Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 81

- Okay guys, I think that's enough. - I said, and dodging another light clone strike, dispelled him and three hundred of his brothers, thus ending this training. 

How understandable, ten sparring partners weren't enough for me and I called in a few hundred more clones to help, and it was already harder to deal with such a number, which I initially sought in order to take the increased forces under control. 

With such pressure, when it was already almost impossible to predict where the blow would come from, I had to spin like a squirrel in a wheel, just not to get attacked in the forehead, problems with the control of the etherano somehow faded into the background and my instincts began to direct me, so that I got what I wanted.

As I said, it is such a stressful situation that best helps to progress and solve problems with uncontrollable power, although it was not easy, not so much physically as mentally. 

I had to re-learn not only to control my powers, but also to contain them so as not to destroy all the clones with one blow, which was not easy, given the number of blows that I received. For some reason, the clones kept aiming at my face. 

The blows themselves were not particularly strong, rather, they could not even harm me at least a little, at least physically, but I was very furious from these 'mosquito bites'. 

This training turned out not to control my magic, but to control my emotions, especially anger, which was very difficult to contain and I honestly admit, a couple of times I could not restrain myself and had to start over. 

But on the other hand, these same emotions helped me quickly regain control over magic so that this test, or rather the punishment that I myself brought on myself, ended quickly and it would not be a mistake to say that it was thanks to this that I managed in just an hour and a half, which stretched out for me for eternity. 

Not everything, of course, is perfect, and the previous control that I had at the very beginning of the journey is still far away. 

It had already noticeably weakened after I became first a Devil Slayer and then a Dragon Slayer, but then the increase was not as significant as it is now, and although the control weakened, it was not so serious, and in a couple of months everything returned to relative order. 

Now, it was impossible to leave everything to the mercy of fate, and for the first time I really had to work, to take control of my power and not let it control me. 

An hour and a half is not much, but I really tried and at least a little, but corrected the situation. At least my magic won't spill out of me on its own anymore if I don't want to. 

This is already progress. Yes, and my emotions no longer affect magic as much as they used to, but I would do without this hassle. I was humiliated by my own clones and now it will piss me off for a long time, that's for sure. 

In any case, there is still a lot of work and I am still far from complete and unconditional control, at least a couple of dozen more such sparring, but this still has its plus. 

Without control - the power does not matter, no matter how huge it is, on the contrary, it will only hurt me, so now I am working for my own good, which will definitely help me in the future. 

In addition, I already feel the positive effect of actually learning to control my magic again, and already now I have noticed that the etherano has become easier to control and it has become more free to obey me. 

This is especially noticeable with the notorious Solar Dragon King Slayer Magic, which practically didn't listen to me despite my best efforts, and I even had to find an alternative way to control it, in the form of the Solar-Dragonic Écriture. 

Now, the magic I inherited from the bones of Solaris has become noticeably less headstrong and a little more calm. The difference is not too big, but compared to what it was before, it is a significant achievement that I have not been able to achieve in all the time since I received this magic. 

And as I said, this is just the beginning, which makes me a little happy and I can achieve even more control, what was previously impossible. 

As I can imagine, before I just reached a certain limit and despite my efforts, I simply could not improve some aspects of myself, but now, this has changed. 

It seems that the awakening of the Second Origin really has a lot more to do than just increasing the amount of available ether that the magician can store in his body. 

This is a process that pushed some boundaries that limited my potential and my growth, which I did not even know about, and now everything has become much easier.

I don't know if I'm right or if it's just a crazy theory, but anyway, everything is working out for the best and now I'm much happier that I accidentally caused the awakening of the Second Origin.

Now, the main thing is not to miss new opportunities and use them to the maximum, which I have already begun to do, although it was not a particularly pleasant process for me. 

But, if I can truly gain full control over all my magic, even one as stubborn as Dragon Slayer Magic, then my little torment is not such a big price to pay. 

Now that I think about it, it probably wasn't such a smart idea to learn two ancient and damn dangerous magics in a row just a few months apart. 

Lack of control in one type of magic, not such a terrible side effect, if you think about it. Much more terrible things could happen to me if something went wrong. 

And now, thanks to the opening of the second container, I will be able to fix my problem, and perhaps other problems that I simply did not know about. 

As the saying goes, whatever happens is for the best. In addition, during training, I noticed another unexpected change with my magic. Namely, with the magic of the Light Écriture. 

Unlike the other three types of magic available to me, the control over this magic was not affected and it was almost as accurate as before, except for one 'but'. 

From time to time, about once every twenty spells I cast, I began to notice that my hieroglyphs, which I use for spells, have more power than I would like, and they consume as much ether as ordinary spells. 

Everything would be fine, and I would take it for another control problem if it were not for the visual change of these 'enhanced' spells. 

And by visual changes, I mean that when preparing a spell, my hieroglyphs suddenly begin to cover and crackle with lightning... purple lightning.

Yeah, it seems that the effect of mystical lightning, born from the interaction of the Earthland Dimension with the dimension of the Gods, was not limited only to the discovery of the Second Origin in me. 

The lightning seems to have affected my main magic as well, which was very unexpected, although this clearly has a positive effect, considering that my spells get a 15-20% increase in power and it does not cost me anything, although it happens completely randomly. 

But how to solve the problem with these suddenly appearing 'enhanced' spells, I do not know. It's out of my control and just happens when I'm not expecting it. 

Sometimes it is useful, for example, in a battle, to inflict additional damage on the enemy, and sometimes not so much, because there is no point in strengthening an ordinary household spell, for example, when I want to heat water in the bathroom, and sometimes it even interferes. 

Unfortunately, the only thing I can do now is try to solve the problems that I can definitely solve now, which is to continue training control and hope that this will have at least some effect on purple lightning-enhanced spells. 

If nothing changes, and the spells continue to randomly increase, then I will have no choice but to ask for help from a more experienced magician, for example, from the master of my guild.

But I do not think that everything will be so critical. I just need to make an effort and everything will be fine, I just need to spend more time on it. 

Which I may not have enough, considering my grandiose plans for a new headquarters for my company. 

Wow, how quickly things change. Just yesterday, I had a lot of free time before the start of the exam, which I didn't know what to do with and literally toiled from idleness, but now, on the contrary, there is a catastrophic lack of time. 

Now, despite my reluctance to fight the light clones again, I would rather do just that in order to quickly solve my control problems, but Rosa was waiting for me, so I had to move to the meeting. 

After cleaning myself up and putting on fresh clothes, I moved to Clover City and headed to the headquarters of the company, which you can't tell that tonight he was attacked by dark mages. 

The two-story building itself looked immaculate, which is not surprising considering that the magical defenses I had installed still served their purpose, although they were on the verge of destruction. 

But what was surprising was that the surrounding area looked just as flawless, although yesterday I and other magicians did not really restrain themselves and it suffered a lot from magic, which is not visible now. 

It seems that despite my order to rest, Rosa still chose to work and attend to repairing the damage caused yesterday, most likely to show that this attack did not affect the company in any way and that everything is fine with us. 

I don't even know whether to praise Rosa or scold. On the one hand, she did everything right, because reputation is the most important thing in such a business, and to show that such an event is just a trifle for us, very important. 

But it is also important for Rosa to relax after the stress she has experienced, especially since I could fix everything myself, with one spell, so she tried in vain. 

But, knowing the girl very well, any job, even such a meaningless one, is Rosa's way of coping with stress and calming down, so it's better to leave everything as it is and continue to do the planned things. 

This time, I decided not to get on Rosa's nerves and entered the headquarters, which was completely empty, since all the workers had received leave like a normal person through the door. 

Climbing the stairs, I went to Rosa's office, which I entered after receiving permission from the owner herself. 

Rosa herself was sitting at her desk and, as always, was busy with some kind of documents. Judging by her appearance and fresh clothes, she still had a little rest, but obviously not enough, given the bags under the eyes. I didn't expect anything else from her. 

At least, judging by the empty food bags on the edge of the table, she didn't forget to eat, which pleases me.

- Drake, good to see you. I did everything you asked, but before we talk about it, could you please answer my question? - Rosa looked at me carefully. 

- Of course, Rosa. What do you want to know? - I asked, sitting down on a chair. 

- Can you make me a magician? Strong enough that I can protect myself on my own? - Rose asked seriously, surprising me quite a bit.

'And I thought it would be more difficult to move on to this topic…' - I involuntarily thought, looking at the determined face of my vice president. 

It seems that I am not the only one who realized that the public face of one of the richest companies on the continent cannot be an ordinary person. Well, that's even better. All that's left is, just explain everything. 

- You've reached the right person, Rosa. I can make you a magician, but… - I began to tell how I could fulfill the wish of Rose, who listened to me very attentively. It will take a lot of time...


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