Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]

Chapter 100: Catfight

"Let's just hope it will work out like we think it does and if it does, I will talk to her," I said as I grabbed the rabbit-thigh above the flames and sat a bit to the side to not be covered in octopus smell while I eat. Without any hesitation Raven and Felicia fled with me as well, making me look over my shoulder at my brother, who just rolled his eyes as he cooked the stank above the open fire.

"Felicia," I called out as I bit down on the meat, tearing off a piece before swallowing it after chewing it a few times. Felicia seemed to have misinterpreted the pause I made due to eating. She stood up with a sigh and pressed a few buttons on her bracelet.

"Alright, I am ready. Put your ki in my suit or something." She said neutrally, making me observe her expression, which honestly gave nothing away and in turn told me everything I needed to know. I didn't even need the little nudge from Raven.

I pointed next to me, indicating she should sit down, which she did, though clearly hiding her confusion as to why I wasn't going to use the technique and send her back. "Thought you wanted to get back to Kara as soon as possible?" She questioned, not knowing why I would delay it and she wasn't entirely wrong with her assumption.

"I do. However, I wanted to ask you something since you are now part of… uh-"

"your Harem?" Raven helpfully supplied before giving me a snort as the expression she used kind of made me cringe.

"I guess… I wanted to talk about our future." I glanced at Raven, wondering if it was best if she didn't hear the question I had for Felicia. Considering that we might be back in a few minutes, I wanted to clear things up beforehand. Raven got the cue with my glance and stood up before Felicia raised her hand.

"If I am part of your harem-" "Please don't call it that." "-then she can listen in." Felicia took a deep breath as if to brace herself to be put on the spot.

"You know you can keep secrets from the others. I was just teasing you just now." Raven supplied with a wry smile, probably wondering if she went too far about how she had teased her a moment ago. Emotions were rather private after all. It was for the individual to share them as were thoughts. It was, for this reason, I rarely read their minds. Emotions were a bit more loosely handled especially during bedtime-

"Thanks," Felicia replied gratefully. "but I think I would like it for you to listen. You and Diana kind of fulfill the big sister role whenever we are all together and I think I would like your support."

"We are the big sisters?" "They are?"

"Yeah, Kara is the little brat that everyone put up with because she is the dad's favorite." She gave me a pointed look, which I immediately denied. "Maybe you don't play favorites, but it's obvious you think Kara is the hottest."

"Not really. In fact, Raven is my type and Diana is a warrior, whose looks were blessed by a god. You are a seductress, who knows how to move, and Maxima is a warrior queen who moves with as much grace as she is fierce. Shayera tingles my Saiyan attraction just right with how she speaks and fights, making her extremely attractive as well. Kara has a strong and radiant presence, and even when she is vulnerable with me, she still looks like she glows at least in my eyes. You all have different aspects about you that I love."

Felicia and Raven looked at me for a moment, clearly not knowing what to say before Felicia managed to compose herself as she smirked. "Ooo, gossip," Felicia said as she pulled up her phone. "Everything on tape too." Raven looked shocked at what I had said.

I rolled my eyes. "How was that news to you two?"

"Well, you never mentioned it and you have a great poker face." Felicia shrugs with a smile on her face, clearly delighted that her attempts to seduce me hadn't gone unnoticed. Something that should have been obvious, I wasn't a piece of wood after all. "Besides, that isn't the gossip. From your words, it sounds like you already see Maxima and Shayera as yours as well?" She asked still with her phone pointed at me.

Her question made me pause my eating for a moment as it sank in. I didn't want to dive into her inquiry as I would get lost and even convince myself what she suggested might be true. "Hehe. If someone came along and take them. They fuck and have a relationship with them, would you be mad? Green Lantern seems to have an eye on Shayera. Maxima could probably find another strong, more willing man to be with her. I heard that Lobo might be interested. I heard you had an encounter with him or at least heard of him, right? I am sure he would just impregnate her and leave."

I tried to ignore her words. However, the damage was already done. If everything happened the same way it did in the cartoon, wouldn't Shayera and Green Lantern make up because GL went out with that woman who could summon animal spirits? Maxima would probably end up alone as she said. Just thinking about it made me mad, seriously mad, especially since that was most likely going to happen.

However, that didn't mean I loved them, did it? That kind of made me like one of those dickhead girls that didn't want a relationship with a guy, but the guy couldn't be with someone else because they wanted to keep the validation and attention from him. Still, the thought of them not being around made me want to revolt.

"What? Does your pride as a Saiyan not allow anyone else to have the women you see as yours even if you aren't in a relationship with them?" Felicia snorted. She really knew how to push my buttons, a dangerous game, which Kara and Diana could attest to.

"Hmph. Yeah, right. That doesn't have anything to do with him being a Saiyan." Giblet suddenly called out from behind. We glanced at him. "I already thought it was weird that you have permanent girlfriends like Kakarot. We Saiyans don't stick around. Having a permanent relationship was a privilege of the royalty, where the lives of the queen were almost assured."

I glanced at him for a moment as the memories of our time on planet Sadala rushed in. "He does have a point. Having a long-term relationship wasn't something commoners or the weak could sustain."

Felicia gave me an unimpressed look. "So, what? Because you are a mighty Super Saiyan, you can sustain multiple relationships. Is that your excuse?"

"Aren't you getting a bit too sassy?" I asked as she never was that teasing. Usually, it stayed on the sexual side of teasing, but now she was quipping. Though I wasn't going to lie, I kind of liked the change as it meant she was getting more comfortable.

"Hmph. I was always sassy." She flipped her hair, making me roll my eyes at her dramatism. I looked at Raven, who had been staring at me with a confused look.

"Raven you good?"

"I am your type?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yeah? Wait. You… you didn't know?" At my question, she just slowly shook her head. Right… I had only ever told Kara that Raven was my type, and she got quite furious about it. Hey, not my fault she asked a question she wouldn't like an honest answer to.

Of course, that had been before we even met Raven and I had just described my type as a big, tidied goth girl. When the two met, they had hit off nicely, so it had never come up as a topic again. Still, I thought I had told Raven about it as well.

"No, I didn't…" After another moment of being stunned while looking at me, she then come closer only to hug my arm between her breasts. Her eyes started glowing and her hair turned white as one arm slowly traveled down my abs until it rested just above my crotch. "Oh, the things I am going to do to you~" Her voice had positively vibrated with energy and it didn't help as she licked the side of my face with her tongue that looked more dexterous and longer than usual, making me imagine what she intended to do.

I got excited by her suddenly taking up space and suggesting it. Even if I weren't an empath capable of sensing her emotions, the Lust she experienced right now was radiating off for anyone to see. I could feel my body heating up from the sudden sexual tension and I was positive that her magic was somewhat affecting me. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Felicia watching us with a pout, though she didn't make any moves to interrupt Raven as the Cambion might lash out at her.

Unexpectedly, Raven calmed down by herself. The white hair and the glowing eyes started to vanish again as if it was just my imagination conjuring that image of her. The only indication of her inner turmoil was the red glint in her eyes like she was about to pounce me and devour me whole.

"You two have some talking to do and then we are going to kill Trigon, so I can get that fucking you promised." She said as her hands still hungrily felt up my torso.

"I- You know you can get it anytime you want, right?" She didn't exactly glare at me, it was more contemplative like she wanted to take my word for it, but in the end, she shook her head.

"No, I just need your promise that you will do anything I want you to do as a reward." She looked rather serious when she said that, so I didn't challenge her by saying that I previously only said, I would give her a good fucking and nothing about fulfilling whatever fantasy she had.

"I will promise to go along with any sexual practice you want me to as long as it doesn't cross my bottom line." She narrowed her eyes at the way I left a way out, but she nodded anyway as she knew I would keep my promises and that I would take it seriously, otherwise why else would I mention something like my bottom line?

I wasn't even sure what my bottom line was, but any gay practices were off the table, any gender-bending as well. Who knew what her magic allowed her to do at this point? I certainly wasn't going to risk it by promising something I wouldn't keep.

With the demon on the side barely restrained as her hands stayed on my body, I glanced at the thieving cat on my other side. "By joining me, you will have to be willing to sacrifice everything in the future. I might leave this universe and I expect you to come with me. Are you ready for that?" Perhaps I should have asked her before I 'finalized her belonging to me' a few moments ago, but I wouldn't completely lose my shit if she realized that there were just some things, she couldn't part with.

"Yes, anything. This universe, my job, friends. Tell me what and I will do it… You just have to be with me. Just…don't leave me." She stared deeply into my eyes as if to peer into my soul to discover its secret.

I smiled at her. "I can do that." With that promise, she hugged me tightly before reaching for my face and kissing me. Her body leaned against me, and I could feel her curves pressing against me. My arm snaked around her waist before I grabbed her tight yet soft booty. The sensation was a bit off because of her latex outfit, but I wouldn't necessarily call it bad. Not as good as directly touching her, but I didn't mind the difference too much.

"Anything else you want? Any desires or enemies you want my help with?" It wasn't a casual question as how she imagined our future was something I need to be aware of. It was already difficult to plan a future with one partner but with multiple? It was practically a nightmare. Fortunately, it was a group effort and not something I had to stem alone.

Knowing something she desired, a goal of hers, or trouble she was going through was important if I wanted to avoid a miserable relationship. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow before smirking at me. "Don't worry, I am easily satisfied. Just give me a house at the beach like this one, some jewelry, a good fucking now and then and I will be good."

"That won't do," I answered almost instantly, surprising her. "I am not going to give you jewelry but equipment to steal it yourself. There is no way, you would be happy for long if you didn't steal ever so often, you little kleptomaniac." She was the type of girl who would grow bored if she wasn't doing her little nightly heist now and then.

Her eyes were wide before her mouth curved upward and she started laughing. "F-uck hahahaha, y-yeah hehaha. Holy shit, you are right~ Damn didn't know I was falling for you again." She then looked at Raven. "Does he always do this?"

"What? Knowing that you want something you didn't even know you wanted or needed? Yeah, sometimes. Usually, it's when having sex, though that is less deliberate and more instinctual."

"Ooo, now I am getting excited. No wonder, you get those bombshells to share you." She shook her head.

"Not something impressive as you girls don't even try to hide your tendencies. It didn't take a genius to know Raven likes to watch or to be watched and that your thieving adventurers would fulfill you by giving you a sense of control."

Felicia raised an eyebrow and looked over at Raven, whose face turned red, though not because her demon side appeared. She was clearly embarrassed. I was sure that it was common knowledge among the girls as was the fact that Kara liked to be dominated and Diana wanted to be tied up, right?

"What do you think Kara likes in bed?" I asked Felicia out of curiosity.

She just snorted. "Given the fact that she always boldly blows you in front of everyone and even brags about you fucking her without a hint of shame. Not to mention her intimidation comes too naturally to her. I imagine that she is always exaggerating your participation and probably is a dommy mommy in bed or has lovely dovey sex with you like the angel she usually is when she doesn't feel like someone 'infringes into her territory'."

I let that sink in for a moment. That was how they saw the degenerate Kara? I guessed I could see them misinterpreting her promiscuity as being dominant, but it was rather her being constantly horny. Not to mention that she loves, begs and plots to be dominated in bed. Just the fact that she schedules our sex sessions before my training because I am wilder then was already crazy.

A glance at Raven, caused her to look at me unimpressed, she obviously knew how Kara was in bed, so the conclusion Felicia got to was something that the others got to as well? Appeared like things in the bed weren't the open secret I had imagined it to be among the girls. Perhaps just not to the ones that weren't in a relationship with me.

"And? How close was I with my guess?" Felicia asked smugly as if she didn't just guess the opposite of reality. Okay, I could give her the lovey-dovey sex and if I asked for it she would play the dominant part, but that certainly wasn't coming naturally to her, especially the latter.

I just shook my head before releasing a light chuckle, which seemed to have given Felicia the wrong impression as she raised her head in triumph. A moment later, I stood up and stretched for a moment before turning towards Giblet, who was awkwardly eating quietly his octopus, while pretending like he didn't hear everything right now.

"I guess, I am going to pack my things and head back to my universe." There wasn't actually anything I had with me, just a few clothes I bought because I didn't want to run around in my broken armor all the time.

He nodded and continued to eat without saying a word. "You want to tag along?" I asked, thinking I could introduce him to the Justice League of my universe, though it seemed he had other plans as he shook his head.

"Trigon might still want to head here to wreak havoc, so I am going to stay here for a while and warn the others about his possible arrival. Besides they seem to struggle with some villains call the Light or something. I am going to help them."

That made sense. If we left through my teleportation, then Trigon might not know we left that universe and headed here. As for the Light, I might drop a few hints about their plans, so he could clean them up quickly.

I nodded. "Okay, you prepare everything, and I will come visit you in a couple of days for a visit."

"Don't die on me, while you are away from me. There are still some things I want to teach you." I smiled at his concern badly disguised by the teasing as I reached out and shook his hand.

"You don't have to worry about me. I can take care of myself." He opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it and just shook his head with a chuckle.

He then looked at Raven and Felicia. "Take care of him."

Raven smirked, "Like always," making me roll my eyes.

With the power of telekinesis, all the clothes I had bought – mostly the ones that didn't get destroyed during sparring – flew towards us inside a bag before being swallowed by Raven's shadows.

"Alright, let's do this," Felicia said before holding out her arms to hug me. I let her indulge in the touch as my hands roamed her behind, while my ki settled into her thin latex suit to become my anchor. Her suit was thin, so my ki almost covered her entire body before a decent amount of ki was able to form an anchor point for me to teleport to.

She squirmed a bit as my ki settled in her suit and a light blush appeared on her cheeks. "It's warm~" She informed me.

I then tested that it was working as intended by teleporting to a food planet. Food planets were what I designated a world on which Giblet got his game from. I sensed the anchor in her suit. The moment I thought about teleporting toward her, I appeared right in front of her.

"Seems to be working fine. Okay, you can go ahead and try.  I will wait for 5 minutes. Your teleportation should be instantaneously, but if it isn't, 5 minutes should be enough for you to arrive." I wasn't really looking forward to getting stranded because I had been too impatient.

With a nod, she pressed another button on her bracelet and vanished from sight. I waved Raven to my side and pulled her in with my arm around her shoulders while she hugged my waist, waiting to be teleported.

I closed my eyes for a few minutes and instinctively felt where Felicia was. The anchor was just an extension of myself, so the space between the anchor point and me was meaningless. The moment I felt her trip ending, I knew she must have arrived. However, I still waited for a good minute before I teleported us to her. With a tug and pull, we crossed space, time, and universes.

It wasn't a teleportation with my psychic powers which I had copied from Raven, Zatara, and the mother box's wormhole. It was an ingenious pure ki technique. I had even tested it several times. Of course, it was inside the same universe, but that shouldn't make any difference as I already had proof of concept through Giblet.

So, when I reopened my eyes to find unfamiliar surroundings, I was confused for a moment.


Felicia arrived back inside their universe and more specifically Nathan's house only to be greeted by Kara and Hawkgirl. Diana was probably still trying to get her gods to help, which Felicia believed would never happen. They never moved a muscle if it didn't benefit them. At least, that was what it sounded like when she had read up on some of those myths.

The two women were obviously surprised by her sudden appearance as they knew that Almerac's scientist had figured out to delay the boomerang teleportation almost indefinitely. She glanced at Kara fiddling with something that looked extremely similar to her own transportation device.

"Seemed like you have been busy." She asked, causing Kara to narrow her eyes at her before refocusing on her device.

"This might happen again in the future and I want to be able to reach him instantly if that is the case." So it was something like her teleportation bracelet.

"You will need his life force for that-"

"I know," Kara responded snippily. She had a chip on her shoulder for as long as Nate was stranded once again. Felicia wasn't sure whether it was because she was worried about Nate despite being told he was okay or because she didn't get laid for some time.

"You probably don't need it anymore. He had figured out how to attach his ki to someone and use it to teleport to them. He should arrive in a few minutes." Kara looked up surprised with some hope filling her eyes.

"Really? That's great!" Her smile was truly radiant at that moment. Felicia could understand why Nate loved her with such a smile at her disposal.

"So, anything I should know about? He isn't injured, right?"

"No... He made It official though." Felicia said, trying to come across as casual as she leaned against the kitchen top. Perhaps it wasn't the greatest approach as Kara glared at her suspiciously.

"What did he make official?" She said it neutrally, but Felicia imagined that Kara was trying her best to avoid speaking with gritting teeth.

"He took me in. I am now his girlfriend."

Given the scrunched-up brows and the snort Kara gave her, she didn't seem too pleased. "Let me guess, you played on his heartstrings." ...Okay, that stung because it was true.

"Just because I did, doesn't mean it wasn't genuine. I love him just like you all do." Her retort seemed to have offended Kara as she scoffed at her.

"Your love isn't like ours at all. If there was someone else that saved you from those thugs that night, and had some dick you could cry on, it wouldn't have mattered if it was Nate."

Honestly, she was surprised that she remembered the circumstance of how Nathan and she had met as she thought it would have slipped her mind, but clearly, she had remembered it.

"What kind of logic is that? If Nate didn't catch your spaceship and introduced you to your cousin then you would have gotten without someone else and he would be with Diana as he did in the other timeline."

Kara's eyes glowed red and she would lie if it wasn't intimidating. A single lapse of control and she would be toast. Fortunately, it faded quickly. "At least, I would do anything for him. I would give up any and everyone for him. You would just run to the next best person."

The insinuation of her made her blood boil as she had heard that excuse for Kara's dislike for her, not the first time. It might have a smidgen of truth as she wasn't ready to commit everything to someone, who was already taken. Who in their right mind would do that? "Cut the bullshit. This is clearly not about 'how I love him'. Just say it clearly, you dislike me. It is as simple as that."

"So, what if I dislike you? You fake harlot, trying to seduce someone else's man."

"Hmph. It doesn't seem you have a problem with Raven or Diana-"

"Because they are actually sincere and would give everything to him too. Unlike y-"

"Yeah, blah blah. Let's be real. You are just an insecure bitch that couldn't stand that Nate liked something you didn't or couldn't give him."

Kara hovered a bit as her eyes glowed intensely. "Choose your next words carefully."

Even the sight of her looking like she was about to laser her in half was overwhelmed by the bottled-up emotions she had kept over the years. "From the very beginning, you had been jealous of Maxima and I. Nate fucking loved my pastries, my cooking and it destroyed you since you couldn't cook for shit. Even now you are trying to prove that you aren't worse than me in that regard. As for Maxima, she was the go-for training partner for Nate because you were too lazy and wouldn't try to spar with him, forcing him to get a literal space queen to train with him."

Kara's face contorted as Felicia spoke. "It's just some baking and sparing-"

"Yeah, just some food and fighting. Nothing too important for a Saiyan, right? You were so convinced that you would lose him that you didn't see the obvious." She took a deep breath as she glared at the flying Kryptonian. "He loved you more than anyone else and it would have stayed that way if you didn't fuck it up, so badly. Honestly, Maxima and I were ready to give up after being shot down by him, but we smelt some weakness in you. You were anxious about our presence, which meant there was a chance to steal him away from you."

Of course, it wasn't something they had done consciously, but thinking back it was rather obvious to her how aggressive she had been. She didn't even have to do much as Kara had allowed their entrance into their lives by ignoring her boyfriend's favorite pastimes.

"See, now you have finally revealed your true self. A stealing whore." Kara floated closer until they were only a few centimeters away from one another. She hovered a bit higher than her, clearly wanting to show she was above her. "Someone that would use anything to get him-"

"And how is that different from your reason to despise me? You said it yourself, you would do anything for him. Don't tell me you wouldn't do anything to get him back if he was snatched away?"

"I- That's not the same"

"Yeah, right. You know I am right. Besides, in the end, I didn't even have to do anything. You had ruined your relationship with him just fine."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kara's fist was clenched tightly as if she was about to swing at any moment.

"You know exactly what I mean. If it wasn't for your insistence, he wouldn't have opened up his relationship and I wouldn't have been able to get this close to him. Honestly, I had envied your relationship. He would do anything for you and put up with all your bullshit while rejecting all kinds of women. If you had realized what kind of privileged position you hold in his heart then you wouldn't have fucked up this badly."

She took a deep breath as she calmly looked at Kara with a tinge of pity, which caused the other women to grimace. "If I had been in your position... If he had loved me as he did you, I would have tied that shit down. A month in and I would have put a ring on him regardless of how they do it in Saiyan culture. I would have locked it down and never let him go. I wouldn't even have to worry about any other bitch since he would have only eyes for me."

"...You clearly don't know everything that happened, so don't talk like you do. You are an outsider, who is infatuated with him. You want to fuck him that is all."

"That is all, huh? Tell me, did Raven ever confirm that I didn't love him? Did you ask her what I felt when I looked at him? Maybe I don't know precisely what led to your fucked up relationship, but you clearly don't know I feel about him. Regardless, I will take advantage of the mess and worm myself into his heart. I will suck him clean and you can watch from the sideline."

"You think I will just let you?"

"Either get out of the way or get with the program. This is what you have caused at least partially. Besides, even if you want to stop it now. There are still at least two more that are going to join this little group and you won't be able to do anything without causing him pain and we clearly established that you are too insecure to do that. After all, what would happen if he started to resent you? He now has other women that can replace you."

Kara's eyes showed more than rage. During her little exchange, she saw more and more how pained the other woman was, but she had steeled herself to let everything out as harshly as she could. She had enough of being the one that was being pushed aside as worthless trash. It didn't help that she was by far the weakest and despite knowing that she was fighting disgustingly dirty, she still said those hurtful things which were at least partially true if not entirely.

Although she wasn't a Kryptonian, who could fly and shoot lasers out of their eyes, she was still adept in catfights and she would use everything to her advantage to carve her place in this group. She was there to stay.

A cough interrupted her thoughts, causing her to look at Hawkgirl. "You said that Nate would be back in a few minutes? Shouldn't he already be back?"

She and Kara looked at the empty place where she had appeared and couldn't help but feel the trepidation rising in her stomach. Where was he?

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