and authority in the Magic Council, as well as a huge number of connections and allies. 

And the reason why Makarov sent the secret documents to Draculos Hyberion with the help of Mira is most likely because the Master no longer trusts the Magic Council. If Ultear was able to infiltrate the Council and take a high position, then there is no guarantee that there are no other spies. Another sensible thought, because the same God Serena, the strongest God of Ishgar, is a spy of the Alvarez Empire. 

And Draculos is known for being an honest and principled person who can be trusted, which has been confirmed in canon, so Makarov can cooperate with him to prepare a plan to destroy Hades, with his Guild and purge the Magic Council of spies. 

Since this is a very serious matter, the Master could send documents only with a trusted person, that is, with Mira, who would definitely do the job and be able to protect the package if necessary. And my presence only convinced the Master that everything would be fine. 

Although all this is just my guess, but I think I'm close to the truth. And if so, the canon changes even more. Apparently, Makarov began to gather allies. As already clear, Draculos Hyberion is included in this list. 

I can also assume that Yajima, a member of the Magic Council, a former member of Fairy Tail and an old friend of Makarov, and Warrod Sequen, the fourth God of Ishgar, one of the founders of Fairy Tail and an old comrade of Pretch, should also agree to help Makarov. 

I never thought Ur's return would trigger such a chain of events. I'll be happy to see where this leads. I hope it doesn't get worse though. 

For now, I need to make time for my girlfriend. I thought for too long and even didn't listen to what she said. 

- Sorry, can you repeat? I thought and did not hear. - With an awkward smile, I said. 

Mira frowned a little, but nevertheless forgave me for my joint and said: - I asked where we would go next? 

It turned out that while I was thinking, we had already managed to sit down at a table and eat a couple of cakes. Happens.

- Well, I heard that the palace has a beautiful garden and they even let tourists in there. Why not go there? - Thinking for a bit, I said. 

- Sounds great, shall we go? - Mira said with a smile.

- Yeah. - I said and stood up, after which we left the cafe and went towards the royal palace. 

Mercurius is an extremely large palace and dominates the other buildings in Crocus. The palace consists of different but united buildings fused together, with some sections, protruding outward, creating a special shape for it. 

The walls are decorated with rectangular windows and columns sticking out on the sides. Its main entrance is a small door surmounted by very high decorative arcs. The central part is decorated with a large and round flower-shaped window. 

At the top there is part of a small dome surmounted by a spire, as well as two towers about the same height as the spire, located on the back and right side of the building. A few meters from the entrance, the building turns into an arched shape, part of which resembles a cylinder. The top of the castle is a round tower, which is decorated with elongated windows. 

Mercurius is surrounded by a lush garden: flower beds and artistically designed plants, small and neat hedges, which are richly decorated with ball-shaped lanterns. This is where we came. 

There is a fountain in front of the Palace entrance. round and small pools, plants and statues. It's really a romantic place, especially now that it's getting dark. 

Mira was clearly delighted with this place and the smile did not leave her face. The trip to this city was definitely worth it. Although the received dragon bones are also a good bonus. 

While we were walking by the lake, in the center of which was the island on which Mercurius stood, I remembered that I forgot one thing. I completely forgot about Zeref's ship, which I confiscated in Vistarion. 

Ever since I moved it into one of my dimensional pockets, I haven't thought about it again. Which, of course, is not good. I, for a reason, risked and stole it right from the capital of the Alvarez Empire, where at that moment there were at least two Spriggans. 

I need to correct this misunderstanding. Besides, I'm sure that Mira will enjoy a romantic walk on the ocean, on a huge ship. 

Only first I need to carry out a small redesign of the vessel. I can't use a ship that's full of Alvarez Empire symbols. I'll deal with this soon. In the meantime, our date with Mira continued. 

After a walk in the garden, we went to a luxurious restaurant, where I had to pay a tidy sum to find a table for us. But since I never took Mira to such a place, I was not greedy, and, again, I have enough money. My lady deserves to go to places like this. 

Mira was clearly uncomfortable in this restaurant, after all, she is an ordinary girl and for most of her life she could not afford this, and she had no time to go to restaurants, she had to complete missions to earn money and raise Elfman and Lisanna. 

Over time, Mira was finally able to overcome her awkwardness and was able to enjoy our romantic dinner. After dinner, we went to an expensive hotel, where Mira thanked me to the fullest for today.


I woke up in the middle of the night, but Mira was still sleeping next to me, resting after a stormy day. I didn't want to sleep anymore, so I decided to mind my own business.

I put off becoming a Fifth Generation Dragon Slayer until we returned to Magnolia. Still, who the hell knows how it will go and how long it will take. I decided that it was not worth frightening and upsetting Mira if I suddenly disappeared for a few days. I can endure a few days. 

And now, I decided to take care of the ship. Putting on fresh clothes and kissing my girlfriend on the cheek, I teleported to Galuna Island, a beach I knew well. 

Once there, I took out Zeref's ship and examined it very carefully. I already forgot how big and cool it is, but it's time to get down to business. 

First, I changed the sails. Previously, they were black and had the symbol of the Alvares Empire on them. Now they were white and had my own logo on them. For my emblem, I chose large blue Angel Wings, just like the wings of Arariel. My magic has a lot of similarities with angels, so I decided not to deviate from the topic. 

Next, I changed the color of the ship itself. Once again I will say, but Thank God for my Magic. Without the Light Ècuripte, the ship would have to be repainted by hand, and so, just one spell and the former black-and-red hull of the ship, now has white-blue-yellow colours. 

The last external cosmetic change was the change of the ship's figurehead. There used to be some kind of sea nymph with a face that looks suspiciously like Mavis Vermillion. After my work, the nose figure is now an angel girl with wings that frame the entire front of the ship.

I didn't want to be banal, so I didn't choose the dragon's face, even though that was my original idea. I have renamed the ship. Its original name was "Vermillion" (I wonder where this name came from, right?), and now it will be called "Eloa". 

And again, I decided not to leave the topic and gave the ship the name of an angel. According to legend, Eloa is an angel girl born from Christ's tears over the tomb of Lazarus. 

She was a beautiful and kind angel, loved by all other angels. But later she fell from Heaven, as she copulated with Lucifer, who seduced her, but not out of evil, but out of love. Here is a story that I remember very much, so I decided to name the ship that way. 

When the outer part of the vessel was ready, I began to change the interior of the inner part. There, again, there were a lot of symbols of the Empire, which I immediately removed. But the rest of it suited me perfectly and I left it as it is, except that I changed the color scheme again. 

From what I've seen, the ship has never been used. There were no things inside except furniture. In fact, the ship was completely new, which is undoubtedly good. It's even good that I stole it, since it's not the business of such a good ship to stand idle in the bay. 

Finally, all that remained was to fill the main Lacrima with my Magic Power so that the ship would record me as a captain. For some reason, Zeref never did. 

As I said before, now it's "Eloa", stuffed with charms to the very end. Everything here can be controlled only by a verbal command and the ship will do everything itself. 

Having finished with everything by dawn, I decided to return to Mira. Having once again examined the ship, satisfied with my work, I teleported to Crocus. "Eloa" I decided to leave on the island. Let her stay in the fresh air, there is nothing for her to languish in a spatial pocket.

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