Justice in the One Piece World

End of the Big Mom Pirates

Chapter 71





Me: Sis, you’ve got to use that now. If we don’t get rid of that…



Diana: I know.



I still couldn’t use the King of Hell to absorb Big Mom’s souls. What type of Death God is so weak? It looks like at least a couple more hours until he’ll wake up again.



Diana: *Mangekyo Sharingan* Partial Susanoo



It just looked like her Aura Projection but in reality, it was much more powerful. Her skeletal fists on the aura changed until it was wearing a gauntlet that vibrated with power. Quite literally as a sphere formed around it, just like Whitebeard.



Linlin: Die!






One of sis’s few moves that she counts as ‘Endgame’. This move, if used on the World itself might actually prove Sengoku’s word true. That the fruit holds the power to destroy the Very World.






The island broke apart once again as everything near us blew away. Houses, trees, even the remains of Sanji’s wedding cake.



Earthquakes shook the island as all footing was lost and once again cracked. Fissures appeared from the ground from just the shockwave alone… the island was killed without much resistance. After all, unless it’s covered in haki, a bigger body just means a bigger target.



Big Mom, who was hit directly, coughed out blood as her soul enhanced punch was broken through, her hand shattered.



I teleported right above her and braced myself.



Me: 500G



I crashed like a Rock onto Big Mom’s back. I heard my knees crack the moment my knees and her back met, but I continued. When Big Mom touched the ground, he back gave way to a satisfying *crunch*



As I started to stand up, I could feel my healing factor starting to work on the cracked knee.



Everything was gone except a massive crater with a collapsed Big Mom in the middle. Much thinner and bleeding almost everywhere.



Sis and I got on either side of her head and pressed our hands on her.



Diana: Repulsion



Me: Almighty Push!



I applied enough force to wipe out a city and I’m sure sis did the same…but Big Mom was really durable. She was knocked out cold, probably for a few days if I’m right but the most surprising thing was that she was not dead. I don’t even think she’ll even have a permanent injury on her. Truly a fearsome Emperor of the Sea.



Just as we stood up, I saw Katakuri limp his way over. He didn’t even have his scarf like thing covering his face as he hobbled his way over. He looked pretty beat up and exhausted. Probably still recovering from his fight against Luffy. Given that it was only a hours, not even a day, since his fight. I would say recovery at his rate is pretty impressive.



Me: I’m already tired… do we have to fight him too?



Diana: Should we just kill Big Mom? I’m sure whatever Kaido wants to do he can do on his own. I honestly don’t want to fight her again in Wano.



Me: Fighting two emperors’ at once? *shudder* I think I’ll end it here.

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