Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]

Chapter 95: Saiyan beyond God

A/N: Hey guys. I had been not quite accurate with my schedule of uploading at 6 pm and I won't be in the future as my current work won't allow for that. The chapters will be uploaded irregularly somewhen after 6 pm. Usually at 9 or 10 pm, maybe even later like today. Sorry, and thank you for understanding. See you around.

My senses expanded to something beyond what I was previously capable of. My awareness was acute and I could feel myself continuously grow. Despite the pursuit I was under from the four beings trying to end me, I feasted on this feeling of becoming More. Beyond my previously mortal self. Elevating to new heights that I knew would have taken me decades to reach even 1 percent of.

An aura blossomed from deep within, from every drop of blood in my veins. A divine might that had been previously out of my reach, revealed itself. At first it was a single droplet activating, only for it to cascade as more pieces fell into place. At this point, I knew I made this body completely my own.

The boundaries of whether I was Giblet's brother had been previously unclear. However, now I knew what the soul and body had experienced. I gained knowledge about most of its history and where I now stood.

Prior, I was just a soul inhabiting, slowly integrating the power of this Saiyan body I possessed, while Shallot's soul had been dormant. It was shattered and broken into his very body, but most importantly into the Omnificience Crystal.

His last wish of returning to the life he had, before he became enemies with his brother before he was taken from his planet through time before he was betrayed, was incomplete. Without a sentient dragon that could deny a wish, this prototype of a Dragon Ball fulfilled the wish as far as it was capable of. With not enough energy to completely fuel his wish of reversing the time of the entire reality of a multiverse, the Omnificience Crystal reversed the closest it could.

It reversed his body's power and age. However, because his soul broke down, his body lacked a soul. The clash of realities made it easier to snatch away a powerless soul and inhabit the Saiyan body, bringing it close to the state Shallot had wished to get back to. Perhaps it was because of this it chose my soul.

I too was in a constant battle in prison, fighting for my family, my brother, against 'evil' people of my race. A prototype dragon ball that made wishes come true only powered by the original Shallot's energy used up all its energy to reverse his body and inserted another soul as it was unable to restore his broken, shattered soul.

Now I took it all away with my wish for power, assimilated most of what he had experienced to serve my purpose, to advance me even further than previously attainable to me with the energy it had built up in the last couple of years. I emptied all of the crystal's energy to push me closer to the strength the original Shallot previously had.

Without the conscience of a dragon to guide the wish's power, it chose what I would gain at random as the energy inside was unable to bring me back to the fuel strength the original Shallot had. However, it was enough for now.

I had been living and unearthing the power of this body bit by bit just like Zamasu had done with Goku's body, and just like he had done, I too deviated from the body's original path. Shallot was never meant to be a Legendary Super Saiyan, he was meant to be a God, but being a God was wished away beyond my reach.

A power that was wished away, weaved into the fate of the body to live as a mortal Saiyan. Perhaps it was because it had to undo a previous wish that it took as much energy to completely use up all energy inside the crystal.

Now it undid the previous wish and let the original destiny fuel me. I could feel my body tremble as I felt the changes it underwent as the wish brought back what it had previously removed. An itch that could be described as a million ants crawling all over my body, inside of it, wriggling energetically as if to announce their presence. An anthill that was stirred and awoken.

If I had thought I was strong before than I had no idea how much potential I had wasted, how much strength I could have had if I wasn't fundamentally limited. My blood was boiling as more and more energy just announced itself. A divine might slowly spread throughout my body and with ridiculous ease it suppressed the legendary transformation I had previously used.

It wasn't exactly god ki one could achieve through the ritual, but ki that was elevated after the Saiyan adapted to the new height. Like Goku rushed to become a god-like Saiyan after the ritual's energy was used up, I too became a Saiyan beyond God. After this mighty ki spread to every inch of my body, I could feel it relax to the calmness of this new comparatively gentle ki. My body healed completely and unlike my previously transformation it didn't break the body down.

Instead it elevated its strength to newer heights or rather old heights that were once again imprinted on my body as if I was the one that had went through the battles that had flashed through my mind. However, it was more to it. My soul wasn't left alone by the change. I had used this body for too long. I fought and almost died with it. I healed and trained it. I taught it to use its ki in new ways.

My thinking had changed a long time ago as well. More Saiyan than human before Chronoa introduced that human self once again just a month ago. She had repaired it and I could only shudder at the thought of what would have happened if I hadn't been complete now. The wish might have fused my soul with his instead of breaking it down into digestible pieces to be devoured by me as it did now.

The broken soul was assimilated and the impression I saw of its battles enlightened me. Perhaps it was because of the wish or maybe it was the state of the soul, but most impressions were how to fight. How to use this divine might. How to use the spirit to control your ki. Perfect control of this calm, divine ki.

I now knew of battles against beings that easily reached the multiversal levels. Opponents who continued to grow stronger the longer the journey was. Despite this, with just the power of Super Saiyan God, they were all felled and became stepping stones for the original Shallot. Succumbing to a natural-born Super Saiyan God.

Now it turned all into my prowess as my conscious was brought back to what was happening around me. Now I stood against these foes and for the first time, I truly became Him. At this point, I was no longer a human soul that inhabited a Saiyan body, I truly integrated into it. A Saiyan through its bones and flesh, down to its soul.

Perhaps I should feel indignant about the fact that even my soul was not unchanged, that it became different, that it became more, but I just felt a sense of calmness as I felt my ki's quality increasing with every moment.

I watched as the four around me attacked with hatred and inhibition in their eyes. They must hate the fact that I was rapidly rising from someone that could only defend and escape from them to a threat that would crush their limited forms.

I rose my hand, watching their figures through the gaps of my fingers before I attacked. Several shots of ki sphere that looked like frail air bubbles reached them almost faster than they could react.

Despite the weak presence of the attacks compared to the violent, bright, solid attacks I would use with my legendary ki, this was hardly something they could easily deal with. The Omega Beam was pushed away back by the blast before it exploded just in front of Darkseid.

The explosion only the size of a small house was more potent than anything I had ever released. The sense of control of this ki was sensational. Compared to the violent legendary ki, controlling my normal ki was like second nature. The ease of use was ridiculous.

Even when Nekron grew closer and tried to touch me or take my head off with his scythe, there was a certain tranquility inside of me as I dodged. Even when I felt the power of death inside his attacks, I was not afraid and just continued to weave around him. He swirled his scythe around as he attacked my afterimages, creating black trails that lingered as they corroded this dimension.

I got used to the pace as I brought all the experience to the present like I just woke up from a deep sleep. Even tired I was still a beast whose second nature was living at the edge of life and death. My newly awakened strength which made my body tremble all over, slowly calmed down again with the last bit of the wish's effect sizzling away as it tried to give me the power I had wished for. It slowly fell into place, under my control. Without fanfare, I teleported behind Nekron and socked him in the back of his skull.

His body shot into the depths of this dimension as I looked at my knuckles where I could feel the power of death being crushed by my ki. My legendary ki had been able to nullify its effect by drowning it with a lot of ki. My current transformed ki now crushed it under its weight. A qualitative change that made me surpass my current foes. They might have reached the limit of the universe we were in, but what had the limits imposed by the laws of this universe to do with me?

To be honest, my mind wasn't even on Nekron or the others. I just thought about how strong I would be if I used my legendary transformation fueled by this upgraded ki. The ways I advanced my strength as a human piloting a Saiyan body versus a Saiyan that naturally achieved godhood weren't the same. Even with all the experience of original Shallot, I wasn't sure how strong I currently was.

Of course, now with the experience of countless battles imprinted onto my body and my soul, I was hardly inexperienced when going to the limits of my power. There was so much knowledge and experience it would have been difficult to absorb it all.

Fortunately, the experience was gained through a wish which had helped with this process. Instead of having to go through an arduous process of assimilating this experience, it was practically handed to me in bite-sized portions. Even if I didn't know how strong I was, once I went full out, I wouldn't be as inexperienced as previously.

I rose my hands and shot out simple ki blast at them, which they hurriedly blocked. They did not dare to face them head on. The amount of ki I used compared to before was miniscule, though the efficiency gained through the usage of a few more years was incomparable. Not to mention how the qualitative changed its might. Even if I wasn't using Super Saiyan, I was confident that I could still beat them with ease.

They dodged my attacks or at least tried to. My blast homed in on them with precision. A deadly force trailed them as they backed away. I looked on as I watched the three beings that were just about to kill me, weave through this dimension in a desperate attempt to escape the pursuits of my blasts.

Of course, they tried to destroy the ki blasts by attacking them with an attack of their own. However, I manipulated the blasts to dodge them, surprising them almost long enough to hit them. Afterwards, they continued to dodge them until Trigon led some blasts to collide with Mobius.

The blasts hit the back of Mobius, blasting open the armor he was wearing before his head was attacked by my other ki. The blast exploded on impact, completely enveloping his head and part of his torso. He swayed slightly in the space-time storm. I knew he wouldn't die to something like this.

No, this would be my warm-up. Getting used to the pace and testing out the strength I now had before I joined Them. I looked to the side. The seemingly infinite space-time dimension that was obscuring my vision was pierced through by my gaze as I looked at the battle that Giblet was fighting.

There were some I didn't know, but more opponents I knew. One of Giblet's opponents was Dabura. At least I was pretty sure that demon was him. Light red skin, goatee, large, pointed ears and small horns on his head. The blue suit he wore was familiar enough for me to ignore the tight red spandex he wore beneath it and confirm that it should be him.

What really sold me to the idea that this was Dabura was the fact that he tried to spit on Giblet. Not in a rhetorical way, but literally spitting at him during a high intensity battle. No fool would do this under these circumstances if it didn't give them an advantage, especially with the alternative of the very sharp sword in hand. It sliced through anything that Giblet through at him. Even ki attacks weren't spared from being split in half.

He seemed to be the weakest of the group, but that didn't mean he was weak. It was just those that he competed with weren't on his level. Golden Cooler, whose radiant aura was almost blinding, overshadowed the demon. His mighty ki was just washing over me as I sensed their battle. Such strength was previously unbelievable.

It was mind boggling for someone to have become this strong through mere training. Of course, every fan knew of the Frost Demons' talent and wouldn't be too surprised. The Frost Demon attacked ferociously. Every attack was meant to overwhelm and crush the person standing up to him. A natural force of calamity. Truly someone to be reckoned with.

Besides him was Zamasu. He had his white Super Saiyan hair indicating that he had already fused with Goku Black. Strangely he had an eyepatch over his right eye which tingled some distant memory of a commercial or something I had watched with that look of his. Zamasu was powerful, no doubt. However, what set him apart from the other enemies Giblet was fighting was his ability to turn into that formless state of being.

It was as if he was fusing with the reality around him for just a moment to escape or dodge an attack before reappearing whole again. I wasn't too sure whether this was a new ability he had gained after presumably being erased, it just gave me a disgusted feeling every time he turned into part of this dimension.

Although these three were rather concerning to have as opponents, especially with just the two of us, the last opponent was the most troublesome problem. Of course, it was a Saiyan. Though his aura was strange. I could feel a corrupting power in his ki. Something I was only familiar with through the memories of Shallot. It was an evil ancient Saiyan. However, this one seemed slightly different from the ones original Shallot had fought.

He was an extremely muscular man of towering height. His stature was exceedingly intimidating and the red black ki aura around him was triggering warning signals in me. If it wasn't because of his different look, his stature and his terrifying violent aura almost made me guess that he was Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan. His hair was similar to that of Raditz or rather that of a Super Saiyan 3.

He still had his tail and was clearly the strongest of the group. I glanced between him and Zamasu and wondered how the hell these two were able to work together. I thought Zamasu would hate Saiyans by now. Perhaps his hate-boner for mortals was just that much bigger.

"Where do you think you are looking, boy!" Trigon's voice sounded out from behind me as he stabbed at me with a spear made out of demonic energy. The tip almost pierced into my back, but I caught it firmly with my tail as I looked over my shoulder at the demon.

My observation of Giblet's opponents had been thorough, but for them, it was just an instant of me looking away. Of course, looking away in a battle of our powers was deadly at best. It was just that the powers of these 4 fighting against me had paled in comparison to what I have gained or what Giblet and his enemies from our reality had. We weren't limited by this reality as we weren't native to the DC Multiverse. We could use as much power as we had without consequences.

Now I was beyond the limits of it as well, which meant that those who were bound by the laws of the universe weren't my opponents anymore. I reached down and took hold of his weapon. He held onto it even when I swung him into at the approaching Darkseid.

"Ugh-" "Watch where you are flying!" Trigon roared before his body ignited in flames, forcing Darkseid to back away with a growl. They had collided against each other with a groan, while I vanished from the spot and appeared directly in front of them.

They were surprised as I attacked. A precise straight punch in Darkseid's face. Crack! His cheekbone sunk in. He groaned in pain but directly swung back.

I dodged his count and faced off with Trigon again. He stabbed his spear in an attempt to skewer me. I could feel the deadly force behind it as it pierced through the distance almost instantly. However, his speed was not up to par.

I turned my body and let the spear pierce through the empty space beside me. His eyes widened in surprise. However, he was no inexperienced ancient demon. He directly waved his flaming spear at me.

Darkseid roared as well. Not at all intimidated that I outmatched them now. I couldn't help but let the relentlessness of my opponents ignite my fighting will. Left jump. Right duck. Center block. I grabbed the spearhead before kicking Trigon away.

I raised an arm and let Darkseid punch my guard. I adjusted my grip on the spear. With the demonic spear in hand, I met Nekron, who emerged from a space-time storm behind me, like a figure emerging out of the water that was this dimension. His scythe cut into the spear. Its quality clearly a lot higher.

I swirled the spear around the scythe before stabbing at his head. He tilted his head. I grazed his cheek before I swung down. I nicked his shoulder but as expectedly at his undeadly physiology, he didn't bleed. The spear cracked a bone before ripping out part of his flesh. He hurriedly backed away as I stabbed at him again.

I glanced at them as they gathered together. All with different degrees of injuries. Darkseid's face was slightly deformed, and blood was leaking out of the cut on it. Trigon seemed to have several ribs that broke from my kick, while Nekron had the cut and hole at his shoulder to show. Mobius looked the most gruesome, but his armor had deflected most damage. Burn marks across his back and his face were terrifying to look at. Usually, these four wouldn't be injured for long with their accelerated regeneration and their cosmic abilities by such wounds.

However, my new ki wasn't as simple to defend against anymore. I took a page from Nekron's book and made the ki linger, maliciously devouring their flesh or at least the energy they used to block more damage. I clenched my hand holding the spear into a fist. The spear's staff crushed between my fingers before dispersing into demonic fire.

I raised my arms, building up ki, coating them with it until they glowed grey and turned into swords. I shot at them at high speed. They reacted immediately, dispersing to different sides, while attacking to slow me down. I dodged two attacks before slicing at the other two with my arms. I turned into a blur as I burst forward. My arms swung at them creating two beautiful white-greyish arcs. Nekron rose his scythe and took the full brunt of it. It was only nicked by my ki swords. His arms caved in slightly as he was pushed back.

Trigon's new spear though wasn't as tough. My hands cut through it and sliced into his skin as he leaned back. A long line on his torso suddenly burst out with blood before it was ignited by his demonic power to heal. I couldn't help but smile as the ki around my hands grew sharper than I had ever managed it.

Previously, legendary ki wasn't controllable enough to make ki swords, but with this ki and the gained knowledge, it was more than easy. I appeared behind Nekron and waved my arms. They disappeared as they moved. In a single instant. Hundreds of slashes turned into deadly arcs around him. Nekron backed away while using his scythe to block the onslaught.

He joined back to the midst of the others as he glared at me, not realizing that he had already died. The others looked at Nekron, whose body was riddled with lines of grey glowing cuts. The most prominent, the one on his neck.

He seemed to realize this as well. "You bas-" He uttered before his body fell apart into cubes. I just blasted his body into smithereens. The remaining three looked tense, fully realizing what power I now held. However, I wasn't too concerned with them as my thoughts went back to something I was unable to achieve during the training in the past month.

I raised my hand and spawned a little light between them. They were shocked at the almost instantaneous attack and moved to flee whatever I had unleashed. However, they were too late.

[Collapsing Star]

A technique I had come up with while training with the gravity of different-sized stars. It relied on a lot of ki to power it or now on a higher quality of ki. Something that I was unable to fuel with my previous ki quantity and quality to be applicable in a battle. I imagined that the result of the attack would be quite effective against multiple opponents.

The attack changed the environment's color and landscape, as it seemed to suck all of the light away from this place into the little light in between the three remaining opponents. All there was, everything around us was influenced by its appearance as the gravity of the attack dominated the area.

I could feel the senses of Giblet's opponents glancing over to see what was happening over here. They looked at the scorching light, representing the collapsing light of a star, appearing in the midst of my opponents, their allies. However, instead of a normal explosion.

The light of the attack had a gravity of its own. It pulled them into the center like a hurricane. It sucked them in as if it wanted to devour them. They tried to resist it. Their auras surrounded them only for them to be dragged away as well like a candlelight in the wind.

"Son in law. This won't be the end of this!" Trigon said in a guttural and almost dignified voice. It seemed like he knew there was no escaping this. He glared at me with a weak flame surrounding his body that would be extinguished soon enough.

"I will kill you!" Darkseid looked murderously enraged. Even when realizing he couldn't escape, he still tried to attack me with his Omega Beams. An attack that was too influenced by gravity pulling everything into a single point. An Attack that converged all around it to a single boiling point.

Mobius threatened to end all I loved, though I hardly listened to the ramblings of the soon-deceased and instead chose to escape the aftermath this attack would unleash. Their voices were drowned out by the paradoxical silence of the explosion that followed the [Collapsing Star].

A blinding light blinked into existence. There was no sound as the light of destruction appeared. The light consumed the bodies of my enemies before expanding outwards. Rapidly devouring everything one could see.

It wasn't until the explosion almost reached me as I backed away, that the dimension finally realized what had happened. The entire dimension shook, trembling as if it was going to rip apart at any second now. Of course, it wouldn't as I had controlled my strength enough to annihilate my opponents while not accidentally destroying the universe we found us in.

It was a fine line between surpassing the limits while not ripping apart everything there was. Fortunately, I had the power to not only destroy a universe but control its destructiveness as well, otherwise it would end up in a disaster. The blinding light would fall back to a single point before vanishing.

Giblet teleported next to me and put his hand on my shoulder before he brought us away from this place. My attack dazed his opponents long enough for him to seize this opportunity to escape. Although the idea of leaving after gaining this strength was abhorrent, I knew we might not be a match for all of Giblet's opponents.

After all, Cooler, Dabura, Zamasu, and that unknown Saiyan, weren't the only opponents that Giblet distracted. There were also two that kind of looked like Baby from Dragon Ball GT and a woman that created crystals. From what I saw, the three were also powerful.

He may have held them all off for as long as he did, but that didn't necessarily mean we would win. No, it was more than likely that we would lose and even if we did win, it was unlikely that we would be able to kill them. We flashed away and appeared inside a universe.

It had to be a nearby anchor or at least it was close enough for Giblet to not feel comfortable to stay here as he teleported away once more. The stars in the background changed, indicating that we have arrived in yet another universe. This happened another 3 times before he stopped. A cautious look remained on his face as his eyes drifted around him.

Now that I had reached new heights, I was barely able to understand that he was sensing through the bounds of this universe, trying to discern if someone was close-by. The bounds and laws of this place was a lot weaker, and I could tell that I would be easily able to leave this universe if I wanted to.

Of course, there were rare few universes that could hold me now with this upgrade in power, but even beforehand it would be easy to leave this place.

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