Justice in the One Piece World

Meeting the Dragon

Chapter 8



It started. I can sense a storm coming towards the island.



Me: Sis…



Diana: I know, it’s starting.



She grabbed our baby Den Den Mushi and called our crewmates.



Diana: “Sorry for the change of plans but Monkey D. Dragon is on the island. I need all of you back on Requiem while we protect the island. There are also 3 Pirate Crews loose on the island. This will be over quickly”



That Dragon excuse was total crap. He wasn’t even here yet, but we knew he would be. It was just a matter of time. If time permits, I might even be able to say hello.



After a few confirmations we put on our Justice Coats on our backs with our usual attire underneath.



Diana: Let’s go. It’s time we let ourselves be known to the Revolutionary.


We never really planned to hide our strengths did we?



Me: Well, not for long we didn’t.



We ran out and found Smoker in the Marine Base, heading out to the square where the three pirate crews were. Buggy and Alvida trying to kill Luffy who was stuck on the execution stand.



Diana: Good afternoon Captain Smoker; are you sure you don’t want to interfere now? My senses are telling me that Straw Hat Luffy is going to survive.



Smoker: Rear Admiral. The brat is *grunt* literally on an execution stand made to suppress any and all pirates. Nobody could survive that!



Diana: We’ll see. I assume you won’t need any help?



Smoker: *grunt* You’ll find that I am enough.



Suddenly, right before Luffy was killed, a massive lightning bolt crashed the execution stand and freed Luffy.



I smiled as my haki picked up a formidable presence.



Me: Dragon…



Smoker: excuse me?



Diana: Don’t mind her. I think you should hurry. Straw hat is running away.



*grunt* With that, Smoker was off.



Me: Sis, you should wait for the Straw Hats at their ship. It’s always nice to let them know that we can always beat them down.



Diana: What about you?



Me: I’d like to say a hello to Dragon. He barely appears in the story. This might be the only time I could actually meet him.



Diana: Alright then, see you soon!



We used Geppo and Soru as the rain started pouring.




Diana POV



I managed to arrive in front of the Going Merry before Ussop and Nami arrived. I saw the weird Lion guy still trying to light a fire in this storm; how stupid are they?



Me: Move it



With that, I kicked them into the ocean before they could do anything.



Then, I felt a pebble being flown towards my head. I simply moved my head a little to dodge it.



Me: So, you tricked me Straw Hat Pirates



My voice was drenched in sarcasm as I looked at Nami and Ussop who couldn’t understand how I dodged his shot without even looking.



Me: Maybe the others are a lost cause but I’m quite disappointed in you Nami. I thought that by being freed from Arlong’s pirate crew you would stay out of trouble. But it seems that swordsmen told me a lie. You are part of the Straw Hats aren’t you?



Nami: …yes…but let us go! We haven’t done anything wrong!



Me: False. But it is true you haven’t hurt any innocents. That will be the only reason you are not dead yet.



Nami: What did we do wrong?



Me: You haven’t paid for your visa. You docked your ship illegally.



Ussop: Is that really it?



Me: No. You’ve also beat up some pirates and some people got hurt indirectly. Not to mention that your captain officially has a bounty now.



Nami: Please… let us go! We just want to explore the world.



Me: You do realize that you could’ve joined the Marines right? You can get around the world much faster that way. But for now… I guess I’ll have to wait and decide what to do with you fools. *huff* I don’t like this anymore than you do.



Ussop: How could you say that! You’re a Marine!



Me: Haven’t you seen what happened back there with Arlong?



Nami shuddered at the name.



Me: There are Marines that are corrupt, using our name as a shield to do as they wish. Yet there are also those like you who are name enemies of the World Government when in reality fight for the better. Tell me, how can I enjoy this situation.



Nami & Ussop: …



Me: I’ll let you go. But you owe this city 3000 Berries. That’s for your overdue stay without paying the visa. I’m also going to stay a bit longer to pass on a warning to your other crew members.



Nami: Thank you…



With that, she threw me a small bag of money and went past me onto the Going Merry. Ussop also showed me his thanks before going on.



I wonder if Kara’s met Dragon yet?





Back to Kara’s POV



Buggy and Alvida were made quick work of by Smoker before he got on his bike and rushed off to get Luffy.



I made sure to memorize Buggy and Alvida’s unawakened haki sense before I left. I already knew that they would manage to escape those nets somehow. Since they wouldn’t make that much of an influence on the story… at least not Buggy till he escapes Impel Down. There should be no problem with me just capturing them today.



I sensed Luffy, Smoker and a powerful third being (Dragon) rushing towards the Going Merry. Looks like it’s my time to go.





Smoker: Are you really worth 30 million berry?



He said as he grabbed Luffy’s head and crushed it against the ground. He then got on top of Luffy and grabbed his weapon strapped to his back.



Smoker: Hmph, Look’s like your Luck’s come to an end.



A hand grabbed Smoker’s shoulder.



Dragon: Or perhaps not


I took this moment to jump in between them and grab Dragon’s hand.



Me: Who knows?



The air crackled with electricity as Dragon felt my presence. I smiled at him in return.



Luffy: Who?



Me: Hello Monkey D. Dragon

It’s so nice to see that you care for your son after all.


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