Just My Luck-(rewrite)

chapter 11

Arashi was staring at the moon deep in thought.

I wonder how mother, father and Akeno is doing, if it follows canon then it should mean that mother has been killed, Akeno becomes the queen of Rias Gremory and developed a hate boner for fallen angels and hated herself. Also, it would mean that my sister would fall in love with a pervert! Arashi thoughts were on his family, but mostly he was afraid that his sister would fall in love with issei.

“I doubt that your previous world will follow canon, a butterfly flapping its wings could cause a storm, so how big of a storm do you think that a person could make.”

“So, canon would not happen?”

“Maybe, maybe not. All I know is the Akeno from highschool DxD and the Akeno you know will not be the same. Your existence caused changes to her fate. Hell, she could be following your path, and trying to get revenge on the himejima clan, or she might be searching for her big brother who suddenly went missing.” Qlee explained.

Arashi and Qlee was silent. He stared at the moon for another a few minutes before he heard sounds of footsteps.

He didn’t have to turn to realize who it was, if it was Sandersonia, that adorable little girl would have glomped him, if it was marigold her footsteps would have been louder and if it was Hancock, she would have tried to sneak up on him so she could scare him.

Since its none of these three, then it means it is the newcomer to the island.


“Can’t sleep.” Arashi asked her.

“Sandersonia told me that you guys are training so you could take revenge.” Perona said, though Sandersonia did say their purpose for training was for revenge, she never mentioned who they were taking revenge against


“Could you kill her for me.” the her that she mentioned was the one who took the throne by killing both her parents. Her stepmother.

“No. if you want to kill her, then do it on your own. I’m not going to kill her, your stepmother is not worth the time.” Arashi replied honestly.

Perona looked down hearing it.

“But if you join my crew, I’ll make you stronger so that you could kill her. Let me tell you something that I’ve learned, do not ever expect others to help you.”

“Give me your answer tomorrow.” Arashi said while walking towards his room.

Arashi, Perona and the boa sisters were eating breakfast.

Unlike the four, perona did not eat. She was still thinking about Arashi’s offer.

Train me? but they are only a few years older than me. do they even know how to fight? Maybe they are tricking me, and they will give me back to her in exchange for money. I can’t trust people who I have never known.

“Um, what would I do if I join you?” perona asked.

Arashi stopped eating, and waited until he chewed his food before answering.

“You will become a pirate.”

“You g-g-guys are p-p-pirates!” perona yelled in surprise and fear.

“Well…not yet, but we plan to be.” Arashi said somewhat embarrassed.

“And not just any pirates, we are going to be the world’s strongest pirate crew, we will also kill the celestial dragons.” Arashi stated. It is not a matter of if but of when.

“K-k-kill t-the c-c-cel-celestial dragons! Are you crazy!” perona shouted.

As a princess perona knew who the celestial dragons were. They were the gods of this world, everything under the sky was their property.

“You want to kill the gods!” perona asked in disbelief.

Hancock snorted in disgust.

“Gods? How on the four seas can they be called gods when they can’t even do anything by themselves, they are not gods, they are just rich pieces of shit who think they can do anything because they were born with a diamond encrusted golden spoon. You take away their money and status, then all you have left are trash in the shape of humans.”

Perona was stunned, as a princess she knew what kind of status the celestial dragons held, they were the gods of this world, they held absolute authority in this world. perona has never seen a celestial dragon, all she heard were stories about them.

She remembers when she asked her father about them.

“If it were up to me, I wish you would never meet a celestial dragon.” Her father, the king of Bela kingdom, told her when she asked about them.

“Anyway, that is our goal, to show the celestial dragon’s despair. We will bring them down from their thrones.” Arashi proclaimed.

Perona was silent. She had no interest in “bringing them down from their thrones”, all she wanted was to avenge her parents.

Should she join them? maybe she can spread a rumor that her stepmother has a clue to the one piece, that would make pirates from all over the world come after her. But if those pirates learn that it was a lie, they will kill her as well.

Perona had difficulty choosing. Should she join some unknown group or should she take revenge by herself.

While perona was busy with her decision, Arashi and the rest have gone back to eating. All four of them with different thoughts.

Whether she accepts or declines, nothing will change. Without the hollow-hollow fruit, she is useless.

Kill the gods she says, I’m going to much worse than killing them, I will make them choke on their own intestines while I hang them using their intestines.

I wonder If she knows any secret techniques, she is a princess after all, so she must have seen how their guard’s train.

I hope she says yes, then I will a new friend. We can eat together, bathe together, train together, and sail together, it will be so much fun!

“Can you really make me strong?” perona asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Daddy and mommy needs to be avenged, how can I let others kill their killer, as their daughter it is my duty to avenge them. perona thought resolutely to herself.

“Yes.” Arashi stated.

“Ok, then I’ll join.”

“Welcome to the future emperors crew, little sis.” Arashi said with a smile.

“Little sis?” perona asked, she was confused.

“A great man that I admire calls all members of his crew, his sons and daughters, his crew is his family, which is nice, so I thought to myself, all my future members of my crew will be my brothers and sisters.”

“Wait? you guys are not actual siblings.”

“Nope, we three are, but Arashi-nee is not.” Sandersonia answered, pointing to herself, Hancock and Marigold.

Perona looked between Hancock and Arashi, they looked identical, the only thing that were different were their heights, gender and eye color.

With that perona started eating breakfast.

Perona and Arashi were in a forest clearing.

Perona was struggling, as someone who has never exercised a day in her life, it was quite difficult for her to do this.

“16…17…18…19…20…done.” Perona stopped doing pushups and lied down on the ground. Out of breath, and her arms burning.

Arashi who sat atop of tree branch, was conserving perona while simultaneously emulating the total concentration breathing method.

It was difficult, his lungs felt like they were on fire, he also couldn’t keep it up for long, 3 seconds was the maximum amount of time he could keep total concentration breathing active.

He calmed down his breathing, and felt the burning sensation in his lungs subside.

“Now squats!” Arashi yelled at perona who was lying down.

“Give me…like five minutes!” perona yelled back.

“Do you even want to avenge your parents!” Arashi asked, his tone filled with mockery.

Perona gritted her teeth and went back to training.

Arashi nodded his head in satisfaction, and went back to master the breathing method.

It took two weeks for Arashi to get a hang on the total concentration breathing, he could maintain for 3 minutes.

During those three minutes he felt like he was pumped full of enhancements. Every single physical aspect of his body improved significantly.

After reaching a stage where he could maintain it for three minutes without feeling like his lungs and heart was on fire, he taught the boa sisters the breathing method. Perona was still physically weaker than them, thus Arashi did not teach her it.

Perona after two weeks finally let her guard down around them. she was no longer constantly stressed around Arashi and the boa sisters. Thanks to Sandersonia and her sunny personality.

Bonds quickly formed with perona and the others.

The five were mostly training, they trained 6 days a week and on the 7th day they would rest.

Arashi would retell stories that he told the boa sisters to perona, and just like Sandersonia her favorite story was pokemon. The two quickly grew closer to their shared love of pokemon.

Though Arashi was lamenting the fact that he couldn’t show them the series or the games.

A month after learning total concentration breathing and couple with their training, everyone except perona, was ready to start learning the six powers.

So, they did.

Sandersonia started with the finger pistol.

Marigold started iron body.

Hancock started tempest kick.

Arashi started paper arts.

During this time, Arashi used the wheel of fate, which is what he named Qlee’s core ability. Unfortunately for him, he did not get things that were on the same level as the class cards of Emiya and Artoria, playful cloud and the total concentration breathing technique.

The items he got were, not really amazing and also not really useless either. He gained the 5-star dragon ball, which is useless without the other 6; a scroll detailing the ninjitsu: fire style: great fireball; a magic grimoire, which is useless since magic cannot be used and lastly an empty bottle of water.

[3-month results]

Arashi mastered the paper arts and started shave.

Hancock mastered the tempest kick and also started shave.

Marigold mastered iron body and started learning finger pistol.

Sandersonia mastered finger pistol and started learning paper arts.

Perona also started training the six powers, she started with paper arts.

Also, Arashi lit up the second arrow, making him the equivalent of sequence 8: robot.

He mental faculties improved significantly, granting him terrifying calculation abilities and also gave him precise control over his body.

His body also improved significantly, enhancing various qualities of his physique.

He also gained divination and anti-divination abilities. Though divination is useless, since he does not have a medium for divination. But the anti-divination will be quite useful when facing off against observation haki users.

After lighting up his second arrow, Arashi tried his luck on the wheel of fate.

This time he gained several items, the most notable being, a basket filled with apples, Apples that can increase a person’s lifespan to thousand year and a crate filled with hyper potions.

[5-months results]

Increasing their strength through exercise was not enough, thus they started sparring with each other.

Hancock and marigold, who were the fastest and strongest, sparred against each other constantly.

Arashi sparred with Sandersonia and perona.

Thanks to the hyper potions, they were able to spar without holding too much back.

It is during the fifth month that Arashi tried to learn total concentration: constant. Which he learned was very difficult, though the girls did have fun whacking him when he fails to keep it active during his sleep.

Arashi tried the wheel of fate, he only gained clothes from it. loads of clothes.

[six months result]

The constant sparring pushed every single one of them into new heights, all of five of them had at least gotten down four of the six powers.

Also, after a month of trying, Arashi was finally able to achieve total concentration: constant. With it, his growth increased exponentially. The other four are also somewhat close to achieving it.

During this time, they tried to learn the observation haki. Unfortunately for Arashi, he could not learn it. his danger sense interfered with the usual method of blindfolding and letting people hit you.

Arashi also learned something new about his premonition, the farther the future he sees, the more abstract the visions of the future become.

[A golden coin being passed from hand to hand. Making the golden coin become duller and duller until finally it losses its luster and shatters into fragments.]

This was premonition Arashi had. Arashi tried to decode what the golden coin is, and he believes that the golden coin is some kind of treasure that is used so many times by so many people that it breaks.

He doesn’t know why he dreamed of it, but also it doesn’t matter what it means.

Anyway, Arashi once again gained many items from the wheel of fate, and like always many things he gained were useless, but he did gain something pretty good, another mythical zoan devil fruit, the snake-snake fruit model: Bashe.

Coincidentally this fruit gave the eater the ability to be both become intangible and invisible. It also gave the eater a pocket dimension, they could use to store stuff.

Unsurprisingly Arashi gave the devil fruit to perona, who after eating it, became a match to Sandersonia.

Thus, all five have eaten snake related mythical zoan fruits.

[8 months]

Arashi and marigold constantly fought each other while keeping their iron body active. Due to this they were able to slightly move while using iron body. thought they have not yet grasped armament haki.

Hancock mastered the total concentration: constant breathing, she was also somewhat successful in creating a variant of the breathing technique, though she it isn’t usable due to its side-effects. Fortunately, Hancock also awakened the basic form of observation haki, the ability to sense others presence.

perona and Sandersonia, were experimenting with their devil fruit abilities, finding new usages for their abilities. Since Arashi would tell them stories from the anime or webnovel he read, the two had a much better imagination than most.

Arashi used the wheel of fortune again, he gained a mountain of clothes and accessories, while some did have some useful effects, they were not very impressive. But he did get something, a gold coin that helps in divination.

The time to set sail came closer, thus Arashi started planning.

The ship they were using to sail out of the sail was an old ship that was docked on the island. It could easily handle a few storms, but it could definitely could not handle climbing the reverse mountain nor could it handle canon fire.

So, Arashi decided not fly his pirate flag, at least for now.

There were many reasons for this decision, the main one being that their ship was not good enough, and the other one was the fact that all five of them ate mythical zoan devil fruits, which if the navy or the world government learns, they will at the least send a vice-admiral after them.

They are nowhere close to taking on a vice-admiral. For now.

Mythical zoan devil fruits are the rarest and the strongest, if people learn that they are five children who had eaten mythical zoan devil fruits, it could cause many issues. The best scenario would be if whitebeard asks them to join his crew. The others would include, the navy, Kaido or big mom coming after them to either recruits them, kill them for their devil fruit or capture them.

So for now, they will act as either a explorer ship or a merchant ship, which would elimaiate troubles from the navy, the only trouble they would get was if some pirates decided to raid them. which would be bad, for the piates.

Arashi stood on a cliff, staring at the rising sun, a smirk plastered in his face. His right hand was busy doing a coin roll with a gold coin. The gold coin had an image of a seven leafed clover on the back and an image of a snake eating its own tail.

“The time has come.” Arashi muttered, trying to act cool.

He turned on his heels and walked away.

-The End.

So…next chapter they will set sail.

Although I did want to go into much more detail into their training process, but if I did that, they would be training for another 8-9 chapters, each chapter detailing the training and results of that month while going to detail into it.

Well, hooray for me, I have written 11 chapters! Woohoo!!

Anyway guys, if you like my work consider leaving a review, follow or favorite, add me to your libraries, give me power stones.

Chapter 15 will be posted in the morning. cuz I don’t have the energy right now. its midnight and imma sleep like a baby.

I like reading reviews and comments so make sure you do that.

Criticism is always welcomed.

Read advanced chapters on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m/ Lucinziel



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