Kaiser of the New World

Quick fire quiz (249)

The four of them remained silent, each of them watching the flying cat spirit with a curious expression on their face. Well, three of them wore confused expressions, Remy's had a little bit of fear on it considering that they were a rat and the spirit resembled a cat.

"Now, onto the rules of the game. As I already stated, this will be a quiz consisting of one hundred questions! You will have three hours to answer them all, and each time you get one wrong..."

As Kai was frozen from the revelation that they would have to answer a hundred questions, the arena around them began to shift.

All around them, various gates started appearing, different monsters stored inside each one.

One gate contained dozens and dozens of Glacial Goblins, meanwhile another one contained a few strange looking panthers, and another one contained a massive beast that resembled a yeti. There was also some beasts that he couldn't even begin to describe, they were just that strange.

Kai swallowed nervously.

But Frosty wasn't finished speaking.

"A cage will be opened, and you will be tasked with fighting each of these lovely beasts. I'm sure some of them are just dying to get up close and personal with you, especially you, Mr boring name."

Kai's eyebrow twitched, but he did not speak up.

"Now, onto how we decide the questions, it's time to scan your brains!"

Before he even got the chance to say something, Kai felt a subtle freezing sensation enter his mind. It slowly made its way across its entire brain, the feeling eerily uncomfortable. Luckily, it only lasted a second before his brain returned to feeling normal.

"Alright, some interesting topics I am able to ask about, and some that are pretty niche. Hmm, I wonder what..."

Frosty slowly stopped speaking, as if thinking what the hell was this after looking at something in particular.

So why the hell did Kai feel like the levitating cat was looking at him?

"So, contestants, are all of you ready to play Frostbitten? There's no wrong answers. Everybody knows that this is the best game show in the entire Subdimension."

Kai nodded, so did Cecilia, Petunia and Remy, each of them ready to attempt to complete the second trial.

Frosty grinned as they performed a small flip in the air before flying down to the center of all three of the stands.

"Perfect! Oh, also, I forgot to mention that if you fail to answer all of the questions in time then every single cage will open at once and you will have to fight all of these lovely beasts. Is that okay with all of you? Yes? Okay then, onto the first question!"

Kai froze.

Did that damned spirit really just say that they had to answer all of the questions in less than three hours?

Glancing around once more, Kai took in the wide variety of all the beasts present.

There was just too many. Dozens of cages, some housing dozens of monsters inside them, while some housed single ones that were probably more dangerous than a horde of them. That was just how things worked around here.

And if they got a question wrong then they would have to fight a random cage.

How lovely.

The cat floated a little closer, it's blue fur shimmering ever so slightly as it got hit with the edges of the beams of light.

"What is...

two plus two?"

Kai blinked.

It was kind of obvious that it would start easy and gradually get harder as the questions went on, but wasnt this a little too easy.

After taking a moment to register the question, Kai sai:

"... Four?"

The beam of light shining down on him suddenly switched colours. Its light blue body switched to that of a disco, constantly celebrating that he got the answer right.

"Correct! Now you just have to answer another ninety-nine questions and you're good to go, how about we quickfire some of them?"

Without even giving the group a chance to voice their own opinions, Frosty spoke again.

"Where would you wear a hat?"

Cecilia answered this one.

"Your head."

Frosty asked the next one.

"Name the three states of matter."

Kai answered this one.

"Solid, liquid and gas."

Frosty nodded, then continued.

"Alright, this one's a tad bit harder. What animals would be used in tandem with a saying to say it it raining heavily?"

Smiling, Cecilia answered with:

"Cats and dogs."

Frosty performed a small flip in the air.

"What cheese has the strongest taste?"

A couple of squeaks came out of Remy's mouth as the rat hopped up and down on top of their stand, wanting to get noticed.

"Correct. At least I know that you'll be able to answer the easy ones, so now these are gonna get a little harder.

Name five book genres."

Kai blinked, not seeing how this question was meant to be harder than the last few. Then again, they had only been asked a couple of questions so far, and they still had over ninety to go.

"Fantasy, action, fiction, non-fiction and..."

Surprisingly, Kai got stumped after naming only four genres. Luckily, there were other people to help answer the questions as Cecilia stepped in and said:


Frosty grinned to themselves, almost as if they were grinning about something else entirely, something that had nothing to do with the question at all.

Meanwhile, Kai frowned. Why was the spirit grinning at the mention of romance?

And more importantly, they had just looked through their memories, so really, why the hell were they grinning?!

But before he could ask, Frosty got back to speaking.

"Moving on, I'll give you one that the child should be able to answer. How do you spell childhood."

Petunia rolled her eyes before answering. Even now, it was almost like she didn't care at all that her life was on the line, like she knew that she wouldn't die anytime soon.

"C h i l d h o o d. That's how you spell it."

Frosty's tail curled as they smiled downwards at the child. Then, after a moment, that spoke once more.

"So, that's seven questions over and done with, and it's been less than five minutes. How are all of you feeling, are you confident in your abilities to make it through this as a team? Or do you think that you will fall short in the end and end up failing?"

Kai blinked, wondering what the spirit was getting at. Honestly, for an incredibly strong spirit, they were really chatty.

Then again, The Ever-changing was a God and was just as, if not more, chatty.

"Are you just trying to time waste or something? Or does that question count as the eight one?"

Frosty froze, somehow, and a small, sly grin crawled it's way onto their feline face.

"Fine, I'll count it as the eight question. You know, you're on top of your game, do you-"

The floating spirit suddenly stopped speaking, them noticing Kai's ears perk up randomly.

"Ah, you're a sly one, you are, you were going to let me finish that sentence and then ask would it count as the ninth question, weren't you?"

Kai smirked.

"Well, I was, but now I don't need to anymore."

Frosty frowned, confused. The spirit floated a little closer to their red haired contestant before asking:

"What do you mean by that?"

Kai grinned happily.

"Well, you ended that other sentence with 'weren't you', making it a question, so now I'm just going to ask you did that one count as the ninth question, not the sentence that you didn't finish."

Frosty remained completely silent, a blank expression on their face. At first, Kai thought he was about to be punished, but that notion was quickly thrown away after the spirit burst out laughing.

"Oh, gods, you really are good, you're just like me. Honestly, loopholes and things like that are some of the greatest things ever made. Whoever came up with them deserves a medal. I just love messing with people like that, and turns out you do too! Maybe I'll be a little nicer and give you a get out of jail free card when you inevitably get a question wrong."

Kai's eyebrow twitched at the mention of that.

"I mean, if you're willing to be that benevolent of a host, we sure wouldn't say no to a get out of jail free card, would we?"

Petunia, Remy and Cecilia all began expressing their interests to be given a get out of jail free card, each of them voicing their own opinion.

Well, except for Remy, they mainly squeaked their own opinion.

Sadly, Frosty let out a sigh before floating backwards slightly, as if they had just plopped themself down in an armchair after a long day's work.

"I would if I could, but this is gameshow, and I have a rather strict ruleset to follow. And I know I'm the one that created it, and in know that I've probably forgotten some of the rules or just accidently changed them, but I can't just go around and let people off easy, what sort of host would be if I done that?

Still, I'll let you off easy and allow those questions to be counted as the eight and ninth ones, so now we move onto question ten!

And to spice things up, it's time to spin the wheel of categories!"

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