Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 53

The process of devouring all the bones of Solaris was successful and I received his magic. In fact, the result turned out even better than I expected. 

I completely forgot that Solaris was actually the Solar Dragon King, and by eating all of his bones, I got not just a Solar Dragon Slayer Magic, but a Solar Dragon King Slayer Magic. 

Undoubtedly, the Magic of the King is much stronger than the Magic of an ordinary dragon, which Natsu perfectly showed when he received Igneel's legacy. 

In general, first you need to clarify what is the Magic of the Sun? The answer is pretty simple. The sun is, first of all, a star. And a star, to quote Wikipedia, is a massive self-luminous celestial body, consisting of gas or plasma, in which thermonuclear reactions occur, have occurred or will occur. 

Sun Magic is an attempt to recreate all these powerful reactions and harness all the power of the stars, with the help of Ethernano. Of course, this is impossible. 

The very process of the work of the same Sun is too complicated to be recreated and used with the help of a couple of Magic Circles and a small amount of Magic Power, especially in a world where no one even knows what the same thermonuclear reaction is. 

Despite Magic, this world is still too backward to know what my past world knew. No matter how powerful the Mage who created the original Magic of the Sun, he could not repeat the processes that make the Sun the Sun, without knowing how it all works. 

As a result, the Sun Magic of this world is primarily a mixture of Light Magic and Fire Magic, which forms a plasma that tries to imitate the heat and power of the Sun. 

Even though it is essentially a crude fake, it is still a very powerful and destructive Magic that has been lost for centuries, but even now people remember its power. 

As I said, the Magic of the Sun is an ionized gas, that is, a plasma, the fourth state of aggregation, and frankly, it is amazing that some person has learned to create and control such an ephemeral thing as plasma. 

I think it could not have done without outside help, which, as you might guess, was provided by the Solar Dragon. I don't know if it was a voluntary collaboration or if the mage disembowelled the dragon to find out how Dragon Sun Magic works, but he managed to recreate the likeness of how the Solar Dragons receive power from the Sun, and then use it. 

Of course, between simple Sun Magic and Dragon Sun Magic, there is a big difference, both in strength and in the temperature of the plasma itself. And do not forget that there is a huge difference in the simple use of plasma with the help of spells by a person and how dragons in this world use their magic, because they literally live it. 

And now, I got dragon magic. And not a simple dragon, but a dragon king, whose strength is much greater than his subjects. The magic of the Solar Dragons is natural, they were born with it, since they are able to absorb real solar radiation reaching our planet. 

But it's still plasma, a parody of the real power of the Sun, even though it's the closest a living thing can get, without exploding from a thermonuclear reaction or dying from a huge amount of radiation.

It turns out that the Solar Dragons imitate the safe part of the power of the Sun, without any radiation and such dangerous things. What, in principle, is plasma. Although, I'm certainly not quite right about radiation. It is present in the sunlight that dragons are able to absorb. 

But due to the peculiarities of the physique, Solar Dragons have resistance to radiation and after all the energy enters the Container of Ethernano, it is processed and purified becoming safer. 

And by becoming a Solar Dragon King Slayer, I certainly gained all these benefits, among other things. Now that I have finally explained how Sun Magic works, I can finally move on to what I ended up with. 

As I thought, the side effects from eating the bones of Solaris only got worse and worse each time. So much so that the last two weeks, I did not get out of bed and slept all the time. 

Again I had to calm Mira and ask for leave, but since this time I did everything in advance, there were no tantrums and I was able to calmly lie in bed, delirious and feverish. 

It's good that she never found out what was happening to me and how bad I felt, otherwise she would have worried once again.

Although she has changed, becoming much calmer and more obedient, but if she gets angry, the demoness will break out. And it hurts. I know. Mira was not very pleased when we woke up after the first sex on Galuna Island and she showed it perfectly. 

But back to my transformation. After two tough weeks, my becoming a Dragon Slayer is over. Surprisingly, after the last session of devouring bones, everything stopped and very abruptly. After eating the last pile of bones, I expected a few more days of fever, but instead, I instantly passed out to wake up 12 hours later, alert and full of energy.

I knew it was all over when I felt that a new kind of Magical Energy had formed in my Ethernano Container, just like when I became a Devil Slayer. Also, by analogy with that situation, a tattoo appeared on my arm. 

This time, it was the right arm and the tattoo looked like a minimalist western dragon, in black. Natsu also received a very similar tattoo when Igneel's spirit passed on his heritage to him in the form of his Magical Energy of the Fire Dragon King. 

But, then, it was only a temporary phenomenon, since when Natsu used up all of Igneel's Ethernano while beating Zeref, the tattoo disappeared and Natsu lost the ability to use the Fire Dragon King Slayer Magic. 

I, on the other hand, immediately got the Solar Dragon King Slayer Magic, which the dragon tattoo proves. Still, unlike regular Dragon Slayers who got their power either from the Lacrima or from enchanting a real Dragon, I got the power of literally the dragon itself. 

So it's no surprise that I didn't get some of Solaris's magic, but all of its power. More precisely, all the strength that remained in his bones, which had lain in the ground for 400 years. Despite such a long downtime, I really got a lot. 

After all, the dragon bones themselves are a very unusual thing, and they retained a lot of Solaris energy. 

Like every time, after being enhanced, my physical performance and sense of touch increased exponentially. I don't even see the point in repeating again how much stronger I have become, I'll just briefly say that the strength of my feelings has increased 4 times, and my body now has the strength of 25 adult men. 

Of course, at the same time, my reaction increased to a superhuman level and I began to see everything in slow motion, like some kind of fly. 

This is more power than I expected, but it is still the power of the Dragon King. My reserve of Magic Power has increased quite a lot, and if we take for comparison the strongest person with whom I fought, that is, Larcade, then my reserve is now more than him, and almost 2 times. 

This is a huge number for this world, after all, Larcade was in the Top 10 of this world, except for the Five Divine Dragons that are hiding on another continent. 

In addition to all this buff and power increase, I also received other Dragon Slayer features. Namely, high resistance to its element and the ability to devour the element itself. In my case, even though it's still essentially plasma, I can actually devour the sun's rays. 

Here, by the way, the plus of the fact that I am both a Solar Dragon Slayer and a Light Devil Slayer came to light. Solar Magic and Light Magic have a lot in common and they go well with each other, while giving me some nice bonuses.

As I learned, the Solar Dragons were only able to eat solar radiation if they rose to a great height, almost into the stratosphere, where the concentration of the Sun's energy is much greater. 

From the earth, such dragons could not devour their element, as it was too diluted in the atmosphere, and there was too little of it for such large creatures. In such rays of the sun, there is too little Ethernano of the Sun itself. 

But, thanks to my ability to devour light, now I can easily devour any starlight that falls on the earth. It is enough for me that my body is illuminated by the Sun and I can easily gobble up a huge amount of Magic Power, while replenishing my reserve very quickly. 

Also, it does not have to be the light of the Sun. I can also absorb the light of the moon, which was considered impossible by the Solar Dragons. 

I think it's more of a psychological block because I know that the light of the moon is only the light of the sun, which is reflected from the satellite of the planet. It seems that knowing such a simple, for me, truth completely broke the boundaries of this magic. 

Honestly, now I'm able to absorb any Light, even invisible to my eye. Before, I was limited by Devil Slayer Magic and was only able to absorb yellow light. The Solar Dragon Slayer Magic completely changed that. 

Basically, due to my special physiology of both a Dragon Slayer and a Devil Slayer, I can absorb Sunlight. It seems that this is almost the same thing, but it is far from being the case. 

Thanks to the Magic of Solaris, I'm able to absorb the Ethernano of the Sun, which is essentially a diluted plasma that is in the atmosphere of the planet. 

If I add to this ability the ability to absorb light, then all this goes to a new level. Light is very different it's not just beams of visible light from the source of the light itself that I was previously able to absorb. Now, I'm able to absorb everything else. 

That is, the light of lamps, the light of the sun, the light of the moon, even the light of a fire, and most importantly, invisible light spectra, such as infrared and ultraviolet radiation. 

Normally, this would be incredibly dangerous, all these types of radiation have their share of danger to humans, but as I said earlier, I have developed some resistance to these effects, so I'm safe. 

Of course, there were some downsides and I did get seasick, which all Dragon Slayers suffer from, but just one spell helped me overcome this and I was able to go on a cruise without dying of nausea without any problems. 

Another disadvantage was the complexity of my new magic, which, despite all my experience, almost didn't succumb to me, and besides, even though three months had passed, I still didn't really use the Sun Dragon King Slayer Magic. 

The only spell I've created is the banal Sun Dragon King's Roar. The effect of this spell appears as a thick beam of white liquid fire that flies forward at a decent speed, destroying and vaporizing the entire area with its high temperature of almost 8000°C. 

In fact, Light Devil's Rage and Solar Dragon King's Roar looked very similar, but if the first spell is speed, concentration, and penetration in the first place, then the second spell is strength and destructive power. 

In the end, I'm satisfied with this magic, especially when I saw the result of the roar. With this one spell, I evaporated several tons of water, while using not so much Ethernano. 

For the moment, I decided to focus on Light Devil Slayer Magic, as I need to finish what I started first, and then move on to something else. Especially since, due to the complexity of Solar Magic, it requires all of my attention, which I can't afford right now. 

It will still take me a couple of months to finish transferring my Light Magic spell repertoire to Light Devil Slayer Magic. Then, I'll take on the Solar Dragon Slayer Magic. And what will happen next, we'll see.

I would still have to create a Secret Art and test the Dragon Rage of my new magic and see if there is a similar counterpart in Devil Slayer Magic. But this is for the future. So, next is to talk about...

- Drake, we almost swam to the island. Stop sitting and staring at the horizon. And so you had already sat for two hours without moving, thinking about something. Come on, get going. - Mira suddenly shouted, distracting me. 

- Okay, I'll do it now. - I said, knowing full well that our journey was almost over. 

Getting to my feet, I went to the captain's cabin to pick up all the things and souvenirs that Mira had bought for our guildmates. 

I'm a little busy right now, so I'll tell you the rest later. See you in the next chapter.


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