Justice in the One Piece World

Hello Franky

Chapter 17



After cashing in the three Pirates at the local Marine Base, we looked for a high-class hotel to stay at. While John can go back to his family and stay there, we didn’t want to inconvenience him and his family. It’s time to see what we can do on this massive Fountain of an island.



We actually have some time here as even if the Straw Hats left Alabasta immediately (since we already defeated Crocodile and his Baroque Works agents for him) they would still need to go through 8 Arcs before they reach Water 7. Also, judging by how we didn’t give the Straw Hats their time to shine and character development (or growing in strength), they’ll probably have a harder time going through them. Well, with the help of the True God above moving and changing some plot lines, I’m sure they’ll still be able to grow in strength by the time they reach Water 7. Probably another replacement for the Bellamy Crew, some fodder level minor antagonists to prep themselves up before going up to face the big boys in Skypiea.



Meanwhile, we’ll be here enjoying our vacation…but also training. I should put on our list to buy an empty and drained shipyard to practice in. Even if Tim, John and Doc grew in strength, we’ll be heading into the New World as well. They’ll need to be at least be able to hold their own against an entire no-name New World Pirate crew (and their captain) on their own. After all, that is the level of power we are expected to command as the first Rapid Response Unit.



Diana: You all heard me. Everybody gets two full days off but every third day we’re going to train! We’re not officially off duty so it’s important to keep your body in order!



As for sis and I… we’re planning to fully enjoy this Island.



Me: ahhh…



I’m starting to wonder if this really isn’t heaven. The hotel came with a full luxury spa where sis, Sarah, and I were at right now. We were getting a full body massage side by side. So comfortable…



*Zzzzz* *Zzzzz*




POV Diana



Looks like Kara’s fallen asleep. She was always a small sleepyhead; having trouble waking up at mornings when she was little…actually that didn’t change. No matter how long she sleeps, she still has trouble waking up. I need to drag her out of bed and carry her to the breakfast table before she realizes that it’s morning.



Well, she’s always embarrassed by my behavior with treating her like a little girl…but she is! She’s such a delicate little thing, and Oh my god her puppy eyes. It’s so hard on my heart whenever she uses that on me to get what she wants. She knows me too well.



Kara: *Zzzz* oo…


When the person doing the massage put me into an upright position, I reached out my hand and started to pet my little sister. She then put on a small peaceful smile on her face as she continued to sleep. Completely oblivious of the fact that all of us, including the massagers, were looking at her with a cuteness overload expression.




POV Kara


Diana: Kara, it’s time to wake up!



Me: Hmm…?



I opened my eyes slightly…Where were we? I looked around to see that we were in some sort of restaurant. Nothing high class or anything but just a family friendly diner.



I saw all of our crew member here, and a few more people who looked a lot of John.



Me: How did I get here? I’m sure I was in the middle of getting a massage…



Diana: You were sleeping so soundly even after the massage was over so I decided to just give you a piggy back ride to all the way here!



Me: wha?



I felt blood rush to my cheeks as I realized what that meant. My sister carrying a full grown girl through the middle of the streets…ok maybe not full grown but still!



Diana: You were so cute too! When I set you down you didn’t want to separate from me. *kya*



I saw the rest of the crew and even (probably) John’s parents and older brother nodding at this. Uuu… this is so embarrassing.


John: Anyway, this is my favorite diner in Water 7. It’s nothing fancy but the food here is excellent. And before I forget let me introduce you to my family.



He then turned to the people sitting next to him.



John: Dad, mom, and that stupid mass of muscle is my older brother.



Trio: THAT’S IT?



John: Ok fine. So my dad and mom pretty much taught me everything I know about ships and stuff. He allowed me to learn about ship making and all and is also the current head of ‘Timber Works’. It’s nowhere near the size of Galley-La but it’s because our specialties differ. They make warships and large scale boats while Timber Works make those slick private ships.

This idiot is the fool who calls me his rival. He never even managed to beat me in both combat or ship knowledge and skill.



Older Brother: Shut up you! I did beat you once back then!



John: Oh~ You mean that one time when I was like 3 years old? OF COURSE YOU WOULD USE THAT EXAMPLE YOU IDIOT; Cause you have nothing else!



Instead of trying to calm their boys down, John’s parents just smiled at them and did nothing. In fact, the people in the Diner just looked at the two starting to argue loudly before commenting that they’ve missed the two’s ‘ridiculous rivalry’.



This does remind me of the relationship between Iceberg and Franky though. The way they seem to hate each other but deep down their relationship as brothers are stronger than Adam Tree.



After a very loud but filling dinner, we (except John) returned to the hotel to sleep for the night. As I lay there on the bed with sis cuddling me, I thought about what to do for the month. I did tell myself that I was going to enjoy it…but how?



All my life both this and the one before I’ve always ran with a goal in mind…even during breaks. I was always trying to catch up to my sister who seemed to shine in my eyes…she still does! This life, we both thought that we had everything planned out. Putting our heads together to remember every arc and plot-twist that Oda had written for One Piece and our plan on where & how to change it. Everyday back at home might have been a moment full of love, but it was also time grueling and struggling to get stronger. We did, in fact succeed. The huge goal we set for ourselves at the beginning, our father, we managed to best him together. I’m sure I could even do it by myself if I just get more practice on beings equal or greater in strength to him.



Having a full month of nothing ahead of us with a crew to take care of was relaxing…but at the same time quite mind numbing.



Diana: *snore* mm



Sis snored lightly as she fell deep asleep. It may be because I slept for a bit earlier from the massage place to all the way to the diner but right now, I didn’t think I could sleep.



I stood up from the bed, carefully not to wake my sister. When she gripped the empty air and started to panic, I put a large pillow that I was using in her hands and she was calm again. I felt sorry for leaving her sleep alone like this but it wasn’t like I was leaving or something. I just needed to take a Night walk.



Too lazy to dig through the closet, I put on what I wore this morning and pulled over my Justice Coat to protect me from the wind before I opened the Window and jumped down a couple stories.



As I was mindlessly walking around the streets, thinking about the future, I found myself walking near the Shipyard areas.



Shopkeeper: Damn! Damn you Franky Family! Get back here! Give it back!



I saw a couple of weirdly dressed teenagers running away from the shopkeeper with what I expect to be loot from the shopkeeper. But more importantly… Franky? This could be interesting. I could use this as an excuse and ask Franky some questions. There were some questions I’ve wanted to ask anyway. For example…the ancient weapon Pluton, I have no plans of using or building it but no matter how Franky can hide documents in his body, there’s always a risk of falling into the wrong hands before he burns them.



I remembered the haki signature on those goons as they started to get out of my sight. I then activated my devil fruit to enhance my observation haki and soon I could sense every lifeforms and emotion on the entire Water 7. Learning Observation Haki from a blind admiral really helps you to develop it beyond what is normally possible. I could probably fight almost as well with my eyes closed. That was how well of a sense I had developed with observation haki.



While the shopkeeper was yelling about his loss and swearing revenge, I calmly walked in the direction the escaped members of the Franky Family headed. I soon arrived at a house that was away from most of Water 7. ‘Franky House’ I think he called it. I’m not sure if I should say it is foolish or Narcissistic to put his own name on a hated organization like that. It’s too easy to target.



Well, I’m pretty sure that the list of crimes Franky committed isn’t short or light, even if he’s not responsible for the sinking of those ships, he still is the leader of something akin to a Mafia organization. Well, no need to knock on the door of a criminal, do I?



Now, I don’t really want to be recognized. I put on a white mask that covered my entire face before putting on a Marine Cap as well, quite like Sakazuki’s before untying my hair and letting it fall free behind my head.



Now then…






I kicked open the door which immediately fell off from it’s hinges and hit some poor fool on the other side of the house.



Me: My apologies, I did not mean to hit you with the door. It’s just that most doors don’t break under this amount of force. I’ll guess that you are better at building ships and oars than making doors like this…am I right Franky?



Franky: Ahh? What’s a little girl doing here? Why? Do you want to join us as well? SUPER!!



Square Sister 1: Big Bro! Be careful! She’s a Marine!



I knew she was one of those Square sisters who was always next to Franky but I couldn’t remember which one was which. They never got much character development anyway.



Me: Hello Franky Family, you’ve been involved in quite a lot of issues and I’m here to check if it’s true…not that it’s needed. I just followed those three.



I pointed at the three Franky Family members I saw stealing from the Shopkeeper



Me: And followed them right here. No detours, no nothing. There’s a very simple answer to this you know? You’re group has been stealing from innocent people which they’ve earned through hard work and trust.


As I saw Franky’s face twitch, I knew I pressed the right trigger words; after all, that was exactly what happened to his mentor who was more like a father to him. Their work, which deserved praise was deemed a crime as it was connected to a specific someone. Once they had the chance to redeem themselves, the World Government took even that chance away from them with deception and trickery. People of False Justice that I am planning to wipe off this world soon.



I honestly didn’t enjoy doing this, causing someone like him pain…but the plans for Pluton, the ancient weapon, in a Perverted Cyborg who will soon be part of a World Hunted Pirate Crew was simply too dangerous. More importantly, in a few years, there will be some major changes in the forces in the world. Ones in which even the might of the Marines would not be able to face. In the slim case of true evil triumphing over Luffy (I’m meaning Big Mom, Kaido, or Blackbeard), then I will have to have a trump card to save the World from being plunged into war.



Me: I will be clear. You will allow the Marines the search this house for everything your group has ever stolen before we send you to trial to be judged. How does that sound to you?



Franky Family: … …



It took a moment for my words to sink in before the chaos started. There was yelling and screaming. Someone even threw a chair at me.



Me: Alright, please! Give up your resistance Franky or I will fight back. I’ll give you five seconds to order your gang to lower their weapons.



Of course I knew he wasn’t going to comply. I learned something like a gambling sense from dad. Surprisingly, either I was super lucky or it was some form of subconsciousness aiding me in my decisions.



Me: Time’s up.



I unleashed my Conqueror’s haki and everyone lost consciousness. I put in some extra does to make sure nobody would know what I was going to do. I looked up in mild surprise to see Franky was still standing…barely. He had a nosebleed, probably from straining his brain with unnatural means to stay awake.



Franky: Who…are you?



Me: Impressive, as expected of the apprentice of the man who built the Oro Jackson. I’m not going to say some motivation speech or anything but I have high hopes in you and your perverted power.



I walked up to him and kicked him on the side of his leg lightly. Being already strained to stay conscious, Franky dropped down to both knees.



Me: Though a word of advice would be to change your source of power. Cola is mostly carbon and sugar based. I understand sugar can be easily converted into energy but it also only comes in low amounts and low efficiency. In addition, you have to continuously drink it and keep it cool. A massive waste of energy if you ask me.



With that, I grabbed his head and shook his brain around a little with a bit of gravity manipulation. Franky, having neither Devil Fruit nor haki to counter my ability simply shook for a minute before slumping forward. Completely unconscious.



Since Franky was already almost not wearing anything already, that made the process easier. It would’ve been weird to undress a man in an open space such as this. I used haki to see beyond the skin and metal of Franky’s body to only see a mess of metal, liquid that was not blood, and a whole bunch of weird things a normal human should never implant in their body. In the midst of all the flammable and explosive weapons and gears, I also found a small stack of paper that felt as if it had faced the passage of time.



Me: Bingo~



Knowing that as long as Franky does not know exactly who I am, then it wouldn’t be a problem. With that, I covered my arm in haki and ripped through Franky’s stomach…well it was really like a box really. I was carefully manually turning the gears and pulling levers to reveal…PLUTON



Satisfied with my work, I put the stack of paper in my inventory…hopefully to never be seen again. I then tried my best to restore all of Franky’s parts to the best of my ability though I’m not confident in that Franky would not know. To make it more convincing I put a random book back in its place and before I left, I took around 30 million beri and a note stating that the debt is paid before leaving.



I chucked the 30 million beri into an orphanage through the window with a note stating that it was from the Marines before I returned to the hotel. Glad to see that my sister was still asleep, I quietly snuggled up to her and went to sleep.

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