Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]


"Should I 'talk' with Selina, I wouldn't mind," I asked as I rotated a piece of metal that was part of a bigger contraption Bruce was working on. He paused at my question and glared at me before turning back to his welding.

"No." He answered underneath the sparks flying, knowing that I would hear him regardless of what noise he made.

"I guess, it's better that way. I don't want to ruin her for you. She won't be able to take her hands off me afterward. You know what I mean, right Clark?" I raised my hand, waiting for a high-five, but like a fake friend, he just left me hanging and instead opted to pinch his nose bridge and sigh disrespectfully.

"Please don't talk about Kara like that. I really don't want to know anything you two are doing. I have already invested too much time into getting that magical silencer for you." He answered exasperated.

I couldn't help but scoff. "Who said I was talking about Kara? When was the last time you've been with Lois?" His face snapped toward me, giving me the best stern look he could muster.

"Don't you dare make jokes about that!" He spoke with his Superman voice, causing me to raise my hands.

"Don't you want her to be happy?" I joked, positively amused by how riled up Clark was.

"Seriously, don't or... or I will steal your girlfriends!" I gave him a weirded-out look and even Bruce paused his welding to give him a look, which caused him to get defensive. "H-hey, I am called a scoutboy, but I do have experience with wooing a woman!"

I grimaced even heavier before looking at Bruce, who returned the look. "Did I hear that right?"

"Yep, he is talking about wooing his own cousin. I didn't know you were that kind of man." Bruce shook his head before returning to his work, while Clark's expression turned visibly disgusted.

"Come on! That's not how I meant it, you know who I was talking about!" 

"Oh, that's alright then. They are barely 18 after all, nothing weird about that. How old are you again a couple of hundred years?"

"I'm not- that's not. Diana isn't- or Shayera for that matter."

"Man, just shut up. You are not helping your case besides only I can make those jokes, right Bruce?" I slapped him on the shoulder, causing him to weld into his working desk. He glared at me over his shoulder before pointing at a box on the table behind me.

"How about you be a bit more useful and give me the batteries in there." He was about to turn around and continue, though stopped when I asked him.

"What the hell are teries?" He slowly turned toward me again and just looked at me with a 'Are you serious?' expression for several moments before it was interrupted by Clark palming his fist.

"Aha, I see! It's because you name everything with Bat as a prefix. That's hilarious." This exclamation made Bruce turn to Clark.

"Isn't your brain capable of digesting everything at lightning speed?" After Bruce said that he just caught the batteries I flung at him before continuing. Clark's cheeks were slightly reddening as he crossed his arms trying to let that slide by turning to me, which prompted me to speak up, though not about what Clark thought about why I had come here that night.

"So, I had this question on my mind for a while, but- and this is for you too Bruce." Although the bat didn't turn around, I did sense he was listening in. Despite giving some distant feel to everyone, the little jabs and gestures clearly conveyed how he had opened up to the rest of the league.

"Okay. Imagine you are a normal human -Bruce I mean like regular average human, not peak world champion level human- and you have to choose to be a henchman for either the Joker or Lex Luthor, who would you choose?" As soon as I finished Superman grimaced and even Bruce stopped his welding to look at me over his shoulder with an even more dumbfounded expression than before.

"Are you serious?" "Are you serious?"

They asked at the same time, making me chuckle slightly as I leaned against the desk. "So? What's your answer?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"I have to agree with Clark on that. It is obvious."

"The Joker" "Lex Luthor" They again answered at the same time, though I suppressed my grin as I watched them look at each other aghast.

"What do you mean Joker? Are you stupid?" Bruce asked the boy scout, to which the man of steel just crossed his arms.

"I wanted to ask the same. Luthor, really? He usually concocts world-ending plans, while Joker just acts in Gotham." Clark argued and I couldn't agree more. Joker was Bat's obsessed boyfriend and focused more on how to torment the city and himself than anything else.

"On the first mission, Joker puts a bullet in your head for not laughing at his deranged jokes. Besides, you're just a henchman. I doubt one human more would be the reason why Luthor succeeds."

"Oh, and just because you think you don't contribute a big part in his plan, it's okay to commit world-ending crimes?"

"You'd be a henchman! As if you would care about what the plan is. The only thing that matters would be to get paid and not die immediately."

"Even a henchman cares to some degree-"

"The caring henchmen think it would be best to go to the torturing lunatic because fewer people are hurt. Really that's your argument?"

"That's not what I am saying..."

Oh shit, this got heated really quickly.

"You really know how to rile them up." A female voice sounded out from beside me. 

"Didn't know it would escalate that badly." The two were still arguing, while I turned to the redhead that had come from the shadows. My arm wrapped around Barbara's waist. "You already know?" I asked since I had my suspicion from the few 'secret' talks the others had.

"Yep. Kory couldn't keep it a secret and told me after she found out." She proceeded to slap my shoulder. "You should have asked me before. If you had come here now and I wasn't prepared, I wouldn't have come with you without having informed my dad about this 'little' trip." She tried to give me a stern look, but when I picked her up in a princess cary she quickly grew excited.

"Alright, gents. I will be leaving." They only gave me a fleeting glance before they continued to argue.

"At least, I would be fighting the blue boy scout-"

"Really? Are you taking pride in spreading fear and breaking bones?"

I just shook my head amused. "Alright, see you in a few months or years. And for insinuating laying hands on my women, Clark, you and I will be sparing after I get back." With that, I took off.

"Yeah, yeah see you-"

"Wait. Did he say years?"


"Did he say, I was going to spar with him?"

"Yeah... by the way, can Kryptonians regenerate cut-off limbs?"

"Wha- He isn't going that far... right? We were just joking just now, right?? I mean, he started it!"

"Do you want me to prepare a Lazarus pit when the time comes?"

"...fuck. I'm fucked, aren't I?"

"Don't worry, at least he won't kill you... I think."


While I was flying, Barbs decided to wrap her legs around me, to face me during flight. Since I didn't want her to fall, I pressed her against me. "Already, said goodbye?"

"Yep... you know I had been to another universe and the other me had a big fight over Dick because he was cheating on me with their Starfire or cheated on her with me? Either way, I find it strange that I am drawn to you with all your girlfriends and even leave everything behind to go on a suicide mission."

"It's not a suicide mission and I am just more than just a dick," I smirked at my pun which only caused her to roll her eyes. 

She then proceeded to wrap her arms around my neck and pulled herself closer. 

"You know, I always wondered how it would be mid-air..."


After an hour we finally arrived at my home with everyone already waiting in full gear. Kory approached Barbara the moment we touched the ground. "Barbara!" She gave her a soul-crushing hug before doing the same to me. "Oh, no wonder you took so long! You both had the sex!"

"Right." I quickly brushed over this, ignoring the fiery gazes from the ones present. "Let's move on. Everything prepared?" I glanced over the group that was now bigger by two people since the fight against Pariah, Demigra, and the rest 2 years ago. Koriand'r, aka Starfire, and Barbara Gordon, aka Batgirl, had somehow decided to have a taste. It was mostly arranged through Raven as Starfire came over more often to visit her.

Barbara... well, I came over to Bruce's Batcave occasionally, and we met and hit it off quite quickly. One thing led to the other and I fucked her over his desk. He was quite pissed about it, but probably more about the fact that Barbs cleared the footage of that incident.

"Did Giblet really want to stay?" Kara asked as she walked to my side.

It was quite a surprise, but Giblet stuck around in this reality because he met someone he was interested in. Cheetah. Didn't know my brother was a furry. I snorted at the thought, I knew he mostly remained to make sure I was okay, which was crazy considering I was far more powerful than him, but that was a bigger brother for you. 

I nodded at her question as I glanced at her stomach.

"Will you be fine?" I asked with concern. She smiled as her hand brushed over my shoulder.

"I'm not even in the second month. I will be fine- You are not leaving me behind, don't even think about it." I nodded slightly, letting it go as she could be unreasonably stubborn about things.

Besides I had already ventured out alone a few times and did some research with the help of the others. We figured out a lot. From what I could sense, the Great Darkness had chosen Shallot who was drifting through it. It knew of Pariah, who was using it for his gains, and it knew it needed a warrior to counterbalance him.

However, something else interfered with its plans and put me inside the body. Instead of a vessel for the Great Darkness like the Empty Hand, I took control instead. I wasn't sure who arranged it, perhaps the Presence, or perhaps it was just a coincidence, but this almost fucked up his plan. Fortunately for the Great Darkness, I helped it get rid of the parasite that was leeching off some of its power. 

I wasn't even sure whether it noticed that it didn't have any control over me since despite being unchained, I could still feel it reaching out to me, telling me things. For the most part, it was dormant and that was for the best since the might it had was something I still couldn't quite touch just yet. Though as I drifted through it, I could still feel it- like waves at the beach... I was heading for the Dragon Ball reality and it was warning me about the overlord that presided in that part of the ominiverse.

However, it wasn't Zeno, it was a warning about the ruler of Pera. I wasn't really sure what to make of it, but perhaps it was something that wasn't revealed in the series yet. Either way, I wasn't there to make trouble and even if they took offense to my presence, after a few years, I was stronger than ever. I could slap my previous version to death with ease.

With this strength and connection to the Great Darkness that permeates all, I was able to traverse it and face everything within it.


I took a deep breath as we entered the universe with familiar kis. There were just too many universes to count. I thought we would encounter just the twelve universes, but there were a lot more. I couldn't even see the end of it and I suspected that there were an infinite number of multiverses not unlike the DC reality had.

The moment we arrived, we encountered some familiar faces. I directly transformed and immediately started to throw hands, which they recuperated. Our clash caused quite the stir and even the reality threatened to rip apart.

A few clashes later, we clapped hands, causing a sonic boom that reverberated throughout this planet we were on or rather planet-sized platform. I glanced down and found it to be the time patrol station. "So this is how you guys live? Hol' up, you are a time patroller now as well??"

Cumber just shrugged. "There are many opponents to fight throughout time."

"Good to see you, Shallot! Hahaha," Goku laughed as he clapped me on the back. Vegeta just snorted as he saw that.

"Yep, I've come to fulfill my promise, though I won't be staying for long," I said which raised some eyebrows, though I already locked in on the other Vegeta who I had told I would come here when I surpassed them. It was time to give those two versions a beating they wouldn't forget. However, I didn't go over there immediately and instead waited.

The reality gently parted way, which showed that it was obeying the person stepping through it. It was a beautiful woman, who smiled gently as she approached. The other Saiyans stepped aside, surprising me to no end that they acted this respectfully. "Hello, outsider," She began and her voice was filled with hidden strength. There hadn't been anyone since Demigra that could make me feel this way. "Ah, sorry to disappoint, but I won't fight you, though my husband might be interested. You are pretty similar to him after all."

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow, which she seemed to be able to interpret. "You might know him as Broly." My mind turned blank for a moment before nodding. I could understand why a woman wanted a giant monster like that as their husband, after all my girlfriends also love it when I go all legendary...

"Right. You must be the leader of this reality?" I guessed and she nodded.

"My name is Alea, though I won't hold you for long. I just wanted to invite you until my husband comes back in a few days. Afterward, I can give you the information that you are here for and send you off again."

I just nodded slightly overwhelmed by her sudden appearance and the feel she gave me. If I had to fight her in this reality, I could beat her, but it would be difficult for me to kill her. Inside the Great Darkness though, it would be a sure thing.

"Come one now. Don't think about fighting me. My husband is way stronger than I am and I have no interest in losing my carefully cultivated universes."

Could she really read my mind?

"Nope," Raven answered. "You're just salivating from the thought of fighting." I wiped my mouth and then followed behind her. This was going to be fun!


"Did you hear about it already? They are all dead. Their mansion burned down, with everyone in them even that judge on their payroll and their lawyers. Strangely, most didn't die from the fire. I heard they were all shot by some crazy cosplayer before the fire was set. Seems like karma struck them hard... Hope you can sleep easier with knowing this." The man took a sip before spilling some of the ground. He set up the bottle against the stone.

"I know you don't like the beer, but I do. Hell freezes before I buy the junk you insult as beer. What? Did you think I would buy you something better just because you can't get up and get it yourself? Ha!" Suddenly fast little steps ran across the grass, approaching the man with his beer still in hand.

He looked at his son with a smile on his face and just watched as he approached the grave to place his toy on it. "Here, my toy, Uncle Nathan. Bye Uncle Nathan." He waved at the tombstone before sprinting away again.

The man chuckled. "He is as energetic as you, Nate. By the way, my legs are back to full function again. I don't walk with a limp anymore. Doctors said it was a miracle." He sighed slightly as he looked at the darkening sky. "Alright, I have to leave. My wife is cooking some of your favorites. Too bad, you can't taste her cooking. You would have loved it... Mom misses you. Hell, even I miss your annoying ass... Take care man and say hi to the old man for me."

Without saying anything else, he walked away as the first drops of water started to fall before it poured. Fortunately, he arrived at his car door and as he entered it, he saw something from the corner of his eyes. He looked in the direction but didn't find anything or anyone.

"You alright?" His wife on the passenger seat asked.

"Yeah, I just thought... Nevermind." He shook his head again before starting the engine. He was about to drive off when someone knocked on his window. He glanced outside and saw someone tall standing in front of it. Despite not having an umbrella, the rain stopped hitting the window anymore. There was something about the situation and his gut feeling that made him lower the window and lean out slightly to look at the man's face.


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