Just My Luck-(rewrite)

chapter 3

Inside the abandoned mansion that the boa sisters explored.

Arashi was examining the living room where they found the skeleton and the devil fruits, hoping to find the identity of the skeleton.

he had worn some white pants and a red tunic. His hair was messy and somewhat wet, the blood and dirt on his body has been scrubbed clean. He would easily make any person of the opposite sex swoon just by winking.

Briefly stopping his investigation, he stared at his reflection on the window. his mismatched eyes, one violet and the other light brown, together with his messy hair gave him a certain roguish charm.

I look good. Also, I need better clothes, this tunic is uncomfortable as all hell. But I still look good though.

“Not another narcissist.” The earring lampooned out loud.

“Haters gonna hate.” Arashi replied, after a few more seconds of staring at his reflection, he pulled the collar of his tunic, on his right pectoral, was the brand of the celestial dragons, also called the hoof of the soaring dragon.

Arashi stared at the brand vacantly, his mind lost in past.

“Drama queen. Did you think staring at that fugly brand will do anything? do you think you are some protagonists that will get stronger by remembering the past.” The earring mocked Arashi.

Arashi was shaken from his thoughts and looked away from his reflection and the continued searching for clues for the skeleton’s identity.

“So…when are you going to use my core ability.”


Arashi walked to the bookshelf and saw a book that seemed like a journal. He grabbed it and flipped it open.  He stared at the page in embarrassment.

I don’t what these words mean. Due to his All-speak, which allows normal people listening to him to hear it in the language they're most familiar with and vice versa, he can speak with Hancock and the others without problems, unfortunately it does not apply to written languages.

“Pfft. Hahahahaha.” The earring couldn’t hold in her laugh.

“whatever” Arashi acted indifferent, trying to hide his shame.

“You should stop wasting your time and just let those girls read them.”

“Fine.” Arashi grumbled to himself and walked towards where the boa sister was.

He exited the mansion and found the boa sisters lying down on the ground and staring at the sky.

Seeing this he did not want to bother them for now, so he walked closer and laid down next to between Sandersonia and marigold.

The boa sisters did not speak when they saw him lay down alongside them, they continued watching the morning sky. the silence bringing to comfort and peacefulness.

Arashi closed his eyes, feeling tired with the ordeal that he suffered in the morning. the pain that the earring brought him would have made an ordinary man fall unconscious, but his will tempered by years of torture made him grit through the pain.

Fifteen minutes passes by, the wind tickled by and the morning sun shined on them as if it was burning their impurities. They would have stayed like this for hours if not the sound their stomach made.

Grumble. Grumble. Grumble.

The boa sisters’ stomachs announced their hunger, making the them embarrassed.

Arashi opened his eyes and looked at the three children with amusement.

“How about this, you three go back to the living room and try to find out some information from the books in the bookshelf, while I’ll try to find some food.”

Hancock asked Arashi, suspicion lacing her voice. “Have you ever hunted before.”

Arashi jerked back as if her words were knives. Arashi wanted to say that he did, but under Hancock’s stare he couldn’t.

“No…” he answered honestly.

“Sigh. Not surprised but just a little disappointed.” Hancock placed her on her temple and shook her head, Arashi interpreted her actions as saying “what an unreliable self-proclaimed brother.”

I come from modern times, how the hell am I supposed to know how to hunt.

“Is it too late for me to switch hosts?”  the earring asked, her voice spoke inside Arashi’s head.

“…” Arashi did not reply, his gaze vacant.

Sandersonia seemed worried but Hancock patted her head and said it in the most even tone she could.

“Leave him be. He is simply acting dramatic.” Dozens more invisible knives stabbed Arashi.

Hancock shook her head in mock disappointment, “Mari you go back where the skeleton is and read through the books.” Hancock directed her gaze at the still vacantly standing Arashi, Hancock came closer to marigold and whispered to her, “does he seem different than before?”

Marigold hearing her elder sister’s question also directed her gaze at Arashi, “nii-san seems to have a lot in his mind. Elder sister, do you think its related to how we arrived here?”

Hancock kept quiet, thinking. After a few seconds of silence, she answered. “Probably.”

I hope it’s not dangerous. Both sisters inwardly thought the same thing. Afterall, though Arashi may not be their brother in blood, they still consider him as one. These past years, if it wasn’t for him, they may have broken down and turned insane.

Hancock gave a few more instructions to marigold and left to find some food. As a member of the Kuja tribe, Hancock has been taught how to hunt from a young age, even the youngest Sandersonia knows how to hunt and survive in the wild.

I guess it’s time I check the true capabilities of my devil fruit. Hancock inwardly thought with some excitement.

After seeing that he had nothing to do, Arashi walked back into another portion of the living room, opposite to where marigold, who was reading through the books, was.

He arrived Infront of the table, atop the table were five fruits, each uniquely different than the other.

“So Qlee, any idea on the identities of the devil fruit?” Arashi silently muttered to himself, his mutterings went unheard by marigold due to the distance between them.

“Is that supposed to be a nickname? Do what you will. Also yes, the devils’ fruits are, snake-snake model: Echidna, Hollow-hollow fruit, snake-snake model: Ouroboros, monkey-monkey model: baboon, snake-snake model: melusine.” The earring which is now name Qlee, gave the identities of the fruits and waited for Arashi’s choice.

Four zoan and one paramecia, from the four zoan, one is normal zoan devil fruit and the other three are mythical zoan devil fruits.

Excluding ouroboros, there are snake model zoan fruits, one for each remaining boa sister, I would love to say it’s a reasonable development, but Qlee probably brought us here especially for these fruits.

Which one should I eat? Qlee said that there are two fruits that could be useful, the baboon and ouroboros. Honestly, it’s not that difficult of a choice, the ouroboros is a mythical zoan, and the baboon is…a monkey, which is just a strong human covered with hair.

Arashi did not wait any longer, he grabbed the silver-colored fruit covered circles.

Arashi grabbing the fruit was about to bite into it, but Qlee stopped him.

“Woah, woah! What are you doing?”

“Eating the mythical zoan like you told.”

“No! place the fruit near the earring. Ill imbue the positive monster characteristics into it.”

Arashi did not question her, due to him knowing that he is far out of his depth. Bringing the fruit closer to his earring, almost making it touch it. the earring glowed in silver and sucked the devil fruit was taken inside it.

“you’ll get it back in 9 days.” Qlee replied.

He nodded his in affirmation. Arashi turned around and looked at marigold who was reading. Seeing that she was busy he did not disturb her.

“Is it me, or are you completely and utterly useless?” Qlee asked herself, which was heard by Arashi. He didn’t respond since he somewhat agreed.

“Hey. Want me to upgrade their devil fruits a bit?” Qlee asked.

“It would be nice if you could do it. can you also upgrade Hancock’s devil fruit?”

“Yes. but I require payment.”

“Which is.”

“Time-time fruit, warp-warp fruit, glint-glint fruit, straw-straw fruit, mirror-mirror fruit, human-human model: zombie, hollow-hollow fruit, rumble-rumble fruit, human-human model: gorgon, calm-calm fruit, string-string fruit.” Qlee started listing off the devil fruits one by one as if it was a grocery list.

“You want all of them!?”

“Only three, you can give me the hollow-hollow fruit now, and two others later.”

Arashi took the hollow-hollow fruit and placed it near his earring. Qlee glowed in silver and the fruit was sucked in.

“So, what about the two devil fruits for Sonia and Mari?”

“Touch them.” Arashi hearing what Qlee said, placed his hands on the two devil fruits.

He looked at the devil fruits, waiting to see the process on the upgrade of the devil fruits.

Suddenly Arashi felt odd, he felt as one side of his head was burning and the other side of his head was rotting, while it was not painful it felt extremely uncomfortable, the sensation of burning and rotting started moving, from his head to his chest then to his arms. The rotting sensation travelled through his left hand, while the burning sensation travelled through his right hand. The veins on both of his hands turned green and yellow respectively.

The rotting and burning sensation travelled through his hands and entered the two fruits. The burning sensation entered the Melusine fruit and the rotting sensation entered the Echidna fruit.

The two fruits glowed lightly for a few moments before the glow died down.

Observing the fruits Arashi realized that the only difference was that the colors of the two fruits seemed darker.

“The Melusine fruit gained pyromancy, while the Echidna fruit had its poison enhanced, significantly. Also, both fruits will grant enhanced beauty. Anyway, don’t bother me until I’m finished with upgrading your devil fruit. Ill upgrade Hancock’s fruit ate rim done with yours.”

Arashi nodded in agreement.

Seeing that the Qlee stopped talking, Arashi released a sigh, he walked towards the window next to him and looked out.

A ruined town, collapsed buildings, rubble, overgrown vegetation and the occasional small animal running through.

What should I do? I will be eating a mythical zoan fruit upgraded by the sister of the freakin gamer system, the system that lets average virgin ugly bastards become munchkins-of-all-trades. If I could properly use it to my advantage. I’ll be able to…what should I do?

For the longest time all I cared was to survive and escape, but now I’ve done both, what should I do next.

Revenge? Obviously. Take of the three little midgets? Without hesitation. Find a way back home? Yes

Until I find some better goals, these three will be my driving force.


Chapter 03 done.

Chapter 6 will be the first gacha!

Which LoTM was disappointed when lumian said no when franca was about to summon arrodes? I personally felt pissed.

Anyway, I hope all my readers are doing good and have a nice day!

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