Justice in the One Piece World

Payment Collection

Chapter 65



As the elevator almost reached the bottom floor, I made the elevator float and go down slowly.






I fried the electric circuit and forced the mechanism to open. Right outside the door, there were dozens of soldiers, hundreds of toys (who unwillingly were ordered to kill me), and 2 of the Executive members. I wonder where Sugar is? Oh, found her. She’s at the back hiding.



Me: Hello, I’m here for an inspection. Please move aside~



Senor Pink: Everyone be cautious! You are facing on of the Twin Monarch herself! We believe her fruit allows her to control Attractive and Repulsive forces in the world!



Me: Well, mostly correct. So are you going to let me search?



Senor Pink: Attack!



Me: I’ll take that as a no. Let’s get rid of the fodder first, shall we? *Conqueror’s Haki*



My white aura exploded from me and suddenly almost everyone was down. All the toy soldiers went limp as their minds couldn’t handle the Color of the Supreme King. Most of Doflamingo’s soldiers were down as well but a handful remained standing. One even stabbed himself to concentrate on the pain to block out my mind intrusion. Other than that, the executives remained standing.



Senor Pink: …and she has Conqueror’s haki…of course.



With that, he sank into the ground and vanished from my sight. Of course, he had that weird Devil Fruit that allowed his to move through walls and floors. Interesting but not really powerful in my opinion.



That slimy giant at the side must the Trevor then. I don’t really understand his ability but I think it’s a Logia type which makes him into a Sticky paste. I mean, his Devil fruit was the Sticky-Sticky Fruit…?



Well, one at a time. I put my haki coated hand on the ground and found my target.



Me: Universal Pull



As a head popped out of the ground, I grabbed it by the hair and dragged out Señor Pink from the ground.



Senor Pink: Wha—?!



*smack!* *Thud!* *Crack!*



I pummeled him with a few strong punches until he stopped moving. Haki enhanced punches to the face can be quite deadly. Just like I did with Mace, I made sure to disable him before turning to Trevor.




Me: You look like a Logia user. Tell me, why won’t you move away? I can feel that you know that you will lose.



Trevor: … I will never betray Young Master!



Me: How does everyone have the exact same answer? Fine, let’s see if you are conductible. *20 Million Volts*



From my hand, I shot out a massive electric discharge, essentially zapping Trevor. Surprisingly enough, he seemed to be able to resist electricity. Perhaps he changed his composition to a sticky paste that isn’t affected by electricity? troublesome…



I unsheathed Bob and covered it in haki as I started walking towards him.



Me: Fine, I’ll beat you the traditional way.





It took over a minute, which was 30 seconds more than I expected. No matter how much I made him bleed, cut off his hands, he would stand back up. I didn’t want to kill him since my only real target was Sugar so once he was down, I just crashed his head against a haki clad wall multiple times until he was out cold. He’ll probably suffer from a Concussion but that’s no biggie. The bigger problem would be his blood loss and his nonexistent right hand.



I spotted Sugar hiding in the very center of the underground complex, where it would usually be the safest. I started walking towards her with my observation at the maximum.



Inwardly, I thanked Oda for giving such an overpowered fruit to someone so weak. If anyone that was even remotely good at fighting got the fruit… then they would have probably become a Yonko…or a Warlord at the least. The fruit has 3 abilities which are just insane. First was memory wipe of anything related to who the toys were. Next was eternal youth, which was what I was after, but it’s primary ability was insane as well. A simple touch of a hand was all one needed to turn someone else into a toy. No resistance! Even Robin who was nothing more than slightly scathed by the hand was turned into a toy instantly.



As I got closer to her, I decided to take no chances. I covered myself in Haki, top to bottom. Even single part of my body was coated as not to expose even the slightest bit of skin.



I teleported over to where Sugar was and dropped an apple next to her. I then grabbed her head with my haki clad hands. She tried to resist but trying to turn me into a toy but, as expected, haki negates Devil Fruit abilities. I then bashed her head into the ground. Again, and again until the fruit changed.



I looked at the fruit to make sure it was the correct one before putting it into my inventory.



Me: Sorry Sugar, I’ll get you back right away. Even if you are a criminal… it’s still hard to kill someone who has the appearance of a little girl… I’m pretty sure you’ll get life sentence or death either way but that’s not for me to judge. I’ll leave that to the World Government. *Rinnegan* *Outer Path* *Summoning*



The ground shook as a familiar but ugly giant head sprouted from the ground. I grabbed Sugar’s corpse and chucked it into the open mouth of the King of Hell.



Me: *Outer Path* Art of Rinne Rebirth!



Man, this ability was really taxing on me. I shouldn’t use it too much. Even if my eyes do grant the ability to defy death (of others), I shouldn’t use it all the time.



The King of Hell closed his mouth so I couldn’t see what was going on but it definitely did not sound good.



*Crunch* *crack* *creak!!* *crack!*



As if making fun of the noises I just heard, the King of Hell open his mouth and out came a perfectly fine Sugar. I checked with Observation to make sure she no longer had her Devil Fruit abilities before leaving her. It’ll be a shock when she discovers that she can no longer use her powers.



As I started to float up the elevator shaft to get back up to the surface, I wondered how everyone else was doing.



Me: Sorry Ussop, looks like you’ll need to awaken your Haki at another time. I’m sure you have it in you so don’t worry.



I sent a electric wave to the den den mushi on board the Requiem



*ring* *ring*



Diana: All done?



Me: Yup, please proceed to destroy all the facilities and factories. Also, please tell Minister-kun that we will be punishing Dressrosa…or more specifically Doflamingo.

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