Just My Luck-(rewrite)

Chapter 8

To those who feel like dropping this, I…plead, beg, ask you to read until chapter 12 before dropping this. You can stay until I release chapter 12 on fanfiction, webnovel or scribbleHub, or you could sign up to my pat r eon.

All I ask is you wait until reading chapter 12 till dropping this.



The days passed by quickly, after years of enslavement Arashi’s proposal of a 7-day relaxation gained no objections.

All four of their minds were weary, though they may act normal, deep inside they knew something had long since broken.

Hancock or marigold would sometimes go to hunt, a boar or two, for food. Sandersonia would collect edible plants, and Arashi would cook them.

Shuri himejima, mother of Arashi, taught him to cook from a young age, so that her son would not go after the first woman who can cook. Thankfully, due to her lessons, and Arashi’s diligence in learning so that he won’t disappoint her, made him to a pretty good cook.

In the morning, they would eat breakfast and sunbathe, in the afternoon, they would eat lunch, and then go to the collapsed buildings, with marigolds increased strength after eating the devil fruit, clearing the rubble was quite easy.

They collected a small fortune of over, 10 million Beri, in coins. They could have found more, but most paper notes were ruined, so they couldn’t be used.

They also found some jewelry, since neither Arashi, marigold or Sandersonia saw any worth in the jewelry, Hancock happily kept it to herself.

Their days consisted of exploring the ruined town, eating, sunbathing and also bathing in the lake.

Arashi would tell the three stories from his last life, ranging from anime to cartoon to web novels.

They relaxed to the best of their ability.

They relaxed so much, that they forgot to count the days.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, Qlee, the Qlippothian earing, the sister of the Qlippothian castle, who goes by the name of the gamer system, announced the end of their short vacation.

Arashi was floating atop the lake, with only some black short pants that reached above his knees, his numerous scars, and the brand of the celestial dragons, the hoof of the soaring dragon visible.

He had his eyes closed in contentment, unfortunately for him, it would not last.

“My dear idiot, the enhancement for the snake-snake fruit, model: ouroboros is complete.” Qlee announced, her announcement bringing an end to his short-lived vacation.

Arashi groaned, reluctantly opening his eyes and closing them again due to intensity of sun. He squinted his eyes, and lazily swam back to the shoreline.

Placing his feet back on the ground, he stretched his body, hearing a few pops and cracks.

“Alright…give it to me.” Arashi spoke as if forced.

“Drama queen.” Qlee sighed.

“Anyway, here.” Qlee said.

A ripple formed in front of him, from it a fruit came out.

Arashi caught the fruit before it could reach the ground.

the fruit shined like it seemed to be made from metal, it looks like chrome-colored silver, instead of the previous spirals, numerous bright red patterns and symbols covered the fruit, the sheer density of the patterns and symbols made it difficult to understand them, the stem of the fruit looked like two snakes eating each other’s tails. just looking at them caused Arashi a headache, which caused him to tear his gaze away from the fruit.

“Why is it so different?” Arashi asked, somewhat concerned. The difference of before and after were like night and day.

“I gave it a full enhancement, comparing to its previous form, is like comparing a lizard to a dragon. Which is just a waste of time.”

Arashi stayed silent. Numerous thoughts occupying his mind.

Do I need a devil fruit to be strong? Not really, all I need is a body, haki and an excellent sword.  Mihawk, Shanks and Roger are prime examples.

But if I did eat it, it would make my journey a lot easier, especially considering that this a mythical zoan, which would increase my physical parameters by a lot. And would also give me powers, which is dope, considering that I would only be able to use my mana to reinforce my body internally due to the laws of the world.

Arashi debated between eating it and not eating it, though undoubtedly there was only one drawback in not eating it, the inability to swim in the ocean, which didn’t have much worth to Arashi.

Steeling himself, he brought the enhanced devil fruit close to his mouth and took a bite out of it, he expected a taste of rotten garbage based on the reactions of marigold and Sandersonia, but reality was way different than expectation.

It tastes like…ice cream? The hell!? Shouldn’t it taste like the worst thing I’ve eaten multiplied by 1000?

“Eat the whole thing, including the stem.” Arashi listened to Qlee and devoured it, though it was not difficult considering that the fruit tasted like ice cream, and he hasn’t had ice cream in a really long time.

If other devil fruit were to witness this, they would justifiably lose their minds. The day they consumed their devil fruits is a traumatic memory. So, seeing someone not only eat the whole fruit but also enjoy eating it, would be like seeing a person willingly torturing themselves.  

Arashi ate the whole fruit, including its stem which had a certain iron-like taste.

“so what ne-”mind breaking pain interrupted his words.

He felt as if every inch of his body was being bitten by numerous snakes. He felt his organs decaying, his blood turning into poison.

He felt his muscles fibers come alive.

Arashi couldn’t keep standing due to the pain and collapsed. His body trembling like a leaf caught in a storm.

Countless small blades tried to breakthrough his skin from the inside.

“Stay conscious.” The Qlippothian earring informed.

“yo-you ne-nev-never me-ment-mentioned t-the pa-pai-pain!” Arashi shrieked, his vocal cord wiggling and transforming.

His skin starts to melt, and formed a cocoon which surrounded him.

His eyes saw black, in the deep darkness he saw something far away. No. rather than far, it was above him, the difference between it and him was like the difference between heaven and earth.

Its image became clearer every passing second, until finally he finally he saw it.

A giant scaleless silver snake covered with dense patterns and symbols on its surface, the symbols being various wheels that are connected to each other. Its tail and head wheels were each halved, only if the giant silver snake could bite its own tail with its mouth, the wheel would be complete. Each wheel is different and they represent different futures that might happen.

It slowly moved to bites its tail. it wanted, NO, it needed to bite its tail. after several minutes of slowly moving to bite its tail, the snake was only 9 meters away from biting its tail. but before the snake bit its tail, which was 9 meters away, the vision disappeared.

Another image replaced it. but this one was much more familiar to Arashi.

Ten massive arrows in a radial pattern engulfed his sight. The arrow at the top-center started flickering in blue light. but no matter how hard it tried, it would still flicker between vibrant blue and lifeless grey, like it couldn’t decide.

Arashi, who felt as if he was floating atop a river of snakes, stared at the flickering arrow with confusion.

He didn’t know how long he stayed like that, it could have been days, years or centuries.

He felt something, with each passing moment he felt a connection formed between him and the flickering arrow. With each passing moment the connection between them was strengthened, until it was finally strong enough.

When the connection was properly established, the arrow stopped flickering and turned blue. Radiating an aura of luck.

The image of the ten radial arrows and disappeared.

Arashi opened his eyes to a familiar ceiling. He was about to move when he felt three people surrounding his bed.

He looked and saw that the three boa sisters, were sleeping on the same bed he was.

He was thinking of a way to get up without waking them up. Thankfully there was no need for that since Hancock and marigold both simultaneously opened their eyes.

They stared at him for single second, before they hugged him. Strongly.

I think I heard my ribs breaking…

“I was so scared…I thought you were dead…” Hancock kept headbutting his chest, repeatedly.

Marigold didn’t say anything, though they she simply hugged him tighter, so tight that he was sure that his bones were breaking.

Stupid zoan physical improvement.

A few seconds later, Sandersonia was woken up due to the quiet sobbing of Hancock.

Looking around her eyes met Arashi’s which caused her to beam in joy, so she jumped on top of him.

“Arashi-nee, your awake!” Sandersonia said while leaping towards Arashi.

“Oof!!” Sandersonia jumping atop him, caused him some slight pain. Though he didn’t say anything.

The three sisters each showed them their care in their own ways. But all Arashi could think of was…

I need to take a piss!

Arashi was walking out of the room. After making sure his sisters were not sad or angry.

Though the only reason he could escape, was because he lied.

Instead of saying anything about his visions or the pain that he felt, he told him that he passed out because of the taste of his devil fruit. Which was a huge lie, since his devil fruit tasted quite good.

And now I’m craving something sweet.

Arashi answered the call of nature, and felt his bladder empty.

While walking towards the area he told the boa sisters to meet him, he instinctively touched his ear which was pierced by Qlee.

When he touched his ear, he felt his ear being empty. Qlee was no longer pierced on his ear.

Panic started forming, but before it could spread, he heard the same voice that freed him, settle his panic.

“My dear idiot, check your chest.” Listening to the familiar voice of Qlee, he took of his tunic, and observed his chest.

The hoof of the soaring dragon, the mark that is branded on by the celestial dragons on to their slaves to show their ownership on them.

Those with the hoof are called the rightful property of god.

Currently on Arashi’s right pectoral was not the hoof of the soaring dragon that marked him as the property of the celestial dragons. Instead, it was the ten arrows in a radial pattern, nine black arrows and one blue one.

“This…” Arashi felt tears threatening to spill.

“Oh this, this is due to our strengthened connection.” Qlee replied, though if she had a face, Arashi would have seen her smiling.

As someone who has most of his memories, Qlee knew that Arashi hated it, the slave mark. He hated having his fate controlled by it.

Qlee could have made her symbol, the ten arrows in a radial pattern appear anywhere, but she chose it to appear atop his slave mark. Though they have been only together for a short time, she has come to like her new user, he doesn’t treat her as a tool, he isn’t questioning every single word she speaks, he isn’t trying to somehow erase her and take the power for himself and he also didn’t even think about mind controlling her into being his slave. (Each and every thing written has happened, those who were foolish enough to do the last two, suffered a fate worse than death.)

Qlee is pretty simple, she follows the laws of equivalent exchange. You treat her with respect, she will also treat you with respect.

As the Qlippothian earing, something made to rival the sefirot, the key of light, which had control over the domain of fate, she too had control over fate.

A price is always exacted for what fate bestows.

After a few moments of silence passed by, Arashi muttered.

“Thank you…”

“You’re welcome.” Qlee replied.

Arashi stopped looking at the mark, and asked Qlee.

“Whew. Ok, anyway what do these blue lines mean.”

“Oh, those…” Qlee drawled.


“Ahem, then listen closely, you see those blue arrow.”

Arashi nodded his head.

“It shows which sequence or step you’re on.

“With each arrow being turned blue, you will gain new powers and your old ones will be strengthened.

“Once the sixth arrow turns blue, you will undergo a qualitative change.”

“Like awakening?”

“In a way, yes. but you see, the nine arrows are just steps which leads to the real price, the real price comes at when the last arrow turns blue.”

“What happens then?” Arashi asked, he was dying to know what the tenth arrow would do.

“You shall become a deity who rules over luck and fate.” Arashi could hear the grin on her face.

Though his was no better, if he was in an anime, his eyes would have popped out.

I will become God? Arashi thought, nervous and excited, mostly excited.

Afterall who better to judge fake gods who sit upon their holy city than a real god.

“cant wait.” Arashi grinned, his grin threatening to split his face.


Training montage and gacha next chapter. And a surprise guest would arrive to the island during their six months, hint: the surprise guest is related to one of the devil fruits found on the island.

Anyway guys, if you like my work consider leaving a review, follow or favourite, add me to your libraries, give me power stones.

I like reading reviews and comments so make sure you do that.

Criticism is always welcomed.

Read advanced chapters on p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m/ Lucinziel


Haruchai: honestly you don’t have to apologize for anything, I enjoyed reading your review, and I want to assure you, that all these “nerfs” had a reason, one, was that I wanted to create an alternate version of Artoria and Emiya, an Artoria who isn’t reliant on her weapons(mostly) and an Emiya that could reach the level of strongest heroic spirits. But I wouldn’t be able to do that if they were in they were heroic spirits, to do that I would need them to live, to be reborn. a heroic spirit cannot learn anything new nor can they get stronger, but if they weren’t heroic spirits they could train and become much stronger.

His fallen angel powers will start to merge with his powers once he ascends to the angel level, giving him a qualitative leap in power.

Yup, there’s nothing stopping the servants from killing them, that’s why he will bring Artoria first, due to Artoria being an honorable knight(this version) she will not try to  manipulate him nor will she threaten him. and Artoria would keep Emiya in line.

I mean he has access to the LoTM power system, which technically hax.

Yeah, your right that’s my bad, I thought of slowly unveiling the LoTM terminology instead of confusing people right at the beginning, though this chapter does have me explaining the LoTM power system to the best of my ability.

Anyway, you are mostly right in most of your points, but I assure you try to read until chapter 12, if you don’t like it then, then all I can say is sorry for not being a good writer.

Thank you for reviewing old man, this young one would hope to see your reviews in future chapters.

Redburndragon: well technically Emiya will still be able to still analyze and store weapon in UBW, just that he won’t be able to take them out. But he will use a different method to go around this restriction.

Fatherofrichnight: yes. in DxD there won’t be any such problems.



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