Justice in the One Piece World

A Doting Father

Chapter 15


POV Issho Fujitora



Seriously, my daughters are just way too cute. They’ve just turned one this year and I’ve hosted a mini birthday party with just the three of us.



When I arrived here, I worried about how I could be a dad; after all, I’m a total rookie with no one to help me but things turned out quite different from what I expected.



Whenever my babies are hungry, they just grab onto me and point at their mouths and whenever they need to change they just point at their diapers. I’ve asked some of the older marine friends I’ve made if this behavior is normal but they just wouldn’t believe me! I’ve actually never really even heard them cry without a reason? Well…there was that one time I accidentally forgot to feed Kara before going to bed. Singlehandedly the biggest mistake I’ve ever made.



Seriously, having prodigies for daughters really saved me. I don’t know what I would’ve done if it wasn’t them. I’m not saying this because I’m their dad! No! I’m serious!



Diana and Kara are twins but while they look alike, their actions and even personalities are so different. Diana’s always the one hugging Kara and Kara’s the one who just leans on Diana to sleep.



Diana’s more active and is the first one to try things while Kara needs to be encouraged by both Diana and me to do something she’s unfamiliar with. Seeing and taking care of them like this… this is not a life I expected when I was back in Wano but I think nothing in the world could make me go back to that life again.



BIG DAY!!! Kara just took her first step today on her own! It’s a little over her first birthday but a month behind Diana. Well, that was to be expected but I thought that Kara would never even try to walk.



Auuuu. Look at her waddling around the house! She’s like a small pink muffin. I should go get my Photo dial right now. This is a historic moment!






I’m panicking. I’m panicking. What am I supposed to do?! Kara’s running a fever and it hasn’t been going down! I’ve already done everything I’ve learned from Wano.



I just played her down on a bed and put some cool cloth on her forehead and made her drink some extra water.




Agh! It’s so painful watching her suffer like this! I’ll need to take her to a doctor…no…she hasn’t been outside of the house yet. What if the cold wind outside makes her fever worse? What if she catches some virus and gets even more sick?



I can’t allow that! Not my daughter!



Me: Diana! Watch over Kara for a few minutes! I’m going to bring a doctor!



Diana nodded to me an proceeded to put a new wet cloth on Kara’s forehead. With a little relief that Kara won’t be alone, I used Geppo and Soru to run towards the nearest place I know that has a trustworthy doctor.






Meanwhile at Grove 66 Marine Base

It was just another peaceful day on the Marine Base other than Pirates, illegal kidnappings, Bounty Hunters crossing the line, and of course, those World Nobles when my peace was shattered by a recruit yelling.


Marine Recruit: Sir! There’s a massive humanoid looking blob that is flying towards us at an inhuman speed! What should we do?



Me: Are you sure it’s headed towards us?



Marine Recruit: Yes sir! It’s not changing direction despite the warning flares!



Me: Fire the cannons! Shoot that thing out of the sky!



A few seconds later, the cannonballs were flying towards the purple blob in the sky… but didn’t even get near the target as the cannonballs suddenly lost their momentum and fell.



Fujitora: You! Get me Anderson! NOW!



Me: Mr. Fujitora? What are you doing?



Fujitora: My daughter is sick you fool! Get Anderson now!



The ground cracked as he landed. Without even sparing a glance at me, who he just ordered, he ran off into the base. Seconds later, there were gunshots and screams sounding around the base.


Less than 10 seconds later, Fujitora came running out of the base holding our doctor, Anderson, by his collar. Anderson was screaming as high as he can as he was, quite literally, dragged around and bumping into every obstacle in Mr. Fujitora’s way.



Without giving him any care, he jumped up and somehow ran on the air with our doctor in tow. My question is how did Anderson not break his neck? It looks like he’s still screaming.



Marine recruit: Should we alarm the headquarters? This is a kidnapping incident!



Me: *sigh* No…leave him be and just start cleaning up the mess he made. He’ll be back with Anderson once his daughter’s fine. That’s just the type of man he is. I’ll need to tell him to please refrain from this behavior at our next drinking meeting.



POV Issho Fujitora



Using horizontal gravity in combination with the 6 Marine Skills, I managed to break the sound barrier as I carried Anderson back home like a potato sack. I dropped him in front of my precious Kara before I started questioning him.



Me: Hey! Tell me! Is my daughter ok? Is she going to be sick! Hey Anderson! Do something about her pain! Can’t you see she’s in pain?!



Anderson: Jesus Christ Isso! Don’t just do that! I think I saw my diseased Grandfather from the way you brought me here! And I’ve been here for literally 2 fucking seconds. Let me take a look okay?





Me: What’s taking so long!



Anderson: Holy Crap Isso. Could you shut the hell up for 10 seconds? I’m trying to save your daughter here!



That shut me up for good.



After what seemed like an eternity, Anderson just looked at me and said.



Anderson: It’s just a common cold. She’s a baby so her immune system’s weak so she must’ve stayed somewhere cold for a tad bit longer than she should have. Stuff like this is normally alright after a good night’s sleep.

If you want to help her sleep then give her some hot water mixed with honey and a tiny amount of sleeping powder. THE MEDICAL ONES NOT THE ONES YOU HAVE DAMN IT



Anderson yelled at me as I opened up my old backpack that held all sorts of assassin tools. It was something I carried just in case but I always brought sleeping powder in here with me. But apparently this isn’t what I’m supposed to give to her. Well, I guess he’s the expert.



Anderson: Besides, I just told you that minor colds like this go away in a day or two. How long did you wait before you came and rudely grabbed me from my officer?



I’m pretty sure I waited a long while. Yes, looking at Kara in pain for any amount of time is too long. Just to be clear, I looked at the clock on the wall and nodded.



Me: 10 minutes


Anderson: You FUC— *smack*



Me: Shh! My daughters are here! Language!



Just another day for an overly doting father who’s also overpowered.


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