Justice in the One Piece World

Feels Like a Monday :(

Chapter 21



It’s nice to be a Vice Admiral. The moment they figured out who I am and checked my identity to make sure, I was given command of the ship. The highest ranking officer on board was a random captain, which made it quite easy.


They were heading towards G-8 but I told them to drop me off at Water 7 before doing anything. Honestly, it was a close call. I might have been stranded in the open ocean for a pretty long time before I figured out what to do.


On my way back to the island, I found out that I can function as something like a human Log Pose as I can feel the magnetic attraction of the island in a general direction. That might come in handy sometime later. But this time, I made sure to put a map and a few extra log poses (and also a few eternal ones) in my inventory. I’m not taking chances again.



Captain: Vice Admiral, we have arrived at Water 7.



Me: Thank you captain. I wish you and your crew luck on your way to G-8.



With that, I stepped back onto the familiar island. It hasn’t even been a month but Water 7, like in the anime, is just so beautifully crafted. It’s honestly one of my favorite islands in the entire One Piece Sage. The familiar urban scenery kind of reminds me of home in a way.



Me: Sis~ I’m back



The door of the hotel room opened before I could even touch the doorknob and I was pulled in by my sister into a suffocating hug. Well, I did worry her, so I didn’t resist.



I looked up to see her face when I realized my sister’s eyes were red and puffy.



Me: I’m sorry… I beat him easily but he just wouldn’t die. I had to go all out on him to finally kill him for good.



Sis just stay silent and kept me in that position for a few minutes. She then recovered enough to say



Diana: Next time, we’re going in together. I don’t ever want to feel that again! Understand me?



I nodded. I would be worried if my sister went to fight against one of the strongest Devil Fruit holders and didn’t come back for over a day.



Diana: Why can’t I scold you for making me worry… let’s just sleep.



She put on a calm smile. I quickly washed up, changed into my PJs and got into bed with her in which, like always, she used me as a hug pillow to sleep.



*pet* *pet*



The following morning I woke up to another petting session. But only Sarah and sis were here. Well, at least it’s good to know that my sister’s back to normal.



Diana: Our break’s almost up. We’ll be leaving Water 7 in a few days. Maybe we’ll continue floating around like normal or maybe Sengoku will give us an assignment for once. Either way, we’ll be back to facing some danger.



Sarah: Truth be told, I didn’t expect joining this unit would be so relaxing. Both of you are so… chill. Except training time, you guys are demons then. But other than that, I’ve never seen an officer who’s so relaxed in their duty, or in fact anyone have the guts to insult Sengoku over a den den mushi.



Me: Yeah, sis I like that sometimes.



Sarah: I meant you as well Kara.



Me: But what did you expect?



Sarah: First, not you two; I expected some stingy guy who’s probably earned their status through some bribery or connections. Not two twins who aren’t even adults yet capable of destroying entire islands on their own.



Me: I thought Rear Admirals at least had some power to back them up. This unit was made to prevent emergencies, which means at some point we’ll be sent to face some pretty dangerous people.



Sarah: At some time? Wasn’t Crocodile enough for you?



Me: Not really; he’s definitely powerful and smart. His fruit’s definitely got a lot of potential but… he got too arrogant living in the first part of the Paradise. He didn’t even bother trying to dodge my attack before he found out that I was a haki user. It was kind of too late by then though.



Sarah: Whatever the case, we’ll be back at sea. For better or worse.



*ring* *ring*



Diana: Hello, this is Vice Admiral Diana.



Sengoku: Rapid Response Unit, I think it is time we talk about your first official assignment. In a week's time, please return to MarineFord. We will continue to talk there.



With that, the call was over.



Me: Well, that was very short and concise.



Diana: Look’s like work is finally here. Come on, let’s go get everyone, it’s time we leave Water 7.

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